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Articles and Views Bashir continues in Denial of potential Sudanese Popular Uprising Ousting his regime By Mahmoud Sul
Bashir continues in Denial of potential Sudanese Popular Uprising Ousting his regime By Mahmoud Sul
11-21-2016, 01:50 AM |
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198
Bashir continues in Denial of potential Sudanese Popular Uprising Ousting his regime By Mahmoud Sul
00:50 AM November, 21 2016 Sudanese Online Mahmoud A. Suleiman- My Library Short URL This article comes against the backdrop of Omer al-Bashir’s hyperextended bravado overload and the boasting of the capabilities of his regime recently. Bashir said that his invincible militia and mercenaries would end the rebellion in Sudan, especially in the Darfur region by the end of the rainy season at the end of December 2016. Moreover, Omar al-Bashir said that those who did not attend the signing of the outputs of the national Wathba dialogue will be forced to attend and Sign. The Sudanese people, however, strongly believe that the fate of the National Congress Party (NCP) regime led by Omer al-Bashir will not be different from the destiny of the tyrants of the world and the dictators of the neighbouring Arab and African countries. The fate of the regime of the genocidal criminal Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir would not be different from the fate of dictators who preceded him and might be worst in accordance with the laws of the universe. “Topple the regime” let’s engage in the national duty is one of the slogans inherent at the rallies of the disaffected people of Sudan in response to the deterioration of living conditions and the lack of freedoms and the continuation of the civil wars of attrition. The NCP regime in Khartoum, President Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir vowed to stem pout rebellion in Sudan by the month of December 2016 when the rainy season ends. Here he tries forgetting the fate of his counterpart dictators. The people of the respective countries have ousted those oppressive rulers. Moreover, the citizens of those nations forgot the dictators and their names faded into oblivion in the dustbin of the dark history. The ill-fated National Islamic Front’s (NIF) June 30, 1989 coup d’état was the incidence which should never have happened , given the fact that the short lived democratic government of Sadig al-Mahdi that came after the demise of the May-25 military regime of Gaffer Mohmed al- Nimeiri. It was the result of the usual systemic infighting and counter intrigues among the Sudanese political class over the post-Independence years. The inept partisan Governments of the Khatmiyya religious Sect and the rival Ansar religious with their two respective parties, namely, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and the National Umma Party (NUP) played major role in the devastation of the country.. Each of the two rivals tried sabotage the policies of the other irrespective of their plausibility and usefulness to the interest of the Sudanese people. Thus, each one of the two parties went its way conspiring against the foe and allying with a military officers craving for authority and wealth. In that dilemma, the Sudanese people missed opportunity and lost valuable 49 years of the 60 years that followed the independence for the eras of the three military coup d’états. On a number of occasions, the NCP regime genocidal President Omer al-Bashir said boastingly that his kleptocratic rule, is not as the regimes that collapsed in the so-called Arab-Spring. Furthermore, he added saying that they would rule for ever and never hand it over to anybody. Here, Omer al-Bashir simulates the Pharaoh of Egypt who said to his people; I show you only that which I see and I guide you only to the path of right policy. The Egyptian Pharaoh added in another verse: I am your Supreme Lord; these rivers run under my command – as was mentioned by the Holy Qur’an. The phrase of ‘blind seer’ could by bestowed on Omer al-Bashir and his sycophant supporters and staunch loyalist entourage. The problem with Omar al-Bashir that he fails to take lessons from the unexpected events that take the world by surprise and puzzlement. The logical question addressed to Omar al-Bashir is as to whether he ever thought of or expected the end of the rule of Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak, or the rule of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya, the way in which precipitated the demise of the regime of each one of them. The irony and the big trouble is that the dictators do not read past history of the world and fail reflecting on the present and never try thinking about the root causes of the groundbreaking events that occur every day around the world. Worse, they rest and feel relief as long as long as they receive support from the obsequious subservient entourage. Omar al-Bashir fights his battle (Don Quixote and windmills) against the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ongoing pandemonium and turf of Omer al-Bashir and his entourage in a manner of Don Quixote and his windmill battles against the International Criminal Court (ICC) have proved ineffective and the outcome would be a crushing defeat and sorrow. The Sudanese people are sick and tired of the embattled al-Bashir’s boasting though they at the same time they feel