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The Final Statement of General Assembly of Nuba Mountain International Association in the United St

09-12-2022, 12:27 PM
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The Final Statement of General Assembly of Nuba Mountain International Association in the United St

    12:27 PM September, 12 2022

    Sudanese Online
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    Date: September 11, 2022

    Dayton, Ohio
    In the 3rd and 4th of September 2022, under the motto “Our Strength in our Unity”
    In this critical time Sudan passes through especially the region of Nuba mountain, the association held a general assembly on the 3rd and 4th of September in Dayton Ohio, a big number of the members of the association had come from all over the States to attend the general conference, they come to participate, strengthen, and improve the work of the association.
    On the first day the conference kicked of by the cultural celebration presented by various teams of Nuba mountain folklore (singing, dancing, and wrestling)
    On the second day of the conference; sessions of discussion about A. The association state letter presented by the chairman of executive office (Komi)
    B. The state of association term presented by the general Secretary (Gangi)
    C. The Financial state of the association presented by the financial Secretary (Dika)
    D. Discussion about amendments in the association constitution by the constitution committee E. Discussion about the division in Nuba people between different bodies
    The conference has recommended that all the Nuba people should unite and work together in the big challenges that faced the Nuba people in Sudan and outside Sudan, and help people in Nuba mountain to have a better tomorrow..
    In a brotherly democratic atmosphere, the conference has elected a new executive office: 1
    Nuba Mountains International Ass USA
    Central Committee
    1. President: Abbas Daffalla
    2. Vice President: Santino Luka Almodka
    3. General Secretary: Gamal Gangi
    4. Vice General Secretary: Madani Nasser
    5. Secretary of finances and Economic affairs: Einna Ismael Kodi 6. Vice Secretary of finance and Economic affairs: Musa Kusheib 7. Secretary of women and children affairs: Hikmat Alhaddi
    8. Vice Secretary of women and children affairs: Najah Darfur
    9. Secretary of Youth and Students: Kuku Mubarak Butrus
    10. Vice Secretary of Youth and Student: Simon Shagudi
    11. Secretary of information and Media: Magid kabash
    12. Vice Secretary of information and media: Bashir Al basha
    13. Vice Secretary of information and media: Yusri Ibrahim
    14: Secretary of foreign affairs: Seif Barsham
    15. Secretary of Social affairs and Humanitarian: Daniel Andrawus
    رابطت جبال النوبت العالميت الولاياث المتحدة الامريكيت
    اللجنت المركزيت
    Magid kabash Information Secretary September 10, 2022
    (Translated by Mr Gamal Gangi)
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