12-10-2016, 10:00 PM |
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198
The Sudanese Crisis represents cumulative failures of corrupt criminal entity of the NCP By Mahmou
10:00 PM December, 11 2016 Sudanese Online Mahmoud A. Suleiman- My Library Short URL They say there are sorts of scourges that make you laugh in spite of the feeling of grief and injustice which fills the breasts with a sigh. The regime of the NCP in Khartoum tried constantly blurring or bending of the facts about the miserable reality of the economic situation of the country by the unwelcome trotting of the genocidal criminal fugitive from the international justice Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir to the Arab Gulf States for begging humiliating the dignity of the people of Sudan. Political analysts believe that the amount of 500 million US Dollars that Sudan will receive as a central bank deposit from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) would go unheeded into the pockets of influential individuals in the regime of the NCP. The insatiable pockets of the corrupt elements remain waiting for more stolen money. For any surplus from the begged money would go for waging the civil wars of attrition in Darfur and the two regions. It is noteworthy that In April 2014 the Sudanese government said that the State of Qatar deposited billion dollars in the Central Bank of Sudan, to help strengthen the reserves of foreign exchange. Moreover, it pledged to invest the deposit in the agricultural and real estate fields in Sudan. The headlines in the Middle East Journal said at the time: Qatar deposited billion dollars in the Central Bank of Sudan. http://archive.aawsat.com/details.asp؟section=4andarticle=7670...o=12910#.WEr23rKLTIU It is certain that any amount of money the country acquired and all the efforts of the state of today Sudan are employed by the (NCP) regime in preparation for the protection of Omar al-Bashir and his entourage staying in power stay in power. The remaining of that money would go as a grant to the Janjaweed militias currently nicknamed the Rapid Support Force (RSF) that affiliated to the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) to the atrocious war everywhere wreaking devastation on the ground and blood shedding and luting property of Sudanese civilians. However, the regime tirelessly works all it could to protect the war criminal génocidaires Omer al-Bashir from the gripping hand of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague in the Netherlands. All the financial efforts of the Government of Sudan, repression by security forces against opposition and Including the absurd civil wars of attrition are geared for the protection of Omar al-Bashir Thus, everything in Sudan is programmed to protect Omar al-Bashir and nothing else. As the parable goes, Sudan's foreign debt remains unruly and illusive to quick fixes and as well sticking point obstacle to any solution. The real factors for the deterioration of the living conditions of the Sudanese people in the era of the regime of the National Congress Party (NCP) centred on the existence of the regime and the difficulty of its removal for so long a time. Sudan under the rule of the (NCP) regime continued a Pariah state missed the opportunity of debit relief initiative for poor countries heavily indebted by foreign debits. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has initiatives to exempt the poor and those in a position to repay the debt. Although Sudan is one of those countries eligible to benefit from the special exemption, unfortunately, it lost that opportunity and not allowed to be one of those countries. That is attributed to the political decision following the 1993 Declaration of the United States of America that Sudan sponsored terrorism, and which resulted in making all delegates of the US in international institutions and organizations stood firmly against Sudan and preventing it benefiting from entering the World trade Organization and the Security Council as well as international economic organizations. The net total of Sudan’s foreign debt amounted to 45 Billion US Dollars that continued exponentially increasing through annual