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IGAD's Role in the implementation of South Sudan Peace Accord
11-23-2015, 04:45 AM |
SudaneseOnline News
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IGAD's Role in the implementation of South Sudan Peace Accord
03:45 AM Nov, 23 2015 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL A Letter to: H. E. Hailemariam Dessalegn, the Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairman of the IGAD, Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.Date: 22 November, 2015IGAD and Troika’s Absence of Sagacity in Shepherding the Peace Agreement in South Sudan is unaccommodating and direYour Excellency,It is indisputably a regrettable development that the peace rapprochement arrived at between the government of South Sudan and the SPLM–IO after so much drudgery exerted by members of the international community would likely collapse sooner than later. It increasingly appears unlikely that the realisation of peace would ever be accomplished in view of the inactivity and imperturbable disposition of IGAD and the Troika group specifically in the face of the recent blatant breach of the Peace Agreement by the government of South Sudan represented in the creation of the 28 states in the country.Your Excellency, For the benefit of executing the Peace Agreement between Government of South Sudan and the SPLM-IO, the following points could probably assist in this regard:1. The IGAD and Troika, apart from expressing mere reservations about the illegal move adopted by the regime in South Sudan, have never expressly cautioned President Kiir about the unconstitutionality and inoperability of his order number 36/2015 that created the 28 states in the country from the licit 10 states enshrined in the interim constitution of the country. It is essential to note that the creation of the 28 states in South Sudan is the handiwork of a tribally constituted assemblage known as the Jeng Council of Elders (JCE) - the de facto Parliament of South Sudan and handed over the final draft to President Kiir to formally proclaim to the nation. Worringly, the 28 states was designed with dual sadistic intent as follows:i) To create machinations and consequently violence and ethnic cleansing among the other 63 tribes in South Sudan and prepare the ground for a tribal hegemony in South Sudan. The case of the former Tutsi ethnic group in Rwanda before 1994 is nevertheless ripe;ii) To execute consistent land-grab policy, particularly from the Shilluk tribe in Upper Nile state, as illustrated in the new map of the country.Such intrigues and fascistic philosophies must be exposed and prevented from being realised in South Sudan if the country must attain peace and prosperity.Your Excellency,2. In this regard, the SPLM-IO would certainly not be expected to relocate to Juba and form a government of national unity with President Kiir when the latter has already decreed the establishment of 28 states and which has significantly impacted undesirably on the recognized power sharing format among the pertinent parties. Changing the goal post in the middle of the game would emphatically cause altercation and instability. Hence IGAD and Troika must address this issue promptly to prevent the resurgence of conflict and bloodshed in the country.3. The claim of the withdrawal of the UPDF troops from South Sudan has never been verified by IGAD’s monitoring team and every concerned party would like to know whether or not the UPDF troops have been pulled out from the country, albeit Uganda and South Sudan have both declared that the withdrawal has been accomplished. IGAD and the Troika should constitute a team to establish the fact on the ground. Not doing so would amount to an apparent absence of Sagacity in shepherding the realisation of Peace in South Sudan and that could derail the Peace Agreement with a potential for further renewed violence. Moreover, reliable sources contend that the UPDF soldiers have not been withdrawn from South Sudan because Uganda and South Sudan have reached yet another secret agreement that calls for further deployment of Ugandan forces in the troubled country. Furthermore, a sizable opinion in South Sudan does not agree with the tale of the “accomplished withdrawal”. Thus the onus now rests upon IGAD and the Troika to ensure that Peace is ushered in South Sudan by swiftly enforcing the implementation of the Agreement.4. The demilitarization clause of 25 km stipulated in the peace accord must be fully honoured by the government of South Sudan. There must not be any further excuses to this imperative section of the agreement. It was an unfortunate scenario that IGAD was not aware at the time that it was critically important for the East African body to designate the precise numbers of combatants from the two contesting parties that would be deployed in Juba during the transition period. IGAD