ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!!

مرحبا Guest
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10-24-2006, 07:09 AM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!!

    في الزمن الجميل حينما كنا صغارا سمعنا ان العهارة في اسفر صورها تجسدت فقط في افضح صورها وتحديدا في عاصمة البلاد في حفنة مواخير اسمها(سبعة بيوت) لم تتجاوز المساحة التي تتواجد فيها مساحة حديقة قصرناالجمهوري الخلفية وكانت القوادة في ذلكم الزمان الشريف تجسدت في رمزين اثنين هما المواطنان الشريفان (ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير ).. ولم يتاذي من صنيعهما الا فئات محدودة من ذوي الحاجات الملحة لتناول ( ملاح الشرموط) كوصفة تفرج عنهم كربة من كرب يوم القيامة!!
    فالقوادة في ذلك الزمان الجميل كانت تاخذ منحى اخلاقيا واجتماعيا كظاهرة سالبة..وهي مجرد جرح صغير في جسد طاهر كبير.. وهو جرح كان سهل محاصرته ومحاصرة ميكروباته..ولم يتطور هذان (الشريفان) في صنعتهما الى خارج تراب العاصمة طمعا في المال... ولم يؤذيا وطنا بحاله بهذه التجارة البائسة.... ولم يجلبا من خلال مهنتهما البائسة لشعبنا طاعون ( الايدز) الذي يحصد الان الالاف في وطن الفضيلة والتطهر الرسالي القويم!!
    واما الان ولله الحمد في الراهن الازيم في هذا الزمن التفيه في بلادنا المنكوبة فقد تطورت العهارة والقوادة من ظاهرة اجتماعية الي ظاهرة سياسية شريرة احالت الوطن كله الى اكبر ماخور في الدنيا تمارس حكومته( التعريص) الدولي والاقليمي.. وهي تفتح افخاذ الوطن كله في وضح النهارللقوات الاقليمية والدولية وشرازم الارهاب الدولي.. ومهر البغاء والقوادة هنا.. هو ان يستمر احتفاظ القوادين الرسميين بالسلطة باي ثمن..او لينهد المعبد علي الكل... اذا حاول بقية الكل تهديدهم بانتزاع السلطة من بين ايديهم النجسة!!
    ما معني ان تاتي بقوات اقليمية او دولية للفصل بينك وبين مجموعة من مواطنيك.. ولك جيشك وعسسك وكلابك ومالك وعتادك .. كيف قوات اممية او اقليمية ليفصلوا بينك وبينهم في امر محلي بحت.. حيث افهم ان القوات الدولية والاقليمية دوما تاتي بطلب دولي للبت في فض النزاعات الاقليمية بين دولة واخري .. وليس بين دولة ومواطنيها!!
    وما معني ان تعلن الحرب علي دولة مثل الولايات المتحدة... وتبتز كل عواطف الناس الوطنية والدينية لمقاومتها ومحاربتها وقبر جنودها القادمين الي دارفور في ارض دارفور حيث اعدت مقبرة للطغاة المحتلين .. وانت ترغي بخطاب جهادي.. مشفوع (بالطلاقات)
    والتهديد والوعيد.... وفي ذات الوقت انت يا ذات المجاهد الرسالي الوطني الشجاع المقاوم للامبريالية والصهيونية والمدافع عن كرامتنا الوطنية انت اول من خول مذعنا خاضعا راكعا خانعا لهذه الامريكا( عدوة الله) وتملكها اخطر واسخن ملفين وطنيين هما ملف
    ( نيفاشا وابوجا) لتتصرف فيهما بمشيئتها.. وفعلت فيهما ما فعلت وحشرت ما حشرت من اجندتها..وقد حققتم طواعية مرضاتها في ذلك وقبضتم الثمن وانتم بكل قوادة تناورون للبقاء والبغاء في السلطة.. ولو يذهب الوطن كله الى الجحيم!!
    وهاهو المبعوث الامريكي (عدو الله) الذي قسمتم بانه اذا اراد له الله ان يطأ ارض الخرطوم الطاهرة فلن يتجول فيها الا في حدود خمسة وعشرين فرسخا وهي مساحة لا تسمح له بالتجول ما بعد (اصطبلات الرميلة)!! والان يتجول هذا ( الكوندوم) الامريكي في الفاشر ونيالا والتي لم يرها ولم يزرها حتى اليوم السيد النائب الاول لرئيس الجمهورية!!
    وهاهو ( الكوندوم ) الامريكي بحمد الله في نيالا يشيد بتعاونكم المثمر معهم في حل مشكلة اهلنا في دارفور ويصطحبه المجاهد الحاج عطا المنان!!
    وما معني ان ترفض القوات الدولية في دارفور وتقبلها في كادوقلي والدمازين وجوبا وفي قلب الخرطوم!!
    ألم اقل لكم ان الشريفين الطاهرين ( ادم سفير وابراهيم روثمان) كانا قوادين وطنيين محترمين ببساطة لانهما لم يعرضا وطنهما للاستباحة الدولية.. ولم يحيلا( سبعة بيوت) الي ماخور بحجم وطن كما يفعل جنود الله الرساليون في بلادنا!! ولاول مرة في التاريخ ان يحال وطن بحاله الى ماخور اممي ليقضي الكل فيه وطرا امام اعين اهله وقواديه الرساليين.. وتارة هو وطر بالكوندوم واخرى بلا كوندوم.... ولا يهم ان كان قاضي الوطر بورنديا او اوغنديا او مصريا او امريكيا فالبغاء بغاء والقوادة قوادة والله يعلم ما يفعلون... ولله في خلقه شئون!!

    هشام هباني

10-24-2006, 09:41 AM

Mustafa Mahmoud
<aMustafa Mahmoud
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-16-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 38072

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    dear hisham
    the corrupt ingaz gang is dying slowly
    and soon will be declared dead
    the question i want to ask here
    do the supporters of the ingaz here knows that all their posts are saved and could be used
    against them later
    Hope the know every thing they write here is saved
    and we are going to use it in the free sudan without them

    عزف منفرد على الطبلة

    ـ 1 ـ

    الحاكم يضرب على الطبلة

    و جميع وزارات الإعلام تدق على ذات الطبلة

    و جميع وكالات الأنباء تضخم إيقاع الطبلة

    و الصحف الكبرى و الصغرى

    تعمل أيضا راقصة

    في ملهى تملكه الدولة ! .

    لا يوجد صوت في الموسيقى

    أردأ من صوت الدولة ! !

    ـ 2 ـ

    الطرب الرسمي يباع على العربات

    مثل السردين ...

    و مثل الخبز ...

    و مثل الشاي ...

    و مثل حبوب الضغط

    و مثل غيار السيارات

    الكذب الرسمي يبث على كل الموجات ..

    و كلام السلطة براق جدا ..

    كثياب الراقصات ...

    لا أحد ينجو من وَصْفَاتِ الحكم

    و أدوية السلطة ..

    فثلاث ملاعق قبل الأكل

    وثلاث ملاعق بعد الأكل

    و ثلاث ملاعق قبل صلاة الظهر

    و ثلاث ملاعق قبل صلاة العصر

    و ثلاث ملاعق قبل مراسيم التشييع ،

    وقبل دخول القبر ..

    هل ثمة قهر في التاريخ كهذا القهر ؟

    الطبلة تخترق الأعصاب ،

    فيا ربي ألهمنا الصبر ..