rest assured the NIF/NCP regime is nearing its demise with some solidarity of the components of the Sudanese cantankerous opposition factions. As for the people of Sudan in the troubled Darfur region that hosts over 2.6 million IDPs, they learned the hard way the hypocrisy, racism, tribalism and the vacuous religious slogans of the NCP regime, which committed the most heinous crimes of war, rape, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Muslim population. Furthermore, the regime has recently used chemical weapons in the Jebel Marra area in western Darfur killing more than 250 people among them children. Despite all this, Omer al-Bashir kept boasting that his Janjaweed militias have uprooted rebellion in Darfur. Despite that, he said contradicting himself by indicated that his regime would uproot and eradicate rebellion in the region by the end of December 2016. Omer al-Bashir needs to remember, though his memory seems rusty, as to how the tyrants like him in the world in general and in the neighbouring countries in particular who vanished during the lean 27 years of his rule. He lived through the era of their ended reign. Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, died on 20 October 2011 during the Battle of Sirte, by rebel militants. John L. Hirsch, the Senior Adviser at the International Peace Institute (IPI) and an author, wrote an article titled (The Fate of Dictators) https://theglobalobservatory.org/2011/11/the-fate-of-dictators/ following the execution of the former Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi by rebel militants. John L. Hirsch wrote his article on November 1, 2011, reflecting on how dictators and despots met their humiliating fate. He cited examples of dictators and tyrants from around the world. To the long list of Mr. Hirsch quoted I also some others. They included Adolf Hitler of the Nazi Germany, Benito Mussolini of Fascist Italy, Nikolai Chawsisco of Romania his wife Elena, Joseph Stalin the leader of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Francois Duvalier, nicknamed Pope Duc tyrant of Haiti, Slobodan Milosevic architect of the war in Yugoslavia, Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, Dictator Charles Taylor of Liberia, Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam, the Central African Republic dictator Jean Beadle Bokassa, Ugandan dictator Edi Amin , Baghdad tyrant Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, or Brother Number One led the communist movement, known as the Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia, Tyrant Jaafar Mohammed Nimeiri of Sudan, During the so-called Arab Spring popular uprisings includes Tyrant of Tunisia Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Tyrant of Egypt Hosni Mubarak, Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen, Chad dictator Hissene Habre. Tyrant of Sudan, Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir awaits his inevitable fate, God willing. The Reminding of the fate of tyrants did not stem from gloating, but to take lessons from history especially for those arrogant dictators who think that they were in a safe haven. The recalling of the fate of tyrants in history is a useful knowledge and a wake-up alarm to tyrants who rule out removal from power. Moreover, it is also gives hope to the disenfranchised public members that an end to tyranny and dictatorship is possible provided people continue united and in a steadfast resistance. The fate of Omar Bashir might not be better than the fate of dictators who preceded him in accordance to the current data and taking into consideration the laws of the universe. Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/
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المنبر العام
مظاهرة نسائية في الخرطوم وعدد كبير من قوات الامن تتصدي لها بالضرب(صور)حاكم الشارقة يفتتح معارض لكوكبة من الفنانيين السودانيينهل هؤلاء يشعرون ؟!!لا..لا.. للغلاء..للمعارضين والمنتمين للاحزاب - إستفسار.؟ديل أجمل بنات بلدى....(صور بس)صناديق لدعم المرضى في كل مدن وقرى واحياء السودان. صيدليات علياء.. هل ابتلعت الآخرين..؟!الجنيه المصري يتكبد أكبر خسائر أمام الدولار منذ التعويمتصفية قيادات ميدانية بحركة عبد الواحد محمد نورالعصيان المدنى لا هاشتاق بنفع ،لاشارع بنفع لو ادوناالدواء الليله ناس السعوديه ولا قطر بكرا ما بدونلأجي من أبناء دارفور يتزوج أسرائيلية مع صور مبروك يا أخي موسيالبوردابي حسن فرح صدرت منه إيحاءات عنصرية مقيتة ..دغمسة الفريق طه عثمان مع هوما عابدين سكرتيرة هيلاريالفوضى تضرب أسواق الدواء في الخرطومامتناع إدارة مستشفى الشعب عن صرف العلاج المجاني للمرضى بقسم الطوارئ -تحقيققصة زريبة مهاجري .............................. (7) ثلاثة صقور لإدارة وزارة العدل والأمن القومي والـ«سي آي إيه»للمرة الواحد خمسين في المنبر ندعوكم للعصيان المدني لاسقاط النظام انتحار ثلاثة اشقاء عجزت اسرتهم عن توفير الدواء لهم(وثيقة).. من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر .. فليترك سيرة البنغالي والصحافية .. وكل ما يصرف عن أمر الوطن ...النّفسُ السّابِعةُمباهِجُ الشّاعِرهندي يُشطّف رجلي أمّه ويشرب الماء ويتوضأ بهلعنة الله على البشير وحزبه - صورسيناريو متوقع !!قناة سودانية 24.. قناة الرجل الواحد.ضياء الدين بلال.. التمهيد للرحيل من جمال الوالي إلى وجدي ميرغني(النيل الأزرق).. هل تصدق؟..هم اعضاء في سودانيز اونلاين..!!كرار التهامى والتوقعات العظيمة!!بئس الوصف ياعمر!!! طلب مساعدةصيدلية سودانيز اون لاين الخيرية هم(أهل السودان)لايريدون إسقاط النظام ولا تغييره،بل ترقيعه بالإجراءات الدستوريةليستمر!
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