simply requested the divergent parties to negotiate the matter amicably. Furthermore, the term “Demilitarization” as plainly understood in the military parlance means, the shifting of military units from one location to another. This is not the case with the government of South Sudan that believes in maintaining an excessively large numbers of troops in the capital city of Juba. Another worrying development is that the government in Juba could camouflage thousands of army units as police force in police uniform in order to evade and undermine the demilitarization process. Again the IGAD is saddled with the responsibility to ensure the execution of the entire Agreement as envisaged. The SPLM-IO and the former G10 should not be urged to move to Juba without sufficient guarantees on their physical safety and it would sound utterly naïve to maintain that the government would honestly provide the former with security. Furthermore, the government in Juba should not be expected by IGAD to likewise provide physical security to SPLM-IO officials when the latter finally move to Juba, for fear of some sort of a shady game perhaps in the offing - a customary phenomenon in Africa. It is worth remembering that in December 2013, the government of South Sudan falsely claimed that an abortive coup had occurred and was organised by Dr. Riek Machar alongside the other detained politicians, but the verity remains that no coup has ever occur in South Sudan, as contained in the AU Report. President Museveni had also disputed the coup story. The wild allegation was simply a malign exploit by President Kiir to liquidate opposition within the party and country-wide.Recommendations:IGAD should earnestly cogitate on the following matters:(a) For the peace agreement to gain traction, President Salva Kiir must unreservedly rescind the order 36/2015 that established the 28 states in South Sudan;(b) IGAD should verify a complete withdrawal of the Ugandan troops fighting in South Sudan on the side of the government of that country and make a public proclamation that indeed the UPDF soldiers have pulled out of South Sudan and to further ensure that these troops are not redeployed to the country under the cover of darkness or allowed to wear South Sudanese army flag patches on their combat fatigues to appear like SPLA government soldiers after their departure to Uganda. Those UPDF troops deployed in Western Equatoria state to hunt down the Lord’s Resistance Army of Joseph Kony must not be allowed to move to any part of South Sudan;(c) The IGAD and Troika should supervise the demilitarization exercise and ensure its accomplishments and designed outcome;(d) The SPLA-IO and the former detainees, known as the G10 should not be urged to relocate to Juba without the execution of the clause calling for the relocation of government troops within the distance of 25km radius. Thank you.Peter Lokarlo NgrimwaFormer Lecturer,Graduate School of Business and Law (GSBL), RMIT UniversityThe Emily MacPherson Building Building 13, 379-405 Russell Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000AustraliaCopies to:1. Dr. Riek Machar Teny, Chairman and Commander in Chief of SPLM/A in opposition;2. H. E. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya, State House, Nairobi;3. The Embassy of the United States of America in the Republic of South Sudan, Juba;4 The British Embassy in South Sudan, Juba;5 Embassy of the Republic of Sudan, Juba6 The Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in South Sudan, Juba;7. Representatives of Troika member countries;8. Other Representatives of member countries of the IGAD;9. Alpha Oumar Konaré, the AU high representative for South Sudan;10. Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin, Chairman, SPLM – DC, Juba;11. South Sudan Civil Society Organisation, Juba; Topics related to the subject or the authorروابط لمواضيع من سودانيزاونلاين- The Opening Remarks of the SPLM-N on the Talks with the Sudan Government
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- 400 JEM faction combatants to merge with Sudan army
- More bombs fall on Golo, Central Darfur
- Sudanese court renews detention of opposition leader
- Sudanese El Midan gagged for 10th time
- USAID, BRAC Launch Project to Reach Out-of-School Children in South Sudan
- Africa Union Peace and Security Council stands in the way of Justice in South Sudan
- Former Sudan Lost Boy Becomes Chess Master in NYC
- Bulgaria discloses that Sudan’s rebel SPLM-N taken captive six of nationals
- Sudanese official commends Kuwait's relentless support to Sudan
- Britain contributes £7 million to the UN’s Common Humanitarian Fund appeal for Sudan
- Tripoli attack: Authorities questioning collaborator- IS says gunmen were Tunisian, Sudaneses
- China promises to cement the political trust with Sudan
- Villagers fleeing attacks in North Darfur could die of thirst