    ـ 3 ـ

    الدولة تحسن تأليف الكلمات

    و تجيد النصب .. تجيد الكسر ..

    تجيد الجر ..

    تجيد استعراض العضلات

    و لا يوجد شعر أردأ من شعر الدولة

    لا يوجد كذب أذكى من كذب الدولة ...

    صحف ، أخبار، تعليقات

    خُوذٌ لامعة تحت الشمس

    نجوم تبرق في الأكتاف ،

    بنادق كاذبة الطلقات ..

    و طن مشنوق فوق حبال الأنتينات

    و طن لا يعرف من تقنية الحرب سوى الكلمات

    و طن ما زال يذيع نشيد النصر على الأموات

    ـ 4 ـ

    الدولة منذ بِدَايَةِ هذا القرن تعيد تقاسيم الطبلة

    (( العدل أساس الملك ))

    (( الشورى ـ بين الناس ـ أساس الملك ))

    ((الشعب ـ كما نص الدستور ـ أساس الملك ))

    يا رب الكون شبعنا من ضرب الطبلة ..

    لا أحد يرقص بالكلمات سوى الدولة ..

    لا أحد يزني بالكلمات ،

    سوى الدولة ! !

    (( القمع أساس الملك ))

    (( شنق الإنسان أساس الملك ))

    (( حكم البوليس أساس الملك ))

    (( تأْلِيهُ الشخص أساس الملك .. ))

    (( تجديد البيعة للحكام أساس الملك ))

    (( وضع الكلمات على الخَازُوقِ

    أساس الملك ... ))

    طبلة .. طبلة ..

    و السلطة تعرض فتنتها

    و حلاها في سوق الجملة ..

    و لا عُرْيٌ أقبح من عري الدولة ...

    ـ 5 ـ

    طبلة .. طبلة ..

    و طن عربي تجمعه من يوم ولادته طبلة

    و تفرق بين قبائله طبلة ..

    و أفراد الجوقة ، و العلماء ، و أهل الفكر ،

    و أهل الذكر ، و قاضي البلدة

    يرتعشون على وقع الطبلة ..

    الطرب الرسمي يجيء كساعات الغفلة

    من كل مكان

    و الطرب النفطي يحاول تسويق الإنسان

    سعر البرميل الواحد أغلى من سعر الإنسان

    الطرب الرسمي يعاد كأغنية الشيطان

    و علينا أن نهتز إذا غنى الشيطان

    و تصيح ـ أمام رجال الشرطة ـ آهْ ...

    آهٍ .. يا آهْ

    آهٍ .. يا آهْ

    طرب مفروض بالإكراه

    آهٍ .. يا آهْ

    هل صار غناء الحاكم قُدْسِياًً

    كغناء الله ؟ ؟ .

    نزار قباني

10-24-2006, 02:16 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: Mustafa Mahmoud)

    العزيز دكتور مصطفي

    سلامات يا زول يا سمح

    اسفين للتاخر عن الرد وذلك لانشغالي هذا اليوم في رزق التاكسي هذا اليوم وهو يوم( خريف ابو السعن...قعوي وجراد!!).

    هؤلاء الاوغاد لا يحتاجون ادانات نمسكهم بها بل هم الادانات تمشي علي ارجلها بسلوكهم واخلاقياتهم وافكارهم...فما علينا الان الا توحيد الجهود والضرب علي راس الافعي لا الاذناب
    والتبع والدهماء.


10-24-2006, 10:01 AM

النصرى أمين

تاريخ التسجيل: 10-17-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 9386

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    اﻻخ هبانى
    كل عام وانت واﻻسره بخير
    فى لقاء CBS التلفزيونى جاء فى الحوار هذه الجمله

    Last year, the U.S. sent a private jet to bring Sudan’s
    intelligence chief to CIA headquarters.

    "This is the same guy who was the architect of the counter-insurgency
    strategy in Darfur. What kind of signal
    does that send to the government of Sudan?"

    ﻻحظ يقول "السنه الماضيه" يعنى 2005 , يعنى فى زروة اﻻحداث فى
    دارفور ...

    لم تخبرنا حكومتنا الرشيده عن ماذا كان يفعل السيد مسئول اﻻستخبارات
    فى مبانى ال CIA و ﻻاظنها تود ان نزكرها بتلك الزياره المشبوهه

11-05-2006, 09:12 PM

عصام أحمد

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-09-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 3848

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: النصرى أمين)


11-06-2006, 10:43 PM

عصام أحمد

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-09-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 3848

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: النصرى أمين)


10-24-2006, 10:10 AM

النصرى أمين

تاريخ التسجيل: 10-17-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 9386

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    أيضا تمعن هذه الجمله

    Look, this is a hard thing to swallow, because
    what you’re saying is, the United States is in
    bed with the government in Khartoum on
    counterterrorism issues and
    therefore we are looking the other
    way on a genocide I mean, that’s tough

    (وركز على جملة United States is in bed with the government in Khartoum o

10-24-2006, 02:21 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: النصرى أمين)

    النصري الباسل

    كل العام وانتم بخير

    Quote: United States is in bed with the government in Khartoum

    الاتنين في سرير واحد وكمان اغلف من غير كوندوم!!

    اللهم لا اعتراض في حكمك يا الله!!

10-24-2006, 02:34 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

للتواصل معنا

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    الاخوة الكرام

    من لديه فضيحة التقرير الذي نشرته العام الماضي صحيفة( لوس انجلز تايمس) حول تعاون المخابرات السودانية مع المخابرات الامريكية..ان يمدنا به لتعضيد فكره هذا البوست في الكشف عن دور القوادة الذي تمارسه حكومتنا الرشيدة في التعاون مع اعداء الله!!

10-24-2006, 07:22 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

للتواصل معنا

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    Quote: قال مبعوث الرئيس الأمريكي إلى السودان اندرو ناتسيوس الذي يزور ولايات دارفور حالياً إن الطريقة الأمثل لحل الأزمة في الإقليم هي المفاوضات مع المسلحين الذين لم يوقعوا على اتفاقية السلام.

    وأوضح ناتسيوس في تصريحات صحفية بنيالا عقب لقائه أمس والي جنوب دارفور الحاج عطا المنان إن زيارته لدارفور تجئ في اطار دفع العمل الانساني وتعاون الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية مع السودان، مشيراً إلى وجود سوء فهم من القبائل للدور الذي تقوم به أمريكا لمعالجة الأمر، وقال الطريقة المثلى لحل الأزمة تكمن في المفاوضات مع الذين لم يوقعوا على الاتفاقية، وأضاف أن (60%) من سكان دارفور تأثروا من الحرب، وتابع (جاءت توجيهات الرئيس بوش بأن نكون كرماء مع أهل دارفور من أجل حل الأزمة لتنعم المنطقة بالسلام والأمن).

    ومن جهته قال والي جنوب دارفور الحاج عطا المنان إن مشكلة القوز الغربي بمحلية برام تسببت في نزوح (1800) أسرة إلى نيالا، مبيناً أن هنالك جهوداً تبذل لمعالجة الوضع الإنساني وتخفيف المعاناة على النازحين، وطالب عطا المنان لدى لقائه المبعوث الأمريكي ناتسيوس، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بدعم الاتحاد الأفريقي ليقوم بتأدية دوره كاملاً في الفترة المقبلة لاستباب الأمن والمساعدة في اجراء المصالحات القبلية التي ستساعد على الاستقرار في المنطقة، مجدداً رفضه للقرار (1706)، نافياً في الوقت نفسه وجود إبادة جماعية في الإقليم، لكنه قال (إذا اختاروا الدخول في دارفور سيكون هناك تطهير عرقي لهذه القوات من قبل شعب دارفور).

