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01-08-2022, 01:27 AM
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
<aMahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198


    00:27 AM January, 08 2022

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    تأملات في استقالة رئيس الوزراء السوداني عبد الله حمدوك
    The Full Name of Dr. Abdala Hamdok is Abdalla Hamdok Al-Kinani (also transliterated Abdallah, Hamdouk, AlKinani; Arabic: عبدالله حمدوك الكناني; born 1 January 1956) is a Sudanese public administrator who served as the 15th Prime Minister of Sudan from 2019 to 2022. Furthermore, His resignation comes in the midst of rising violence – at least 57 protesters have been killed since the coup and hundreds wounded, according to medics – and accusations of “treachery”. https://www.google.com/search؟client=avast-a-2andq=what+is+the...7.47301j0j9andie=UTF-8
    HE IS WORTHY TO BE GIVEN THE PRAISE AND OFFERED GRATITUDE BY THE AVERAGE SUDANESE CITIZEN FOR THE SACRIFICES HE MADE FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR SUEVIVAL AND SAFETY. HAMDOK SUFFICES HIM THE PRAISE HE HAS RECEIVED FROM THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY ALONG TO THE ONE GIVEN TO HIM BY THE GENERAL SECRETARY OF THE UNITED NATIONS MR. GUTERRIES. DR. HAMDOK HAS BEEN SUBJECTED TO A PLETHORA OF PRESSURES MOSTLY BY THE PUTSCHIST MILITARY JUNTA, THE ENCUBATER, SO CALLED FORCES OF FREEDOM AND CHANGE ALONG WITH THE UNYIELDING Those who are reluctant to enter into peace with other armed movements, by Abd al-Wahid Muhammad Ahmad al-Nur and Abd al-Azeez al-Helou; let alone the assassination attempt he was subjected to besides the incarceration in custody he suffered from for several day following the military coup attempt. We shouldn’t forget the lawlessness created by the so-called Negris and let alone the unbridled rioters.
    AS TO THE QUESTION WHO IS THE SUDANESE PRIME MINISTER ABDALLA HAMDOK, THE SHORT ANSWER IS THAT: at the head of a transitional government since August 2019, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has been instrumental in a number of breakthroughs in the country's recent history, following a popular uprising against the decades-long rule of former dictator Omar Al Bashir in April 2019. Mr Hamdok's achievements include securing Sudan's removal from the US state sponsors of terrorism list, a first step towards receiving much needed financial aid and improving Sudan's international status.
    Born in 1956, Mr Hamdok served as an official in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning in his 30s before working in the private sector with one of the 'Big Four' auditing companies, Deloitte and Touche. He then rose in seniority and held several positions in the International Labour Organisation and the African Development Fund, as well as the UN Economic Commission for Africa.
    He was sworn in as Sudan's 15th head of government –as a prime minister on August 21, 2019, after the military coup that toppled Bashir, to lead a transitional civilian and military-led government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_heads_of_government_of_Sudan

    Under his rule, the Juba Peace Agreement was signed on October 3, 2020 to effectively end a decades-long conflict between the government and rebel groups in the south of Sudan.
    One would like to give credit in addition to his obvious achievements that Dr. Hamdok Why was he arrested؟ Although specifics about his arrest, including his whereabouts, remain unknown, Mr Hamdok had reportedly refused to support a military coup against the transitional government's ruling Sovereign Council. Instead, he and other groups called on the Sudanese public to hold their ground and "resist" military intervention, the Ministry of Information said. A statement from Mr Hamdok's office on Facebook said that the Prime Minister and his wife were "kidnapped at dawn", adding that the military takeover is akin to "tearing up the constitution." The office held the military responsible for Mr Hamdok's wellbeing and safety and repeated calls for the public to protest peacefully to "retrieve the revolution from its abductors". Opposition groups continued to organise protests as demonstrators flooded the streets of the capital, Khartoum, setting tyres alight and blocking roads.
    Earlier, the Sudanese people indicated that the military takeover would "contravene the Constitutional Declaration and the democratic aspirations of the Sudanese people," Jeffrey Feltman, US Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, said in a post on Twitter, calling the move "utterly unacceptable".
