بالفيديو هل تعلن ادارة بايدن عقوبات فردية ضد البرهان وحميتي ؟ كتبه ثروت قاسم

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05-12-2022, 05:10 AM

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<aثروت قاسم
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
بالفيديو هل تعلن ادارة بايدن عقوبات فردية ضد البرهان وحميتي ؟ كتبه ثروت قاسم


05-12-2022, 11:47 AM

Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: بالفيديو هل تعلن ادارة بايدن عقوبات فردية (Re: ثروت قاسم)

    سلام يا أستاذ ثروت


    إجابة الناطق الرسمي برايس على أسئلة تخص السودان في التنوير الصحفي ليوم الثلاثاء 10 مايو 2022. تبدأ من الموضع 41:06 من الفيديو أدناه:

    Quote: Yes, go ahead.

    QUESTION: The State Department released a statement last night supporting the tripartite political process in Sudan, but the UNITAMS talks that were supposed to kick off today did not. Is this something the U.S. is concerned about؟ And what makes you confident this process, which is facing criticism and suspicion from parties in the country, is the right path؟ And then is there any progress being made on holding security forces accountable for violence against demonstrators؟

    MR PRICE: So we did release a statement last night. We released that statement to underscore our view that the UNITAMS-African Union-IGAD process is the best way to facilitate an inclusive path forward on Sudan’s transition to democracy. Any deviation from that process would undo months of hard work with grassroots civilian activists and human rights defenders geared towards obtaining a broadly acceptable agreement. We do condemn violence against and unjust detentions of peaceful protesters, and we call for those responsible to be held accountable. We likewise condemn undue restrictions on local and international press in Sudan.

    We are prepared to levy consequences on those who impede or otherwise spoil Sudan’s transition to democracy. We won’t resume currently paused assistance to the Sudanese Government until a credible civilian government is in place. We will, however, continue to support the Sudanese people, including through humanitarian assistance and support for civil society, which has continued uninterrupted since the takeover.


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