- Al-Bashir meets Chadian President today in Khartoum
- Sudan’s El Midan daily gagged by security again
- Sudan’s president provides guarantees to the rebels to participate in the internal dialogue
- China pledges stronger exchanges with Sudan
- 3,000 child soldiers will be released from an armed group in South Sudan
- Boy dies as Sudanese MiG strafes Jebel Marra farms
- We give priority to our relations with Sudan: Chinese ambassador says
- Large fire displaces Central Darfuris
- AU mediator made no progress in the dialogue: Sudan’s opposition
- Police shoots two bus passengers in eastern Sudan
- Sudan’s rebels brings down UN helicopter in Southern Kordofan
- Sudan's Omar al-Bashir gets Chinese-built presidential palace
- King Salman is keen to strengthen ties with Sudan: Saudi Ambassador says
- Doctors call for improvement of health situation in Sudan's prisons
- An ambush kills 13 people, including three journalists in South Sudan: the army discloses
- Rebels claim 95 kills in fighting near Golo, Central Darfur
- Sudan announces a plan of action to promote trade and business relations with Ghana
- Sudan to transform Darfur’s Jebel Marra into terrorist base: rebel leader
- Sudan hosts the joint ministerial committees with Arab Gulf countries
- Warring factions of South Sudan sign an agreement to reunify SPLM
- Machar is expected to meet Kiir to ink the latest in a string of agreements
- South Sudan conflict could cost $158 billion over next 20 years –study
- Re: Sudanese-Chinese talks convened today in Khartoum
- China Mediates Peace Talks on South Sudan
- IGAD’s Summit on South Sudan in Addis Ababa this month
- New Fighting Rocks South Sudan Oil States
- South Sudan Rebels Accuse Army of Killing Civilians
- Museveni says that his troops will not withdraw from South Sudan unless Juba is secure
- Sudan and Kenya confirm that ICC targets Africa leaders
- Musa Hilal’s Council forms Jebel Amer Administration, calls for intifada in Sudan
- South Sudan Conflict Enters Second Year
- Sudan demands South Sudan to immediately stop harboring rebel movements
- Security Council Press Statement on Sudan, South Sudan
- Sudan’s Foreign Ministry summons Ugandan charge d'affaires to reject Museveni remarks
- An important Statement No (17 ) by Commander / Ismail Khamis Galab The former Governor of Sou
- Information Minister: Khartoum is keen to maintain security in South Sudan
- and#8203; The SPLM-N Statement at the Opening Session of the Addis Ababa Negotiation on November 12, 2014
- IGAD: South Sudan warring parties reach unconditional cease fire
- South Sudan: Neighbors Should Press UN for Arms Embargo
- IGAD team holds consultations with Al-Bashir on South Sudan conflict
- SUDAN UNIT of OXFORD Conference on th November Programme
- BNFA community Nuer Executive office Sudan Khartoum Statement
- Subsahara Centre, Ottawa, Canada:The Conflict in Upper Nile State Describes events through 12 Oc 14
- Unamid stations 500 at South Darfur’s Kalma camp
- US urges parties to conflict in S. Sudan to stop fighting
- IGAD to hold extraordinary summit on South Sudan
- Developments in South Sudan Conflict: Small Arms and Light Weapons in South Sudan and Sudan: Is tha
- South Sudanese foes agree on national unity government
- Kiir: Unwavering Effort to End South Sudan War
- Scores Killed in South Sudan Fighting as Peace Talks Resume
- Explanatory note about the precentage of the power-sharing in South Sudan
- South Sudan: More than 30 organizations call for immediate arms embargo
- South Sudan rivals sign new ceasefire deal
- UN Helicopter Shot Down in South Sudan
- British Embassy in Juba:UK strongly condemns unwarranted detention of monitoring team
- Peter Gatdet Shot Down UNMISS Helicopter in Unity State
- Mabior Garang de Mabior Arrested For Attempting to Assassinate President Kiir
- Renegade Peter Gatdet impounded UN Helicopter carrying IGAD Monitors
- South Sudan rebels accept presence of Ugandan troops to keep peace
- John Raymond Jones : QandA on arms embargo on South Sudan
- South Sudan Ex-VP Rejects President Kiir’s Offer to End Conflict
- South Sudan claims killing of over 245 rebels in fresh fighting
- press release on upcoming IGAD Summit on South Sudan
- Gal Lel Ngundeng Met President Salva Kiir in Washington DC, US
- Joint Statement in response to the shooting of Deng Athuai Mawiir
- Sudan Liberation Movement /Army – SLM/A MM Operational Mechanism to End Recruitment and Use of Ch
- Foreign Ministry: Visit of Machr to Khartoum postponed for logistics reasons
- Minister for Africa calls for leadership in South Sudan talks
- South Sudan Musician (Dina Maruach) went to Africa for Visiting Dr. Riek Machar on June 30 – July 0
- Renegade Gen. Garhoth Gatkuoth narrowly escaped being captured
- Head of security Panel: SPLM memo on cessation of war is political maneuver
- Press Statement by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General to South Sudan, Hilde F.