10-24-2006, 07:44 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    هاكم الاندراش والتعاون ده بين الرساليين حماة بيضة الاسلام وCIA بتاعةالامريكان اعداء الله!!

    شوفوا التعرصة بالجد بالجد


    Quote: WASHINGTON, June 17, 2005 — A decision by the CIA to fly Sudan’s intelligence chief to Washington for secret meetings aimed at cementing cooperation against terrorism triggered such intense opposition within the Bush administration that some officials suggested arresting him here, sources said.

    Salah Gosh (SMC)The internal debate over the April visit by Maj. Gen. Salah Abdallah Gosh, whose government Washington accuses of committing genocide in the Darfur region, goes to the heart of a broader dispute about the CIA’s alliances with foreign intelligence services.

    Critics say that when the U.S. works with controversial countries such as Sudan, it suggests that it isn’t serious about promoting democracy and human rights. Many experts on intelligence matters, however, say that Washington has no choice but to rely on some governments with questionable human rights records to help fight its war against terrorism.

    Gosh’s agency has allowed the CIA to question Al Qaeda suspects living in Sudan and detained foreign militants moving through the country on their way to joining Iraqi insurgents, U.S. and Sudanese officials have said. The trip was intended to help strengthen the relationship.

    With plans for the visit on the verge of collapse, two people familiar with the situation said, a compromise was struck with opponents of the visit in the State and Justice departments. Gosh was allowed to come, but a scheduled meeting with CIA Director Porter J. Goss was canceled.

    The CIA, Justice Department, State Department and Sudanese government declined to comment about the dispute on the record because of the sensitivity of the relationship.

    But Ted Dagne, a Sudan specialist with the Congressional Research Service, said State Department officials believed Gosh’s trip would "send a political signal to the [Sudanese] government that Darfur would not prevent Sudan from winning support in Washington."

    The disclosure of Gosh’s visit, first reported by the Los Angeles Times, also angered some members of Congress.

    Members of the Congressional Black Caucus criticized the visit during a meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Tuesday.

    Rep. Donald M. Payne (D-N.J.) told a State Department official who was testifying on Capitol Hill last month that bringing Gosh "to visit Washington at this time is tantamount to inviting the head of the Nazi SS at the height of the Holocaust."

    A senior U.S. official, who commented officially but declined to be named, defended the visit. "Mr. Gosh has strategic knowledge and information about a critical region in the war on terror. The information he has is of substantial value to law enforcement, the intelligence community and the U.S. government as a whole, and this relationship will be of both current and future value."

    Gosh’s visit, the official added, did not mean that Sudan would receive "a free pass on critical policy issues" such as Darfur.

    Partnerships with foreign governments, known as liaison relationships, are "an indispensable part of CIA’s counterterrorism strategy," former agency Director George J. Tenet told the commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks last year.

    Duane "Dewey" Clarridge, who spent 33 years at the CIA and founded its counterterrorism center, said dealing with controversial regimes is sometimes unavoidable.

    "You have no choice but to work with and recruit the bad guys because the Mother Teresas of the world don’t have the information you need," he said.

    However, others say the U.S. often ends up protecting extremely repressive regimes, including some in the Mideast.

    "The method of governing in the Middle East is to force your enemies to keep their ######### down," said Bob Baer, a former CIA officer. Intelligence agencies there "let people know that if they plan anything against the regime, they’re going to die."

    The CIA inevitably becomes committed to protecting elites that offer to collaborate on intelligence, he said.

    The CIA’s relationship with Sudan is especially controversial because of the government’s previous ties to Islamic radicals. Osama bin Laden lived in Khartoum, the country’s capital, from 1991 to 1996, before he departed for Afghanistan.

    In 1993, the Clinton administration put Sudan on a list of state sponsors of terrorism, and the Bush administration has kept it there.

    The U.S. continues to harshly criticize Sudan for human rights violations. In September, then-Secretary of State Colin L. Powell accused Sudan of committing genocide in Darfur. President Bush reiterated that charge this month. Yet cooperation between the CIA and the Mukhabarat, Sudan’s intelligence agency, has steadily grown since the Sept. 11 attacks.

    "Sudan’s overall cooperation and information sharing improved markedly and produced significant progress in combating terrorist activity," the State Department said this year in a report on global terrorism.

    CIA and Mukhabarat officials have met regularly over the last few years, but Gosh had been seeking an invitation to Washington in recognition of his government’s efforts, sources told The Times. The CIA, hoping to seal the partnership, extended the invitation.

    "The agency’s view was that the Sudanese are helping us on terrorism and it was proud to bring him over," said a government source with knowledge of Gosh’s visit. "They didn’t care about the political implications."

    But an internal debate erupted after word of the invitation spread to other government agencies. Their concern stemmed in part from a 2004 letter that 11 members of Congress sent to Bush, which accused Gosh of being a chief architect of the violence in Darfur.

    The letter said Sudan had engaged in a "scorched-earth policy against innocent civilians in Darfur." It identified 21 Sudanese government, military and militia leaders as responsible and called on the administration to freeze their assets and ban them from coming to the U.S. Gosh was No. 2 on the list.

    Sudan’s government has rejected accusations of genocide. It says the clashes in Darfur are part of long-standing conflicts between farmers and nomadic tribes that are fueled by disputes over water, land and other resources. It denies that senior officials such as Gosh have ordered attacks on civilians, which it blames on militias operating largely beyond its control.

    Two senior U.S. officials told The Times that they have no direct evidence that Gosh has directed military operations in Darfur.

    Several sources, including a State Department official, said the question of the propriety of the visit provoked sharp divisions at that agency.

    Similar opposition emerged at the Justice Department, where officials discussed arresting Gosh, according to two sources. One person said Gosh learned of the discussions during his meetings with CIA officials.

    Despite the internal dissension, CIA chief Goss remained committed to the trip. However, sources said, he agreed to scratch his meeting with the Sudanese official.

    Gosh arrived here aboard a CIA jet and met with other senior agency officials April 20 and 21. The CIA canceled the meeting with Goss on the second day, saying that the director was unavailable because he needed to attend John D. Negroponte’s swearing-in to the position of director of national intelligence, a source said.

    Gosh returned to Sudan on April 22, again traveling in a jet provided by the CIA.

    Rep. Frank R. Wolf (R-Va.), who wrote to the administration this month protesting Gosh’s visit, said the CIA should not have brought him to Washington and could have arranged to meet him in Sudan or a neighboring country.

    "I understand that in the intelligence business you have to deal with unsavory figures, but this sends very bad signals," he said. "Unless he’s providing information that’s going to save the Western world, it’s hard to see how you can justify this."

    Payne was equally harsh.

    "How can the administration say that genocide is occurring in Darfur and then bring Gosh over here?" he said. "It was a dastardly and unconscionable act."

    Payne, of New Jersey, said he asked about Gosh’s visit in the meeting with Rice. He said she defended the visit, saying that "in situations of high stakes, there has to be a balancing and that you sometimes need to do things that you wouldn’t under normal circumstances."

    David Shinn, director of East African affairs at the State Department from 1993 to 1996, said the Bush administration’s engagement with the Sudanese government had produced important gains.

