نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان.

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Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو (Re: Abdel Aati)

    من تقرير لمنظمة العفو الدولية - امنستي انترناشيونال-

    The SPLA, the SSIA and human rights

    On 30 July 1995 SPLA soldiers and armed Dinka, Agar and Atuot civilians from the Akot and Aluakluak areas combined to attack Nuer villages and cattle camps around the small centre of Ganyliel in southern Upper Nile.

    Ganyliel is a relatively densely populated area. Its villages are scattered collections of homesteads, each with its own cattle byre known as a luak, and each surrounded by its own fields. By late July 1995 most of the cattle had been brought back to the cattle byres from more distant camps where they had been pastured during the dry season.

    The attack is reported to have begun in the early hours of the morning. First the raiders attacked villages northwest of Ganyliel. They then split into three parties and over the hours that followed, both before and after dawn, they looted and burned villages around Dhuolmanyang, Gualaguk and Laidit. Over 200 civilians, the majority of them women and children, were reportedly killed. Thousands of cattle, sheep and goats were driven away. Some standing crops were slashed and destroyed.

    Many of those killed were indiscriminately shot as they fled. Others were captured and then deliberately killed. An eye-witness to the attack on Bongkhal, which took place shortly after first light, has described seeing three women with their babies being caught by SPLA soldiers. Two of the women were shot dead. One woman and the babies were killed with large knives. A woman who survived the attack on the village of Manyal had one child shot and two others hacked to death. Nearby an elderly women was cut to death. An infant was killed by being thrown in the air and left to hit the ground. Another eye-witness described seeing SPLA soldiers capturing Nuer civilians and then handing them over to Dinka civilians to be speared to death.

    The attack on Ganyliel was in retaliation for an earlier assault by SSIA soldiers and Nuer civilians on Akot and the nearby Tharagep cattle camp. Akot is an important regional centre for both the SPLA and for relief and development assistance. The villages around it are similar to those around Ganyliel, except that cattle are kept all year round in camps containing thousands of animals.

    In the raid on Akot and Tharagep, on 22 October 1994, more than 100 civilians are reported to have been killed and as many as 2,000 cattle stolen. Civilians were shot indiscriminately as they tried to escape. Adith Malok, a midwife in Akot medical centre, was shot dead minutes after she had delivered a baby when she ran outside. Others were captured and then beaten and speared to death. A survivor of the attack on Tharagep, Macol Mayang, was beaten about the head with an iron bar. He survived because he fell unconscious. SSIA soldiers and Nuer civilians looted Akot during the attack; after the asault SPLA soldiers and local people looted stores belonging to foreign relief and development organizations.

    These attacks follow the pattern of fighting between the SPLA and SSIA involving deliberate attacks on civilians detailed in previous Amnesty International reports. In the past, the SPLM/A has remained silent on the issue of responsibility for human rights abuses. Recently, however, there have been indications that some senior members of the SPLM/A have recognized the need to take responsibility for human rights abuses committed by SPLA members. These developments stem from a decision by the First National Convention in April 1994 to strengthen civilian involvement in the organization.

    In 1995 both the SPLM/A and the SSIM/A signed agreements with UN Operation Lifeline Sudan establishing ground rules for the delivery of humanitarian assistance. These include a commitment to respecting basic principles laid down in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the 1977 Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions. While the ground rules are primarily about humanitarian issues, the international treaties to which the SPLM/A and SSIM/A have committed themselves contain important human rights provisions. The ground rules represent a statement by these organizations about the standards to which they aspire (and which are also expected of UN agencies and non-governmental organizations).

    Amnesty International welcomed the SPLM/As signature of the agreement as an important act in a report entitled Monitoring human rights published in October 1995. ( In January 1995 Amnesty International called on the SPLM/A to make a public commitment to the humanitarian principles enshrined in the Geneva Conventions.) At that time Amnesty International was not aware that SSIM/A had also signed it. Amnesty International pointed out that the SPLM/A was already bound as a minimum to apply Common Article Three of the Geneva Conventions, and went on to say that whether or not these steps are meaningful will be determined by the SPLAs conduct.