- The National Committee for the advocacy of Ibrahim al Shaikh
- Juba denies suspension of exporting oil via Sudanese territories
- The Family of Nuer Prophet Ngundeng Congratulates Pagan Amum and his colleagues For Rejecting Riek
- Large quantities of drugs seized in North Darfur
- Rapid Support Forces Commander: Our Forces did not attack citizens in Khartoum
- South Sudan foes to discuss foreign troops’ withdrawal in June
- Security denies failed coup attempt in Sudan
- South Sudan Army, Rebels Swap Accusations over New Truce Violations
- The U.S. Government Should Deploy Special Forces to Arrest Peter Gatdet
- New Amnesty International report - Nowhere Safe: Civilians Under Attack in South Sudan
- Fierce fight in S. Sudan oil town; rebels counter
- AU Commission Hopeful on Resolving South Sudan’s Crisis
- Full Account of the debate at Commons on South Sudan
- Insurgent militia enters West Darfur’s capital
- Group Petitions AU to Mediate South Sudan Negotiations
- Rebel SRF road map towards National Dialogue Sudan
- Darfur committee to register Bentiu victims, South Sudan
- UN Security Council Press Statement on South Sudan - New York, 24 April 2014
- Fire lays waste to stalls, shops in Kass, South Darfur
- US Threat of South Sudan Sanctions Not a Hollow Warning, Envoy Says
- Riek Machar’s rebels attacked an outpost on Sunday in violation of Cessation of Hostilities
- US Sanctions Don't Worry South Sudan Government, Rebels
- Egyptian 'suspicions' behind Ethiopia dam crisis: Sudan FM
- Yasir Arman:Political and legal basis needed for Sudan dialogue
- S. Sudan political parties accuse Ethiopia of imposing agendas in talks
- Al-Bashir and Kiir agree on mechanisms to push ahead implementations of signed agreements
- Obama Signs Executive Order as South Sudan Accuses US of Meddling
- South Sudan Peace Talks Suspended Again
- Western Nations Condemn Rights Abuses, Threats to UN in South Sudan
- S. Sudan Defense Minister reiterates control over Malakal
- No Evidence Ties 4 South Sudan Politicians to 'Coup' Bid, Court Told
- Differences between foes in S. Sudan over foreign troops and African peacekeepers
- South Sudan Receives ‘Backing’ From International Partners
- Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin for February 2014
- UN: Thousands killed and abused in S Sudan
- E. African Leaders to Decide Details on S. Sudan Stabilization Force
- The PSC of the AU, at its 423rd meeting held on 10 March 2014, adopted a decision on the situation
- Ethiopia: South Sudan Should Not be Another Failed State
- What is the problem of Sudan-BRIEFING FROM THE SPLM/N :ON THE PEACE TALKS
- South Sudan shows readiness to hold constitutional conference if rebels hold fire
- Fighting breaks out in South Sudan army barracks
- East African states mull stabilization force for South Sudan
- Nuer Community in Egypt Condemns the Killing of Nuer in South Sudan; Says it Was a Calculated Move
- The SPLM-N Statement at the Opening Session of the Addis Ababa Negotiations on
- South Sudan diplomat calls for extending truce with rebels
- The Arabic Parliament is Discussing the Recent Developments in South Sudan
- South Sudan army denies rebels claims of new attacks
- Press Release issued at the conclusion of the Third Session of the CS
- IGAD to hold extraordinary summit on South Sudan
- Sudan Sees Key Role in Breaking South Sudan Conflict Stalemate
- Report documents ethnic killings as Uganda joins South Sudan fight
- Bodies litter South Sudan oil town; peace talks resume
- African mediation team meets Machar in Jonglei in South Sudan
- Statement by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice on South Sudan
- Statement from the Communist Party of the State of South Sudan For sto
- US calls on parties to conflict in south Sudan to make quick progress
- US urges parties to conflict in S. Sudan to stop fighting
- South Sudanese rebels arrive in Addis Ababa for ceasefire talks
- South Sudan's Warring Factions Agree On Ceasefire, Regional Block Says
- Uganda Warns South Sudan Rebel Leader
- Uganda Deploys Troops to South Sudan Amid Unrest
- Sudan Liberation Movement/Army MM Command Order (2/2013)
- Press Statement on the Technical Workshop by JEM and SLA/MM
- The Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (SRRA) Press Statement
- The SPLM-N is Ready to Sit with the Sudan Government for the Polio Ca
- Sudan stresses the strength of its relationship Somalia
- Sudan Revolutionary Front's leader defects from Sudan People's Liberat
- Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement-North discusses with Swiss Governme
- The SPLM-N Delegation Met with the Swiss Government, Discussed a Child
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