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عبدالله ماهر
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Spontaneous Human Combustion in the Light of the Holy Quran Writing By: Abdullah Maher.
12:18 PM July, 20 2022 Sudanese Online عبدالله ماهر-الخرطوم-السودان My Library Short URL
Spontaneous Human Combustion in the Light of the Holy Quran Writing By: Abdullah Maher. The Quranic Scholar and Researcher. Email: [email protected] Issued: August 2022 Abstract The term “Spontaneous Human Combustion”, refers to a certain phenomenon in which a human-body is burnt to death and reduced to ashes, but without an observable source of ignition in the immediate vicinity of the victim. Some researchers attribute the causes of this phenomenon to fats, acetone, alcohol, poltergeist activates … etc. So far, there is no agreement on a scientific explanation of such a phenomenon. This research-paper argues that “Spontaneous Combustion” exists only among the Jinn and the Human-Jinn but not among Human Beings. The research-paper analyzes and interprets specific data, purposefully derived from the Holy Quran. Besides its religious message; the Holy Quran addresses scientific topics including “Spontaneous Combustion” among others. According to the Holy Quran, the Jinn are created from Fire (Flammable Beings) while Humans are created from Earth (Non-Flammable Beings). Here on, “Spontaneous Combustion” can exist only among the (Flammable Beings) but not among the (Non-Flammable Beings). The Quran states that, there is intermarriage between the Jinn and the Human beings, which results into offspring, and so this research-paper accounts for offspring of two mixed substances: Fire and Earth, these offspring are also subject to “Spontaneous Combustion”. Over and above, the Jinn himself can install in human, this installation is also a subject to “Spontaneous Combustion”. The research-paper concludes with the following concept: “Spontaneous Combustion” exists only among the Jinn and the Human-Jinn and hence suggests “Spontaneous Fiery Human-Jinn Combustion” as a new term. This new concept indirectly draws the attention to the Human Genome and so Coroners and DNA Specialists are requested to conduct new investigations on the past victims of the so called “Spontaneous Human Combustion”. Key terms: Spontaneous/ Combustion/ Quran/ Jinn/ Human-Jinn/ DNA/ Flammable Being/ Non-Flammable Being Introduction “Spontaneous Human Combustion-SHC”, which has recently drawn attention, is a very strange phenomenon in which human-body is burst into flames without being ignited by an external source of heat or source of fire. “SHC” happens suddenly to humans while sitting on sofas, relaxing in comfortable arm-chairs, lying or sleeping in beds … etc. Their bodies are charred and turn into piles of ashes and meanwhile there is hardly a trace of fire in the sofas, arm-chairs or beds. Fire comes out with a fierce flame from inside the human body, melts down the bones and turns the whole body into a pile of ashes, but sometimes the limbs remain intact and untouched by the self-combustion- fires. And, since the bones oftentimes melt at a high degree of heat reaching 2500-3000%, then the heat of “Spontaneous Human Combustion” is very much blazing. Here on, the mysterious “SHC” remains as a puzzle to all Western scientists and experts who are specialized in the sciences of criminology, forensic analysis of fire and self-suicide. It is a phenomenon that seems unbelievable, impossible or with unanswered questions. This research-paper addresses the phenomena from a new perspective in the field on focus. The new prospective is not only the exploration of the Holy Quran, but addresses the Jinn as the only subjects of “Spontaneous Combustion” and not by all means, Humans. More specifically described, the Jinn are creatures on their own and have both similarities and differences to Humans. Like Humans they are not immortal, they eat, drink, and procreate. They have free will to choose between good and evil, may be Believers or Misbelievers, have received messengers from Allah the Almighty, and will face the Judgment Day in the Hereafter. Unlike Humans, according to the Holy Quran, the Jinn are created from Fire, they are invisible to Humans but can see them, can also be visible and have the power to take on different shapes, may be able to travel extremely rapidly and lift great weights. They are able to possess Humans and disturb them mentally and physically. This research-paper is concerned with the Misbeliever Jinn, under the term: the (Fiery Human Jinn), so, attempts to investigate the phenomenon of “Spontaneous Combustion” from a viewpoint derived from the Holey Quran (Muslims’ Book). Research Problem Most of the researchers, who have scientifically investigated the phenomenon of (Spontaneous Human Combustion), have arrived at a consensus that, (Spontaneous Human Combustion) exists due to external sources of ignition such as fire, flame, heat … etc. To these researchers (Spontaneous Human Combustion) without an external ignition source, is extremely unbelievable or implausible. These researchers deny any internal cause of the phenomenon. Some other researchers explain the phenomenon as a natural death due to advanced age, habitual alcohol drinking, and obesity along with poor health, heart attack or having been unable to move once the victims had caught fire. Consequently, they recommend: fat-free diets, avoid wearing dresses made of synthetic fibers, giving up smoking … etc. These researchers also deny any internal cause of the phenomenon. However, (Spontaneous Human Combustion) is an observable event, yet unexplained and still there are gaps in the knowledge around it. The questions that arise: 1. To what extent “Spontaneous Human Combustion” is a reality؟ 