    In January, Muslim government forces in the north and Christian and animist rebels in the south agreed to end a two-decade civil war in a deal brokered by the U.S. The peace agreement will take effect next month, when a national unity government is to be formed.

    "Counterterrorism cooperation and ending the war with the south are pretty big deals," said Shinn, who also worked at the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum. "Engagement with Sudan is appropriate, and so is putting pressure on the government in Darfur. The two are not mutually exclusive."

    Shinn also said that some U.S. critics of engagement had been largely uncritical of human rights violations by southern rebels during the civil war.

    "A lot of people blame the government for all of the problems there," he said. "There are bad guys on the other side, too."


10-24-2006, 08:14 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    هاكم الشغل التحت ده كلو من غير كـــــــــــــــوندوم!!


    The Los Angeles Times recently revealed that the U.S. has quietly forged a close intelligence partnership with Sudan despite the government's role in the mass killings in Darfur. Charles Snyder, the U.S. State Department Senior Representative on Sudan, defends the Bush administration's policy on Sudan. [includes rush transcript]
    In a major expose, the Los Angeles Times recently revealed that the U.S. has quietly forged a close intelligence partnership with Sudan despite the government's role in the mass killings in Darfur. The Sudanese government has since publicly confirmed it is working with the Bush administration and the CIA. Eight months ago, former Secretary of State Colin Powell accused the Sudanese of carrying out a genocide in Darfur. Already 180,000 have died in the region from fighting or hunger. But relations appear to have since changed -- for the Sudanese government's benefit. One senior Sudanese official the LA Times that the country had achieved "complete normalization" of relations with the CIA. The Times reported that the CIA sent an executive jet in late April to Khartoum to ferry the chief of Sudan's intelligence agency to Washington for secret meetings sealing Khartoum's sensitive and previously veiled partnership with the administration. The Sudanese intelligence chief - Major General Salah Abdallah Gosh - has been accused by members of Congress of directing military attacks against civilians in Darfur. He also had regular contacts with Osama bin Laden during the 1990s.
    We talk with Charles Snyder, the U.S. State Department Senior Representative on Sudan, about the report.

    Charles Snyder, the U.S. State Department Senior Representative on Sudan.
    Meanwhile as violence continues in Darfur, students throughout California lobbied yesterday in Sacramento for a bill that would require state divestment from all companies doing business in the Sudan. Two California public pension funds have over $12.5 billion in Sudan-related holdings. Last week the Illinois state legislature became the first to approve divestment of state funds from corporations doing business in Sudan. ??
    Ben Elberger, a student at Stanford who is part of the group STAND, Students Taking Action Now: Darfur.

    This transcript is available free of charge, however donations help us provide closed captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing on our TV broadcast. Thank you for your generous contribution.
    Donate - $25, $50, $100, more...

    AMY GOODMAN: We continue the latest discussion on Sudan, with the Medecins Sans Frontieres’ report on hundreds of women raped in Darfur. We are joined by Nicholas Detorrente, Executive Director of Doctors Without Borders here in New York. Charles Snyder, US State Department Senior Representative on the Sudan, is on the line with us on the phone in Washington. Charles Snyder, I wanted to stick with you for a moment. Months ago, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, came out further even than the United Nations in talking about the genocide that was being carried out by Sudan in Darfur. But then The Los Angeles Times did a report about a month ago that the CIA had sent an executive jet to Khartoum to ferry the chief of Sudan’s intelligence agency to Washington for secret meetings, sealing Khartoum's sensitive and previously veiled partnership with the administration. It was the Sudanese intelligence chief, Major General Salah Abdallah Gosh, who has been accused by members of Congress by directing military attacks against the civilians in Darfur, had regular contacts with Osama bin Laden during the 90s, that the US is now working with, so the government working with Darfur, with the Sudanese government. So presumably, you would have very high contacts to deal with what is taking place right now, for example, the latest report on the rapes.

    CHARLES SNYDER: No, I mean, we have actually protested to him as well through other channels, basically saying to him, this is an outrage. But there's been this misimpression that somehow, you know, we are overlooking some of these humanitarian concerns, we are overlooking the genocide because of this intelligence cooperation, and that's simply not so. I mean, that was the sine qua non of this – the president allowing us to even negotiate with them way back in 2001 was they have to begin to cooperate on counterterrorism. That's a necessity, and they were cooperating with us at quite a high level before we called them on genocide. So, we didn't hesitate on the humanitarian side and on the, frankly, the human rights side to act when we saw it as necessary. We made it clear to them the intelligence cooperation is its own separate entity, and it's the minimum for any kind of continued progress with us. So we have not at all pulled back our punches. Certainly, Secretary Powell didn't pull his punches when he called it genocide. We have not at all pulled our punches based on what they're doing with us on the intelligence side. And I just wanted to correct that misimpression. It just isn’t so. And in fact our access to people like Gosh is enhanced by this, and we are making demands on him, which is allowing us to clarify the situation in a number of ways. For instance, one of the problems we’ve got, and we agree 100% with Medecins Sans Frontieres, if they turn over this report, what they will wind up doing is using the names and the people and of the women themselves that have actually been raped and they will charge them with crimes. This is just not acceptable and outrageous. And we’re saying that to them. If you want to have anyone believe there is any hope for Sudanese justice, if you want to turn off the international justice, you have go to prove to us you will arrest and prosecute some of these people, not prosecute the victims.

    AMY GOODMAN: What about sanctions?

    CHARLES SNYDER: The sanctions, you know -- we have sanctioned Sudan every way from Sunday and have for years, going back into the Clinton administration. Our ability to act unilaterally on these kinds of things simply is not effective in the modern world. That's the reason when we called it genocide, we took it to the security council, hoping that the security council would join us and call this genocide and said, as you know, as the commission of inquiry went out and it found high crimes, war crimes, things approaching genocide but did not call it genocide. And that leaves us unable and frustrated in many ways to impose the kind of sanctions that we would like to see imposed in this situation: truly universal, truly effective sanctions. You need the Chinese, the Russians, the Europeans and frankly, even the rest of the Africans to join us in that, and the security council in this commission of inquiry simply did not find it to be genocide. We still disagree. But again, it's an interdependent world. When we act alone, we’re important, but we're not able to squeeze the regime like this as effectively as we should be able to and would like to be able to.

    AMY GOODMAN: Now Congress has issued a list of senior Sudanese officials who they claim have been involved in war crimes but the administration has not released its own list, as Congress has requested it do.

    CHARLES SNYDER: We're in bit of a delicate position here. Everyone sees our opposition to the ICC as a mile wide and 12 miles deep, and we could be accused of prejudicing their actions by coming up with our own name and a list of names and then we get into this game where the ICC says, you know, these 51 and the Americans say that 51. We want to give the ICC some space to operate. So, we are a bit reluctant to get too far into the big names until we see where the ICC investigation goes.

    AMY GOODMAN: I mean, certainly, in other cases, the US names people they call terrorist, and the US is very busy not supporting the International Criminal Court, so it seems odd to use that as an example to respect the Criminal Court and not name people?

    CHARLES SNYDER: Well, on the Security Council, this is the first time we acted on the ICC. We abstained, which said we would give it the space to operate. We just don't feel at this time naming names that may turn out to be a different list of names from what the ICC has or from somebody's professional judgment. Ocampo is a professional prosecutor. In his judgment, the case may not be valid against these 51 names, and we need to be careful. I mean we have also got a peace part of this that we have to balance against the justice. We cannot sacrifice either one to the other. And it's a delicate dance we are doing. We are not going to satisfy Congress on this in the short run, but I think in the longer run, I think they will be satisfied with the way we come out.

