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The Role of the Amorites in the Conquest of the Near East and Africa for more than Five Thousand ye

10-05-2021, 07:07 PM
Tarig Anter
<aTarig Anter
Registered: 03-24-2015
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The Role of the Amorites in the Conquest of the Near East and Africa for more than Five Thousand ye

    06:07 PM October, 05 2021

    Sudanese Online
    Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان
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    The Role of the Amorites in the Conquest of the Near East and Africa for more than Five Thousand years

    The Amorites continued to attack the civilization of Kmt since before 3100 BC, which required the unification of the armies of the kingdoms of Kmt under King Menes, who expelled the Amorites from the northern swamps of the Nile and the establishment of the 20 delta provinces for the first time.

    The same Amorites were the ones who caused Kmt first chaos period (2181 BC - 2160 BC), then they repeated the invasion, settlement and chaos in cooperation with the Amorite-Turkic alliance, this made the Hyksos and they were the pharaohs who are 90% Amorites plus 10% Turkic Mongolian Akkadians and that was the second chaos period (1674 BC - 1535 BC).

    After the expulsion of the Hyksos, regional chaos extended into Sumer, Ebla, Ugarit, and Arabia, with the emergence of the Hebrews, Mitanni Kurds, Kassite Babylonians, and the Sabaeans. The widespread regional chaos resulted in the massive collapse of the Late Bronze Age in 1177 BC and the emergence of bands of Phoenicians, Canaanites, and sea pirates in cooperation with the Amorites and their establishment of colonies of Carthage, Numidia and Moors

    The Romans appeared in 753 BC as a very backward small village of male Turkic gangs without women and had close ties with the Amorites, the Kurds, the Hebrews, the Babylonians, and the Persians; and even the Sabaeans. It was these gangs, together who allied and invaded and occupied all the countries of the Mediterranean coasts.

    The Crusades, Abbasids, Ottomans, Shiites and all sects and orders are from Amorites with Turkic Mongolians Hyksos. These colonial projects have nothing to do with the divine messages and the Religion.

    The Amorites continued with Hebrews, who are of Amorite majority with a minority of Turkic Mongolian from the Hyksos expelled from Kmt, targeting all the peoples and civilizations of the region, Africa and Europe. They attacked the Arabs in Dilmun, Magan, Meluhha, and the peoples of Sumer, Ebla and Ugarit.

    The Hyksos Amorites and Turkic Mongolians also targeted the peoples and civilizations of Lebu, Kerma, Punt, West Africa, the Aegean peoples, eastern and southern Europe in extensive and ferocious campaigns in which they also used their colonies in Carthage, Numidia and Moors.

    Certainly, the Arabs are an ancient nation and civilization. To know the Arabs, people must discover the civilizations of Dilmun in the east of Arabia, Magan in the west, and Meluhha in the south. The disruption, obliteration, and confusion in the presence of the real Arab people, and that the real Arabs are Bedouins, resulted from the fact that the Arabs were occupied by groups that branched off from the Hyksos.

    Therefore, people must restore the identities and history of the Arabs, Kmt, Sumer, Ugarit and Ebla together. The Sumerians described the Amorites in great detail in antiquities four thousand years ago. In fact, the Babylonians are from the Amorites, and the Babylonians are not originally from Sumer or Mesopotamia, but rather from the Amorite deserts. Babylonia is not a civilization but a colonial regime of the Amorites, foreign to the Sumerians

    The Amorite-Turkic Mongolian Hyksos expelled from Kmt in 1523 BC who also invaded Kmt also invaded Sumer, Ebla, Ugarit and the Arabs. No one knows who really the Arabs, Sumer, Ebla and Ugarit are, and that the Amorite-Turkic Hyksos obliterated the history of all four nations. In 343 BC, the Persian invasion and occupation called Kmt as Misr. Kmt was never Misr or Egypt, and it is never Pharaonic, but the terms of Misr and pharaohs are the invention of the Amorite-Turkic Mongolian Hyksos and the groups that branched off from them

    The Amorite Bedouins claim to be Arabs. The Bedouin Amorites also claim that the Arabs are the Bedouins. The partners of the Amorite-Turkic Hyksos, namely, Hebrews, Kurds, Babylonians and Sabaeans support in these false allegations. People must know that Ugarit is the entire eastern coast of the Mediterranean.

    Ugarit was one nation with an ancient civilization the Hebrews occupied them, and they established the colonies of Phoenicia and Canaan in the north and south with the support of Thutmose III and the second half of the 18th Dynasty in Kemet, which allied with the Hyksos

    The Amorite-Turkic Hyksos; the Kushis and the Meshwesh are still in and around Egypt to this day and they are active in religious, academic, political, media and artistic entities. Integrated cultural, political, security, military and economic plans in various aspects and countries must deal with the Amorite-Turkic Hyksos.

    The Amorite-Turkic Hyksos and their off shoots in today’s Egypt are the families of the remnants of the 2300 years occupation regimes and their heirs in Kmt, and it is naïve to assume that they disappeared after the 1952 Revolution and the Al Saud Revolution in 1744 AD

    One of the biggest lies in history is the claim that the early and new Jews are from the Children of Israel. The children of Israel and their Kingdom and Jerusalem were in Punt Lands, specifically in the Afar Triangle. The Amorite-Turkic Hyksos from their colony, D’mt in the today Eritrean, infiltrated the rulers of the tribe of Judah, and they ignited a rebellion against King Solomon planning to loot his vast wealth and practice plunder and slavery.

    After the death of King Solomon in 930 BC, they plundered together the wealth of the Children of Israel, claiming it was a civil war, and occupied Jerusalem and the real Solomon's Temple, and expelled the rest of the Israelites who established a settlement for them between the Afar and Tigray.

    The coalition’s acts of looting and slavery continued until orders came to them from Babylon in 600 BC. Babylon instructed them to destroy the Temple and sell the Children of Israel and to come to Babylon to participate in the project of establishing a new Israel and Jerusalem and a new colony for the Jews in their colony of Canaan in the occupied south of Ugarit


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