2. How does “Spontaneous Human Combustion” exist without an apparent external source of ignition؟ Research Objectives This research-paper aims to: 1. Highlight the phenomenon of (Spontaneous Human Combustion) from different perspectives. 2. Clarify the phenomenon of (Spontaneous Combustion) through exploring specific Verses in the Holy Quran. 3. Contribute theoretically by adding new insights to the concepts of (Spontaneous Combustion). Research Claim With close reference to the Holy Quran Verses about the Creation of the Jinn and the Human, the Jinn are created from Fire while Humans are created from Earth. In common knowledge, Earth is not a flammable substance whereas Fire is originally a flammable substance. Therefore, (Spontaneous Combustion) without an external ignition source can exist only among the Fiery Jinn but not among the Earthy Humans. The scientific explanation for how a human body would spontaneously burst into flames is almost implied in the Holy Quran, the Book of Muslims. In Muslims’ idea, Allah the Almighty has made everything clear in the Holy Quran; therefore, the mysterious and puzzling phenomenon of (Spontaneous Combustion) can be investigated within what the Holy Quran says. Research Approach The researcher has conducted this research through the Analytical Approach accompanied by the Inductive Reasoning Method. Research Data Research data consists of ( verses) purposefully chosen from the Holy Quran, in which the notion of (Spontaneous Combustion) is implied in different circumstances. The Holy Quran addresses other issues relating to (SC), such as the creation of Jinn and Man among other things. Research Significance In addition to the ongoing efforts of scientific research on the subject of Spontaneous Combustion, this research-paper adds new insights that contribute to solving this intractable problem. These new insights have been drawn from the Holy Quran for the first time, and therefore this research is original, unique and unprecedented in the topic of the Spontaneous Combustion. There are many parties that can benefit from the theoretical conclusions reached by the researcher; these parties include researchers on the subject of Spontaneous Combustion and those who have been following up the topic. However, the most important thing is to draw attention to the Holy Quran and its various secrets about the world, which require exploration through researches of relevant fields. Previous Studies The previous studies include a brief introduction to SHC, and summaries on the following topics: a. Characteristics of SHC (1938) b. Characteristics of SHC (2012) c. Supernatural Ideas on SHC d. Scientific and Forensic Viewpoints on SHC e. Burn Care Viewpoint on SHC f. A Biologist Viewpoint on SHC A Brief Introduction Over years people have been debating whether “Spontaneous Human Combustion-SHC” is a reality or not. The reports of “Spontaneous Human Combustion-SHC” dates back to the 17th century and becomes widely known through Charles Dickens’ novel “Bleak House” in which an alcoholic merchant named Mr. Krook, end up as a pile of ashes on the floor. Facing bitter criticism in legitimizing something that did not exist, Dickens defended himself by citing several famous cases. Since that time up to present day, there have been more than 200 reported cases of “Spontaneous Human Combustion-SHC”, along with a volume of research. Precisely speaking, "Spontaneous human combustion" refers to the death from a fire originating without an apparent external source of ignition; that the fire then, starts within the body of the victim. This idea and the term "spontaneous human combustion" were first proposed by Paul Rolli in (1746) when he wrote about the mysterious death of Countess Cornelia Zangari Bandi.
Characteristics of SHC (1938) Parry (1938) states that, commonalities among recorded cases of Spontaneous Human Combustion show that:
1. The victims are chronic alcoholics. 2. The victims are usually elderly females 3. The body does not burn spontaneously, but some lighted substance comes into contact with it. 4. The hands and feet usually fall off; 5. The fire causes very little damage to combustible things in contact with the body. 6. The combustion of the body leaves a residue of greasy and fetid ashes, very offensive in odor.
