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Man shot, killed by police officer in Kelso identified as 27-year-old transient

08-23-2016, 04:29 PM
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Man shot, killed by police officer in Kelso identified as 27-year-old transient

    04:29 PM August, 23 2016

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    A Kelso police officer fatally shot Omer Ismail Ali after Ali allegedly attacked a gas station clerk, customer and the officer with a walking stick on Aug. 17, 2016.andnbsp;(The Oregonian/File)
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    http://connect.oregonlive.com/staff/ryanjim/index.htmlJim Ryan | The Oregonian/OregonLiveByandnbsp;http://connect.oregonlive.com/staff/ryanjim/posts.htmlJim Ryan | The Oregonian/OregonLiveandnbsp;<
    br>Email the authorandnbsp;|andnbsp;https://twitter.com/jimryan015Follow on Twitterandnbsp;<
    br>on August 19, 2016 at 6:50 PM, updatedandnbsp;August 19, 2016 at 10:01 PM

    Correction appended

    The manandnbsp;shot and killed by a police officerandnbsp;Wednesday in Kelso has been identified as a 27-year-old homeless man who has connections to Spokane.andnbsp;

    A Kelso police officer fatally shotandnbsp;Omer Ismail Ali after Ali allegedlyandnbsp;attacked a gas station clerk, customer and the officer with a walking stick, the Cowlitz County Sheriff's Office said in a news release. Ali died of aandnbsp;gunshot wound to the chest, according to the results of an autopsy performed Friday.

    Ali, who immigrated to the U.S. from Sudan as a refugee in 2013, also suffered a "gunshot wound of the jaw and neck," deputies said.andnbsp;

    Warning:andnbsp;This video contains graphic content.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch؟v=Bugp5uiYRPAStore Main video of Assault on clerk, customer and officer.

    Ali tried to shopliftandnbsp;from aandnbsp;Flying K gas station food martandnbsp;in West Kelso shortly after 8 a.m., deputies said. They said the store's clerks told him to leave, and heandnbsp;threatened them andandnbsp;walked away. The Kelso officer, John Johnston, arrivedandnbsp;shortly thereafterandnbsp;to take a report.andnbsp;

    As Johnston and one of the clerks were reviewing surveillance footage in an office, Ali returned to the store and began hitting a clerk and a customer with the stick, authorities said.andnbsp;

    Wooden stick photo, Kelso police shootingThe Cowlitz County Sheriff's Office released a photo of the walking stick Omer Ismail Ali allegedly used to attack a gas station clerk, customer and police officer on Aug. 17, 2016. The officer fatally shot Ali.andnbsp;

    Cowlitz County Sheriff Mark Nelsonandnbsp;said in a news conference Wednesday thatandnbsp;Johnstonandnbsp;tried to intervene but was struck in the head. Johnstonandnbsp;was also injured in the arm and leg, police said.andnbsp;Johnstonandnbsp;then shot Ali.

    Johnstonandnbsp;is a 22-year member of the Kelso Police Department, deputies said. Johnston, the clerk and the customer were taken to a hospital, and each of them were treated and released.

    The encounter was Ali's second at the Flying K that morning, deputies said. They said he showed up at the store around 1:10 a.m., toting a flat board, and was told to leaveandnbsp;by police and employees. Police took the board.

    Policeandnbsp;also contacted him twice between the Flying K altercations, deputies said. They said officers had contacted Ali or received reports about him multipleandnbsp;timesandnbsp;since Saturday.

    Aliandnbsp;was arrested Saturdayandnbsp;in Cougar, Washington, for allegedly driving with a suspended license, deputies said. They said the car, a rental, had been stolen in Washington's Whatcom County.

    Deputies said heandnbsp;had a pair of non-extraditable, misdemeanor warrantsandnbsp;out of Spokane and Blaine, Washington.

    Aliandnbsp;was released Monday from the Cowlitz County Jail, deputies said.

    The sheriff's office is still investigating Wednesday'sandnbsp;case.

    — Jim Ryan<
    br>mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]@oregonian.com<

    Oregonian/OregonLive staff and wire reports contributed to this report

    A previous version of this report incorrectly identified the officer involved in the shooting,andnbsp;due to a reporter's error.

    أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 23 أغسطس 2016

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    Man shot, killed by police officer in Kelso identified as 27-year-old transient SudaneseOnline News08-23-16, 04:29 PM

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