وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!!

مرحبا Guest
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10-13-2006, 02:23 AM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!!

    Nedal Ahmed: Help Africans on their own terms

    08:25 AM CDT on Thursday, October 12, 2006

    I heard a crazy idea recently: Let's go to Africa and bring the children music.

    Wait, I think I have an idea that might be a little bit more creative.

    I suggest we go to Africa and feed the children.

    It may seem a little far-fetched, even radical, but it's worth a try. According to groundbreaking research, food keeps people from starving to death. Not the lack of soul-saving melodies.

    Aid to Africa is a gimmick, and it's on thr top of everyone's pseudo-social agenda, probably just ahead of Livestrong bracelets. I mean, who wants to be labeled as the reason the children of Africa don't have the same opportunity as our kids to learn an F-sharp?

    We may now look at "The White Man's Burden" with repulsion and disbelief, but how much of that insolent attitude has changed? The century may have changed, and the phrasing may be politically correct, but the perceived burden remains the same.

    You can take me as an inconsiderate cynic, or you can take me as a Sudanese girl who has spent almost half her life in Africa. True, I was raised in Islamic Middle Eastern Africa, and I apologize that I haven't roamed in a loincloth with leopards and giraffes like you see in National Geographic, but hear me out.

    I scoff every time I see a teenager proclaim solemnly that he or she wants to go to Africa to "help." These are kids who probably could do no more than laugh at the name Djibouti, let alone find it on a map.

    I have seen clubs formed in an effort to aid these suffering children, yet every time I see a flier for a meeting, I roll my eyes.

    Apparently, a 4.0 and varsity sports aren't enough to get into dream colleges anymore. I'm not fooled – all I have to do is ask for their college application. There it will be – 11-point Garamond, listed above National Honor Society treasurer and FFA president: club "Teens 4 Africa."

    Have we gone so far in the effort to build the perfect résumé that we will abuse these children's need?

    But maybe you don't care about the college credit, and maybe you don't want to start a choir, but maybe you're thinking, "By golly, if those kids are going to be singing, there better be some hymns about the Lord!"

    So now we'll have every religion racing down to Africa and helicopters showering the villages with much-needed Bibles. It may happen during a drought, so everyone in the village will be delighted to see the pastors bearing water.

    Dust-covered children will eagerly rush to these newcomers, only to be greeted with, "I'm sorry, child, this is holy water; it's for a very special ceremony." Then, with the language barriers and all, there will be a flock of people following the mission group with the water, all being baptized in hope of a drink.

    I say "flock" because that's how these human beings are viewed – as animals that can be herded into any faith with the simple promise of nutrition. I believe that such religious groups have lost sight of what their intended purpose was. Where is the kindness if every bit of assistance comes with strings attached? It is so cruel that in exchange for so little, mental freedom is being inhibited and religious beliefs are belittled.

    And here's another newsflash: Africans already have music. It's presumptuous to ignore that. Who can really say that it's a loss that there is no African Britney Spears or Michael Jackson?

    If you want to contribute your money and effort, I applaud you, but please be aware of where that money is going.

    Let Africans have the same chances that you have in maintaining an open mind; let them head to school with a full stomach, vaccine bandage, clean shirt and, most important, a clear mind that is their own.

    Nedal Ahmed is a senior at Plano East Senior High School and a Classroom Voices volunteer columnist. To respond to this column, send an e-mail to communityopinions@dallas news.com.

    المقال اعلاه كتبته ابنتي نضال اليوم الخميس الثاني عشر من اكتوبر 2006 ونشرته في صحيفةالDallas Morning News وقد اعجبني هذا المقال الناضج الجريء وهو يحتوي رؤية انسانية واخلاقية وواقعية قد تفيد بعض المنظمات الغربية العاملة في مجال الاغاثة والاعانات الانسانية العاملة لعون واغاثةجياع ومشردي القارة السوداء ..وهي منظمات حسب رؤية نضال غير بريئة بل تعمل لتحقيق اجندة تحت ستار العون الانساني وهو ما اعلنت عن رفضه بشكل واضح وجريء الصغيرة نضال..وتعلن انحيازها لخيارات اهلها في افريقيا الثقافية والدينيةوهي ترفض اي عون مشروط يستغل ظروفهم الانسانية القاسية. وقد احببت ان اشرككم في الاطلاع علي هذا المقال..لتبدوا اراءكم الناقدة والموجهة والمفيدة لها... وهي قد اختارت هذا الطريق الصعب في مهنة المتاعب وتحتاج مناصحات وتوجيهات من اهل الصنعة.

    محبتي واحترامي

    هشام هباني

    (عدل بواسطة هشام هباني on 10-13-2006, 02:26 AM)
    (عدل بواسطة هشام هباني on 10-13-2006, 06:48 AM)


10-13-2006, 05:07 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-13-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 15417

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    Nedal Ahmed: Help Africans on their own terms

    08:25 AM CDT on Thursday, October 12, 2006

    I heard a crazy idea recently: Let's go to Africa and bring the children music.

