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HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY My beloved Bharat by Khalid Abdalla Abdelwahab

01-23-2023, 02:44 PM
Khalid Abdalla Abdelwahab
<aKhalid Abdalla Abdelwahab
Registered: 01-23-2023
Total Posts: 1

HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY My beloved Bharat by Khalid Abdalla Abdelwahab

    01:44 PM January, 23 2023

    Sudanese Online
    Khalid Abdalla Abdelwahab-السودان
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    *Watan hamara misaal mohabat ki,
    Todta hai deewaar nafrat ki,
    Meri khush naseebi ki mili zindagi iss chaman mein
    Bhula na sake koi iski khushbo saton janam mein.
    India is the world's biggest democratic country. On the midnight of 14 August 1947, as the clock stuck 12, India entered the league of independent nations after a long and hard fought battle against colonialism. Although, India now had its own flag and its own government, it was still governed by the Colonial Government of India Act 1935. After close to three years of discussions and debates within the Constituent Assembly, the drafting committee under Dr. BR Ambedkar delivered a constitution – the thickest in the world – to the nation. Hence, on 26 January 1950, India adopted its constitution and elected its own Head of State in Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Ever since, this day is celebrated as a Republic Day in India. This day however has another historic significance. It was on this day in 1930, that the Indian National Congress had declared poorna swaraj (full independence) as its final goal. Until then Congress had only demanded Dominion Status from the Britishers.
    I had the opportunity to witness the Indian republic day celebrations, when I was in New Delhi for my higher studies in the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University, named after India’s first prime Minister. Till today, I recount that period as my golden days of life. The University is one of the most liberal institutions of higher learning in India and has a very strong progressive student’s movement. I have very fond memories of the place as I was always treated like a family. To some extent, I even enjoyed the friendly banters of being called a habashi or a Kalu (Indian derogatory words for uncivilized and black), yet where else can a complete outsider like me be elected as a Student Convener, elected with highest number of votes within the panel. At JNU, I was a first-hand witness to the festival that is elections. To be true, JNU elections are perhaps the most ideal in the whole country as they are completely devoid of violence and influence of money, ethically run by students themselves amidst a culture of debates and discussions on wide ranging topics, and held in a spirit that connotes a healthy mixture of festivity and seriousness. Similarly, when 100 million people in India go to vote for their general elections, as also their provincial elections, the atmosphere may not be as ideal as JNU, yet it is nothing less than incredible. Indian elections are conducted in a largely peaceful manner. It is from this country I learnt the meaning of peaceful transition of power and tolerance. India’s own independent struggle was led by the iconic Mohandas Gandhi, who steadfastly kept the people on the path of non-violence. Today, when my country is moving towards its first constitution I take this opportunity to wish the leaders and politicians of this great land to have the same will and strength to end all conflicts and successfully orchestrate a peaceful transition.
    Coming back to the Republic Day, the day itself is a great spectacle. Early in the morning, people from all over the capital city of Delhi, and also from other parts of the country, flock towards the Rajpath at India Gate in Central Delhi where a special Republic Day parade is taken out. Those who cannot go there, watch it on television. Every year, for me too, it was a ritual to switch on TV early morning on 26 January to witness the spectacular parade. Various contingents of the Indian armed forces and paramilitary forces march crisply on the Rajpath, followed by a display of some of India’s technological achievements in form of top class weaponry. The President takes the salute accompanied by a foreign head of state. The most interesting part however is the cultural presentations and the tableaus from various states in India which depict the cultural diversity and richness of the country. The bravery awards are distributed to brave soldiers, martyrs, brave citizens and brave children.
    On this wonderful day, while I feel nostalgic about my times spent in Delhi, I wish the country a thousand more years of prosperity and freedom!
    Long live India!
    Hindustan Zindabad!

    The celebration of the India republic day in New Delhi (India gate)

    26th January 2023

    *I learned that from my Indian friend when I was in JNU campus.
    Khalid Abdalla Abdelwahab
    Lived and studied in India
    Currently is political officer at The British embassy Kahrtoum

    Khalid Alansari
    Political Officer | British Embassy | Baladiya Street | Khartoum East | Khartoum | Sudan
    | Mobile: +249912148830 | [email protected]

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