Conflict of Identity in Sudan-By: Musa Bushra Mahmoud Ali-30/08/2021

Conflict of Identity in Sudan-By: Musa Bushra Mahmoud Ali-30/08/2021

09-28-2021, 06:42 PM


Post: #1
Title: Conflict of Identity in Sudan-By: Musa Bushra Mahmoud Ali-30/08/2021
Author: Musa Bushra MAHMOUD ALI
Date: 09-28-2021, 06:42 PM
Parent: #0

05:42 PM September, 28 2021

Sudanese Online
Musa Bushra MAHMOUD ALI-Sudan
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Conflict of Identity in Sudan

By: Musa Bushra Mahmoud Ali-30/08/2021

Conflicts in Africa have become part of African nation life either natural or manmade conflicts which reflected negatively in development and advancement of the continent and resulted in global picture that Africa is hub of conflicts, disasters wars, disputes etc. The nature of conflict in Africa varies from country to another but the main deeply rooted causes are focused on conflict of interests, wealth and power sharing, lack of development, conflict based on tribal disputes, religion, lands, farms, and identity.

Sudan as an African country has been witnessing conflict after conflict for several decades and has not managed to recover yet from the conflict of identity. Although Sudan placed in conflict zone of war, disputes that are commonly known for the entire African and the rest of world, but I will focus here on Identity conflict. Geographically Sudan lies in heart of Africa, purely African land and played an important role in Africa before being converted to Arab League which led to be ignored by Africa and vice versa.

Cause of the conflict

Usually, if there is no strong will to resolve the dispute from the first stage when erupted before being developed gradually will led to a conflict. During the graduators conference held on (1938), ‘’Sudan identity conflict was not among the agenda or outcome of the conference to be identified as an Arab country but was lies under African continent umbrella’’.

Gradually, years later after independence of Sudan on 01/01/1956 during the civil democratic government, the reality had been changed and misinformation mobilization campaigns were practiced by Arab League Leaders in addition to Strong influence role played while the former Egyptian Leader Jamal Abdel Nasir on power to consider Sudan as member of an Arab League! .

Some of Arab league countries rejected the idea of joining Sudan Arab league but later changed their minds for a reason or another. An Ex-Sudanese Prime Minister Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Mahjoub had taken a quick step ahead to prove that Sudan is part of Arab countries. Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Mahjoub through general assembly session threatened and stated before the parliament members and clearly declared that, Sudan is Arab country and Islam is the religion of Sudanese nation whether people like it or not..

Sudan converted from African family to Arab League community according to his government wishes but not nation will.

Sudan was underestimated and being placed under Arab League by influence and force of government of Mohammed Ahmed Majdoub leader of Umma Political Party.

Based on that irresponsible attempts Sudan had been awarded a seat/member of Arab League council and became as an ignoring member among the rest of other members.

The government of Sudan at that era was having the thought of Arabization mentality of classifying Sudanese as an Arab based on fact that most Sudanese are Muslims and Islam is brought by Arabic Langue, therefore Sudan must be an Arab country, while the fact on ground shows in ‘’Sudan there are 600 different ethnic groups who speak more than 400 languages and dialects’’, KaleiId OSCOPE, (2012/08) › uploads › which are not supposed to be an Arab logically.

Sudan has lost lack of confidence and many aspects of relations between African countries Sudan was not given consideration due to ignoring it, self and escaping from Africa continent to unrecognized member who sits in the back seat of Arab League.

The conflicts that prolonged in Sudan it could be solved within African family if Sudan wishes to respect Africa but unfortunately all the conflicts issues were handed over to Arab States to take a lead of interfering in all aspects of internal and external affairs which resulted in Sudan as follower not decision maker.

Sudan could have extended levels of mutual relations between all neighboring countries, continents with due respect of identity and sovereignty as an African country instead of changing its position to another political arena without knowing the negative impacts of adventures.

To resolve the identity conflict, Sudan should follow these steps to put an end for this historical and contemporary conflict from its roots.

· Recognition of the originality

· Negotiation and prolonged discussion among the nation for re-shaping the Sudanese identity

· withdraw from Arab League countries for better peace, security, relations, development etc. and should be closed to Africa rather than Arab zone as previous

· Respect of multi-religious, cultures, customs, norms, traditions treating on equal basis and with applying to these key element points, will find an easy way for resolving its conflict challenges from A-Z.


1- See graduates conference 1938,, (accessed August 2021).

2- Sudanese culture magazine, KaleiId OSCOPE. › uploads › 2012/08 › suda

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