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Health services deteriorating in Port Sudan

01-27-2016, 05:59 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

Health services deteriorating in Port Sudan

  • Hassabo Affirms Sudan Support to International Zakat Union
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Jan 26
  • Dr. Nafie Receives British Ambassador to Khartoum
  • First Vice - President Calls on Newly-Appointed Information Attaches to Enhance Sudan Image Abroad
  • Minister of Cabinet Affairs to address Tuesday Sudanese-Tunisian Businessmen Forum
  • Organ of Expatriates denies retrieval of currency declaration system upon arrival
  • President Al-Bashir gives directive for reviewing interim economic measures with South Sudan
  • Unofficial Consultations between Government and People's Movement Commence
  • US Embassy Delegation Visits Liberities and Basic Rights Committee
  • Transparency Organization Congratulates Sudanese People on Approval of Corruption Act
  • German delegation of investors expresses desire to engage in investment projects in Sudan
  • Japan Affirms its Support to Development in Darfur
  • Assistant of President Discusses with Official of Sudan File in German Foreign Ministry Ways of Enh
  • Sudan openly mulling ties with Israel
  • Freedoms Committee Calls for Reconsideration of Act of State Security Prosecution
  • Assembly Speaker: Sudanese-German Relation Witnesses remarkable Progress
  • Suwar Appreciates Role of Sudanese Expatriates in Supporting Dialogue
  • President Al-Bashir Awards Accomplishment Decoration to North Kordofan State and Star of Accomplish
  • Musa Mohammed Ahmed: Dialogue is 'unprecedented' opportunity for Sudanese People
  • Hassabo Informed on Outcome of Visit of Assistant of President to East Sudan
  • Dr. Nafie Receives Executive Director of Sokara Organization and ANC Member
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Jan 13
  • National Assembly Approves two Reports of its Health Committee on statement of Health and Environme
  • Dr. Zadjali: AOAD plans accompany directives of various Arab Summits
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Jan 11
  • Sudanese Businesswomen Support National Dialogue
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Jan 4
  • Dialogue is base for mapping out Permanent Constitution
  • Ali Al-Sadig:Visit of South Sudan Foreign Minister comes in context of Participation in 60th Annive
  • Speech delivered by the President on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Sudan National Day
  • National Assembly Approved Report of its Security Committee of Statement of Interior Minister
  • Ghandour Receives Message from his Russian Counterparty on 60th Anniversary for Sudanese - Russian
  • Al-Bashir affirms Consistency of Sudan Foreign Policy
  • Cabinet congratulates Sudanese people on Anniversary of Independence
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 30
  • Hassabo Mohamed Abdul-Rahman Attends Celebration of 26th Anniversary of PDF IN Al-Fasher
  • Thabita Boutros Affirms Students Mechanism Support to National Dialogue
  • Minister of Justice Affirms State Keenness to Restore Sudanese Citizen Rights
  • Second Regional Forum of International Ambassadors for Social Responsibilty Concludes Sittings
  • 11-Person Committee to Classify Papers Presented at External Relations Committee
  • Beja Congress Joins National Dialogue
  • Egyptian People's Delegation Visits Headquarters of National Dialogue
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 27
  • Sudan, Niger sign memo of understanding on cooperation in oil sector in January
  • Vice-President: Sudanese-Russian relations are witnessing major progress
  • Arrangements of Belarusian President's visit to Sudan discussed
  • Wife of President Receives Representative of High Commissioner for Refugees in Sudan
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 22
  • Dr. Al-Karuri stresses Sudan's determination to develop economic and political ties with Russia
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 20
  • National Congress Welcomes Return of Activist Taraji Mustafa to Participate in National Dialogue
  • SUNA Forum to host Sudan Liberation Movement for Justice Thursday
  • Dialogue's General Secretariat, Mechanism 7+7 to hold press conference Friday
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 17
  • Minister of Investment underlines Sudan's keenness to strengthen economic ties with Egypt
  • British Ambassador: £10 million for Sudan to combat negative effects of climate changes
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 15
  • Students march in Support of Homeland
  • Arrangements completed for convening of Sudanese Russian Joint Committee in Khartoum next week
  • Sudan's Parliament Approves Act of National Commission for Combating Corruption
  • Abu Nagma:: Annual Conference of Thought Supports National and Societal Dialogue
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 14
  • President Al-Bashir Affirms State and Party Adherence to Shura Method
  • Khartoum University organizes workshop about Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • Ambassador of Japan Affirms his Country Support to National Dialogue in Sudan
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 10
  • Bakri Hassan Salih in Al-Fasher: Darfur Started to Recover from War
  • Sudan's JEM demands visit of official authorities to conflicts zones
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 8
  • Vice-President informed on arrangements for convocation of Lakes Countries Summit in Khartoum
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 7