    Since the ground rules were signed the Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Association (SRRA), the humanitarian wing of the SPLM/A, and the Relief Association for the Southern Sudan (RASS), the equivalent wing of the SSIM/A, have cooperated with UN Operation Lifeline Sudan in holding a series of meetings to explain the ground rules. In October Amnesty International representatives attended such a meeting in Chukudum, an SPLM/A-controlled village in southern Sudan. It was attended by over 100 civilians and SPLA officers, as well as by representatives of Sudanese and foreign non-governmental organizations working in Chukudum. The SRRA team explored the links between the principles underlying the ground rules and southern Sudanese socio-cultural traditions. However, the human rights implications of the ground rules agreement were not made clear.

    The agreement therefore currently represents an opportunity to build human rights awareness rather than a decisive intervention for human rights protection. This was underlined to Amnesty International in a meeting in October 1995 with SSIM/A leader Dr Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon. He and his advisers insisted that the agreement did not commit the SSIM/A to respecting international standards for the protection of human rights.

    In September 1995 the SPLM/A held a large meeting of its officers, part of which was attended by civilians and Sudanese and foreign non-governmental organizations. Public criticism was encouraged. The opinions that were voiced from within the SPLM/A included criticism of human rights abuse by the SPLA. At the meeting the SPLM/A committed itself to setting up a verification committee to investigate alleged violations of childrens rights and the ground rules. Again, this is a welcome development -- but it is not yet clear that it has been put into practice.

    In October 1995 Amnesty International representatives met Salva Kiir Mayardit, Chief of Staff of the SPLA and Deputy Chairman of the SPLM, and four Regional Governors and senior commanders. The officers were critical of Amnesty Internationals reporting of alleged abuses by the SPLA. They argued that there had been mistakes in the past, but that, since the First National Convention in 1994, the human rights situation had changed. They questioned Amnesty Internationals objectives in repeatedly raising incidents which had taken place several years before, suggesting that the organization was politically motivated.

    The Amnesty International representatives raised the killings in Ganyliel. Salva Kiir Mayardit said that the killings had been carried out by cattle raiders, and described cattle raiding as an endemic problem between the Dinka and the Nuer. Although he conceded that SPLA personnel may have taken part in the raid, he denied that the attack was authorized.

    [B]Cattle raids are part of life in this area of Sudan and civilians in the Akot area undoubtedly wanted revenge for the October 1994 attack. However, information received by Amnesty International indicates that SPLA officers in command in Karic and Akot organized the raid. About half the attacking force was made up of SPLA troops, most from Karic and Akot, some from Mvolo, an SPLA post in Western Equatoria south of Akot, and some, reportedly, from around Tonj. Even if SPLA officers did not organize the attack, the large scale involvement of SPLA personnel makes the organization accountable for their actions. (SPLA detachments in the Yirol area, east of Akot, are reported to have refused to take part. The chiefs of Dinka sections from Yirol were actually in the Ganyliel area holding peace talks with their Nuer counterparts when the raid took place[/B].)

    The Amnesty International representatives asked what steps the SPLA had taken to investigate the incident. The procedure described involved the Regional Governor contacting the Divisional Commander, who in turn contacted local commanders and local chiefs. The officers pointed out that Ganyliel is in SSIA territory and that therefore an on-the-spot investigation was not possible.

    It is true that the SPLA could not mount an investigation in Ganyliel itself. However, the inquiry outlined in no way constituted a thorough, systematic investigation. It was not independent and contained no safeguards against the only people being asked for information being the very people responsible for the abuses. It does not appear to have been pursued with any vigour nor to have led to any action against alleged human rights abusers.

    [B]The killings at Ganyliel were committed within days of the signing of the agreement on ground rules. The SPLM/As failure to take action shows that the pattern of inadequate SPLM/A responses to abuses by its troops has not yet been broken. The inadequacy of the SPLM/A reaction underlines how much work remains to be done if it is to establish genuine human rights protection.

    Amnesty International representatives also raised the Akot incident with Dr Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon of the SSIM/A. His response was similar to that of the SPLM/A. He said that he had tried to find out the facts of what had happened in Akot but that this had proved difficult. He indicated that he had not transferred the commander from the area, but acknowledged that the incident raised important issues about the control and training of troops.

    By the time this report is published, the SPLM/A will have held a conference on Civil Society and the Organization of Civil Authority in the New Sudan, currently scheduled for late April 1996. Its aims include developing policies for establishing effective, efficient and accountable structures of civil administration; developing an independent, effective and efficient system for the administration of justice; and developing mechanisms to nurture the growth and effective functioning of civil institutions.