    Following the resignation of Sudan's Prime Minister, Abdalla Hamdok the United Nations' Secretary-General António Guterres condemned the continued violence targeting protestors in Sudan, following the 25 October military takeover.
    Hamdok announced his resignation on Monday citing inability to forge a consonance among the components of the transitional period.
    It is noteworthy to point that Hamdok served as Prime Minister since August 2019 following the December 2018 Revolution.
    After being detained during the 25 October, 2021 military takeover, along with senior officials and political activists, Hamdok had been reinstated after signing a deal with the leader of the coup General Burhan.
    In his statement, Guterres called upon the Sudanese security forces to exercise the utmost restraint and fulfil their obligations in relation to the rights to freedom of assembly and expression.
    The Secretary-General said the UN remains ready to support efforts to reach a lasting solution.
    Mr. Guterres said he regrets that "a political understanding on the way forward is not in place, despite the gravity of the situation."
    The Secretary-General encouraged all stakeholders to continue engaging in meaningful dialogue in order to reach an inclusive, peaceful and lasting solution.
    "Sudanese aspirations for a transition that leads to a democratic dispensation are critical. The UN remains ready to support these efforts", he said.
    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sudan, Volker Perthes, also noted the Prime Minister's decision to step down.
    In his statement, Mr. Perthes said he respects the decision and commends the accomplishments made under his leadership, as well as the significant achievements he made during the first phase of the transitional period.
    The Special Representative remains, however, concerned by the ongoing political crisis following the military coup of 25 October, which risks further derailing progress made since the December revolution.
    He also urges the security forces to abide by their obligations under international law and strictly uphold the rights of protestors to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.
    "Perpetrators of violence must be brought to justice", he says.
    For him, "the aspirations of the Sudanese people for a democratic path and completing the peace process should be the cornerstone of all efforts to solve the current crisis."
    Thus, Hamdok’s resignation comes at a critical time that raises deep concerns about the future of Sudan.
    At this juncture, it is worthwhile to bring in the English translated resignation Speech of Hamdok:
    Text of the Prime Minister's speech on the current political situation
    نص خطاب دولة رئيس الوزراء حول الوضع السياسي الراهن

    Khartoum 10-15-2021 (SUNA) - Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok addressed a speech this evening on the current political situation. The text of the speech is provided by (SUNA) as follows:
    In the name of Allah the Merciful
    Prime Minister's speech on the current political situation
    Glory and eternity to the martyrs of the Sudanese revolution and sincere prayers for the wounded to recover and for the missing to return, and for all their families' patience and fairness
    Dear citizens
    Peace, mercy and blessings of God Almighty for you and every year and you are fine on the occasion of the birth of the Noble Messenger Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, may God bring him back to us while we are in good health, peace and prosperity.
    You have followed the recent events in the country, and the severe political crisis that we are experiencing now, and I will not exaggerate if I say that it is the worst and most dangerous crisis that threatens the transition, and even threatens our entire country, and warns of a terrible human being.
    The failed coup attempt on the twenty-first of last September was supposed to turn from a threat to an opportunity to alert everyone to the danger threatening our country, and to consider the alarm bell that sounded so that people would pay attention to the causes of the crisis and the entrances to evil, so that all hands keen on the interests of the country and people meet, to establish A safety fence for the transitional period and fortifies it against all dangers and adventures; But instead, that attempt was the door through which the strife entered, and all the disputes and accusations hidden from all sides came out of its place, and thus we are about to put the fate of our country, our people, and our revolution in the wind.
    Our experience in the revolution and its aftermath was unique in all its aspects, and its results were a result of the status quo and the balance of power in times of negotiation, but it was a source of inspiration for many peoples of the world, especially after what happened to many of the experiences of transition that preceded us in the region. Our people paid a heavy price in this revolution in terms of the lives and blood of its sons and daughters, who perfumed its riches with the fragrance of martyrdom, and the injured and the missing made great sacrifices, and it was a long journey of struggle in detention, prisons, ghost houses, exile, immigrants, displacement and refugee camps, and we will not forgive ourselves or history if we do not achieve Its slogans are freedom, peace and justice, and we reach the desired ends by moving.
    Sons and daughters of our honorable people...