interests. Despite the huge debts of the regime led by Omer al-Bashir continues to spend lavishly, along with the institutional corruption ingrained within the Khartoum branch of the International Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) and in addition to the limitless expenditure on waging absurd civil wars of attrition to the point of bankruptcy. Lavish expenditure and corruption consumed the revenues of the rest of the oil after the secession of southern Sudan along to the revenues from the Aariyab gold from the area, which is located in northeastern Sudan, areas of the Beja tribal group. This makes the regime selling the productive state property to bridge the fiscal deficit versus affluence illegal enrichment for influential members of the ruling National Congress Party regime. The regime burdened the poverty stricken disenfranchised Sudanese citizen with royalties and levies. To deceive the citizen, the regime raises the prices of essential commodities and claiming that it removed the subsidies. It is noteworthy that there was no such a thing called subsidies to commodities. It is nothing but a political lie to cover-up the chronic government failures as well as systematic bag of lies. It is noteworthy that the visit of the National Congress Party (NCP) President Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) came amid popular unrest and civil disobedience in Sudan following the government decision to lift oil, electricity and drug subsidy along with floating the rate of the Sudanese pound against the US Dollar. Moreover, the result was a rise in commodity prices and the rise in drug prices by as much as 300 percent. The Civil disobedience is for the sake of the Sudanese citizens and their home. The dictator Omar al-Bashir’s regime will fall and Sudan will remain free and independent. The experiment of the Islamist rule announced by the ruling regime of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan has abjectly failed, as in many other countries in the world and has come to a standstill. The consequences of that regime to Sudan constituted insecurity, the spread of corruption, rising of commodity prices, collapse of health services, education, and continuing of the absurd civil wars of attrition. The underlying causes of the downfall of the Sudanese currency are multifactorial. They include on top of which the civil wars of attrition waged by the (NCP) regime in the Darfur region since 2003, renewed warfare in South Kordofan - Nuba Mountains and in Ingasana in South Blue Nile. The lavish expenditure by the influential ruling National Congress Party (NCP) political leaders added burden on the budget. The institutionalized corruption within the government of Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir and his clan and entourage continued ripping the country off resources. One should not forget the effects of Sudan's cumulative debt to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. As a consequence of the foregoing factors he U.S. dollar exchange rate went up in banks to 15.8 Sudanese Pound (SDG) compared to the official Central Bank of Sudan rate of 6.5 SDG. Moreover, of the main causes of economic deterioration in Sudan include, among many others factors, the ruling regime of the NCP has dispensed with the production sources of Sudan, such as El-Gezira irrigated Agricultural Project, sale of Sudan Airways – Sudanair - and Sudan Shipping Line Co. Ltd that provided maritime transportation services in the past and along with the Sudan Railways. The foregoing combined with the weakness of the country's exports led to poverty of the country and impoverishment of the people in it. It became in the circumstances onus on the people of Sudan to resume their Civil Disobedience for which they identified Monday 19 December 2016. This date coincides with and marks the 61st Anniversary of the Day when the representatives of Sudanese people declared the Independence of Sudan from within the Parliament on Monday 19, December 1955. That date has great meaning to the people of Sudan when they became independent from the clutches of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium colonisation, which extended