02-13-2022, 05:25 PM |
Faisal Elsayed Ali
Faisal Elsayed Ali
Registered: 07-15-2017
Total Posts: 16
I Beg Your Pardon Your Excellency Al-Burhan By Faisal Elsayed Ali Omer
04:25 PM February, 13 2022 Sudanese Online Faisal Elsayed Ali-Sudan My Library Short URL
(28 October 2021)
I truly beg your pardon Your Excellency Al-Burhan for my taking the liberty of addressing you through this humble article directly and very frankly. I have been sturdily motivated to speak my mind freely by your honest and candid speeches. Within the prologue of this message I would like to resolutely and firmly assure you that my intent and reasons behind contacting you are absolutely and totally free from any personal motives whatsoever. As a matter of fact I am congregating the whole theme of my discussion towards capturing maximum justice and benefits to those young revolutionaries and heroes who struggled bravely to rescue Sudan from all the ominous circumstances of injustice and revolting state of affairs. We undoubtedly owe them the best of we could offer and remain being indebted to their heroism, valor and great courage for the rest of our lives.
After explaining the above facts, I would like to convey to you my deep appreciation for the favorable attention, humane and benevolent feelings that you have extended to them within the contexts of your speeches. That was very considerate and kind of you. It was also pleasing to me and many others to realize that you are additionally offering them political and other administrative slots in the new transitional government’s councils and other departments of its organizational structure. This is also highly commended, applauded and praised; nevertheless that is where my criticisms embark on. As we all know there were millions of heroes who participated hugely in those demonstrations and if you are going to reward a couple of thousands of them with those slots that would bring deep sadness to the rest of the group. Moreover, you definitely don’t have enough awards to satisfy everyone and that creates a rather knotty and complex situation.
Apparently there is only one concept and trend that can easily be utilized to reward a huge number of those heroes. As I have explained in one of my previous articles, a very famous international humanitarian program has been utilized before for helping millions of beneficiaries in one country. An outstanding and brilliant endeavor and undertaking were born in Dhaka, Bangladesh when a Grameen Bank Microfinance Organization was founded on October 1983 by professor Muhammad Yunus who has been awarded a Nobel Prize in recognition of his splendid innovation. The same program has been replicated successfully in Sudan thereafter by the United Nations Labor Organization (ILO). A chain of similar programs has been implemented subsequently but did not unfortunately score the same success or achievements. That was simply because they did not follow on the same footsteps and guidelines of the ILO’s program. I am sure that implementing this program for the above mentioned targeted groups of beneficiaries can represent a genuine breakthrough for satisfying their needs and aspirations.
The prerequisites for adopting this program do not go far beyond an internal fund raising campaign going parallel with some international pleas to donors who usually appreciate such programs that cater for a rainbow of agricultural, industrial and services’ small-scale ventures. The credit funds disbursed through this program are insured, revolving, risk free and professionally monitored to acquire a full recovery of loans (that was, interalia, not taken into consideration by those programs that failed). I truly would like to express my high opinion, veneration and esteem to Your Excellency Al-Burhan for his fair vision and consideration towards assisting those young men and ladies with absolutely no biasness to whether they were supporting the government or the opposition. I would also avail myself of this opportunity to launch a humanitarian appeal to the international community to adopt an impartial approach which is compatible to that initiative of H.E. Al-Burhan. We Sudanese people realize the fact that those young men and ladies were set by their destinies to support this or that side; nevertheless they were all fighting for Sudan’s welfare and prosperity. I finally would like once again to pay tribute to H.E. Al-Burhan for his thoughtfulness.
In conclusion; as a good gesture of my appreciation for what those heroes have done to us, I would like to confine my role in this program to having the honor of providing a voluntary and free of charge training sessions to eleven chosen persons who would represent the team required for implementing the program. Moreover, my ears are always open for welcoming any queries, comments or remarks via direct contacts or through my WhatsApp addresses 0113489958 or 0923802670. I, would also express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who spare some of their valuable time to read and, if possible, feed me with their kind responses about my humble articles.
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