قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر

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charles deng

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر (Re: Zoal Wahid)

    Dear Abureesh
    I blieve this report contains a lot of truth. It is historically documented that the CIA has always heavily relied in its operations in the Arab and Islamic world on Islamic fundamentalist groups. The first cooperation began with the CIA participation in the founding of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in the 1920s. This cooperation with Hassan al-Banna organization intensified during the days of the Abdel Nasser's Pan-Arabist regime.
    The participation of the CIA in the work of the Libyan opposition is not therefore surprising. It happened at the time the CIA was highly active in the trainnig of Bin Laden group and Taliban elements in Afghanistan. Also this reported cooperation between the Libyan opposition elements occured at the time Nimeiri, backed by the CIA, had vowed to revenge from the Libyan strongman, Colonel al-Gdafi, because of his involvement with the attempted overthraw of Nimeri by al-Gadafi in in July 1976.
    At that time the CIA was active with the Libyan oppositon, two leaders of the National Front, the umberella of the Sudanese opposition to Nimeiri, (al-Saddig al-Mahdi and Hassan al-Turabi) had decided to reconcile with Nimeiri after their failure to overthraw him. Al-Turabi was heavily involved with Nimeri more than al-Sadig. The name of the minister of interior mentioned in the report as Mohammed Abdel rahman is in fact Ahmed Abdel Rahman, a prominent leader in the Sudanese Muslim brotherhood movement, led by al-Turabi. So the link up with CIA with al-Turabi is understandable. Al-Turabi has always been at odds with al-Gadafi and until recently. During the last days of Nimeiri in power, Khartoum professional circles ussed to talk a lot about the sabotage Nimeiri and the CIA had been planning against the Libyan strong man. Even the name of those officers mentioned in the reports were circulated, especially the name of al-Fateh Erwa. There is nothing that looks strange in the report, particularly to those who have lived the period between 1978 and 1989.

العنوان الكاتب Date
قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر Abureesh03-09-06, 10:25 PM
  Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر bayan03-11-06, 01:37 AM
    Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر عماد الخير03-11-06, 04:24 AM
      Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر bayan03-13-06, 05:21 AM
  Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر Naji A.Moniem03-13-06, 06:48 AM
  Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر Naji A.Moniem03-13-06, 06:52 AM
    Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر humida03-13-06, 07:08 AM
      Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر humida03-13-06, 07:12 AM
  Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر Zoal Wahid03-13-06, 08:18 AM
    Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر charles deng03-13-06, 10:40 AM
      Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر bayan03-13-06, 11:35 AM
  Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر Elmoiz Abunura03-13-06, 02:12 PM
    Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر bayan03-15-06, 07:21 AM
      Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر عماد الخير03-15-06, 10:13 AM
        Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر bayan03-15-06, 10:28 AM
        Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر Elmoiz Abunura03-15-06, 01:26 PM
          Re: قبيل سـفرى - وقع فى يدى هذا التقـرير الخطيـر bayan04-03-06, 00:56 AM

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