from 1899 to 1955. This Parasitic savage capitalism under the auspices of the rule of political Islam in Sudan in the global Masonic era of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) their only motive is how best grabbing money and power through pillage and plunder. The people of Sudan have learnt the lesson the hard way over the 27 lean years of the reign of this devilish entity known as National Islamic Front (NIF) /National Congress Party (NCP)/ Popular Congress Party (PCP). the citizens of Sudan are kind truthful people and among the best in the world and as a result of their unfortunate enough confidence and blind belief in religious preaching issued by sheikhs, regardless of their sincerity, they fell in the trap of the infamous preaching of the then National Islamic Front (NIF). The irony is that the regime of the NCP has decided after the passage of 27 lean years of arbitrary corrupt regime led by the genocidal criminal Omer al-Bashir to reduce the Government spending. The regime is reported to have pledged reducing government expenditure by 50 percent and to reduce the missions to embassies abroad and to reduce this and that at a very late kind of measures that do not serve any Sudanese individual but only for a cheap publicity! The irreparable damage has already been done beyond repair. Therefore, the Second Civil disobedience begins on Monday, December 19, 2016 under the slogan of our right to free treatment and free education and a dignified existence and a fair division of power and wealth in Sudan and freedom of opinion. Freedom is the uncompromising right. The battle of liberation from the grip of the ruling gang is a national duty. Omar al-Bashir’s authority is the authority, which came on the ruins of the usurped democratic system regardless of what was said about its shortcomings and cons of the leaders at the time of the ill-fated Military coup by the National Islamic Front (NIF) 27 years ago. However, change is coming inevitably. The people of Sudan would decide the Democratic Alternative and not restricted to the so-called ‘National Figures or the political elites as in the previous eras. I conclude this article by referring to the news media item indicating that the (NCP) regime is in the process of signing a deal with the Russian governments on Wednesday 7th December 2016 on the use of nuclear energy in Sudan. The question that imposes itself at the moment is what is the difference between the Russian Nuclear Energy for the NCP regime and the Russian made and supplied Antonov and Sukhoi fighter bomber planes that used by Omer al-Bashir to commit the heinous crimes of war, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur؟ http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php؟article61055 It seems as though NCP regime after the Chemical weapon warfare in the Darfur region heading to nuclear energy for more lethal weaponry for genocidal atrocities and the "Final Solution” exema Holocaust! The survivors of genocide among the people of Sudan in the Darfur Region would say No dialogue with the criminal regime of the NCP, but dialogue arrangements for the departure of al-Bashir and his regime from power. Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America and the renowned polymath and a leading author, printer, political theorist,, was quoted as saying: (Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God.). https://www.google.co.uk/webhp؟sourceid=chrome-instantandion=1...#q=Benjamin+Franklin Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/
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أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 10 ديسمبر 2016
اخبار و بيانات
بيان المجموعة السودانية للديمقراطية أولاً في اليوم العالمي لحقوق الانسانالبيان الختامي للدورة الخامسة لتحالف قوى التغيير السودانيةحركة جيش تحرير السودان/قيادة مناوي بيان مهم حول العصيان المدني 19 ديسمبربيان إلى جماهير الشعب السوداني العظيم من الجبهة السودانية للتغييرفي محاولة لتصفيتها: جهاز الأمن يسعى لتغيير يطال الخط التحريري وصحفيين وكتاب بصحيفة (الجريدة)بيان من التجمع العالمي لنشطاء السودان بمناسبة اليوم العالمي لحقوق الإنسانتقضي شهر العسل مع الزوج الجديد.. امرأة فى عصمة رجلينإلغاء قرارات محاكمة شبكة باعت سودانيين رقيقاً في ليبيانائب الرئيس : لا وجود لداعش بالسودانلوَّحت بتدخلها لوقف بيع طائرة سوادانير لجنة بالبرلمان: تسوية بيع خط هيثرو أمر يخص الحكومةالمؤتمر الشعبي: أي وسيلة غير الحوار ستقودنا لمصير سورياالحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان - شمال تعتذر عن ورشة مركز (كارتر) للمعارضة في نيروبيالسبت 10 ديسمبر وقفة امام السفارة السودانية بمناسبة اليوم العالمي لحقوق الانسان