  • Badr Eddin: Sudan began to take advantage of opportunities available to Africa in framework of Sino
  • Polish, Italian companies express desire to invest in Sudan
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 3
  • Prof. Ghandour: Sudan was One of First Countries that Cooperated with China Economically
  • Sudan Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences to organize programme on liquidity management in I
  • Khartoum to Host Meetings of joint Sudanese - Russian ministerial committee
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Dec 2
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Nov 30
  • Al-Watan Party: Features of the National Dialogue Appeared Clearly
  • Dr. Obeidalla Receives Ambassador of Australia to Khartoum
  • Hassabo Mohammed Abdul-Rahman lauds Sudanese-Kuwaiti relations
  • Dr. Nafie: Islamic movement a political movement to counter fierce attack on Islam
  • Government Announces Rejection to Delivery of Humanitarian Assistances Via South Sudan State Border
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Nov 25
  • Sudan Condemns Tunis Bombings
  • Minister of Justice Meets his Egyptian Counterpart in Cairo
  • Sudan and Egypt Agree to Form Joint Committee to Deal with Assaults on Sudanese Nationals in Egypt
  • Prof . Omar Calls for the need to Respect Covenants and Remove confidence Crisis between Sudanese
  • Sudan to host Arab Economic Unity Council's meetings next December
  • Ambassador Barido: Committee Members Agree on different issues
  • Government delegation to cessation of hostilities in Darfur hold closed-door meeting with Mbeki's A
  • African Union Mechanism Meets with Government and Darfur Movements Delegations
  • Egyptian FM Affirms his country keenness to provide security and safety for Sudanese citizens
  • Oil Minister affirms there is no problem in gas supply
  • Foreign Minister, Qatari Ambassador discuss relations between Sudan and Qatar
  • Hassabo Calls on People of Darfur to Mobilize Energies for Rehabilitation in South Darfur State
  • Bakri and Musa Discuss Number of Important Issues
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Nov 17
  • Dialogue Mechanism: some leaders of Armed Movements to join dialogue during coming days
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Nov 16
  • Sudanese govt. urged to investigate nuclear waste dumping
  • First Vice-President Reviews Situation in Blue Nile State
  • Kamal Hassan Ali Minister of International Cooperation meets Blue Nile State's Wali
  • President Al-Bashir Affirms State Support to Agricultural Sector
  • Assistant of the President Informed on Situation at Halaib Locality
  • Sudan condemns in the strongest possible terms the ferocious bombings in Paris
  • Embassy , Sudanese community in Egypt celebrate UN award for Touti island
  • Bakri to address first national conference for environment issues and upgrading of urban conduct
  • Minister of International Cooperation meets Head EU mission in Sudan
  • Hassabo: Sudan is qualified to lift Economic Sanctions imposed on it
  • Childhood Secretary Meets UNICEF Director
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Nov 12
  • Red State signs cooperation agreement with Sudan Foundation for implementation of water harvest pro
  • Wife of the President Receives UNDP Delegation
  • Committee for Identity Celebrates Elapse of One Month since Start of National Dialogue
  • Government Renews Rejection to Preparatory Meeting of Opposition Parties in Addis Ababa
  • Sudan Participates in Continental Judicial Dialogue Conference in Tanzania
  • North Darfur Wali (governor) Affirms Stability of Security Situation in State
  • Ewaisha Commends Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Efforts on Supporting and Promoting Islamic Da'awa
  • FM briefs US Congress delegation on situation in the Country
  • Ghandour to Head Sudan Delegation for Arab - South American Ministerial Meeting
  • Sudan Minister of Oil addresses international meeting of Ministers of Energy in Turkey
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Nov 8
  • US Congressional delegation to witness parliament sitting next Monday
  • National Dialogue's Committee of Identity determines Identity's pillars
  • Sudan Welcomes agreement reached between disputed parties in state of South Sudan
  • Cabinet Approves Agreement between Sudan and Nigeria on Legal Assistance
  • Indonesian Delegation briefed on Sudan Parliamentary Experiment
  • Sudan General Consul Inspects Situation of Sudanese Community in Alexandria
  • Chairman of Swedish Red Cross to visit Sudan Thursday
  • Foreign Ministry: US Justifications for renewal of Sanctions imposed in Sudan are totally Rejected
  • Memo of Protest against Sanctions Delivered to US Embassy
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Nov 3
  • Cabinet Affairs Minister Appreciates Firmness of Sudanese - Eritrean Relations
  • National Assembly Issues Decision on Support to Sudanese Armed Forces
  • Ministry of Interior Cancels Ban onTravelling of Doctors Abroad
  • First Vice - President: There is No Alternative for Federal Government
  • Hassabo Inspects Work in New Khartoum Airport
  • Sudan, Ethiopia identical views on region's security
  • Sudan, Niger indicate keenness on emphasizing bilateral relations in all domains
  • Al-Bashir: Sudan surpassed all obstacles set by western countries
  • Al-Basher Sends Verbal Message to Eritrean Opposite Number
  • Turkey Expresses Desire to invest in Oil and gas fields in Sudan
  • Sudan to Resume efforts for joining WTO
  • Omer Al-Basher leaves for India
