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Situation report (4): - On Million-strong marches of Saturday, October 30th from The Sudanese Fron

10-31-2021, 01:20 AM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
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Situation report (4): - On Million-strong marches of Saturday, October 30th from The Sudanese Fron

    00:20 AM October, 31 2021

    Sudanese Online
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    The Sudanese Front Against the Coup

    (The Sudanese Front Against the Coup is an open coalition of democratic politicians, grassroots activists in resistance committees, professional unions, media professionals, and members of civil society who together aim to resist the October 25, 2021 coup in Sudan.)

    30 October 2021

    Today, Saturday, October 30, the Sudanese went out in millions to the streets of the country, in peaceful demonstrations rejecting the coup of Al-Burhan and Hemedti. The Sudanese street, with its clear and loud voice, expressed its refusal to return to the square of dictatorship and totalitarianism, and its rejection and disbelief of the lies and rosy promises of General (Al-Burhan), the leader of the putschists, and his sweet words, and their non-acceptance of the illegal measures and decisions taken since the morning of the coup. The street clearly raised its demands for the return of the legitimate civilian government headed by Dr. Abdullah Hamdok (who is still under house arrest by the putschists and under heavy guard from the Rapid Support Forces) to carry out its duties and release of ministers, other government officials and all political detainees since October 25 and their return to exercising their official duties. The demonstrations also raised clear slogans denouncing the role of the countries behind the coup (Russia, Egypt, and the UAE) to serve their interests.

    The putschist forces in a number of demonstration sites in Khartoum and Nyala dealt with excessive violence and used live bullets against the peaceful protestors, which led to the death of two martyrs so far in front of the Legislative Council premises in Omdurman, and dozens of injuries of varying degrees. The demonstrations are still continuing amid calls among the demonstrators to sit in until the return of the civilian government and the release of detainees. We warn the coup authorities of continuing to commit these crimes and violations against them .

    Based on the foregoing, the Sudanese Front Against the Coup affirms the following:

    1- The leader of the coup, General (Al-Burhan) and the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti), must immediately step down from their positions to open the door to a political process that restores stability to the country. The alternative to that would be to confront the growing human crowd that came out rejecting their coup and the committing new crimes to be added to their blood-stained record. The international parties must prosecute Al-Burhan and Hemedti with direct individual sanctions in the event that they refrain from stepping down and try to continue the game of winning time and dragging the country into violence and instability.

    2- The coup authorities should immediately retract the measures that have been taken since October 25, release the ministers and government officials it had arrested and the rest of the political detainees, and hand over power to the legitimate civilian government headed by Dr. Abdullah Hamdok and allowing its to return to its normal duties immediately.

    3- We salute the Sudanese people’s adherence to peacefulness in their demonstrations and their expression of their rejection of the coup today. We call on everyone to observe the behavior of the putschists in confronting them and to warn them of the consequences of continuing violence and bloodshed.

    4- The countries of the coup axis (Russia, Egypt, and the UAE) must stop their support for the coup and their stand against the will and aspirations of the Sudanese people. And advise their putschists allies to hand over power immediately and allow the return of the civilian government headed by Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk to lead the country.

    The Sudanese people's revolution is glorious and inevitably victorious

    The Sudanese Front Against Coup
    October 30, 2021

    To view previous reports of the Front:

    To contact the front:
    [email protected]

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