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His Excellency the Eritrean President, Evidence by action By Mohamed Osman Al-Radhi

07-19-2022, 01:27 PM
محمد عثمان الرضى
<aمحمد عثمان الرضى
Registered: 07-01-2021
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His Excellency the Eritrean President, Evidence by action By Mohamed Osman Al-Radhi

    12:27 PM July, 19 2022

    Sudanese Online
    محمد عثمان الرضى-السودان
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    In response to a kind invitation from His Excellency the Ambassador of the State of Eritrea in Sudan, Ambassador Issa Ahmed Issa, on the fifth of July, I went to the capital of the State of Eritrea, Asmara, through the Sudanese Airlines (Tarco), where I was received at Asmara International Airport by the Director of the General Administration of Protocols, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Osman Idris Saad and his staff working with him in the same department, and then I went to my residence at the Embasoira Hotel in the center of the capital, Asmara. For the first time in my life, I spend the Eid al-Adha (Sacrifice) holiday outside Sudan, where I used to spend it with my small family, but due to the importance of the visit and its sensitive timing, I had to seize the golden opportunity to achieve many diverse gains.
    14/07/2022 at 08:22 am, the place is the village of Adi Halo; the unexpected surprise was an interview with the Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki Abraham.
    At first, I thought that the Ambassador of the State of Eritrea in Sudan, Ambassador Issa Ahmed Issa, who prepared and arranged the meeting, might accompany me on a tourist introductory tour to the archaeological sites outside the capital, as he used to do throughout my stay in Asmara, suddenly and without introduction, I found myself, and the Ambassador Issa, in front of His Excellency the Eritrean President, the moment was difficult because I was completely unprepared for the great event, but soon I cohered and arranged my thoughts. What caught my eye and caught my attention was the simplicity of His Excellency the Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki in terms of clothing, food, housing and simple human dealing, where he is without guard, no protocols, no servants, no entourage, no music, a very ordinary person, to be honest with you, through my journalistic experience that exceeds twenty years, I have met many African, Arab and European presidents, but the Eritrean president is a completely different story in terms of form and content.
    His Excellency the President of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, is a simple and humble man who is fully aware of what is going on around him in all fields.
    When the Eritrean president talks about Sudan, he astonishes and amazes the Sudanese themselves, what he knows about Sudan may be ignorant of many of those who pretend that they know Sudan.
    His Excellency the Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki is a prudent reader of the Sudanese political scene and has a clear vision on how to deal with it rationally and through multiple perspectives.
    His Excellency the Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki, in his speech, does not believe in colonial borders, and he has a very firm conviction that the Sudanese and Eritrean people are one people in two countries, he always described them as the twins who were born from one womb and were breastfed from the same breast and rose in one house, it is impossible for them to separate. He proves this with a realistic story that he was an eyewitness to and told me, there was a group of residents of the Eritrean city of Afabet who were packing their luggage for the purpose of traveling to the city, which is about 180 km south of Port Sudan for the purpose of voting in the Sudanese elections, and this confirms that they are one people in two countries that do not believe in the borders that the colonialist made in order to protect his interests only. The Eritrean president always talks to others about the special place of the Sudanese people in his heart and describes them as generous and brave because he has spent the majority of his life among them.
    The Eritrean President still has great hope for the improvement of the political situation in Sudan, through the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue without the interference of foreign hands, and the Sudanese are able, according to known historical experiences, to solve their internal problems.
    Through the speech of the Eritrean President, I felt that there is a great work being planned and arranged for the purpose of finding drastic solutions to all the problems that Sudan suffers from, and it will show up very soon in the next few days.
    Eastern Sudan, which has a common border with the State of Eritrea, is one of the interests of the Eritrean president and among the special files supervised by the President himself, he has a new and completely different vision from its predecessors, and during the next few days you will see its implementation on the ground, and it will definitely have a clear impact that will be unmistakable.
    His Excellency the Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki executing the meaning of the Hadith (do your business in secrecy), and this is one of the reasons of his success in leadership.
    His Excellency the Eritrean President appreciates and respects the role and importance of the media, and at the same time deals with it to the extent required to achieve its goals and deliver its messages in an optimal way and at the right time.
    His Excellency the Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki is very concerned about the improvement and development of his country and has been able, during the past period, to make very huge achievements in infrastructure projects, such as the construction of dams for the purpose of water harvesting and the construction of roads, in addition to free education and health services in all areas of the country equally and without discrimination.

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