    During the past period, I have been involved in a long series of meetings and meetings with all parties and from all components of the revolution, transition agencies and state institutions in order to open doors for dialogue, find common ground between the parties and address differences. I have been doing this out of a sense of the historical responsibility and honesty that our people have placed upon us, my colleagues and I in the institutions of the transitional authority.
    Throughout this period, I have been confirming what I want to confirm to you today; This crisis is not born today, it did not descend upon us from the sky, and it did not surprise us at all. Rather, I have previously addressed it with a detailed diagnosis in the initiative (National Crisis and Transition Issues - The Way Forward). The essence of this crisis, which we should not lose sight of, is the inability to agree on a national project that is agreed upon between the forces of revolution and change, that achieves the goals of the glorious December revolution and the hopes of our people for freedom, peace and justice.
    This impossibility comes as a result of deep divisions among civilians and among the military, and between civilians and the military, so I kept saying that the conflict is not between civilians and the military, but is between the camp of the democratic civil transition and the camp of the coup against the revolution, a conflict in which I am not neutral or mediator.. My position is clear and stern, It is the complete bias towards the civil democratic transition and to complete the tasks of the glorious December revolution and achieve its slogans of freedom, peace and justice.
    Sons and daughters of our honorable people...
    As I mentioned, during the past few days, I held a series of meetings and meetings with all components of the transitional period, and extensive discussions were held with them about what should be done in the coming days to get the country out of the current juncture, and direct the path towards achieving the goals of the glorious December revolution. My approach has been to stay away from personalizing issues and their margins, and focus on the core issues in which solutions must be reached, including fortifying the transition, correcting its pitfalls, securing the country’s unity and safety, and providing a decent livelihood for its great people.
    I concluded from these discussions the need to look to the future instead of drowning in the details of the past, and we may have only two years left to reach the threshold of the elections, which we must start preparing for immediately and without delay. A summary of my discussions with the parties to the crisis, I summarize it in a road map that shows the steps to get out of the crisis and turn it into an opportunity that our people can seize with the benefit of good, stability and development.
    1- The necessity of immediately stopping all forms of escalation between all parties and ensuring that the only way out is a serious and responsible dialogue on the issues that divide the forces of transition.
    2- Returning to work in all transition institutions, provided that the differences are put in their correct places and that they are managed from other locations and in more mature methods and commitment to responsibility and with a single compass that is in the interest of this people, its stability and development.
    3- Agreeing that issues such as terrorism and internal national threats, on borders or from outside borders, should not be subject to any kind of speculation, bidding, or doubts about intentions. What harms other countries is the presentation of national security issues in an open market for interactions and transitory purposes.
    4- Staying away from taking unilateral decisions and steps, and not exploiting state institutions and agencies, which belong to all Sudanese, in the political conflict.
    5- The reference for compatibility between the components of the transitional authority is the constitutional document. It is a reference that must be respected and implemented in letter and spirit, and all positions and issues can be discussed based on this reference.
    6- In compliance with the constitutional document, the dismantling of the party state in favor of the nation-state is a constitutional obligation, necessary to dismantle the grip of the old regime on the state apparatus and its wealth, and therefore it is a goal that must not be undone, but there is nothing to prevent a review of the ways and means of work, guaranteeing the right to appeal and achieving Justice.
    7- We must end all kinds of discord between all components of freedom and change, in order to broaden the base of transition, and to be able to absorb all the forces of revolution and change.
    8- Transitional justice remains the best means by which the wishes of the victims and their families are fulfilled, without neglecting the political, material and legal costs that must be paid for this.
    9- The Prime Minister's initiative (National Crisis and Transition Issues - The Way Forward) is the agreed platform for immunizing the transition. The mechanism is working hard to provide specific insights into the nine transition issues identified by the initiative.
    10- The outcome of these discussions will be translated and implemented through a broad consensus on a broadly representative Legislative Council that expresses the plurality and diversity of the country and the forces of revolution and change, and represents the fortress of the revolution and its reference, its supervisory body and the source of its laws and legislation.
    These steps I will supervise their implementation with all parties and I will seek to finish them in a short time, as our country cannot tolerate more conflicts, and it is our duty to all work to achieve the goals of the glorious December revolution without delay.
