House Nigers and Over Wall Burglars The New Face of New Colonization By Saeed M. Adnan

House Nigers and Over Wall Burglars The New Face of New Colonization By Saeed M. Adnan

02-04-2022, 12:54 PM


Post: #1
Title: House Nigers and Over Wall Burglars The New Face of New Colonization By Saeed M. Adnan
Author: سعيد محمد عدنان
Date: 02-04-2022, 12:54 PM

11:54 AM February, 04 2022

Sudanese Online
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– London – U.K.
When I read in the politics of the past American President, Donald Trump, and the feel of his intentions to backpaddle off the New World Order, I was betaken by apprehensiveness over the harm befalling the present New World Order, in which we find the salvation of Noah’s Arc from the world gone mad in the ongoing digital expansiveness.
I had then written a few passages over the rocky American will during the reign of Donald Trump (Please browse the published essays below:
Is America Great Again؟ Or has Trump weakened it؟ By: Saeed M. Adnan – Lo...

America's Absentia from world Arena 2 Qualms of Trust By Saeed M. Adnan – Lond...
The Repercussions of America’s Absentia from World Arena
The Repercussions of America’s Absenteeism off World Arena The New World Order...)
In generating the flame of freedom to suppress injustice and tyranny in all its forms, out emerged a brilliant winner crystallizing the basics of the enlightenment era, through which the Free World construed the sash of freedom along balanced reconciliation (rationale) via dispute resolution.
Here was the birth of the Free World and the death of the guardianship, slavery, and tyrannic imperialism. The world celebrated that and panning binoculars were rested, and resolved to what was chaffed of politics, agreements, and resolutions.
With that in place reality was concluded as unethical deviations are not expected to exist from then afters, under the charm of that balance and the securing of that freedom. Surviving civilizations gushed in consistency with the basics of the enlightenment, in competition to steer the world, resolve to the guidelines of the New World Order of which resolutions voiced the will of the world.
Then along enlightenmen’st two thirds of the century, humanity trolled over rooting the weeds of amalgamation and growth of intrusion, only that it stopped short of purging humanity impotence for self-heal from its unjust and parasitic viruses. This is the burden of Honesty that religions were and are addressing.
It all appeared in the very book of “The Prince” by the infamous Nicolo Machiavelli, merchandising his philosophy The End Justifies The Means.
Gpd said in verse 72, sura 33 ‘’We offered Honesty to the skies and the earth and mountains and they refused it shying away from it and was carried by man as he had been unjust and ignorant”
And in Matthew 16:26 NIV - What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul؟
This be it the Wisdom that the nations were lost without.
For, despite the commitment of the West – the Free World – to the freedom and human rights of equality in rights and duties, they condoned the slip away of the sacredness of Honesty bestowed by God to all living beings humans, animals and plants, to enjoy and limit watch over fair use of it, as it does not logically hold otherwise, and that would drive man towards injustice and pain to self and others, under greed and impatience.
Western Society fought its foes on grounds that it fends Freedom, via which it invigorated democracy, only that it did not bother much about Honesty, being more delicate and trickier, or as the Islam Messenger said ‘Grasping Virtue is like grasping ember’. Thus, the track of honesty is difficult and stinging, and no one would easily allow you to drag them to.
Wandering in politics and the scripts of agreements, allows man to find alternatives to the means and tools that were eliminated from the past practices, for easy wins and pushing through obstinate boundaries by pinching from others and by subjugation of others via New Slavery. So, rather than salvage those rights and duties from humans’ vilification that sterilises their virility they chose to purge them totally.
So, politics had its judges in the world to be the superpowers, and they are in a fierce competition to navigate the rights and duties of the world for the sake of peace, but their venoms, presently firmly controlled, are in fact the most lethal and obnoxious, containing all Humans’ lusts for New Slavery and heist programmed for the worst satanic human actions of uprooting, genocide, and torture.
So long the poisons are suppressed, harmony would be enticing, like forage in a slaughterhouse.
For greed and human embezzlement is what brought down the human society as free loading being a sign of greed to grab more than needed, and injustice to others to lug those loads, and which stand for the law of the jungle, the aggression of the strong over the weak, the invasion, the wealth dabbing, the colonisation, slavery, and trade with the land; then threats and terrorisation. So, the political Human society moved throughout its historic passages until it accomplished the present Political World Order, of which is copied out the ethics elected for that experience.
