Sudan, a country without lead! By Ahmed Mahmoud Kanem

Sudan, a country without lead! By Ahmed Mahmoud Kanem

01-10-2023, 00:44 AM


Post: #1
Title: Sudan, a country without lead! By Ahmed Mahmoud Kanem
Author: أحمد كانم
Date: 01-10-2023, 00:44 AM

11:44 PM January, 09 2023

Sudanese Online
أحمد كانم-UK
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It seems that the luck of the Sudanese people from the leaders is like the luck of a whale from the flesh of Yunus… Because throughout the history of modern Sudan, it has been fighting the most horrific and fiercest battles, with valor, killing thousands after thousands, but as soon as victory comes and the war ends, even the living among them and the dead are surprised that Those who were fighting under their brigades are just another version of those who were fighting them.
For the people to start another round of struggle against the same leaders, until victory comes and other leaders will be cloned for them, making them yearn for the recent past..and so on.
There is no doubt that Sudan’s complex political history has played a major role in making leaders suffer from a variety of diseases. Some suffer from a chronic disease of arrogance that leads them to believe that there is no deity in the country but Him, and some suffer from excessive sadomasochism that makes them delight in groveling for any human being, provided that He is from outside the country or the black continent.. And what is the visit of the Sudanese delegation to London on July 29, 1919, headed by Al-Mirghani and Abdul Rahman Al-Mahdi, and their translator – at the time – Ismail Al-Azhari to congratulate King George V of Britain on the victory in the First World War, and his gift of Saif Al-Mahdi as a sign of absolute obedience, and what permeated it The objection of the visiting delegation to the law prohibiting slavery in Sudan is only a starting point for a series of shoe-licking operations of the colonizer and the regional neighborhood at the expense of the aspirations, dignity and freedom of the Sudanese citizen.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the country, despite its liberation from the grip of British colonialism, continues to suffer from a lack of rational leadership, outside the box of party leaders and the military who have never succeeded in conciliation for the sake of the homeland except through the interests of their parties that did not give the citizen any weight outside the rallying grounds to praise their leaders. The patients.
What the country is witnessing today in terms of confusion and accelerated deterioration as a result of the betrayal and setback facing the December revolution, which was able to sweep and overthrow the most notorious dictator in Sudanese history, is an inevitable result of the complete absence of leaders of the size of the aspirations and lofty and stubborn revolution of the Sudanese people.
Because none of our leaders bothered to plan to build a Sudan in which its citizens would live in safety, dear, honorable, affluent, equal, not hungry or afraid.
The country now does not need to improve its economy as much as it needs an intelligent leadership that knows where to eat the shoulders, a leadership that understands the interest of the people and works on it with a great mind without submitting to any external dictates, a leadership that understands how the citizen owns the keys to a decent life and makes him love his country and work With him in order to promote it instead of migrating it to other countries.. A leadership rooted in rooting out the roots of crises..with the development of emergency plans with well-thought-out schedules to bring the country to the shore of certain success.

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