    Wait, I think I have an idea that might be a little bit more creative.

    I suggest we go to Africa and feed the children.

    It may seem a little far-fetched, even radical, but it's worth a try. According to groundbreaking research, food keeps people from starving to death. Not the lack of soul-saving melodies.

    Aid to Africa is a gimmick, and it's on thr top of everyone's pseudo-social agenda, probably just ahead of Livestrong bracelets. I mean, who wants to be labeled as the reason the children of Africa don't have the same opportunity as our kids to learn an F-sharp?

    We may now look at "The White Man's Burden" with repulsion and disbelief, but how much of that insolent attitude has changed? The century may have changed, and the phrasing may be politically correct, but the perceived burden remains the same.

    You can take me as an inconsiderate cynic, or you can take me as a Sudanese girl who has spent almost half her life in Africa. True, I was raised in Islamic Middle Eastern Africa, and I apologize that I haven't roamed in a loincloth with leopards and giraffes like you see in National Geographic, but hear me out.

    I scoff every time I see a teenager proclaim solemnly that he or she wants to go to Africa to "help." These are kids who probably could do no more than laugh at the name Djibouti, let alone find it on a map.

    I have seen clubs formed in an effort to aid these suffering children, yet every time I see a flier for a meeting, I roll my eyes.

    Apparently, a 4.0 and varsity sports aren't enough to get into dream colleges anymore. I'm not fooled – all I have to do is ask for their college application. There it will be – 11-point Garamond, listed above National Honor Society treasurer and FFA president: club "Teens 4 Africa."

    Have we gone so far in the effort to build the perfect résumé that we will abuse these children's need?

    But maybe you don't care about the college credit, and maybe you don't want to start a choir, but maybe you're thinking, "By golly, if those kids are going to be singing, there better be some hymns about the Lord!"

    So now we'll have every religion racing down to Africa and helicopters showering the villages with much-needed Bibles. It may happen during a drought, so everyone in the village will be delighted to see the pastors bearing water.

    Dust-covered children will eagerly rush to these newcomers, only to be greeted with, "I'm sorry, child, this is holy water; it's for a very special ceremony." Then, with the language barriers and all, there will be a flock of people following the mission group with the water, all being baptized in hope of a drink.

    I say "flock" because that's how these human beings are viewed – as animals that can be herded into any faith with the simple promise of nutrition. I believe that such religious groups have lost sight of what their intended purpose was. Where is the kindness if every bit of assistance comes with strings attached? It is so cruel that in exchange for so little, mental freedom is being inhibited and religious beliefs are belittled.

    And here's another newsflash: Africans already have music. It's presumptuous to ignore that. Who can really say that it's a loss that there is no African Britney Spears or Michael Jackson?

    If you want to contribute your money and effort, I applaud you, but please be aware of where that money is going.

    Let Africans have the same chances that you have in maintaining an open mind; let them head to school with a full stomach, vaccine bandage, clean shirt and, most important, a clear mind that is their own.

    Nedal Ahmed is a senior at Plano East Senior High School and a Classroom Voices volunteer columnist. To respond to this column, send an e-mail to communityopinions@dallas news.com.

    الابنة العزيزة
    سلام وتحية
    كونك تكتبي عن افريقيا هذا وحده يجعلنا فخورين ببتنا.. التي انتقلت الى الغرب وهي تحمل
    بلادها في قلبها..


    اعجبتني جدا اللمحات الذكية المرحة في المقال..

    اتمنى لو قمتي بعمل فقرة عن علاقة الانسان الابيض بافريقيا..
    وان ما يحدث الان هو نتجية لسياسة الاستعمار والمناطق المقفولة..

    قليل من الخلفيات التاريخية للمسالة
    ولماذا من الاساس يكون هناك عون..
    كما ابحثي في موضوع هذه الاعانات.. والمنظمات التى تستثمر
    شقاء الافارقة واحزانهم..

    وسعدت كثيرا من مقولة ان يساعدوا الافارقة مع احترام الثقافة.مساعدات بدون شرط او قيد
    وفي الفهم الواعي دا بس اديك 10 نجوم..
    اتمنى ان تعرضي علينا ما تكتبينه دائما.ز فانتم امتدادنا
    ونسعد ونفخر بكم..
    كما وصية اخيرة رتبي الافكار بتسلسل من العام للخاص..سيطري على الافكار
    ولا تتركيها تسيطر عليك..
    ونتمنى من الاخ هباني يعمل الخط كبار لو عايز المسنيين يقروه بدون ما يتعبو..

    waaaaaaaay to go girl
    you made my day

10-13-2006, 05:48 AM

Adil Osman
<aAdil Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 10208

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    Quote: I heard a crazy idea recently: Let's go to Africa and bring the children music.