Characteristics of SHC (2012) According to Siegen’s Medical Dictionary (2012), Spontaneous Human Combustion is a process in which a human body allegedly catches fire as a result of heat generated by internal chemical activity, but without evidence of an external source of ignition. 200 cases have been reported world-wide. It is a real phenomenon by all scientists and often regard as an urban legend. Spontaneous Human Combustion, common features: a. Body is completely or almost completely incinerated, but nearby furniture that would normally have been damaged at such temperatures remains intact.
b. Damage is limited to victim’s clothing, floor, furniture and ceiling where he or she died. c. Fire affects torso; any remaining, not incinerated are often of the extremities, such as the feet. c. No traces of fire accelerant or evidence of external cause. d. Victim is typically alone at time of death, and thought to have been alive when the fire started. e. little sign of struggle. Supernatural Ideas on SHC Harrison (1976) suggests that SHC is connected to Poltergeist Activity because, and argues that, "the force which activates the 'poltergeist' originates in, and is supplied by, a human being". Within the concluding summary, Harrison writes: "SHC, fatal or non-fatal, belongs to the extensive range of poltergeist phenomena", but he offers no evidence to back up his theories. Scientific and Forensic Viewpoints on SHC
In Nikell’s scientific investigation and in Fischer’s forensic analysis (1984), the burned bodies were close to plausible sources for the ignition: candles, lamps, fireplaces, and so on and due to some circumstances, the victims were unable to respond properly to an accident. So, according to Nikell and Fischer, “Spontaneous Human Combustion” is denied.
Burn Care Viewpoint on SHC Virve and Nicolas (2012) state that a unique sequence of events takes place for the human body to incinerate to ashes. The flame burn victim has to die for the body fat to start melting. A tear in the skin has to occur for the melted fat to impregnate the charred clothes, igniting a wick effect that produces localized heat for extended period. A phenomenon called spontaneous human combustion is reality. The term “spontaneous human combustion” has nuances which are not applicable to this situation or to these modern times, therefore we suggest a new term “fat wick burns. A Biologist Viewpoint on SHC The British biologist, Ford (2012) describes “Spontaneous Human Combustion” as follows: “In a matter of minutes, people have burst into flames and were completely destroyed. All that remained was a heap of ash from which the legs protruded”. Ford attacks the critics of SHC when arguing that ignition must come from somewhere: a stove, a cigarette, or a fireplace, and describes that as a kind of prevarication. To him ignition starts somewhere within human body. He attributes that to that Fats that heat under the skin together with the Acetone that flows up on the breath, according to him, a buildup of Acetone in the body (which can result from alcoholism, diabetes or a specific kind of diet) can lead to spontaneous combustion. To him, “Spontaneous Human Combustion” may happen to some (but not all) who are alcoholics, some (but not all) who suffer from overweight, some (but not all) old and enfeeble people, some (but not all) who extremely smoke cigarettes, and for the various cases he recommends, a fat-free diet, avoiding wearing synthetic fibers, and giving up smoking. Introduction to (Spontaneous Jinn Combustion) The starting point in this issue is the creation of Jinn. The Holy Quran describes how Allah the Almighty created the Jinn: a. {And the Jinn He created from the flame of fire * Ar-Rahman-15} b. {And the Jinn We had created before from the fire of hot wind * Al-Hijr-27} In both verses (a - b) fire is the main element in the composition of the Jinn, but two different fires are mentioned: 1. (The flame of fire): means a mixed fire according to the Arabic tongue. 2. (The fire of hot wind): means a fiercely-burning poisonous fire gas element according to the Arabic tongue. With close reference to the above verses, Iblis the Jinni – the father of all the Human Jinn - is created from Fire or Pure Fire as commonly stated by a number of Muslim-scholars. Here on, Fire is the only element in the composition of the Jinn-genes since they are decedents of Iblis the Jinni. Creation of Man Concerning Man’s creation, the Holy Quran describes that Man is created from Earth, and sometimes there are further variants including mud, dust, clay … etc but finally it is Earth, the following verses emphasize that: a. {… He created you (human) from earth …. * Ar-Room 20} b. {Verily, we created man from an extract of clay * Al-Muminoon - 12} Here is another common affirmation in which the Quran refers to the creation of Man (Adam) from Earth and Iblis the Jinni from Fire. This comes in the story of prostration to Adam when all the angels prostrated except for Iblis the Jinni, so see: {He (God) said what prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you, he (Iblis the Jinni) said I am better than him (Adam) you created me from Fire, and you created him from Earth * Al-Araf -12}. Thus, the Jinn have a fundamental attachment to Fire, whereas the human beings have a fundamental attachment to Earth. Fire and Earth are substances of different natures and so it is a fact to say that Humans and Jinn are of different natures and genetics. The Jinn are Human as we are