The Sudanese Revolution – Hopes over Reasons Dr. El-faki

The Sudanese Revolution – Hopes over Reasons Dr. El-faki

01-24-2022, 03:29 AM


Post: #1
Title: The Sudanese Revolution – Hopes over Reasons Dr. El-faki
Author: Dr.El-Tahir El-Faki
Date: 01-24-2022, 03:29 AM

02:29 AM January, 24 2022

Sudanese Online
Dr.El-Tahir El-Faki-UK
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It is hard for observers of the Sudanese politics to come to terms with the realization that a peaceful, magnificent and glorious revolution that successfully toppled an obnoxious regime more than two years ago has yet to prove it is worth the sacrifices paid for! It makes us consider that no matter how many times the Sudanese people have admirably tried, it is simply impossible to find a single reason for the revolution not to live up to its objectives.

The country has become stuck in the theoretic ideology of a revolution driven by the power of street struggle rather than by the machinery to build and improve the living conditions and the standards of the Sudanese person. The adept followers of the banners of the revolution have not yet realized the mistreatment they found themselves caught up losing their lives for the construction of nothing. The simple persons in the streets and the architects of the utopia have not yet lost faith in the ideals of the revolution but have become more convinced ideology is not that steered the nation to revolt. The unequivocally fundamentals expressed by the demonstrators remained Freedom, Peace and Equality.

Where a revolution is unable to deliver on its objectives and stagnates, the people link their needs and necessities with that of the deposed regime. Such a diversion becomes a red flag of destruction of the elements of the revolution and collapse of the institutions of the state and split of the nation. The consequence is chaos and anarchy. We have already seen banners, posters and flags raising the anarchist’s symbols in the streets of Khartoum. To some youths and ideologists anarchy ultimately brings progressive changes through the destruction of everything related to the National Congress Party (NCP). They believe that anarchy will be tolerable in the hope that the euphoria of destruction will last until the NCP’s empowerment is dismantled once and for forever.

What primarily instigated the revolution against the NCP were its spontaneity and its independence from the sectarian parties and ideologists. The masses that flooded the streets did not wait upon the political parties or outside forces to fight for their cause or lead. The success was a result of the cumulative pressure exerted against the NCP by all opponents leaving it for the people to deliver the final knockout.

The Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) is an alliance of diverse Sudanese political board, armed movements and professionals. Alliances fail because of inherent rivalries and competitions that undermine harmony and complicate consensus. The essence of a revolution is to unite against one enemy and for every concerned party to feel and believe that his part accomplished.

When a revolution jerks into uncomfortable power partnership such as happened between the civilian and the military partners, internal squabbles paralyses its evolution and success. The astounding ability of the Sudanese people to endure hardships for the sake of the revolution is regrettably met with the inability of the politicians to see beyond personal or partisan power in a strategic sense while tactically giving lip services to partners. That craving for power finally devastated the alliance and allowed the military to snatch it in 25th October 2021.

Beyond hopes of the revolution to succeed, the reasons for its failure began to open up and led to blatant altercations between the military and civil partners. On one hand weakness of the leaders of the interim period started to unfold and on the other hand magnitudes of an impending collapse of the state craned its neck in waiting.

The sacrifices paid for the sake of the revolution are holy and not for trade. When ruthless images and scenes of practices against the protestors resemble those of the overthrown regime they will not deter and stop them demonstrating. The people will continue with their peaceful resistance because this is something they already practiced and found ideal to work through the sufferings they endured and lived rather than through theoretical intricacies. The people take to the streets and rise because of what they feel and experience rather than what they think. The resistance forces have lived up with so much hope that over time the brutal force will cease due to fatigue or other reasons.

As the expectations and the aspirations of the revolution fail to materialize, the questions hint to why it did not happen؟ For a simple reason; it is that revolutions fail when politicians fail to lead. The hopes for successful conclusion compel all the Sudanese politicians to cast their personal egos, political affiliations and ideological allegiances to saving the country from descending into chaos.

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