Further technical progress extruded out the progress towards globalization owing to the ease of the exchange of information, and which is only that Human entity with its merits and inferiorities, and completely disregarded the moral and convictional differences in avoidance of the tsunami of globalization, typically as not having been cured off the inherent drifts of the security of kind or race (the security of the pack).
Those developments are what started replacing the intrusions inside the past World Order and its viruses that gave way under the purging and scientifically pruning via that forward invigoration, rooted it out of retroactivity and darkness.
Yet they remained intrusion like what we had mentioned due to having no Enlightened Development, being contented with the Political and Legal Developments, beside securing Freedom.
Regarding human innovations of weapons of total destruction to Human presence, conviction had been achieve that the only one choice available is Peace and securing it via a World Government via the nations that possess the Power to do so, and the leadership of the strongest strategically, while banning new members to the Nuclear Club.
But the magic turned against the magician, for the human population surged in a world that dwindled its resources because of the change and abuse of the weather with no caring by humans themselves. Those turned up new powerful destruction instruments, only that they are not in the hands of elite club, but in the hands of every human being.
What we see now is a state of alert of the Superpowers in a circus disc spinning talent need, a compilatory talent tricks with provisions and strategies to develop bands similar to that of the Mafia, only that they would work under the control and guidance of the Law agreed upon and via the Politics of dialectical philosophies agreed upon too. In other words, taking advantage of the loss of the state with wealth the full ability to extrude or develop the extrusion of that wealth, owing to its late or delayed development because of past injustices, or owing to it being plagued with corruption or sedition or poverty or disease, that would activate the lust glands of the rapacious surrounds or relations or voracious to its vulnerability., while the world power axes would find agents of those who would strike deals of partnerships towards supply of economical or strategical support to operate a New Colonisation venue, or more descriptively, a colonisation befitting the age of the absence of Honesty.
That is the age where the New Racism succeeded too, crystallised of racism based on the compiled wealth from the times of past colonisation where the New World Order condoned not returning it or compensating its inflicted losses under the excuse of “let bygones be bygones” for the sake of the more important issue, the Future. But after compiling that looted wealth aiming to use it for the fight of survival as reserves (Hedge Funds), separate from economic development budget, and only used in gambling or risking the risky but immensely profitable ventures, does the work of what a struggling poor family would tag it as ‘save the bright coin for the black day’. This way it developed and would keep developing as the largest wealth ever compiled of looting, and would never repeat itself again, being the merit of the New World Order. But with persisting to keep making use of that strategy, viz refusing to refrain from eroding Honesty, that freeloading would recur, but this time as a New Colonisation.
This new strategy elected the idea of complete control over all Humans via strategies to control the tick of their negative effect on their gains via applying strict control on their gain through agency, that the argument of regaining control when that negative effect is over ceases to be there, and that is the new face of the new colonisation
And that is the reason why the world is now plagued with wars and spilt blood everywhere all over the globe at the same time, for the first time in Human history. Almost the whole world is engaged in bloody conflicts or along bloody conflict scenarios, and the superpowers are content with sipping from it through mentoring the blood suckers, and content together of trading strategies between them as the strategies allow.
Now we see no difference in the tug of war between America, Russia, China, the Oil producing counties or the carcass of Africa that is still rich with goodies in its blood, beef, its wide domain and precious waters and the beauty and strength of its people.
That’s why African governments, together with the world strategic reserve wealth nations are mostly not governed by constitutions and governments authenticated by the World Order, whereas it mourned the loss of its wealth and its suppression via its mentorship.
So, no wonder that young men and women in Sudan and Tunis are now daily dying crushed by governments that are non than what President Obama once tagged them ’they are House busy serving their masters’

عناوين الاخبار بسودانيزاونلاينSudaneseOnline اليوم الموافق 02/03/2022

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Post: #2
Title: Re: House Nigers and Over Wall Burglars The New Face of New Colonization By Sae
Author: Saeed Mohammed Adnan
Date: 02-04-2022, 03:07 PM
Parent: #1

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عبيد المنازل ولصوص الحيط الشكل الجديد للاستعمار الحديث