The jinn are human beings who have bodies and normally can be seen with the naked eye, so, they are neither spirits nor airs as some people claim. In the previously mentioned story of prostration to Adam, the Quran states: {He (God) said what prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you, he (Iblis the Jinni) said I am better than him (Adam) you created me from Fire, and you created him from Earth * Al-Araf -12}. Here, we understand that the command to prostrate is issued only to those who have bodies. So, the Jinn have bodies though created of Fire. Allah the Almighty has created the Jinn and Man to worship Him, so whoever obeys Him will get into the Paradise, and whoever disobeys Him will get into the Hell, the Quran states: {And I have created the Jinn and the Men only to worship Me *Adh-Dhariyat-57}. Here, we understand that: a. All the Jinn and Man are addressed by the same religious message and the same Messenger (Prophet Muhammad). b. All the Jinn and Man are obligated to worship Allah the Almighty, and then both the Jinn and Man are spiritually equal. c. Worshipping of Allah the Almighty needs practice with the limbs and the bodies, and this ascertains that the Jinn have bodies to practice prayers and other practical issues. So, it cannot be imagined that worshipping of Allah the Almighty is assigned to unseen spirits or airs which cannot be seen with the naked eye. The Jinn have bodies to exercise their religious practices, as well as Man. The Jinn themselves tell us about their Islam, the Quran states: {And some of us are Muslims while some are not, and those who become Muslims are seeking the right course * and those who do not become Muslims will be the fuel of Hell * Al-Jinn -14/ 15}. So, both Jinn and Man have received the same Islamic Message with its all concepts and practices, so, the Jinn are Humans as Men are, and the only difference is that of their compositions of Fire and Earth. Do Man and Jinn see one another؟ This is explained in the following verse: {Oh sons of Adam, do not let the Satan seduce you, as he turned your parents out of the Paradise, stripping them of their dresses that he might show them their shame, truly he and his fellows see you from where you do not see them, surely, We have made the Satans friends for those who do not believe * Al-Araf – 27}. Well, in: {… he and his fellows see you from where you do not see them …}, here the seeing exists between the Jinn and you as an Earthly Human, meanwhile you see them but without perceiving that they are Satanic Fiery Jinn. When seeing you, they perceive that you are an Earthly Human and not a Fiery Jinni belonging to them. So, since they recognize you when seeing you, and you do not recognize them when seeing them, in this sense, they constitute your hidden, cruel, spiteful and more dangerous enemy. Truly, most of them hate and envy all sons of Adam, so, you have to pay attention and beware of both Devils: Satanic Jinn and Satanic Humans, the Holy Quran states: {And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy Devils from Man and Jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion …* Al-Anaam – 112} The Relation between Jinn and Man Do Man and Jinn establish relations one another؟ Yes, The Relation between Jinn and Man is manifested in different terms: enmity, dispute, friendship, marriage and more. The question is where and how to establish such relations؟ The Jinn and the Humans can mix through intermarriage. There is intermarriage between Jinn and Humans. The Holy Quran addresses the Jinn as follows: {… share with them (Humans) wealth and children … * Al-Isra - 64}. So, the Jinn become Humans’ partners through marriage. This intermarriage should definitely result into offspring of two mixed substances: Fire and Earth. It can be understood that if the element of Fire is more, the offspring will be closer to the Jinn in nature, and the opposite may happen when the element of Earth is more. Furthermore, the aforementioned marriage relationship results into a great number of the common offspring between the Jinn and Men, so they overlap with each other, exchange benefits and enjoy among themselves, and because the Jinn are corrupt, their nature is the one that prevails, and thereby Men stray from the right track assigned by Allah the Almighty. See, the Holy Quran tells about that: {And in the hereafter when He (Allah the Almighty) will gather them all together (Man and Jinn) He will say, O company of Jinn! you have collected to yourselves a great many from among Men, and their Friends from among Men will say, Our Lord, we profited from one another but now we have reached our term which You appointed for us, He will say, Fire is your fate, surely, your Lord is Wise and All-Knowing * And in like manner We set some of the wrongdoers over the others because of what they earned * O company of Jinn and Men! Didn’t I choose messengers from among yourselves and they told you My messages and warned you of the meeting of this your day, they will say, we bear witness against ourselves and the worldly life deceived them and they will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers * Al-Anam – 128/130}. Now see: {…O company of Jinn! you have collected to yourselves a great many from among Men …}, here we understand the following: a. The relation between Man and Jinn is translated into marriage and children and this why the number of the Jinn increases as stated in the Quran verse. b. The Jinn are humans exactly like