    Dear people,
    Attempts to spread rumors about failure or sowing frustration are no longer a valid commodity at a time when the exchange rate has been stable, the necessary needs are met, and the movement of production and exports has flourished.
    Our Sudanese people have suffered for many decades, and have missed out on the economic renaissance despite the possibilities. Today, we can affirm with confidence that the economic indicators during the past period have been improving. Despite this, we understand with full awareness that the Sudanese people are the most capable of measuring positive transformations. Reap the fruits of change.
    Our dear people...
    The issue of eastern Sudan is a just cause that finds its roots in decades of neglect and marginalization that have accumulated, making it the poorest part of the country, and it is the richest in resources and capabilities. The government of the transitional period places upon itself the task of ending this marginalization and considers it seriously and with determination.
    I have been constantly working on presenting a comprehensive perspective on dealing with the crisis that transcends power-sharing and answers the urgent development questions posed by the issue of the East. . Therefore, we must overcome the current crisis and start looking with a new comprehensive perspective to address this issue.
    I invite all the political and social forces of the East to a round table in which we reach practical arrangements for consensus on the issues that provoked the current crisis. I also call on our people in the East to open the port and roads and resort to direct dialogue, so that the country's security, strength and sovereignty are not harmed, and the suffering of our patient and honorable people is not increased.
    In conclusion, our message to our people is that we are committed to completing the civil democratic transition and handing over the country to an elected government through free and fair elections under a democratic system.
    - And our message to all parties to the transitional authority is that homelands are not built with personal feuds and transient emotions, but are built with respect for laws and institutions and making concessions in order to create common grounds with others that enable us to work together to build the homeland and achieve stability.
    - And our message to ourselves is that the task of the transitional government is to transform the Sudanese people from a state of fear, panic and anticipation during the past thirty years, to a state of tranquility and reassurance, and to enter into future plans with a deep sense of safety and confidence, and this will only be the paradox of tyranny once and for all and the pursuit of democracy and its requirements with consent. and convinced.
    We will not tolerate or give in to attempts to abort the transitional period through coups or sabotage acts.
    - We respect the right of the masses to peaceful and democratic expression, a right that the masses have seized with their continuous struggles, and we are working to protect and secure it and to discuss the demands put forward with an open mind.
    - We seek to expand the base of participation and for all the forces of the revolution to unite behind the declared goals, and for their compass to be the slogans and goals of the revolution, even if its platforms are numerous.
    We also seek to review and improve transition institutions to be representative of all Sudanese and able to reflect their desires and ambitions.
    We respect the military establishment and other regular forces, and appreciate their role in protecting the homeland and citizens, and do not bear the burden of coup attempts and the illusions of adventurers.
    We work with all partners and transition institutions to ensure a unified national army with a national military doctrine. We sought to reform the security and military sector, and one of its goals is to make it qualified and equipped with modern means to perform its tasks.
    - We work on reviewing our performance and correcting our mistakes, and we do not stop learning from our experience and the experiences of others. The transition experience is difficult and complex, and the most important person who thinks that he owns all its accounts and draws all its steps accurately.
    We extend our hand to all countries and peoples of the world, especially those who supported the transitional government and its programmes, thanking them for their material, political and moral support, and assure them of our determination to transfer the balance of this support for the benefit of our country and people, freedom, democracy, security and stability, which is reflected in the entire region and the region. We also assure them that the Sudanese people who carried out this great revolution are able to overcome all adversities to emerge from it more powerful, resilient and steadfast.
    Peace be upon you and the mercy of God be upon you.
    Here, one cannot add more to the tragedy of the Sudanese people after the resignation of Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok, but one firmly believes that the people of Sudan are able to overcome this obstacle as they have crossed countless obstacles through the political eras since independence from the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium Sixty-Six Odd Years ago.
    William Somerset Maugham CH the English playwright, novelist, and short-story writer and who was among the most popular writers of his era and reputedly the highest-paid author during the 1930s has been quoted as saying: “I can imagine no more comfortable frame of mind for the conduct of life than a humorous resignation”. https://www.google.com/search؟client=avast-a-2andq=W.+Somerset...l8.1112j0j4andie=UTF-8
    Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/

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