    Wait, I think I have an idea that might be a little bit more creative.

    I suggest we go to Africa and feed the children

    for the time being let us feed the african children food and music. then help them and help their parents to feed themselves and their families, in an evironment that respects human rights and human dignity and self-sufficiency. it is not a matter of pitting rich children against poor children, or black children against white ones. it is a matter of how to work together for the betterment of
    humanity, and alleviation of poverty, and provision of opportunity for the many not the lucky few

    i read in this forum that a sudanese/american charity organisation called (sudanreach), helped the girls of a primary school in alkalakla, a suburb of khartoum, to buy electric fans for their class rooms, as it is very hot during summer in khartoum
    so, change to the better in the lives of millions of african children is always welcome, regardless of its scale.
    to get the priorities right, the donors from rich countries need to learn and work closely with local people for better understanding of their needs, and their concerns and their aspirations
    the local people know better. the grassroot organizations have the ability and the will to make lasting change in the political, social, economic and cultural lives of african people

    it is true that some donors and charity organizations exploit the need of african people to further their agenda and interests, but the vast majority of charity work in africa is carried out by people who have no ulterior motives other than their feeling that they are under a moral obligation to help those in need, out of a sense of shared humanity, and shared destiny

    thank you Nedal for articulating these important issues
    god bless you and your blossoming talent
    take care

10-13-2006, 07:35 AM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: Adil Osman)

    الاخ العزيز عادل عثمان

    رمضان كريم

    وتشكر يا عزيز علي المداخلة القيمة والتي قطعا ستستفيد منها الابنةنضال
    وهي توجيهات من الاعمام والعمات وعاشت الالفة والمحبة بين السودانيين بلا اجندة
    وكل العام وانتم بخير!!


10-13-2006, 05:55 AM


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Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: هشام هباني)


    Bless her...her views and concerns far beyond her age..she is a great future asset

10-13-2006, 07:30 AM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: Kobista)

    الاخت الكريمة دكتورة بيان

    رمضان كريم

    ولك الشكر اجزله علي مداخلتك التشجيعية والتوجيهية القيمة للابنة نضال
    وبالتاكيد ستستفيد منها بعد ان انقلها اليها..وكل العام وانتم والوطن
    بالف خير.

    هشام هباني

10-13-2006, 07:38 AM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: Kobista)

    عزيزنا كوبستا

    رمضان كريم
    وكتر خيرك علي الاشادة والتهنئة للابنة نضال
    وادام الله الود والالفة بيننا وكل العام وانتم والوطن بالف خير.


10-13-2006, 12:12 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: هشام هباني)


10-13-2006, 12:27 PM

ملكة الفاضل عمر

تاريخ التسجيل: 07-11-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 122

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    غاليتنا نضال


    كلام كبير من أمورة صغيرة. يحق لنا ان نفخر بك. ونتوقع منك الكثيرالرائع.


10-13-2006, 12:59 PM

Adil Isaac
<aAdil Isaac
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-02-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4105

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: ملكة الفاضل عمر)

    Quote: It may seem a little far-fetched, even radical, but it's worth a try. According to groundbreaking research, food keeps people from starving to death. Not the lack of soul-saving melodies.

    Dear Hisham

    Iam sure we will hear more from this witty young lady.Just compare her intillegent remarks with other writter much older than her, some alled professional journalists, and you will see what I mean.Lucky you!And enjoy her success

    Best wishes to Nidal and dad


    (عدل بواسطة Adil Isaac on 10-13-2006, 01:03 PM)


10-13-2006, 01:21 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: ملكة الفاضل عمر)

    العزيزة اختي الاستاذة ملكة الفاضل

    رمضان كريم

    شكرا ايتها العزيزة الاديبة والروائية والشاعرة اختي ملكة الفاضل علي هذه الاشادة
    وهي شهادة للابنة نضال بالتاكيد ستسعدها.. مع تحياتي للابنة براءة والحلوين وكل الاهل بلندن..مع تحيات كل اهلك بالولايات المتحدة.. وكل العام وانتم بخير.


10-13-2006, 03:32 PM

Mahjob Abdalla
<aMahjob Abdalla
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-05-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 8949

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: هشام هباني)


10-14-2006, 09:56 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: وكتبت الصغيرة نضال هباني تعري منظمات غربية في قلب امبراطورية اليانكي!! (Re: Mahjob Abdalla)

    العزيز المناضل عادل اسحق

    Quote: Iam sure we will hear more from this witty young lady.Just compare her intillegent remarks with other writter much older than her, some alled professional journalists, and you will see what I mean.Lucky you!And enjoy her success

    Best wishes to Nidal and dad

    شكرا علي هذه الاشادة الكريمة في حق الابنة نضال.. وحتما ستكون حافزا لها في مشوارها الطويل.. ودم بخير وكل العام وانتم بخير.


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