us since they get involved into marriage with Earthly Humans. The only difference is that, they are created from the element of Fire. See, (The Jinn are humans exactly like us), is once again stated in another Quran verse:{And there were some Men from Humans used to seek the protection of some Men from the Jinn, and Humans’ wear out is increased * Al-Jinn - 7}, in this verse, Allah the Almighty describes the Jinn as Men and simultaneously describes the Humans as Men. So, both the Jinn and Humans are Men despite the different elements of their compositions. The relation stated above shows that Men sometimes seek protection from the Jinn, but instead of protecting them, the Jinn frighten them and increase their fear because they sought protection from other than Allah the Almighty. There is another critical relationship between the Jinn and Humans, in which a Jinni becomes a companion to human, intending to corrupt and mislead him. Most of the Jinn-companions are obscene, unfair, immoral, and corrupt on earth, yet, some of them are good, believers and Muslims. The Holy Quran states that as follows: {And among us (Jinn) are the righteous, and among us are the wrongdoers … * Al-Jinn – 11}. (The wrongdoers mentioned) are the concerned companions. They appear in Humans’ normal forms and mix with Humans in different settings and situations, on the other hand, Humans mix with them but without perceiving that they are Jinn. In these circumstances, the wrongdoer Jinni develops his relation with a Human till they become companions, and as time passes on, the Human’s behavior changes to the worst and so the Jinni’s target is achieved. However, a true believer resists and turns a deaf ear to the Jinni’s desires. Both companions: Jinn and Humans are addressed by the Holy Quran meaning to draw their attention to follow the right track or otherwise they will be combusted. The Holy Quran reflects scenes from the Hereafter in which a true believer recalls his past memories on earth, particularly when he sees his Jinni companion being combusted. In a dialogue with others in the Paradise, the true believer says: {… Indeed, I had a companion [on earth] * Who would say, Are you indeed of those who believe؟ * That when we have died and become dust and bones, we will indeed be recompensed؟ * Al-Safat – 51/53}. The scene continues, the true believer looks around and sees the Jinni amidst Fire: {And he will look and see him (the Jinni) in the midst of the Hellfire* He will say, By Allah, you almost ruined me* If not for the favor of my Lord, I would have been of those brought in [to Hell] * Al-Safat – 55/57}. Furthermore, the Jinn are equipped with supernatural abilities through which they can be totally install themselves into the Humans (embedded in), or be fragmented into Humans’ souls. The Holy Quran addresses the Jinn: {In whatever form He – Allah the Almighty - willed He formed you* Al-Infitar -8}. So, when a Jinni installs in X, X becomes a Fiery Human-Jinni, (X1 is a Human whereas X2 is a Fiery Human-Jinni). This new complex formation changes X2’s behavior for the worse, thus corrupting on the earth, straying from the right track, may reach the point of insanity, and when worse comes the worse, X2 commits suicide, and thus achieves the Jinni’s targeted goals. The other sees that X2 has gone insane or committed suicide, but in fact the installed Jinni, was the one who behaved on behalf of him. Most of the Jinn are evil spirits, and described in the Holy Quran as the losers, the unfair, the corrupters on earth, enemies of Allah the Almighty and enemies of Humans as well. The Holy Quran states that in different Chapters: Say, in my religion I sincerely worship Allah the Almighty* So worship what you will besides Allah the Almighty. Say, indeed, the losers are the ones who will lose themselves and their families on the Hereafter, unquestionably, that is the manifest loss* Layers of fire are above and below them, by that Allah the Almighty threatens His servants. O fear Me My servants* Al-Zumur -14/16}. In another Chapter: {… those who wrong the people and tyrannize upon the earth without right, they will have a painful punishment* And whoever is patient and forgives - indeed, these are worthy matters* And he whom Allah the Almighty sends astray, there is no protector beyond Allah the Almighty. And when the wrongdoers see the punishment, they beg vaguely if there is return to the former world* And they are exposed to the Fire, they become humiliated and look at It in glances, and those who had believed will say, "Indeed, the true losers are the ones who lost themselves and their families in the Hereafter, unquestionably, the wrongdoers are in an enduring punishment* And they do not have any allies to aid them other than Allah the Almighty. And whoever Allah the Almighty sends astray, there is no way for him* Respond to Allah the Almighty before the hereafter comes, of which there is no repelling, there will be no refuge for you nor you can deny It* Al-Shura – 42/47} Reshaping of the Jinn into Humans’ forms is explicitly stated in the Holy Quran. According to Islamic culture of the 7th century, there was a dispute which later developed into fighting between the Believers and Misbelievers. Before the zero-hour, (Iblis the Jinni) appeared to the Misbelievers and started encouraging them in various terms to persevere in the fight and immediately after he had seen the Believers’ power, he fled from the battle field. After the battle was over, the