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Articles and ViewsIt is true that Sudan Remains at Neverending Crossroads أثبتت الحقيقة أن السودان
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It is true that Sudan Remains at Neverending Crossroads أثبتت الحقيقة أن السودان

10-25-2021, 06:53 PM
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
<aMahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198

It is true that Sudan Remains at Neverending Crossroads أثبتت الحقيقة أن السودان

    05:53 PM October, 25 2021

    Sudanese Online
    Mahmoud A. Suleiman-UK
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    It is true that Sudan Remains at Neverending Crossroads
    أثبتت الحقيقة أن السودان لا يزال على مفترق الطرق التى لا نهاية لها
    By Mahmoud A. Suleiman
    The Title of this article has been adopted from a title of similar connotation stating To Be or Not to Be: Sudan at Crossroads: A Pan-African Perspective written by the Sudanese scholar Jalal Hashim in 2019. https://muse.jhu.edu/book/65808https://muse.jhu.edu/book/65808 Jalal Hashim, at the time writing his article under the titleTo be or not to be was an analysis of linguistic, cultural, political, economic and social factors, which explain the intricate root causes of conflicts which have ravished Sudan. https://muse.jhu.edu/book/65808https://muse.jhu.edu/book/65808
    This article comes against the backdrop of the military coup carried out by the Putschist General Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman Al-Burhan in favour of the remnants of the former Genocidal regime, the National Congress Party (NCP). At this military catastrophe, a person does not find the appropriate words and phrases to express to condemn and denounce the actions of Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, the criminal, the traitor of the Sudanese people’s Revolution. In doing this, al-Burhan has proved himself that he is a traitor to what was put under his guard by the Sudanese people; he failed to keep it under his guard. Having said the foregoing, it is time to expose the treasury of Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman Al-Burhan and his traitorous group.
    The Muslim Brotherhood Movement military coup d’Etat , programmed some time ago, appears to have been carried out specifically on Monday October 25, 2021, only a few days after the 57th Anniversary of the Glorious October 21, 1964 Sudanese Revolution . Furthermore, to destroy the gains of the people of Sudan they have achieved through their Glorious December Revolution. In his Statement accompanying the coup, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan Declared a Number of Decisions that included among others the following:
    The Suspension of Articles 15 and 16 of the Constitutional Document along with the annulling of the Empowerment Committee including the abrogating of the Commission to investigate the dispersal of the sit-in and comments from other institutions are all part and parcel of the Declarations made by the putschist General Abdel Fattah Abdel Rahman Al-Burhan the leader of the current military coup d’Etat. Thus, there is no way for the success of this attempt to abrogate the gains of the Glorious December Revolution which were achieved through sacrifices and making the most precious and greatest selflessness, including precious lives. This is in addition to some materials that were disrupted by the coup, led by General Abdel Fattah Abdel Rahman Al-Burhan. However, there will be no way; the Sudanese people will stand by without restoring their rights. The Sudanese people are tired of the plots of the coup d'état and will not accept any undermining of their gains by the military putschists. This military coup d’Etat is considered based on the betrayal of the trust of the people of Sudan. To add worry to grief, let us review the ambitions of the military tribe that are endless and will never be fulfilled; the number of Coups and attempted Coups in Sudanese History will tell us as Follows:
    History of Military Coups in Sudan
    The disaster of the military coup based on the betrayal of the people of Sudan https://www.facebook.com/baiarix/posts/854251338060167https://www.facebook.com/baiarix/posts/854251338060167
    Since Ismail Pasha entered the Sudan in 1921, only eight years were democratic, and the rest of the years of rule were military dictatorships, the examples of the military coups in Sudan are as follows:
    13 military coup attempts since independence, 4 of which were succeeded , the one by the Nimeiri and Bashir regimes, the longest of them.
    Sudan has this Arab-African country, a long record of successful and failed military coups, since its independence in 1956. The series of coups began with the formation of the first democratically elected government in 1956, and the first coup attempt in the country's history took place in 1957, led by a group of army officers and students The warriors, led by Ismail Kibayda, were against the first democratic national government after independence headed by Sudanese leader Ismail Al-Azhari, but the attempt was thwarted in its final stages.
The coup of November 17, 1958:
