11-13-2016, 03:51 AM |
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198
NCP Bashir Congratulates US President Elect Donald Trump and asking for Mutual Cooperation By Mahm
02:51 AM November, 13 2016 Sudanese Online Mahmoud A. Suleiman- My Library Short URL This article comes against the backdrop of what had emerged from the US election to choose the President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday 9th November 2016. The question that imposes itself is as to whether the so-called National Salvation Revolution (INGAZ)/ National Congress Party (NCP), learned from the experience of peaceful transfer of power and sharing of power in America before the (NCP) regime President Omer al-Bashir congratulating the US President-elect Donald Trump. The Political analysts kept contemplating and kept asking! This question may seem futile and a kind of sophistry directed to a regime that remained in office and ruled Sudan for nearly three decades has come through the ominous fateful military coup undermining the democratically elected government. The impecunious cannot give generously as the proverb goes. Since the United States’ Presidential election results emerged, the mass media in Khartoum kept reporting that the head of the ruling regime for the National Congress Party (NCP) congratulated the U.S. President-elect Donald Trump for winning the presidential race. Marshal Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir has been indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity, war crimes war, and genocide in Darfur and remaining fugitive from international justice since 2009. Furthermore, Marshal al-Bashir has asked Mr. Trump for cooperation between their two countries! The Sudanese adage goes those who felt shy with extreme coyness have died! Political observers and analysts wished that the elements in the ruling regime of the NCP gave themselves some time to learn from the American experience of the democratic system and its application on the ground. But as we know that the ideology of the global Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) , which practiced and followed by Movement members of the Sudan branch do not learn from past experiences and lessons, and do not take lessons from this, and remaining as one of the biggest ills inherent in them through the eras. Furthermore, and as one already noted in a previous article referring to what the Gamal al-Banna, brother of Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) in Egypt in 1928 that the Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) members neither learn from their mistakes nor take over lessons from past experiences. They were just like the kings of France, of the family of the Bourbons The two American parties, Republican and Democratic, winner and loser in last Presidential election provide a lesson for Third World countries that languishing under the muddy pools of the totalitarian establishments. Democratic practice in the United States presents to the peoples that are looking for emancipation, freedom and democracy-building that promote human rights and civil rights and achieve transparency in governance and the rule of law and constitutionality upscale level of democracy and to accept the results and to deal with the practice, despite the difference in trends and visions. Third World rulers, led by Sudan are at the greatest need to reflect on the example from Hillary Clinton's farewell speech. She called through a high degree of responsibility to sow hope in the future and the unity of the American people and guard the rights and freedoms and the values of justice, equality and hard work for America's future and deal with the reality of generations that Brought by the democratic choice for the future and work for change. The logical question would pose itself as to what extent the Sudanese President al-Bashir felt embarrassed of his never-ending survival on the Presidential chair, regardless of the manner in which he came to power, for 27 years. During those 27 lean years of his reign, US elected Five Presidents by the will of the American people in fair, free elections with high transparency. They included President George Herbert Walker Bush, the father, President Bill Clinton for two terms, President George W. Bush J. for one term and President Barak Obama an African American for two terms that end in January 2017. The new upcoming President-elect Donald John Trump will begin his duties in January next 2017. It is pathetic that Omer al-Bashir while offering congratulations to the US President-elect Donald Trump and looking forward to cooperate with the new US president. The NCP Génocidaire Omer Hassan Ahmed al- Bashir forgot or ignored the mere promise of achieving democracy for the people of Sudan. This style of political discourse is not surprising in the era of the unratified ruling regime of the National Congress Party (NCP). The regime has decided during the outcomes of the so-called Wathba dialogue or National Dialogue Conference in Khartoum on 10 October 2016 that Omar al-Bashir will continue as President of Sudan until the year 2020 without democratically elected by the disenfranchised There is no comparison between this and what happens in the United States of America. The comparison between what is followed democratically