Brighter Future for Graduates and Poor Communities By Faisal Elsayed Ali Omer

Brighter Future for Graduates and Poor Communities By Faisal Elsayed Ali Omer

02-17-2022, 01:30 PM


Post: #1
Title: Brighter Future for Graduates and Poor Communities By Faisal Elsayed Ali Omer
Author: Faisal Elsayed Ali
Date: 02-17-2022, 01:30 PM

12:30 PM February, 17 2022

Sudanese Online
Faisal Elsayed Ali-Sudan
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At first I would like to thank all those who eulogized and praised my previous article about the Trepidation and Anguish of Refugees’ Women. I, once again, have the pleasure to portray to you a summary of another humble research that I conducted on the aforementioned topic and I hope that you would kindly forward it to any of your concerned individuals and groups. The title and focus of this subject are rather simple but the theme of the issue is on the contrary very colossal and titanic. It all copes with and addresses the aspiration of liberating certain constellations of the Sudanese societies from a poignant and distressing situation of destitution or vulnerability and lead them towards self-reliance. One worldwide famous program dealt with this issue and tackled the quandary almost forty years ago. An outstanding and brilliant endeavor and undertaking were born in Dhaka, Bangladesh as a Grameen Bank Microfinance Organization founded on October 1983 by professor Muhammad Yunus who has been awarded a Nobel Prize in recognition of his splendid innovation.
I have been greatly honored thereafter by the United Nations to implement an identical program in Sudan entitled “Towards Self-reliance for Refugees in Eastern and Central Sudan”. At a later phase of the program vulnerable Sudanese communities were included with the targeted group of beneficiaries. Derived from the success of this implemented pioneer initiative in Sudan, numerous analogous attempts were carried out by different banks and other institutions. Unfortunately many implementers failed to accomplish favorable results and they kept on scratching where it did not itch. The main theory behind this concept sets sights on offering credit revolving funds to eligible individuals or groups in accordance with well-designed terms of references, tangible collateral securities, unique policies, apposite extension services plus distinctive terms and conditions that guarantee the prompt and unproblematic recovery of the extended loans.

Prerequisites for Triumphant Programs:

Intelligent new implementers should follow the tracks and foot prints of the previously implemented successful programs thus avoiding any unnecessary atrophy of money and time. They should also follow a number of vitally essential guidelines that produce the apt process and technique for achieving their desired objectives and goals. The following are very few hints about the guiding principles for formulating a viable plan of action for a winning microfinance credit revolving fund’s endeavors and undertakings:

Recruiting a panel comprised of three extension officers who are highly qualified in the fields of scrutinizing and evaluating feasibility studies for small service enterprises, agricultural schemes and industrial projects and interviewing the applicants for loans.
Forming a panel embracing the three extension officers and lead by the Program Manager to accept or reject the applicants’ requests for loans.
Setting the precise procedures, rules and regulations for the right and proper cash or in-kind offers.
Establishing the required federations for the income-generating activities of the different conglomerates, enterprises and ventures.
Identifying the most fitting marketing outlets for the group’s productions of the different federations.
Arranging for subsidized and financially supported transportation services for the federations’ finished products and merchandises.
Designing monthly routine schedules and timetables for monitoring the progress of each implemented venture or business enterprise and preparing quarterly general assessments and evaluations’ reports.
Offering necessary and free of charge training capsules to each beneficiary if and when required during the whole duration of the loans’ recovery.
Organizing collective meetings once every four months to praise those whose businesses are advancing successfully and encourage those whose firms need more attention, devotion, dedication and care.
Devising means and ways for detecting ongoing financial difficulties that confront some ventures and the need for injecting more finance to the existing loan to correct the situation.

The register contains scores of additional requirements but I refrain from jotting them down due to the compactness and miniaturization of this article. However, my door will be kept wide open for any queries or requests for specific information. I can always be reached via my WhatsApp channel or mobile number 0913336080. I would undoubtedly welcome, appreciate and be grateful to receive your comments, notes and observations about this and all of my other articles.

With very best regards.

عناوين الاخبار بسودانيزاونلاينSudaneseOnline اليوم الموافق 02/16/2022

عناوين المواضيع المنبر العام بسودانيزاونلاين SudaneseOnline اليوم الموافق 02/16/2022

عناوين المقالات بسودانيزاونلاينSudaneseOnline اليوم الموافق 02/16/2022

Post: #2
Title: Comparing Somalis and Sudanese
Author: Mo Hussein
Date: 05-03-2022, 05:08 PM
Parent: #1

:Dear Brother Bakri:

Please allow me to disagree with your comparison of immigrants from Somalia with those from the Sudan. A high ratio of the Sudanese immigrants have college or even graduate degrees from American universities. Since the 1960s, the Agency for International Development and American foundations brought many Sudanese for studies in the US including graduate degrees. This made it easy for such Sudanese to find professional jobs. There are Sudanese professors in many Universities from the MIT to stat universities. Others work in the corporate sector as managers and some work in the federal and states governments. There are some even working in NASA. I don't believe many Somalis have similar academic credentials. There are now a few young Sudanese getting involved in politics at the local or the states level. I wouldn't be surprised that in a few years there will be more Sudanese engaged in politics.
Please allow me to put a word about the contributions of the Sudanese Americans to our homeland. Young Sudanese Americans engage in activities in schools and public organization introducing people to the Sudan. Many went home after the revolution and volunteered in activities there. I am sure many will go back when conditions become stable back home. Every weekend there are lectures and discussion forums across the US.
There are always campaigns to raise many for different causes. Right now, the University of Khartoum Alumni Association is raising money to help an activist woman attend a conference and money to buy a rikshaw for a young orphan whose father was killed by the security members. I hope my colleagues will not be upset because I publicized these activities