مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة

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06-05-2004, 06:44 AM


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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة (Re: MAHA ABDALLA)

    My passion with specail education started ealry in the 1996 at the Ahfad University for women , I am so proud to say that I am product of this huge educational institute. I was in the school of Psychoclgy . In my third year I took pre- school education as my major. during that year I went to several institutes for trainingin the field of special education . I was suprised with the number of students with special needs in these insisiutes. At the samtime there weren't any services provided for them form the government .
    Some of these institutes were funded by some NGOS and the rest were funded by donations . I remember that I talked to my teacher about this issue and I asked how we can improve these institutes, because I thought that they were providing a service for the society . They are taking care of these students and they were helping them to be dependent on themselves.she said well our role is to give you the opportunity to know more about the different kinds of disabilties and to be more skilled in this feild. I was so depressed and I felt that people should know about these institiutes, and they should learn about their important role in the society. I wasn't the only student who had the same ideas but there were other students who agreed with me that we have to do something to help these institutes.


العنوان الكاتب Date
مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة MAHA ABDALLA06-05-04, 06:07 AM
  Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة MAHA ABDALLA06-05-04, 06:44 AM
    Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة salwa elsaeed06-16-04, 10:52 PM
  Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة سارة منصور06-05-04, 06:46 AM
  Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة nada ali06-05-04, 07:04 AM
    Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة Kostawi06-14-04, 08:06 PM
  Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة sharnobi06-05-04, 07:21 AM
    Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة MAHA ABDALLA06-16-04, 04:18 AM
      Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة فتحي الصديق06-16-04, 10:48 AM
        Re: مسز مى وابنتى bayan06-16-04, 01:50 PM
  Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة Teeta06-16-04, 02:03 PM
    Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة منعمشوف06-16-04, 05:01 PM
      Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة Hussein Mallasi06-16-04, 08:21 PM
  Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة salwa elsaeed06-17-04, 12:23 PM
  Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة Tabaldina06-20-04, 08:25 AM
  Re: مذكرات معلمة تربية خاصة tiger1806-20-04, 10:40 AM

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