    AMY GOODMAN: The Congress has requested a number of other steps also like targeted sanctions on people so that they're identified as having committed war crimes. Those that are would have their, for example, bank accounts frozen and be barred from operating on an international level. Your response to that?

    CHARLES SNYDER: Well, the resolution has got its own committee enforcing the sanction. You know, 1591 is the particular UN Resolution involved in this. And it's just now begun to be set up under the Greeks and they're not far enough along yet to have a list of names. We'll provide names who we believe are responsible for this. You have also got the problem where a lot of these people, especially when you get down to the tribal chieftain level, this is something that makes us feel good as opposed to is this going to have any effect. These men don't have bank accounts overseas. They don't send their children abroad to school. So the kind of sanctions that we’re dealing with here are just not going to be effective against them.

    AMY GOODMAN: What about an arms embargo? Those in Congress asking for an arms embargo on the government of Sudan?

    CHARLES SNYDER: We pushed, as you know, in the security council, for an arms embargo. The trouble is to get 15 people to go along with that, you have to overcome the Russians, the Chinese, and several others that object to this, some on theoretical grounds and some on practical grounds, that they're actually selling weapons. But nonetheless we need a universal vote or otherwise it's a unilateral American arms embargo. And right now we have an arms embargo against Sudan: we do not sell weapons to Sudan.

    AMY GOODMAN: What difference does it make -- let me put this question to Nick Detorrente, especially with two of your people in a very precarious position now, not allowed to leave the Sudan after the rape report was out -- what kind of pressure is put on the Sudanese government?

    NICHOLAS DETORRENTE: Well, I think we’re concerned about the ability to be able to continue to provide humanitarian aid, you know, in Darfur, and we have to remember that, you know, in -- going back a little bit, that for many, many months when the attacks were at their peak in late 2003-early 2004, there was virtually no access at all to Darfur, and aid was completely blocked, and the region was inaccessible. The Sudanese government would not allow aid workers in. Since then it has been opened and political pressure has played a key part in that, in allowing at least humanitarian aid to be provided, and that has enabled a very significant aid effort to be undertaken, which has helped maintain the population above survival levels. I mean, the situation right now is a deep stagnation and stalemate. People are stuck in the camps. They're just above survival level. Assistance is coming in. It's very fragile and precarious. And that needs to be able to continue.

    And this is our fear, because these attacks -- these arrests are the most high profile, you know, signs of intimidation of aid workers. But there have been a number of others. A lot of other aid workers have been detained for questioning, arrested at the local level, and we have to remember, most of the aid workers in Darfur are Sudanese. They -- we have international staff, in a way, they are, you know, more protected. These are high profile arrests. Paul Foreman and Vince Hoedt, you know, speak to the BBC. They're well known. But we have, you know, thousands of Sudanese staff who are out on the front lines of providing assistance to the people in Darfur. I frankly, I’m more worried for them right now, because if this gives a signal, kind of a green light for local officials to start intimidating and harassing aid workers at the local level, I think the aid effort could easily be undermined, and that would be very dramatic for the close to 2 million people displaced in camps in Sudan right now, who are utterly dependent on outside assistance as they cannot return to their homes. Their villages are have been burnt, and they're stuck in these camps just above survival levels, and they’re dependent on aid.

    AMY GOODMAN: Charles Snyder of the State Department, Tom Malinowski, the Washington advocacy director for Human Rights Watch, writes in The Washington Post, “Since January, Bush and Rice have met with leaders from NATO and UN security council member countries 29 times. They have mentioned Darfur publicly only once.” He says, “That's no way to convince the world and Sudan that America is serious.” Your response?

    CHARLES SNYDER: We have been pressing in every channel, including the meetings you mentioned on this Darfur issue. The secretary herself, as you know, brought up on a personal level to the North Atlantic Council, as well as with the Russians in Vilmius the idea that NATO should be used, as well as potentially the European Union's defense procedures, to reinforce this AU presence. We have been the leader in pledging money and pledging funds and in taking action on the ground. 70% of the food aid is ours. 50% of the cash that's been expended in Darfur is ours. We have already spent $95 million on this first AU force. We have just pledged another $50 million, and we have offered airlift. We think that that in the long run is the answer. And the long run is not that -- I’m not talking years here, I’m talking months, over the course of the summer, getting a larger --

    AMY GOODMAN: But, of course.

    CHARLES SNYDER: -- African Union force on the ground.

    AMY GOODMAN: But, of course, you know, the statements of the President of the United States and the Secretary of State are priceless.

    CHARLES SNYDER: No, and I think the Secretary has spoken out on this, and in particular, deputy secretary Zoellick has taken the lead on this. And he has been quite active in his – and that was going back yet again. And he has made several phone calls in the interim.

    AMY GOODMAN: But that's lower level, talking about, you know, the public statement of the President of the United States who is engaged in a, (quote), “war on terror.”

    CHARLES SNYDER: Well, we have made these ideas present at the highest levels. The President has spoken privately to people about this. There will be an appropriate moment to speak out forcefully and openly. The secretary is now the level at which we are speaking out. And you will see the Pentagon take action in support of moving the AU in. This is an area where we are willing to actually be engaged effectively. And the question is what's most effective, and our judgment right now is what we're doing is the most effective.

    AMY GOODMAN: We are talking to Charles Snyder, US State Department senior representative on Sudan, also Nicholas Detorrente is with us, Executive Director of Doctors Without Borders here in New York. And for a moment we're joined by Ben Elberger of Stanford University. He’s with a group called STAND, Students Taking Action Now: Darfur. We only have a minute, Ben, but I wanted to ask about your lobby day yesterday in Sacramento for a bill that would require state divestment from all companies doing business in the Sudan. Two California public pension funds have over $12.5 billion in Sudan-related holdings. Last week, the Illinois State Legislature became the first to approve divestment of state funds from corporations doing business in Sudan. Ben Elberger, talk about what you are doing?

    BEN ELBERGER: We actually, in our lobby day we went up to talk about the bill with state senators. It passed the California Assembly. Unfortunately, when it was in the California Assembly, it was amended and it was watered down to change from divestment to take action within fiduciary responsibility. So what we are really trying to push is for them to add back divestment, but really target the oil companies that are doing business there, because there are a lot of connections that are suggesting that oil companies and the oil royalties that goes to government are being used to fund weapons.

    AMY GOODMAN: Which oil companies are there?

    BEN ELBERGER: We know -- our research suggests that PetroChina, Sinopec, Tatneft, ABB Ltd., Total FA, Marathon Oil and London Petroleum, are really seven companies that are documented as doing business there.

    AMY GOODMAN: And California pension funds are invested in them?

    BEN ELBERGER: We know that California pension funds are probably invested in some of them. CalPERS has told us they are not invested in PetroChina or Tatneft at the moment, but we’re really trying to push to make sure that they put these companies on a “do not invest” list.

    AMY GOODMAN: Charles Snyder, your response to these moves from Illinois to now California to go after companies that do business in the Sudan?

