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Brighter Future for Graduates and Poor Communities By Faisal Elsayed Ali Omer

02-17-2022, 01:30 PM
Faisal Elsayed Ali
<aFaisal Elsayed Ali
Registered: 07-15-2017
Total Posts: 16

Brighter Future for Graduates and Poor Communities By Faisal Elsayed Ali Omer

Arabic Forum

05-03-2022, 05:08 PM
Mo Hussein
<aMo Hussein
Registered: 11-07-2019
Total Posts: 1

Comparing Somalis and Sudanese (Re: Faisal Elsayed Ali)

    :Dear Brother Bakri:

    Please allow me to disagree with your comparison of immigrants from Somalia with those from the Sudan. A high ratio of the Sudanese immigrants have college or even graduate degrees from American universities. Since the 1960s, the Agency for International Development and American foundations brought many Sudanese for studies in the US including graduate degrees. This made it easy for such Sudanese to find professional jobs. There are Sudanese professors in many Universities from the MIT to stat universities. Others work in the corporate sector as managers and some work in the federal and states governments. There are some even working in NASA. I don't believe many Somalis have similar academic credentials. There are now a few young Sudanese getting involved in politics at the local or the states level. I wouldn't be surprised that in a few years there will be more Sudanese engaged in politics.
    Please allow me to put a word about the contributions of the Sudanese Americans to our homeland. Young Sudanese Americans engage in activities in schools and public organization introducing people to the Sudan. Many went home after the revolution and volunteered in activities there. I am sure many will go back when conditions become stable back home. Every weekend there are lectures and discussion forums across the US.
    There are always campaigns to raise many for different causes. Right now, the University of Khartoum Alumni Association is raising money to help an activist woman attend a conference and money to buy a rikshaw for a young orphan whose father was killed by the security members. I hope my colleagues will not be upset because I publicized these activities


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