Local Human Rights Leader Represents Immigrants and Refugees In The U.S. At Summit In Turkey

Local Human Rights Leader Represents Immigrants and Refugees In The U.S. At Summit In Turkey

04-15-2022, 01:54 AM

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Title: Local Human Rights Leader Represents Immigrants and Refugees In The U.S. At Summit In Turkey
Author: SudaneseOnline News
Date: 04-15-2022, 01:54 AM
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00:54 AM April, 15 2022

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Local Human Rights Leader Represents Immigrants and Refugees In The U.S. At Summit In Turkey
(April 14, 2022 Denver, CO) A Youth Summit in Istanbul, Turkey brings together 150+ participants to promote peace amid rising human rights challenges. Denver’s Wafa Saeed was selected as a U.S. Delegate to speak on her advocacy work with immigrants and refugees living in the United States. The US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights hosted a global Youth Summit in Istanbul April 1-4 to bring peace through education. The Youth Summit had representatives from over 50 countries in attendance including young leaders that were selected among thousands to represent their nation. The most awaited event of the year, the USIDHR Youth Summit 2022 held in the heart of Istanbul did not disappoint with over 150 participants coming to share their passion for human rights advocacy and diplomacy.
The Summit program opened with a welcoming session featuring
international guests such as Queen Mother, the Ambassador of Goodwill
for Africa at the United Nations, Hon. Gentiny Ngobila Mbaka, Governor of
Kinshasa - Democratic Republic of Congo, Sheikh Kasem Bader, President
of the Universal Peace Council, H.E. Hussain Ismail, Minister for Youth, Sports, and Community Empowerment from Maldives, UNICEF representatives, and diplomats. They were joined by Av. Turan Hançerli, Mayor of Avcilar Municipality, who welcomed the distinguished guests and the initiative by the US Institute to host the Youth Summit in the Avcilar area. The guest speakers were followed by an introductory session led by the founder of USIDHR and international human rights law specialist, Ms. Isabelle Vladoiu, who presented a summary of the non-profit's past successful events and charity programs to inspire young leaders into future action. “When USIDHR was founded, it was my goal to make human rights education increasingly accessible to all. Education is the most sustainable means of developing societies and creating long-lasting peace,” said the Founder of USIDHR, Isabelle Vladoiu.
Over the course of two days, one by one youth delegates then took the stage to present their work in the human rights field and their impact in the community, followed by panel discussions moderated by the USIDHR Board of Directors, which gave attendees a further opportunity to introduce themselves on an international stage.

In addition to the opportunity created for young people from over 50 countries to share their voices on the international stage, the uniqueness of this summit was in training these young people to become Human Rights Leaders. During the two days, various experts from the USIDHR founder, diplomats, human rights specialists, lawyers, and businesspeople trained the participants, and at the end, all those present received the Human Rights Leader certificate from the US Institute of Diplomacy Human Rights. The aim of these training sessions was to give future leaders the tools and knowledge to go back into their communities and promote human rights education for all.
It was an incredible honor to be a voice for Sudan and highlight the work I’m doing with my advocacy for others. It’s so compelling being in the same space with like-minded individuals from all over the world who have the power to achieve larger and more sustainable change. ~ Wafa Saeed
Wafa is an exemplary strong community leader,
mentor, advocate, and entrepreneur. The
success of her business and non-profit has
allowed her to work alongside multiple non-
profit organizations and the City of Denver,
Aurora, and surrounding areas as well as local
and state government officials in Colorado.
Saeed served as the first national CEO and
Executive Director for the Sudanese American
Public Affairs Association (SAPAA). She began the
first successful chapter in Colorado and
developed the 4 prominent programs that have
been used nationally throughout the
organization. The biggest program being the
Youth Leadership program that mentors high
school and college students that she wrote and
implemented the curriculum for. Her passion, dependability, power of engagement, and authenticity in helping people is visibly displayed in her advocacy and community involvement.

“It was a surreal experience to share on vital issues so close to my heart,” stated Saeed. “Men and women connected with my story, and they entered a portal of empathy to a vital issue globally. Meeting other advocates and learning about all the meaningful social justice projects taking place around the world inspired me to do more, be more, and become more. We all play an essential role in moving the needle for positive change.”
Saeed plans to leverage her training and certification to further her efforts in bringing awareness to her cause and creating an impact. She is leading the charge for human rights advocacy for immigrants and refugees across Colorado as well as standing up for human rights for people back home in Sudan as they progress towards democratic governance. Saeed is also in the Emerge CO 2022 cohort learning program to run to for office and be a representative of human rights.
US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights (USIDHR) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in Washington, DC. Its main purpose is to advance education for all. Through its EduforEveryChild program, USIDHR helps kids at risk of poverty go to school by supporting their education for an entire year. So far, they have helped hundreds of kids go to school by awarding them the Edu-box containing school supplies, materials, and necessaries to go to school. USIDHR also provides online courses and training on human rights, human trafficking, diplomatic protocol and etiquette, and business consulting. Other programs include Let Her Lead, an initiative aimed at empowering young women through
education and training, and Religious Pluralism for promoting religious freedom for all.
Media Contact
[email protected] Wafa Saeed | LinkedIn
The US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights
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