الامريكي ناتسيوس بلا كوندوم يتجول في السودان!!

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07-14-2007, 09:11 AM

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الامريكي ناتسيوس بلا كوندوم يتجول في السودان!!

    علي الرغم من كل الرغاءات والهرشات التي مارسها (تليفة) المسلمين بامارة السودان الرسالية في وجه امريكا المستكبرة (عدوة الله والاسلام)..وهي قد اعلنت اخيراالحظر المشهور علي كثير من شركات امارتنا المجاهدة... وكنت اعتقد جازماان امارتنا الرسالية ستعلن الحرب الجهادية المقدسةواستنفار كل عباد السودان المجاهدين لمقاتلة امريكا عدوة دولة الرسالة بالخرطوم وهي التي اعلنت من جانبهاالحظر علي شركاتنا الرسالية.. وليس العكس الا انه وفي وضح النهار راينا بام اعيننا السيد المبعوث الامريكي ناتسيوس وهو هذه الايام بعد ذاك القرار المستفز في قلب الخرطوم ودارفور يتجول هذه المرة بلا (كوندوم) وايضا يهاجم الخرطوم في قلب الخرطوم ويتهمها بقذف المدنيين الابرياء من الجو بالطائرات في دارفور ولم نسمع ابدابالتليفة العيفة المجاهد الكبير ان تبرم او امتعض لهذه الزيارة الاستفزازيةوهو امر فاضح جدا لكل تخرصاتهم وتنطعاتهم بالوطنية الكاذبة و يبدو هذه المرة ان الامريكان ما عادوا الان في حوجة للكوندوم الشهير لاستخدامه مع الخرطوم المتعنتة والمتمنعة كذبا طالما الطريق ظلت سالكة ورب الدار قابل بهذا الودار و ماذا يضير الشاة من سلخها بعد ذبحها!!

    Quote: U.S. envoy blasts Sudan for attacks
    By MOHAMED OSMAN Associated Press Writer
    Article Launched: 07/13/2007 06:20:28 PM PDT

    US presidential envoy to Sudan Andrew Natsios talks during a press... (AP Photo/Abd Raouf)«1»KHARTOUM, Sudan—The U.S. envoy to Sudan accused the country's government on Friday of resuming bombing civilian positions in its troubled Darfur region, and warned of a "disturbing" trend of Arab groups resettling in the area.
    Andrew Natsios' comments at a press conference in Khartoum followed what he said was a resumption of the attacks after a lull of several months.

    "After a halt in the bombing between the beginning of February and the end of April 2007, the Sudanese government has resumed bombing in Darfur," he said. "We urge the Sudanese government to end all bombing in Darfur immediately."

    More than 200,000 people have died and 2.5 million have been displaced in the Darfur region of western Sudan since 2003, when ethnic African rebels took up arms against the Arab-dominated Sudanese government, accusing it of decades of neglect.

    Sudan's government is accused of retaliating by unleashing a militia of Arab nomads known as the janjaweed—a charge it denies.

    Natsios said Friday that Arab groups from neighboring countries were resettling in West Darfur and other lands traditionally belonging to local African tribes.

    "It is very disturbing and provocative," he said. The migration could create problems when the crisis in Darfur is resolved and the tribes return to settle on their lands, he said.

    An after-hours call seeking comment from a Sudanese government spokesman was not immediately returned.

    Natsios also



    criticized rebel groups who he said were "cynically obstructing" a political settlement to the troubles in Darfur.
    A peace agreement signed a year ago year between Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir's government and one rebel group in Darfur has been ineffective because more than a dozen other rebel factions rejected the deal and are still fighting.

    "All the rebel leaders need to work constructively along with the Sudanese government to facilitate not obstructing the peace process," said Natsios.

    The U.S. envoy commended the Sudanese government for recently accepting a hybrid force of African and U.N. peacekeepers to be deployed in Darfur to end the bloodshed, but called on it to follow through with its implementation.

    "We welcome the Sudanese government's acceptance of the hybrid U.N.-AU peacekeeping force, but we must now have action by the government to facilitate and speed up the implementation process," Natsios said.

    The Sudanese government for months resisted a push for more than 20,000 U.N. peacekeepers to replace the 7,000-strong AU force, but finally agreed in June to a compromise deal for the U.N. to deploy jointly with the African Union.


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الامريكي ناتسيوس بلا كوندوم يتجول في السودان!! هشام هباني07-14-07, 09:11 AM
  Re: الامريكي ناتسيوس بلا كوندوم يتجول في السودان!! هشام هباني07-14-07, 09:36 AM
    Re: الامريكي ناتسيوس بلا كوندوم يتجول في السودان!! هشام هباني07-14-07, 02:18 PM
      Re: الامريكي ناتسيوس بلا كوندوم يتجول في السودان!! هشام هباني07-15-07, 02:52 AM
        Re: الامريكي ناتسيوس بلا كوندوم يتجول في السودان!! Wasil Ali07-15-07, 03:21 AM
          Re: الامريكي ناتسيوس بلا كوندوم يتجول في السودان!! Wasil Ali07-15-07, 03:21 AM
            Re: الامريكي ناتسيوس بلا كوندوم يتجول في السودان!! Wasil Ali07-15-07, 03:23 AM
              Re: الامريكي ناتسيوس بلا كوندوم يتجول في السودان!! هشام هباني07-15-07, 08:18 AM

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