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News and Press ReleasesThe Arabic Parliament is Discussing the Recent Developments in South Sudan
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The Arabic Parliament is Discussing the Recent Developments in South Sudan

02-01-2014, 08:08 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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The Arabic Parliament is Discussing the Recent Developments in South Sudan

    The Arabic Parliament is Discussing the Recent Developments in South Sudan
    Written by/ Amr Almazidy
    In the context of the Arabic parliament concern to follow up with the neighboring countries, and based on the relations and connections between South Sudan and the Arab world, the Arabic parliament follows with deep interest and concern the updates of the security and political situation in South Sudan, and its influence on the humanitarian situation of the people of South Sudan, convinced that saturation in South Sudan is reflected positively on the adjacent Arabic and African states.
    And the parliament praises the efforts of both the African Union and the Inter Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) for containing the tense situation in South Sudan and the reasons that led to it, and the parliament calls all the parties for self control, and to pursuit discussions to settle their disagreements, and to avoid slipping into armed confrontations; that would threat the stability and the unity of the newly established South Sudan, and would destroy all what have been achieved.

    And the Arabic parliament supports the Arab League orientation and its willingness to contribute in any African or international effort that aims to stabilize the situation South Sudan. And among its efforts to reinforce its relations with the neighboring countries; the parliament seeks to conduct meetings for coordination and collaboration with South Sudan.
    And the Arabic parliament expresses its support for the visit made by lieutenant general Omer Albashir, the president of Sudan, to South Sudan to converge views and to solve conflicts with South Sudan, in addition to stop the tension between the two countries that have signed agreements about oil production and exportation in December 2013.

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