    The first military coup, led by Lieutenant General Ibrahim Abboud, succeeded. He led it against a democratic coalition government between the Umma Party and the Democratic Unionist Party, headed by the Sovereignty Council consisting of the Azhari leader and the Prime Minister, Abdallah Khalil. The putschists formed a military government headed by Abboud, which ruled the country in a totalitarian, dictatorial manner that lasted for 7 years, during which a coup attempt was led by a group of officers, the most famous of whom were Ahmed Abdel-Wahhab, Abdel-Rahim Shannan and Muhyiddin Ahmed Abdullah. It is the unique and only attempt in which the revolutionaries are absorbed into the regime instead of being led to the gallows or thrown in prisons at best.
    This is flexible dealings with the putschists encouraged another coup against Abboud, led by al-Rashid al-Tahir Bakr, who is affiliated with the Islamic movement in the country Khartoum, which is "Kober Prison”, located in Khartoum North. After that, Abboud ruled quietly until he was toppled on October 21, 1964, by the largest popular revolution in the country's history, and a new democratic government came.
    * Coup of May 1969: The democratic systems in the country, with their political turmoil and sharp polarization, continued to prepare the ground for military coups. The country witnessed the most famous military coup in the modern history of Sudan, which was the coup of May 25, 1969, which was led at the time by Brigadier General Jaafar Muhammad Nimeiri, and a group of calculated officers On the Communist Party and the Arab Nationalists. Among the most prominent leaders of the coup was the pioneer (at that time) Khaled Hassan Abbas, Zain al-Abidin Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Abu al-Qasim Muhammad Ibrahim, Abu al-Qasim Hashem, Hashem al-Atta, Babikir al-Nur, and Faruq Hamad Nella. Al-Numairi subsequently established his clutch regime, which lasted for 16 years, to define this coup as the most influential coup d'état on the country.
    The coup of 19 July 1971:
    Despite the predictions of Nimeiri's rule for the coups, benefiting from previous experiences, but his reign witnessed many attempts, all of which failed, but they turned the Sudanese capital into pools of blood, the most famous of which is what was carried out by his companions in the May coup who belonged directly to the Communist Party on July 19, 1971, known as the coup of Hashem Al-Atta , Who partially seized the capital Khartoum for two days, but Nimeiri was able to restore his power and set up the gallows for the revolutionaries, both civilians and military. The coup, carried out by Hashem Al-Atta, and dozens of officers and soldiers.
    * An attempted coup in 1975:
    Another failed coup attempt against the Nimeiri regime took place in 1975, led by Officer Hassan Hussein, and the coup plotters, led by Hussein, were shot dead or hanged to death.
    July 1976 coup:
    On July 2, 1976, the political forces opposing the Nimeiri regime, which were starting from Libya, tried to overthrow the regime, and the task was entrusted to the Brigadier General in the army, Muhammad Nur Saad, with the wide participation of opposition elements that infiltrated Khartoum across the border with Libya, and the Nimeiri regime dealt with the attempt with unprecedented violence His commander, Muhammad Nour, was executed by firing squad and turned the streets of Khartoum for two days into a battlefield with the putschists, killing hundreds.
    * Overthrowing Nimeiri:
    After 1976, the Nimeiri regime was not subjected to any coup attempt until it was struck by a massive popular revolution on April 6, 1985, known as the "April Uprising", which restored the democratic system.
    The coup of June 1989:
    The parties quarreled again after the overthrow of Nimeiri, and the fertility of the land was revitalized due to the emergence of the military coups in the country. President Omar al-Bashir’s coup on June 30, 1989 came with the help of Islamists in Sudan led by Dr. Hassan Abdullah al-Turabi and his party, known at the time as the "National Islamic Front."
    * 1990 Revolution:
    Al-Bashir's regime was subjected to several coup attempts, especially at the beginning of his reign, the most famous of which was the attempt known as the "Ramadan Coup" in 1990, led by Major General Abdul Qadir al-Kadro and Major General Pilot Muhammad Othman Hamid, and this attempt ended with the execution of 28 officers in the army who participated in it, including the leaders of the coup Al-Kadro and Hamed.
    * Revolution 1992:
    In 1992, there was a coup attempt led by Colonel Ahmed Khaled, which was attributed to the Sudanese Baath Party. President Al-Bashir quickly settled it, and its leaders were imprisoned. Since then, coups in the country have eased, perhaps as the opposition has concentrated its armed activity from abroad through Eritrea.
    * A coup attempt in March 2004 The Sudanese government reported a coup attempt, which it attributed to the People's Congress Party.
    Love Ambassador

    Eduardo Hughes Galeano the Uruguayan journalist, writer and novelist considered, among other things, "global soccer's pre-eminent man of letters" and "a literary giant of the Latin American left" the Galeano's best-known works are Las venas abiertas de América Latina and Memoria del fueg, has been quoted as saying: “Most of wars or military coups or invasions are done in the name of democracy against democracy”.


    Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/

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