in the United States of America and the holding Dictatorship in Sudan is neither fair nor appropriate. The rulers of the Third World among, them the leaders of the African Nations, are in greatest need of learning from the speech of President Barack Obama. Obama referred to and called on the President-elect Donald Trump for the need of implementation of procedures for dealing with smooth exchange of power between the outgoing President term of office ending and the President-elect in accordance with the traditions of American democracy. It is significant referring to the statements made by the president-elect Donald Trump adviser on Middle East affairs Mr. Walid Phares. He said America under the leadership of Donald Trump would not tolerate what he called abuses practiced by the Khartoum government against its own citizens. Furthermore, he added that there is no reason why the United States and its European allies lift the economic sanctions on Bashir's regime in light of the continued violations in Sudan. Moreover, Mr. Walid Phares indicated that they will work with the international community during the first hundred days to end the crisis in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan. Accordingly, the congratulatory telegram of Omar al-Bashir could have been meaningful and resonate with US President-elect Donald Trump if the ruling (NCP) regime expressed the wish to learn from the practice of the transparent democracy in America. Moreover, for al-Bashir learning and reflecting on the quest of the US Administration’s tirelessly work to respect the desires of the US American citizen for their freedoms and rights. Political analysts believe that of the most saddened governments in the Middle East region for Donald Trump win are the Sudanese government, led by the National Congress Party (NCP) and the State of Iran. President–elect Donald Trump confirmed at most of his campaign that he would declare the war on radical Islam. The peaceful way employed by President Barack Obama in his diplomatic relations with the radical Islamism duo Khartoum and Tehran and called the quiet phase, which has not experienced a war of "Obama's approach", which was exploited by the Sudanese regime and Iranian governments fully seems to have approached the end. Since the Islamic countries found in the Obama regime simply a break from the George W. Bush Presidency’s ultimatum that puts clear: “either with us or against us”. Thus, that Honeymoon period might be approaching end. In contrast, the difference between Khartoum and Iran with regard to material gain from the Obama Administration, Iran successfully obtained all their assets, which were frozen since the Khomeini revolution by the United States thanks to President Barack Obama's foreign policy. However, Omar al-Bashir came out barehanded catching the wind and went out despite his pleading and willingness to obey unquestionably in a subservient manner and making concessions for free! Obama has come to keep the intelligence cooperation between the US and Khartoum regime, which falls within the framework of the peace adopted by his authority in dealing with all the countries of the world. But Barak Obama put the pressure in the direction of policy of achieving a smooth secession of the south Sudan in 2010 in exchange for turning a blind eye to the continuing tragedy in Darfur. In recent days the Obama administration proceeded to reward Omer al-Bashir government by lifting sanctions on Sudan in lieu of intelligence services. However, Obama in the face of the pressure of the lobbying Congress of Republican majority failed to lift the more pressing economic sanctions. Instead, Obama settled for partially lifting some banking facilities, and electronics along with keeping silent on the government of Sudan using chemical weapons against civilian populations, among them children in the locality of Jebel Marra in Western Darfur. That position remained in spite of the 22 Senators calling the Foreign Ministry of John Kerry, to act, but he refused to walk in that direction that he thought it might stand as stumbling block to the cooperation between the two governments. The Outgoing US President Barack Obama administration did not support any direction in this regard, preferring to tuck the head in the sand, and did not take a clear position on the NCP regime use of chemical weapons in Darfur, as did its counterparts from the Western countries, the British and French governments. Thus, Barack Obama has failed the people of Sudan in Darfur, where he did not fulfill his promise he made during his candidacy in the US presidential election in 2008. As to the question what can the four-year term of the President-elect Donald Trump do remain closely guarded in secrecy. Political analysts thought the most important fact is that the new era of the US Republican Party with their known approach by adopting the way the war will draw profound impact on the United States and the Middle East in general and Sudan in particular. The Days remain gravid with secrets fraught with meanings that give birth to new events, as the saying goes. Here there are only two options either acting accordingly or by a preemptive strike. Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/
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