اراء و مقالات
مفهوم الكتلة الحرجة بين علم الفيزياء وعلم النفس الاجتماعي (٢)/(٣) بقلم صديق أبوفواز الخطايا الخمسة لجمهورية الكرة في العراق بقلم اسعد عبدالله عبدعليالكبد الدهني ....المرض الصامت بقلم د.محمد فتحي عبد العالالثورة الشعبية السودانيه .. طريق التميز ومخاطر الردة بقلم عوض الله قاسم حسننحتفل بمولده لأننا نحبه ونقتدي به بقلم نورالدين مدنيوثائق هامة منسية عن سلطنة دارفور (5) الابادة الجماعية الاولي لاهل دارفور والسودان19 ديسمبر.. بداية نهاية حكم الفرعون المتسول بقلم الصادق حمدينرسالة الى رسول الله في ليلة مولده (سيدي المختار طه) بقلم بروفيسور أحمد مصطفى الحسينشباب الوطني والعصيان الى كلمة سواء!!! بقلم حيدر الشيخ هلالالنوبة قوم كرام يستحقون التكريم و الاحتفاء لا الابادة و العدوان بقلم ايليا أرومي كوكوفي ذكرى الاستقلال دخول أمريكا في المسألة السودانية: 1951-1953 (5) بقلم فيصل عبدالرحمن علي طههل تكفي كوادر الكيزان لتغطية شواغر العصيان؟ن بقلم د.آمل الكردفانيحقائق صراع ما وراء حل السبعتين بقلم زين العابدين صالح عبد الرحمنالذعر يسود اوساط الملايين من المهاجرين المهددين بالترحيل من امريكا بقلم محمد فضل علي .. كنداالفريق بكري (يعتذر) عن منصب رئيس الجمهورية بقلم جمال السراجوما فقد سكان غزة فروسيتهم بقلم د. فايز أبو شمالةالمولد النبويّ الشريف، والطفل "الراهنغي" الضعيف .. رُحماك يالطيف ويالطيف بقلم أحمد إبراهيم – دبيالمختبئون ..!! بقلم الطاهر ساتيالتعليق على الأخبار بقلم فيصل محمد صالحعجائب اللجنة الشعبية!! بقلم عثمان ميرغنيوبعد أداء القسم.. نقول بقلم أسحاق احمد فضل اللهثقافة الكرباج!! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضةسيدي الوزير بناء محطة نووية بالسودان هو جرياً عكس الإتجاه الصحيح بقلم يوسف علي النور حسنالمخرج الامن للسودان وأهله بقلم نورالدين مدني
المنبر العام
إعلان العصيان علي بوستات الكيزان بمنبر سودانيزسيدى المحتار طه فى زمن العصيان المدنىمبادرة: قللوا من إستهلاك المكالمات للثلث لإسقاط الحكومة.صحيفة أثيوبية ..يا اهل السودان امنحونا رئيسكم البشير ليكون رئيسا لاثيوبيا....مفاجاة جيل ما بعد الثورتين ستكون داووووووية ...!!!!!اذاعة صوت السودانيا شرفاء المنبر ـ الرجاء الإنتباه لما ورد في التنويه الهامهل فعلا الحكومة تعتزم اعلان يوم 19 عطلة ( يصادف يوم اعلان الاستقلال من داخل البرلمان)أي صـوت زار بالأمـس خيالـيعاد دا كلام يا اخوانا ؟ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! صورة !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! شعباً واحد .. جيشاً واحد الدعوة الاخيرة للعصيان حتي سقوط النظام و الحذر ما كل من يدعو للنظام مع الثورةالحزب الإتحادي الديمقراطي الأصل يدعم عصيان 19 ديسمبر2016اقتراح مقدم للتصويت عليه بشأن الكيزان والأمنجية والرمادين فيما يخص 19 البشارة والاملاحزان الجمهوريون: فاطمة الطيب شايب الى الرحاب العليةأكتوبر المنسي فى طرقات مملكة التذكر والضجر . تاريخ (التم تم )يا جماعة كل زول يرعى في محل رعيتو .....ما إنتهينا من غاغة ميّادة كمال دخلنا في غاغة الشفيع وراق !...والدُّنيا...( قبر الشعوب : الخوف واليأس ) - يحيى السماويزِنْ عِناقَكَالحصار الاقتصادي للنظامهذه السيدة كانت تحب البشير وتدافع عنه.. !!!هل البشير انسان ؟قبل يوم ١٩ ياغادر الامير ...يا انطلقت الحمير ... يا اتلقها الفقير نعم للحق الشعب في تقرير مصيرو (بسلاح العصيان)العصيان أكبر درس لحكومة الكيزان أعداء الإنسانية عبر كل زمان عـــــــــــــريـــــــــــس ،،، زيــــارة ....القوي السياسية التي انضمت للعصيان 19\12\2016 وابدآ ما هنت يا سوداننا يومآ علينا .Re: القوي السياسية التي انضمت للعصيان 19\12\2016 وصـبــاح الـخــيـــــر والــثــــــــــــــورةالعصاة المدنيون ...... ياشموعا ضؤها الاخضر قلبيRe: العصاة المدنيون ...... ياشموعا ضؤها الاخضر قاعتصام 19 ديسمبر، تصرف سلمي وحضاريRe: اعتصام 19 ديسمبر، تصرف سلمي وحضاريتحليل خطاب حكومة الظل يفضح عُودَها الأخوانوىSudanese Calling For Changeلجماعة الحوار نهدي مقال فيصل محمد صالح.. ما شفتوا عوض؟؟كل المنافي فضحت شوقي إليك ! / شعرمصادرة جريدة الجريدة للمرة السابعة خلال أسبوعين دعوة للشخصيات العامة و احزاب و منظمات...الخ المشاركة فى العصيان المدنى للاعلان هنا بِضْعُ مُلاحَظَاتٍ عامة على مقال (عِصْيَانُ نُوفَمْبِر: بِضْعُ مُلاحَظَاتٍ أوَّليَّة)الأحزاب السودانيةتعلن الثورةعلى النظام..قواعدها للعصيان:فهل الجيش في الميدان؟Re: بعد سنين طوويلة ازييكم