    Amnesty International urges the SPLM/A to address human rights issues directly. A strong civil administration is no guarantee of respect for human rights. A functioning judicial system is vital, but will not protect human rights if laws are inconsistent with international human rights standards or if procedures do not allow, for example, the right of appeal to an independent body. Strengthening the institutions of civil society (including non-governmental human rights organizations) is a fundamental long-term step towards holding those with power accountable. However, its success depends upon creating the freedom for such institutions to operate without interference.

    Amnesty Internationals message is simple. The resource constraints and logistical problems which hinder both the SPLM/A and the SSIM/A cannot justify continued failure to take practical measures to improve respect for human rights. It is easy to hide behind such constraints to avoid taking difficult action, but generalizations about the importance of human rights are useless if not backed by action.

    The SPLM/A and the SSIM/A have to take action on human rights which addresses the real seat of power. For both organizations this remains the military. Soldiers who commit abuses must answer for their actions. Strict control should be kept over all military units and clear orders should be given prohibiting the deliberate and arbitrary killing of civilians.

    To be effective, action has to be based on a proper assessment of the facts. Mechanisms to establish the facts in cases of human rights abuse are therefore a top priority. Allegations of abuse should be promptly investigated by impartial systems of inquiry which have sufficient independence to be credible and which issue public reports. The leadership should respond publicly to such reports, indicating what steps they are taking in the light of the report's recommendations.

    Both the SPLM/A and the SSIM/A should explore mechanisms of investigation which can work across the borders of territory controlled by each without hindrance. This would require the politically difficult step of agreeing that human rights issues transcend narrow interests. It could involve the creation of an institution independent of each group but respected by both.

    ِمنظمة العفو الدولية
    Progress or public relations?

    29 May 1996
    AI INDEX: AFR 54/06/96

العنوان الكاتب Date
نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان. Deng11-05-04, 07:13 PM
  Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Elawad11-05-04, 07:43 PM
  Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 02:25 AM
    Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 02:26 AM
      Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 02:27 AM
        Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 02:50 AM
          Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 03:02 AM
            Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 03:18 AM
              Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 03:41 AM
                Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 04:02 AM
  Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو ياسر مكاوي11-06-04, 02:57 AM
  Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Deng11-06-04, 05:49 AM
    Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 06:37 AM
      Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 06:38 AM
        Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 06:38 AM
          Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 06:41 AM
            Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 09:51 AM
              Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 09:58 AM
                Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 10:12 AM
                  Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 10:19 AM
                    Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 10:20 AM
                      Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 10:23 AM
                        Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-06-04, 10:28 AM
    Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو محمد حسن العمدة11-06-04, 01:55 PM
      Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Kostawi11-06-04, 05:05 PM
        Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-07-04, 07:49 AM
          Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-07-04, 08:05 AM
      Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-07-04, 08:06 AM
  Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Roada11-06-04, 10:02 PM
    Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-07-04, 08:07 AM
  Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو برهان تاج الدين11-07-04, 05:11 AM
    Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-07-04, 08:08 AM
  Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Roada11-07-04, 09:32 AM
    Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-07-04, 10:58 AM
      Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Roada11-07-04, 05:35 PM
  Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو محمد أبوجودة11-07-04, 11:46 AM
    Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-07-04, 12:50 PM
      Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو برهان تاج الدين11-07-04, 05:55 PM
  Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Deng11-07-04, 08:35 PM
    Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-08-04, 03:28 AM
      Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-08-04, 03:31 AM
        Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-08-04, 03:32 AM
  Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو ahmed haneen11-08-04, 01:08 AM
    Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو bayan11-08-04, 01:28 AM
      Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو محمد حسن العمدة11-09-04, 10:34 AM
    Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو ود حماد11-08-04, 04:43 AM
      Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-08-04, 04:52 AM
        Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو محمد حسن العمدة11-08-04, 04:11 PM
          Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو nour tawir11-08-04, 09:39 PM
            Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-09-04, 03:37 AM
              Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو Abdel Aati11-09-04, 10:48 AM
                Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو محمد حسن العمدة11-10-04, 01:33 PM
          Re: نور تاور وعادل عبد العاطي ونقل الاكاذيب حول الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السو محمد حسن العمدة12-28-04, 01:13 AM

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