  • Prof. Ghandour Appreciates India Decision to Exempt African Products from Customs
  • Minister of Culture affirms Sudan' standing alongside Palestinian people
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Oct 27
  • Al-Bashir informed on details of removal of Sudan name from list of Countries having problems in co
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Oct 26 2015
  • President Al-Bashir to Chair Meeting of National Strategic Planning Council Monday
  • Presidential Assistant: Any Party Wants to Join Dialogue shall be Registered or Informed about Regi
  • NC: FATF Decision is new impetus for Sudan cooperation with world
  • Removal of Sudan's name from the list of states with regulatory problems in combating money launder
  • Sudan Businessmen Association commends FATF decision on the Sudan
  • French ambassador commends partnership with the National council on journalists training
  • Fourth Joint African Union - International Criminal Court Seminar concludes in Ethiopia
  • Sudan participates in the First Arab Ministerial Population Forum
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Oct 22
  • Sudanese govt. willing to meet rebels in Addis Ababa
  • Ambassador Abdul Halim: Arab-Latin American Summit supports Sudan's partnership and Cooperation Rel
  • Al-Mahdi Affirms Strata's Concern over National Dialogue
  • Sudanese ambassador elected to UN food security post
  • Amnesty for Sudanese rebels in national dialogue
  • Sudan calls in Libya military attaché over support for Darfur rebels
  • Sudan calls Libya military attaché over support for Darfur rebels
  • Sudan’s president orders compensation for September protest victims
  • Sudan’s president expends the mandate of Darfur Regional Authority (DRA) for one year
  • More than 30 countries and organizations participate in the swearing-in ceremony of Sudan’s preside
  • Sudan Journalists Union convene a panel discussion with security and media professionals
  • Sudan’s president receives message from Libya Prime Minister related to the situations in Libya
  • Sudanese-French Economic Forum will focus on attracting investments to Sudan
  • Russian president congratulates Al-Bashir on his victory in the elections
  • Nearly 8 million children in Sudan to be vaccinated against measles
  • Sudan rebels claim attack on Habila garrison in South Kordofan
  • Sudan joins Saudi offensive against Yemeni rebels
  • President Omar Al Bashir urges people of Darfur to expel the devil
  • Sudanese army says it repels SPLM-N attack on Southern Kordofan
  • Sudan denies movement of extremists from Darfur to Libya
  • The Secretary-General Remarks at the opening session of the Commission on the Status of Women
  • German delegation briefs Sudan officials on Berlin forum
  • Darfur’s NLJM announces that will participate in the elections
  • 16,000 Ugandan deploy on the Sudan-South Sudan borders
  • China announces that it will continue to support South Sudan peace process
  • Three die in militia attacks in South and North Darfur
  • Sudan and Kuwait negotiate help Zain repatriate $280 million worth of Sudanese pounds
  • Darfur displaced invite US Deputy Secretary of State to visit their camps
  • South Sudan Warns Media Not to Publish Rebel Interviews
  • Karti visit to Washington has nothing to do with Merriam Ibrahim issue: Sudan says
  • Students clash in Omdurman, several seriously wounded
  • Sudan’s former First Vice President says that the national dialogue is only way out of the country
  • Thirst in North Darfur’s Shangil Tobaya camps
  • Sudanese-Kuwaiti Ministerial Committee meetings held in February
  • Sudan stresses that the call to boycott the elections by the opposition is contrary to law
  • Sudan scholars call on citizens to protest against the new publishing of harlie Hebdo
  • Sudan's Democratic Unionist Party welcomes the constitutional amendments
  • Sudan rejects UN request to undo the expulsion of 2 international staff
  • OIC Secretary-General visits Sudan to discuss many issues
  • Sudan and Libya agree to combat smuggling
  • Closing the gap on HIV prevention and treatment in Sudan and leaving no one behind
  • Russian Ambassador says Sudan stability represents our first priority
  • Negotiations with the rebels hampered by foreign circles don't want peace: Sudan’s government
  • Arrangements to deport (27) Sudanese detained in Jordan
  • Three Egyptian ministers visit Khartoum soon
  • We do what we can to support Sudan’s national dialogue: British Ambassador
  • Sudan sends 8000 fighters to Libya
  • Sudan Ministry denies Ebola case in West Darfur
  • Appeal court cancels death penalty against Mariam
  • Security Council says final settlement of Abyei should be through negotiation
  • ‘Huge food gaps in South and North Darfur’: officials
  • Darfur Regional Authority stresses importance of signatories for peace in Darfur
  • Sudan submits report on money laundering and terrorism finance
  • Sudan and Djibouti sign 13 documents on joint cooperation
  • Sudan denies selling Nubian archeological sites to Qatar
  • Sudan sends 8000 fighters to Libya
  • Sudan denies Bahrain request to recruit Sudanese nationals into police
  • 11,678 Sudanese leave Saudi Arabia during amnesty
  • Saudi Arabia is the largest Arab partner to invest in Sudan: Sudan off
  • Khartoum International Airport receives the first flight of South Suda
  • Sudan’s government is close to lift subsidy on fuel
  • Responding to Rice Claims: Foreign Ministry Affirms that Rebel moveme
  • Military talks between Sudan and South Sudan to end a border disorder

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