    CHARLES SNYDER: The truth is, under the IEPA sanctions which have been in place against the government of Sudan, going back into the Clinton administration, no American company is permitted to spend money in Sudan that's in any way related to the government of Sudan's activities. For instance, he just mentioned Marathon Oil. The truth is Marathon Oil has not been allowed to spend any money in pursuit of its existing contracts and is in fact probably in violation as a technical matter of a whole number of agreements they have with other companies, because they simply cannot spend any money or do anything effectively in Sudan. And that's true across the board. I mean, recently, the Sudanese were after buying an airbus from China. The engines are GE engines. We blocked that export. The truth is the practical embargo by the United States is in effect against this kind of activity.

    AMY GOODMAN: Let me put a question to Nicholas Detorrente. The issue of the arms embargo, would that make a difference on the ground if the US imposed an arms embargo against the Sudanese government?

    NICHOLAS DETORRENTE: It's hard for me to comment on that, but I think that there are sufficient weapons and especially the will to carry out the kinds of policies of repression and scorched earth that have characterized the situation in Darfur at the moment, and so I think that the real issue right now is pressure on whoever is waging violence to stop that, especially directed at – obviously directed at civilians and specific crimes such as sexual assault and rape, and then, of course, is the -- to -- the pressures to allow for aid to continue. I think that's the precondition for anything else. The aid has to be able to continue. But it's not enough, and we are actually frankly concerned that just the trickle of aid that is being allowed to come in and very precarious, very fragile is, you know -- this kind of stalemate seems to be convenient for everyone at the moment. People are stuck in the camps. They cannot go back. But nothing is really done to enable them to return to their villages, to move on and the political solutions that need to be put in place for that to happen are really stalemated at the moment, at least from the perspective of the people in the camps and suffering in Darfur today.

    AMY GOODMAN: And final time, Charles Snyder, again why the Bush administration is not pushing for an arms embargo against the Sudanese government, who itself -- who the Bush administration says is engaged in genocide?

    CHARLES SNYDER: We did in fact push for such an arms embargo. Frankly, the security council will not go along with us. What we got was the best we could, which is a limited embargo.

    AMY GOODMAN: But a US embargo, not UN, but US.

    CHARLES SNYDER: There is a US arms embargo. We do not sell weapons to the Sudanese government. We have not. And to the degree we detect anybody, as a third party, selling US weapons, we take action against them. But the truth is the weapons are not coming from the United States. And as the Medecins Sans Frontieres guy already pointed out, there's enough weapons on the ground to fight this war another ten years without any new weapons. It's not us. It’s other parties that are selling these weapons, and as long as at security council chooses not to see this as a viable action, it's a unilateral action on our part that's relatively ineffective.

    AMY GOODMAN: On that note, we’ll have to wrap it up, I want to thank you very much, Charles Snyder, US State Department senior representative on Sudan, Nicholas Detorrente, Executive Director of Doctors Without Borders in New York City, and Ben Elberger, Stanford student lobbying for divestment from companies to doing business with the Sudan.


10-24-2006, 08:27 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    لمزيد من التوضيح:

    ]WASHINGTON, June 17 - A decision by the Central Intelligence Agency to fly Sudan's intelligence chief to Washington in a C.I.A. jet in April set off a dispute inside the Bush administration, with some officials arguing that such recognition for a government accused of genocide and ties to terrorism sent a regrettable signal, administration officials said on Friday.

    The visit by Salah Abdallah Gosh for consultations with the Central Intelligence Agency this year was intended by American intelligence officials to reward Sudan's cooperation since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, in detaining suspected terrorists and providing information on Al Qaeda.

    But some officials in the State Department and the Justice Department objected, arguing that the trip would send a misleading message both to the government of Sudan and to other countries about American priorities, officials said. Mr. Gosh's trip was first reported April 29 in The Los Angeles Times, which reported on the controversy within the administration in an additional article on Thursday.

    The visit has provoked criticism from members of Congress and human rights groups, who say that Mr. Gosh has played a role in the government's collaboration with militias that have displaced millions of people and killed tens of thousands in the Darfur region. The United States has condemned Sudan for committing genocide in Darfur. A United Nations inquiry this spring referred a sealed list of names of 51 people suspected of committing crimes in Darfur to the International Criminal Court, which announced on June 6 that it had opened an investigation.

    "We're very uncomfortable and unhappy with his coming to the U.S.," said Jemera Rone, a Sudan researcher at Human Rights Watch. "From the human rights point of view, it sends the worst possible message."

    Members of the Congressional Black Caucus protested the visit in a meeting this week with Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, said Representative Donald M. Payne, a New Jersey Democrat who has made several trips to Sudan.

    "When I heard Gosh came over here, I said this is absolutely unconscionable," Mr. Payne said. "I liken it to some Nazi SS official coming to the U.S. during World War II."

    Both Ms. Rone and Mr. Payne said they did not have any direct evidence of the role Mr. Gosh might have played in the Darfur atrocities. But they said that as chief of Sudan's intelligence and security service, he undoubtedly had knowledge of the offenses and complicity in them.

    A senior administration official said that despite the record of Sudan and its top officials, the C.I.A.'s mission requires ties with its Sudanese counterpart.

    "The purpose of this visit was to continue to build a stronger professional relationship between two intelligence services," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of relations with foreign intelligence agencies. "For years the C.I.A. was forbidden to meet with anyone who didn't qualify for choirboy. After 9/11 it became clear that you have to talk to bad guys from bad neighborhoods to fight terrorism."

    Adam Ereli, a State Department spokesman, declined to comment on any objections raised by department officials to Mr. Gosh's visit. He said Sudan remained a state sponsor of terrorism, despite "improved cooperation on counterterrorism."

    Mr. Ereli said an official of the department met with the Sudanese official at C.I.A. headquarters "to send a clear and unequivocal message that the government of Sudan has to take action to stop the killing in Darfur."

    Officials denied the Los Angeles Times report that there had been any discussion of arresting Mr. Gosh, saying no legal case had been prepared to support such a step.

    Sudan's ambassador, Khidir Haroun Ahmed, said his country's cooperation with the C.I.A. predated the 2001 attacks and had only grown stronger.

    "Frankly, this is very surprising to me that there are people who still question our cooperation over combating international terrorism," Mr. Ahmed said. Differences over Darfur, he said, "should be no reason to stop exchanges with Sudan."

    One Congressional official said that Mr. Gosh, who holds the rank of major general, met with midlevel officials and did not see Porter Goss, the C.I.A. director.

    Flight records show that a Boeing 737-style business jet controlled by the C.I.A. flew from Khartoum to Baltimore-Washington International Airport on April 17 and returned on April 22.

    The Bush administration has built its foreign policy since Sept. 11, 2001, not just on an aggressive pursuit of Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups but also on the promotion of democracy as an antidote to terrorism.

    But those two policies have sometimes clashed, as the administration has sought the cooperation of Sudan, which harbored Osama bin Laden in the mid-1990's, as well as Uzbekistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other authoritarian governments.

    In its 2004 report on terrorism, the State Department said Sudan "deepened its cooperation with the U.S. government to investigate and apprehend extremists suspected of involvement in terrorist activities."

    Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company

10-24-2006, 08:42 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    ألم اقل لكم ان المرحومين الطيبين (ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير) اشرف الف مرة
    من هؤلاء القوادين ( الرساليين)الامميين لانهما ببساطة حتى لو ارتكبا موبقة القوادة فقد مارساها في بيوت معدودة بعدد اصابع اليد وفي احياء محصورة من عاصمة البلاد... وهي ممارسة لم تمس سيادة وكرامة البلاد لا من بعيد او قريب.. اما هؤلاء القوادون فقد احالوا كل الوطن الى اكبر ماخور في الدنيا.. حيث اضحت مهددة وحدته وسيادته و تستبيح ارضه الاف من الجنود الغرباء والاف من المنظمات المشبوهة والاف من العملاء والجواسيس الاقليميين والعالميين والاف من خلايا الارهاب العالمي تحت عدة يافطات... هذا بالاضافة الي الاف من اللصوص والقتلة والفاسدين والمجرمين والذين هم قوادو هذا الوطن الماخور وقد قبضوا ثمن البغاء في شكل عمولات وهدايا وعطايا وتسهيلات من تلكم المنظمات العالمية المشبوهة واثروا ثراء فاحشا من المال المنهوب من خزينة البلاد وخيراتها.وهم في سدة السلطة ويكذبون علي الله انهم قد حققوا دولة الاسلام وانجزوا شريعته الطاهرة المطهرة!! ولكن الله يعلم ما يفعلون وهو السميع البصير!!

10-24-2006, 09:02 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    بالله عليكم الاخوة الشطار في مجال الترجمة ان يساعدونا في ترجمة التقارير الانجليزية الي العربية لتعم الفائدة للجميع وليعلم الجميع الي اي مدى تبدع حكومتنا الرسالية في صنعة (ملاح الشرموط ) السياسي .. المدعوم بطبق من (الكول) الدارفوري والذي يجمع علي( كولات)واما( ملاح الشرموط )يجمع علي .....ســـــــــــــراميت....ارسكم!!

10-25-2006, 07:17 AM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)


10-25-2006, 07:35 AM

Tragie Mustafa
<aTragie Mustafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 49964

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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    الف رحمه تنزل على ابراهيم روثمان وآدم سفير
    لم اسمع عنهم الا اليوم منك ولكني اقتنعت بأنهم
    فعلوا خيرا ببلادنا فقد حصروا الرزيله وحددوا المأخور
    اما هؤلاء فقد نشروا الرزيله وجعلوا كل الوطن ماخور
    حسبنا الله منهم وهو نعم الوكيل
    Quote: (الكول) الدارفوري والذي يجمع علي( كولات)واما( ملاح الشرموط )يجمع علي .....ســـــــــــــراميت....ارسكم!!

    يجازي محنك يا هباني
    مافي زول كان حيوصفهم احسن منك.
    لك التقدير.

10-25-2006, 09:05 AM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: Tragie Mustafa)

    العزيزة تراجي

    كل العام وانتم بخير

    واعاده الله علينا بالخير واليمن والبركات وزوال هذه العصابة من ارض السودان
    وان يرجع الوطن لاهله بامان وسلام... وتحياتي للشبلين الصغيرين وابيهما وكل الاهل بكندا.

    اخوكم هباني

10-25-2006, 09:41 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته كل عام وأنتم بخير

    يا تراجي قلت لي ما بتعرفي سبعة بيوت ولا أبو صليب والله صغيرة وجاهلة
    يعني ما شربت بيبسي بقرشين ولا صحن فول مصلح جبنة وطعمية و10 سلطات وزيت سمسم أصلي بثلاثة قروش

    معليش إنت جيتي في الزمن الغلط

    وبهذه المناسبة ياني أنا ود عم الزعيم البطل موسى هلال. وحالفين يمين البرشو بموية نرشوا بالدم حتى ولو كان جون كندي مش المهبب جورج بوش. ومحل الرهيفة التنقد. وكان بوش وأذنابه
    زارعننا غير الله اليجوا يقعلعونا.

    ألمي حامي ولا لعب قعونج

10-25-2006, 10:48 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: cantona_1)

    Quote: وبهذه المناسبة ياني أنا ود عم الزعيم البطل موسى هلال. وحالفين يمين البرشو بموية نرشوا بالدم حتى ولو كان جون كندي مش المهبب جورج بوش. ومحل الرهيفة التنقد. وكان بوش وأذنابه
    زارعننا غير الله اليجوا يقعلعونا.
    العجيب وغريب مثلك الاستشهدت بيهو دارفورى!
    اها رايك شنو فى القعوى بنط قدرو! ةوالبفنقل بى سروالو! والحقيقة برة زى دبر العنز!
    موسى هلال دا الا تخللللوووهوووو لانو الزرعوا حيقلعو قلع عزيز منتقم!

    كباشى النور أحمد الصافى 1976 وكباشى الصافى 2006 تلاتين سنة فى فريزر!
    ليك وحشة يا عربى
    صاحبك البرلم جنى

10-25-2006, 12:14 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: jini)

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وكل وأنتم بخير

    ياجني أنا قايلك شباب ألقاك من زمن التعريفة أم قد.

    الرجاء المراسلة على الإيميل [email protected]

    مع تحياتي

    طبعا ما حأقول عمك كانتونا


10-25-2006, 12:37 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: jini)

    يا جني قلت لي بتعرف أم طرقا عراض. طيب وريني: ( أم كركنجي تخبر أم بطيخ)

    تاني هام: المنبر دا كل الناس بتكتب فيهو حتى أبوشريط وأبو ليحية

    المرجو من الغرابة ألا يقدموا الترجمة لعيال الجلابة حسب توجيهات قائدنا بقال.

    وهذا من تراث الغرابة عن الجلابة:-
    1- أم جلبه حبل القيطان... كن لقيتا في الدكان يقول زكان...وكان لقيتا مع القاضي تر منا غادي...وكن لقيتا مع الأفندي يدق فيك بربدي...وكان لقيتا وحيدا بنطيك وليدا...وكن لقيتا في الغابة بقول ليك يابا...وكن لقيتا في الخراشية بقول ليك أنا ولية.

    الحكاية طويلة نكتفي بهذا القدر فابقوا معنا

    الجفلن خلوهن أقرعوا الواقفات


10-25-2006, 08:44 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: cantona_1)

    الباشمهندس كباشي النور الانصارى ظاااطو

    اهلين كباشي سيد السوزوكي...شنو يا زول وين الاصول داخل بيتنا تووووووووووووووش لا سلام ولا كلام!!
    كل العام وانتم بخير وكل اولاد حميد بخير.

    والف مرحب بيك.

    هشام هباني

10-26-2006, 10:05 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    والله يا هشام يا حبيب لقيت اسمك وعرفته لكن صورة الزول أبكسكته دا خلاني ألاوز. قلت يكون دا واحد هباني مضروب لمن أتأكد بلوال.

    اليومين دول أنا بلندن وسأعود إلى خرطوم أحمد خلال أسبوعين بإذن الله.

    تحياتي لكل من يحوي العامر. وكل عام وأنتم بخير.

10-25-2006, 08:59 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    حبوبة كرتونة.

    سلامات يا كباشي, مشتاقين والله.
    وكل سنة أنت والاسرة بخير.


10-26-2006, 03:02 AM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: Deng)


10-26-2006, 09:56 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وكل عام وأنتم بخير

    الإخوة الكرام هباني ودينق

    ليكم وحشة . أنا استقريت بالسودان بين الخرطوم وكردفان.

    أرجو المراسلة على الإيميل [email protected]

    مع تحياتي.

10-26-2006, 11:17 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: cantona_1)

    Quote: أنا استقريت بالسودان بين الخرطوم وكردفان

    بقيت تاجر نبق?

    سلام و تحايا.

    العيد أمبارك
    أفضح أفضح أبو تيشم ظاطو, أولاد الهرمة.