Misbelievers began to question each other about why the Man had fled from the battle! According to the interpreters of the Holy Quran, Iblis the Jinni appeared in the Form of a tribal leader named Suraga Ibn (son of) Malik, who later joined the Believers. The Holey Quran narrates that as follows: {(Iblis the Jinni) made their (sinful) deeds seem pleasing to them (the Misbelievers) and said, "No one among men can overcome you today while I am near you as a protector”, But when the two armies came in sight of each other (Believers and Misbelievers), he (Iblis the Jinni) turned on his heels and said, "Lo! Indeed, I am free from you. Indeed, I see what you do not see; indeed, I fear Allah. And Allah’s punishment is strict and severe * Al- Anfal – 48}. Here on, the question of central importance is thus: In what Form did (Iblis the Jinni) appear to the Misbelievers and communicated with them so that they listened to him and interacted with him؟ Of course, appeared in a Form of a Human, or had he appeared in an unusual Form, the Misbelievers would have never listened to his speech. Based on that above, this story furnishes for the following claim: (Since Iblis the Jinni has the supernatural ability of reshaping himself into a Human, so his sons have the same supernatural ability to reshape themselves into Humans). A brief summary a. The Jinn are created from Fire b. The Jinn have Forms (Bodies) like Humans c. The Jinn are equipped with supernatural power d. Among the Jinn there are Believers and Non-Believers 1. The Non-Believers Jinn are referred to as (Fiery Human Jinn) 2. The (Fiery Human Jinn) are disobedient to Allah the Almighty and hence enemies of Him 3. The (Fiery Human Jinn) are the enemies of Humans as well 4. The (Fiery Human Jinn) establish companionship with Humans, but for evil purposes 5. The (Fiery Human Jinn) can mix with Humans through intermarriage 6. The (Fiery Human Jinn) share wealth and children with Humans 7. The (Fiery Human Jinn) can install (embedded) in Humans 8. The (Fiery Human Jinn) can reshape themselves in Humans 9. The (Fiery Human Jinn) make harms to Humans, e.g. (insanity-suicide) 10. The (Fiery Human Jinn) are sinners, wicked, cursed, harmful, immoral, filthy, and the source of corrupt world-wide For all that and more, Allah the Almighty promises the (Fiery Human Jinn) with Combustion, here in Life and there in the Hereafter. Now it can obviously be stated: the (Fiery Human Jinn) are the focus of this research-paper. The (Fiery Human Jinn) Spontaneous Combustion The topic of (Spontaneous Combustion) is presented and discussed under three sub-titles: a. Why are the (Fiery Human Jinn) associated with Spontaneous Combustion؟ (Theoretical background) b. (Planned Jinn-Combustion) - (Process 1) c. (Spontaneous Jinn-Combustion) - (Process 2) 1. Why is the (Fiery Human Jinn) associated with Spontaneous Combustion؟ The answer for this question constitutes a background for why the (Fiery Human Jinn) are specifically associated with Spontaneous Combustion. The story of the Satan’s disobedience is recurrently narrated in the Holy Quran. With reference to the events, the Satan (Iblis the Jinni) was expelled from Heaven for defying Allah’s command to prostrate to Adam. The story is presented through a dialogue between Allah the Almighty and the Satan (Iblis the Jinni). Towards the dialogue-end, the Satan (Iblis the Jinni) demands from Allah the Almighty to respite him until the day when all will be raised up. Immediately after the demand is accepted, the Satan (Iblis the Jinni) expresses his aim of this long life, that he could lay wait on the Straight Track of Allah the Almighty and deceive them all, so that, they might go astray. That is narrated in the Holy Quran as follows: {He (Iblis) said: Respite me until the day when they are raised up* He (Allah) said: 'Verily you shall be of the respite ones* He (Iblis) said: Since You have let me wander off, I will certainly lay wait for (deceiving) them in Your Straight Track* Al-Shura -14/16} Based on the previous events, the only mission of the Respite Non-Believer Jinn is to mislead Humans so they go astray from the right track. The mission is that, is practically implemented through cheating, deception, lying, temptation and various acts of evil, and this why the (Fiery Human Jinn) are enemies of Humans, establish an evil companionship with them, mix with them through intermarriage, share wealth and children with them, install (embedded) in them, reshape themselves in Humans and all that is for achieving their top target which is to deviate Humans from the right track. So, that is why the (Fiery Human Jinn) are described as sinners, wicked, cursed, harmful, immoral, filthy, and the source of corrupt world-wide. On the other hand, Allah the Almighty threatens and promises the (Fiery Human Jinn) with Combustion if insist on their bad deeds. The Combustion for the (Fiery Human Jinn) is done in present life and will be in the hereafter, but this research-paper is concerned with what is today. (Planned Jinn-Combustion) (Process 1) The evil (Fiery Human Jinn) capable of causing physical and mental harms to Humans, and an example of such harm is possession. The evil (Fiery Human Jinni) who is attached to a Human is totally invisible, but is realized by what the possessed victim does or says. Example (Khartoum Case 2001) The possessed victim had done fool acts followed by an angrily spoken speech, among them; he had taken off his clothes and remained absolutely naked, he