اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي

الفاتح جبرا .. في ذمة الله
نعى اليم ...... سودانيز اون لاين دوت كم تحتسب د. الفاتح يوسف جبرا فى رحمه الله
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03-03-2004, 05:13 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 04-08-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 826

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي


    please ignore title of this post and get the right date from below
    BANIPAL magazine, GRAYWOLF Press & BOA Editions have pleasure in inviting you to

    an evening with Iraqi poets

    Saadi Youssef
    & Fadhil Al-Azzawi

    and their translator Khaled Mattawa

    George Szirtes will introduce the poets on the occasion of their first volumes of poetry in English translation: Without an Alphabet, Without a Face and Miracle Maker

    6.30pm, Tuesday, March 16th
    The Kufa Gallery
    26 Westbourne Grove
    London W2

    Underground: Queensway or Bayswater

    RSVP Banipal editor on 020 8568 9747 or email:


    Saadi Youssef is one of the leading poets of the Arab world and was born near Basra, Iraq, in 1934. He started writing poetry at the age of seventeen and has published thirty collections, a volume of short stories, two novels, several essays, and four volumes of his collected works. Twice exiled from Iraq, the second time in 1979, he lived in many countries before settling in the UK.

    Fadhil Al-Azzawi was born in Kirkuk, north Iraq, in 1940. He has a BA in English Literature from Baghdad University, and a PhD in journalism from Leipzig University. He edited literary magazines and newspapers in Iraq and abroad. At the age of fifteen he was publishing his poetry in leading Arab magazines. In the late 1960s he was the co-founder of a group known as the Sixties Generation. He left Iraq in 1976 and settled in Germany.

    Khaled Mattawa was born in Benghazi, Libya, in 1964. He emigrated to the USA in 1979. He has won awards for his translations of poems by Hatif Janabi, Fadhil al-Azzawi (1997), and in 2003 won the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation for Without an Alphabet, Without a Face. He has two collection of his own works, Ismailia Eclipse (1995) and Zodiac of Echoes (2003). He teaches creative writing in the English faculty at the University of Michigan.

    George Szirtes is a poet and translator and was born in Budapest in 1948. He came to England as a refugee in 1956, and studied Fine Art in London and Leeds. In 1973 he started publishing his poetry in national magazines. His first book, The Slant Door (1979) won the Faber Memorial prize in 1980. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. After returning to Budapest for the first time in 1984, he has worked extensively as a translator of poems, novels, plays and essays. His latest translation is The Night of Akhenaton, Agnes Nemes Nagy selected poems

    (Bloodaxe, 2004)


    (عدل بواسطة farda on 03-03-2004, 11:45 PM)


العنوان الكاتب Date
اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي farda03-03-04, 05:13 PM
  Correction: Tuesday 16 of March !!iiiii farda03-03-04, 11:37 PM
    Re: Correction: Tuesday 16 of March !!iiiii haneena03-04-04, 01:47 AM
  Re: اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي zumrawi03-04-04, 11:23 AM
  Re: اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي Mahmed Madni03-04-04, 11:56 AM
    Re: اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي farda03-04-04, 05:38 PM
  Re: اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي farda03-15-04, 10:30 PM
    Re: اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي farda03-16-04, 11:10 AM
  Re: اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي الجندرية03-16-04, 11:54 AM
    Re: اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي farda03-18-04, 09:56 PM
      Re: اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي farda03-18-04, 10:12 PM
  Re: اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي farda04-04-04, 02:21 PM
  Re: اليوم: الثلاثاء ، قاعة الكوفة ، لندن: سعدي يوسف والعزاوي Mahmed Madni04-04-04, 03:13 PM

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