10-26-2006, 06:05 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: Kostawi)

    الجميل كوستاوي

    وكل العام وانتم بخير والوطن بالف خير ... والتحايا الى
    الاستاذة نايلة والعيال.
    اعاده الله علينا وعلى الوطن بالخيرواليمن والبركات وزوال الكيزان والضبان!!

10-26-2006, 11:28 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)


10-27-2006, 05:00 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    يا كوستاوي يا أخي حرام عليك . حلفت يمين كان ما كردفان الغره أم خيرا جوه وبره ودارفور الخربوها عيلها كان سوق المواشي في كوستي قفلوه من زمن ونجت باشا.

    إنت باين ليك كوستاوى مضروب يعني بالعربي كدا
    Made in kalakla transferred to Kosti

    النبق في كردفان بيكلن الغنم والباقي بودوه الخرتوم... عشان الما عندو حق الفطور ياكل ليهو كوم نبق ويشرب ليهو مويه والحمد لله.

    وزي ماك عارف كردفان أبوجبيهة حيث تعلف الأبقار بالمنقة والباقي بنشحنه في اللواري بنوديهوا الخرتوم لعيال البحرعشان يطعموا خشومهم.

    كفاك يا كوستاوي ولا أزيدك من الشعر بيت?

    ما تنسى الفول.. السمسم.. الكركدي.. الدخن.. الصمغ.. الضأن.. الإبل.. حب البطيخ.. القنقليس.. القضيم.. نضيف ليك البترول ولا مافي داعي?

    مع تحياتي وكل عام وأنت بخير.

10-27-2006, 09:23 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 39980

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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: cantona_1)

    Quote: النبق في كردفان بيكلن الغنم والباقي بودوه الخرتوم

    و طييب!!! أنا قلتا غير كده يا تاجر النبق?

    الموديه الخرطوم.

    باقي المناحة ما موضوعنا هسع....دحن الدليب شن أخبارو?

    أها..أبو جبيهة دي أنا (مفتفتها) حتة حتة, وصاري كنزا.

10-28-2006, 10:01 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: Kostawi)

    طبعا يا كوستاوي قلت لي جيت أبوجبيهة تاكل ليك منقة مش كدا?

    أنا من هنا بعتبرك راجل مثقف كبير زي أخوي شرنوبي.. لكن ماقلت لي قاصد ياتو نوع من الدليب الشقيق ولا الكور?

    وأظنك عارف أنو مشاريع الطيارة ومنيب كلها في محافظة أبوجبيهة.. ولمن أبقى مدير مديرية أبوجبيهة حأنزع منك مشروعك الزراعي لأنك وافد مش مواطن.من مواطني جمهورية أبوجبيهة وطبعا القائد بقال سيؤيدني بدون تحفظ لأنك جلابي من عيال البحر.

    وكل عام وأنتم بخير.

10-28-2006, 10:15 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 15970

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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: cantona_1)

    كانتونا والله ليك وحشه يا اخوي ما تحجز لي معاك بير ولا بيرين نحن ما نسابتك

    (عدل بواسطة doma on 10-28-2006, 10:34 AM)


10-30-2006, 02:35 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)


11-02-2006, 07:41 AM

الله جابو

تاريخ التسجيل: 10-19-2006
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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    مسؤول من الخير ياهشام وين الناس دي الآن (ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير) !
    والله زمان !!
    الله جابو

11-02-2006, 06:33 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: الله جابو)

    الله جابو

    Quote: مسؤول من الخير ياهشام وين الناس دي الآن (ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير) !
    والله زمان !!

    احياء عند ربهم يرزقون!!

11-03-2006, 06:42 PM

Mustafa Mahmoud
<aMustafa Mahmoud
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-16-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 38072

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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    فبأي آلاء الولاة تكذبان

    ustaz ahmad matter

    غفت الحرائق ,

    أسبلت أجفانها سحب الدخان

    الكل فان ,

    لم يبق إلا وجه ربك ذو الجلالة و اللجان

    و لقد تفجر شاجبا و منددا و لقد أدان

    فبأي آلاء الولاة تكذبان

    و له الجواري السائرات بكل حان

    و له القيان ,

    و له الإذاعة دجن المذياع لقنه البيان

    الحق يرجع بالربابة و الكمان

    فبأي آلاء الولاة تكذبان

    عقد الرهان ,

    و دعا إلى نصر الحوافر بعدما قتل الحصان

    فبأي آلاء الولاة تكذبان

    و قضية حبلى قد انتبذت مكانا ,

    ثم أجهضها المكان

    فتململت من تحتها وسط الركام قضيتان

    فبأي آلاء الولاة تكذبان

    من ما ت ما ت ,

    ومن نجى سيموت في البلد الجديد من الهوان

    فبأي آلاء الولاة تكذبان

    في الفخ تلهت فأرتان

    تتطلعان إلى ا لخلاص على يد القطط السمان

    فبأي آلاء الولاة تكذبان

    خلق المواطن مجرما حتى يدان

    و الحق ليس له لسان

    و العدل ليس له يدان

    و السيف يمسكه جبان

    و بدمعنا و دمائنا سقط الكيان

    فبأي آلاء الولاة تكذبان

    في كل شبر من دم ,

    سيذاب كرسي و يسقط بهلوان

    فبأي آلاء الشعوب تكذبان.

11-04-2006, 08:39 AM

Mustafa Mahmoud
<aMustafa Mahmoud
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-16-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 38072

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Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: Mustafa Mahmoud)

    سامحُونا ..

    إن شَتَمْنَاكُمْ قليلاً .. واسْتَرَحْنَا

    سامحونا إنْ صَرْخْنا ..

    كتبُ التاريخ لا تعني لنا شيئاً

    وأخبارُ عَليٍّ .. ويزيدٍ .. أتْعَبَتنا ...

    إنَّنا نبحثُ ..

    عمّنْ لا يزالون يقولونَ كلاماً عربيّاً

    فوجدنا دولاً من خَشَبٍ ..

    ووجدنا لغةً من خَشَبْ ..

    وكلاماً فارغاً من أيِّ معنى

    سامحُونا ..

    إنْ قطعنا صلةَ الرَحْم التي تربطُنا ..

    سامحونا إن فَعَلْنا ..

11-22-2006, 03:49 AM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: Mustafa Mahmoud)


11-22-2006, 11:40 AM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)


11-22-2006, 01:01 PM

كمال علي الزين
<aكمال علي الزين
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 13386

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: هشام هباني)

    هباني ..

    تحياتي ..

    هو( آدم سفير) ده .. كان سفيرنا وين ؟؟؟؟

    حركاتو .. بتسبه حركات سفراء كتااااااااااار ..

    ياربي يكون هو الوضع سياسة الإنقاذ الخارجية ..

    ولا ..

    إمكن الداخلية ؟؟

    والله الإتنين شكلهم ..

    عمايلو ..!

    محبتي ..

11-24-2006, 12:16 PM

هشام هباني
<aهشام هباني
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-31-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 51288

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ألا رحم الله الرجلين الشريفين ابراهيم روثمان وادم سفير!! (Re: كمال علي الزين)



    تحياتي ..

    هو( آدم سفير) ده .. كان سفيرنا وين ؟؟؟؟

    حركاتو .. بتسبه حركات سفراء كتااااااااااار ..

    ياربي يكون هو الوضع سياسة الإنقاذ الخارجية ..

    ولا ..

    إمكن الداخلية ؟؟

    والله الإتنين شكلهم ..

    عمايلو ..!

    كلام عقل!!

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