held the Holy Quran to the toilet meaning to impure it with human waste, he talked about the Holy Quran and soon switched insulting It, and in an insulting manner he reviled Allah the Almighty and proceeded to criticize the Islam religion and the Messenger as well. Of course, there were no apparent reasons for such behavior; in this sense the victim was described as possessed or precisely, was completely controlled by an evil (Fiery Human Jinn). In this case, the possessed was treated by (Planned Jinn-Combustion). The Holy Quran, which tells facts about the Jinn, it also tells facts about treating those who are harmed by the Jinn, and not only that, but the treatment of other incurable diseases. The Holy Quran states: {And We (Allah the Almighty) send down of the Quran that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss* Al-Isra – 82}. In this respect, there are specific Quran-Verses that are used to combust the Jinn when attached to Humans, some of them are: a. {Allah the Almighty has certainly heard the statement of those who said, Indeed Allah the Almighty is poor, while we are rich. We (Allah the Almighty) will record what they said and their killing of the prophets without right and will say, Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire* Al-Imran – 181} b. {And if you could but see when the angels take the souls of those who disbelieved, they are striking their faces and their backs and [saying], Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire* Al-Anfal – 50} c. {Every time they want to get out of it [Hellfire] from anguish, they will be returned to it, and [it will be said], Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire* Al-Haj – 22} d. {Indeed, those who have tortured the believing men and believing women and then have not repented will have the punishment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the Burning Fire* Al-Buroog -10} Although the Quran-Verses are from different Chapters, the common factor seen is: (the punishment of the Burning Fire). During the treatment-session of the (Khartoum Case 2001), the Quran-Verses that combust the Jinn, were recited out loudly in the presence of the patient (the possessed). As a result of recurrent recitations, the Jinni had been combusted; the possessed recovered and got back into his normal state. In conclusion, the (Combustion) happens to the Jinni but the possessed is not affected by that. The Jinni who is created from Fire is applicable to (Combustion) but not the possessed that is created from Earth. The absolute contentment of (Jinn-combustion) derives from the truthfulness of what is mentioned in the Holy Quran. For this reason, (Jinn-combustion) by Quran-Verses, is widespread among Muslims. They address it by different names, such as: (The Treatment of the Possessed by Recitation of the Holy Quran), (The Burning of the Jinni who is Attached to a Human), (Punishing the Jinn with the Burning Fire) and furthermore, whereas in this research-paper, the process is addressed as (Planned Jinn-Combustion). (Spontaneous Jinn-Combustion) - (Process 2) The Holy Quran addresses the phenomenon of (Jinn-Combustion) and so it is a reality since being presented and clarified in a number of Holy Quran-Verses. In the Holy Quran, Allah the almighty has never ignored anything that may happen in the universe and (Jinn-Combustion) exists as other phenomena. Consequently, all Muslims believe that the Jinn are combusted, either by (Planned Jinn-Combustion) as already stated, or by (Spontaneous Jinn-Combustion) which is on focus now. In the past data of this research-paper, the Jinn are created from Fire or Pure Fire as previously stated by the Holy Quran, and also as previously mentioned, they are applicable to (Combustion) but not the Humans who are created from Earth. When a Jinni gets attached to a Human and disturbs his behavior till being possessed, the Jinni is punished by the process of (Planned Jinn-Combustion), but, when a Jinni corrupts largely, he is punished by the process of (Spontaneous Jinn-Combustion). Allah the Almighty promises the evil (Fiery Human Jinn) with (Combustion) whenever they insist on attempting to mislead the Humans aside from the right track. Therefore, (Spontaneous Jinn-Combustion), exists among the (Fiery Human Jinn) who are: sinners, criminals, corrupters on earth … etc. The Holy Quran states: {We have assigned those who are created from Fire together with their powerful capacities, as temptation for those who disbelieve, but those who have believed will increase in faith, and the People of the Book and the believers will not doubt, but those with diseased hearts and the disbelievers will say, what does Allah the Almighty intend by this as an example؟ Thus, Allah the Almighty sends astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills, and none knows the soldiers of Allah the Almighty except Him. And it (Fire) is not but a reminder to humanity* Al-Mudathir -10}. This blessed Quran-Verse clarifies the creation of the (Fiery Human Jinn) and how they are equipped with supernatural power. The (Fiery Human Jinn) use the bestowed power in evil deeds such as installing in Humans, shaping in Humans, attaching to Humans, besides tempting them to mislead the right track. Overall, all that is done by the (Fiery Human Jinn), goes against what Allah the Almighty wishes and for this reason they are Combusted. Quran-Verse starts by mentioning the Fire, and closes also by mentioning the Fire, and in between there is a scene that reflects the role of the (Fiery Human Jinn) in corrupts, therefore, (Spontaneous Jinn-Combustion) is an assigned severe punishment to them. In another Chapter, the Holy Quran puts it straight forward, that’s, the Combusted are Jinn but not Human. The Holy Quran describes the Combusted Jinn as (Intrusive). The intrusive Jinni is the one who gets into a Human’s body without a permission, stays for a long time disturbing from within, till the Human’s behavior drops to the worst, and in the far end, the Human becomes possessed, commits suicide or others. Actually, he who behaves is the intrusive Jinni and ultimately is punished by (Combustion). The Holy Quran also describes all (Intrusive Jinn) as unwelcome companions because they are evils among other things, and promises them with (Combustion), the Quran-Verse states: {This is a company intruding in with you, no welcome for them, indeed, they will burn in the Fire* Sad -59}. The (Intrusive Jinn) is another term for the (Fiery Human Jinn). The torment with Combustion takes place in this world before the Hereafter. It is specified for the cursed (Fiery Human Jinn) who are extremely wicked, criminals, corrupters, transgressors … est. The torment with Combustion is assigned in a number of Quran-Verses, among them: a. {The Fire will sear their faces, and they therein will be morose* Al-Muminoon - 104} b. {But as for those who defiantly disobeyed, their refuge is the Fire. Every time they wish to emerge from it (Fire), they will be returned to it (Fire) while it (Fire) is said to them, Taste the punishment of the Fire which you used to deny* Al-Sagdah – 20} c. {They will have canopies layers of Fire above them and below them …* Al-Zumur – 16} d. {… the transgressors will be companions of the Fire* Ghafir – 43} e. {This is the Fire which you used to deny* Al-Toor - 14} Findings (A) 1. The Jinn is equipped with supernatural power, so they can install in Humans or reshape in Humans. 2. Allah the Almighty threatens the Jinn with combustion if they use their supernatural power in evil deeds. 3. The Jinn who behave against what Allah the Almighty, they will be subjects to combustion. 4. There are two processes through which the Jinn are combusted: a. (Planned Jinn-Combustion) happens during the treatment-session of the possessed. b. (Spontaneous Jinn-Combustion) happens spontaneously to the Jinn. (B) 1. (Spontaneous Combustion) does not exist among Earthy Humans 2. The cases of Humans supposed to be spontaneously combusted over years, were of Humans who had been subjects to the Jinn. The Jinn installed into them and they were no longer Humans, they were Human-Jinn but other people could not perceive that, though they might have seen them or coped with them. (C) 1. The term: (Spontaneous Human Combustion) is absolutely misleading and effort-spoiling. 2. The term: (Spontaneous Jinn Combustion) is suitable and thematic. Comparing with some of the previous studies 1st Study In this study, Paul Rolli (1746) proposed the term "Spontaneous Human Combustion", whereas this present study proposes (Spontaneous Jinn Combustion) supported by credible evidences. The difference is clear in the core idea, yet Paul Rolli has the priority in inventing the most suitable terms: Spontaneous + Combustion. This is highly valued. 2nd Study In his proposed characteristics (1938), Parry accounts for old age among females and alcohol as causes for the (Spontaneous Combustion). The present study differs in the core idea. 3rd Study Siegen’s Medical Dictionary (2012) describes the case exactly well and states that: no evidence of external cause, but kept silent about the causes of Combustion. The ideas in Siegen’s Medical Dictionary are typical to the ideas in this present study and the only difference is that, this present study assigns the causes beyond the Combustion. 4th Study Harrison (1976) suggests Poltergeist Activity, yet, without backing evidences. Harrison accounts for invisible creatures that combust the victims, but in this present paper, the invisible is combusted. The difference is clear. 5th Study Nikell and Fischer (1984) deny any “Spontaneous Combustion” without a source of ignition. This present paper confirms the idea of “Spontaneous Combustion” without a source of ignition.
Suggestions for Future Research Based on the idea of (Spontaneous Fiery Human-Jinn Combustion), the researcher suggests conducting research on: (Human Genome Analysis on the Already Combusted Victims). The underlying idea is that: The human genome is mostly the same in all people, yet the genome of the combusted Fiery Human-Jinn should be different. The significance of this suggested topic is either to confirm (Spontaneous Fiery Human-Jinn Combustion) or to deny it. References - Brian J. Ford (2012) Solving the Mystery of Spontaneous Human Combustion, Cardiff University
- Michael Harrison (1976), Fire from Heaven, UK
- Nikkell Joe Fischer, John F. (1984). "Spontaneous Human Combustion", The Fire and Arson Investigator.
- Parry, L. A. (1938). “Spontaneous Human Combustion”, The British Medical Journal. 1 (4039):
- Rolli, Paul (1746). An Extract on the Death of the Countess Cornelia Zangari Bandi. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London Volume 21. (Published May 2012).
- Siegen’s Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex. Inc.
- Virve Koljonen and Nicolas Kluger, Journal of Burn Care and Research, Volume 33, Issue 3, May-June 2012
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