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Hebrews are not Israelites and Amorites are not Arabs

10-14-2021, 01:55 PM
Tarig Anter
<aTarig Anter
Registered: 03-24-2015
Total Posts: 797

Hebrews are not Israelites and Amorites are not Arabs

    12:55 PM October, 14 2021

    Sudanese Online
    Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان
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    It is essential to keep repeating again for those who evade what is obvious. Nations DO NOT migrate at all. Those who move or migrate are either bandits of invaders or utilized migrants groups. The true Israelites are not Jews at all. The Israelites and any nation did not migrate like birds, fish or locusts

    There are no nations in the Americas other than the indigenous peoples. Others are just influential or marginalized foreign communities in the process of digestion. Indigenous peoples everywhere in the Americas or Europe or Africa absorb and digest any foreign community regardless of their size and power. This is a normal basic law of nature. Indigenous peoples win at the end for sure.

    Religion is single, universal and very old with uncountable heavenly messages one for each nation in their own language, their local messenger and each one is limited to their homeland.

    All denominations are just polities and they are not part of the Religion and spirituality. Denominations migrate with bandits and foreign communities but they too fade away with time and they are digested by indigenous nations.

    Judaism. Christianity and Islam are unrelated to the single universal old Religion and its heavenly messages. Denominations are Hyksos Amorite-Turkic Mongolian widely spread polities that will eventually die. The Israelites and Arabs and the Messages of Moses and Jesus and Muhammad are unrelated to Jews, Amorites, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The latter are Hyksos groups and their polities who invaded Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas.

    What is called State of Israel today is in occupied southern Ugarit and is totally different from the God given Homeland of the true Israelites nation which was in Punt Lands as the Kingdom of Kings David and Solomon with true destroyed and disappeared Jerusalem as its capital.

    Being born in today's State of Israel makes individuals linked to the Hyksos Amorites and Turkic Mongolians and their denominations but will not make them Israelites or faithful to the Messages of Moses, Jesus or Muhammad or any other uncountable heavenly messengers

    The Israelites are not Jews or Hebrews. Jews are Hebrews and they are from a branch of the expelled Hyksos in 1523 BC. The Hyksos are yellowish 90% Amorites of the Levant plus 10% Turkic Mongolians from East Asia who invaded Sumer in 2334 BC and were called Akkadians and were expelled in 2154 BC

    The Israelites are not Hebrew or Jews at all. The Israelites are Ethiopians from Punt Lands and their Solomon's Temple and Jerusalem were in Afar Triangle in Ethiopia and Eritrea. The Hyksos Sabaeans of D'mt colony allied with Judah chiefs to rebel against King Solomon and when he died in 930 BC D'mt colony and Judah chiefs looted the Temple and expelled ten tribes of Israel

    In 600 BC, the Babylonian Hyksos instructed D'mt colony and Judah chiefs to destroy the Temple completely, sell the ten tribes of Israel into slavery and come to Babylon to invent Jews, Judaism, Hebrew language and Hebrew Bible from Aperu and the Torah of Moses which was in Ge'ez language

    On another earlier line, Hyksos in Egypt went westward in 1600 BC and allied with the Meshwesh Berber (Moors) to invade, loot and enslave West Africa. These raids all over West Africa created the black Fulani who were subservient to the pale yellowish Fulani of Hyksos and Berber mix. Pale and black Fulani invaded the kingdoms of Kerma civilization in 1500 BC, toppled them in 1000 BC, and created Kush colony in 780 BC to invade Kmt from the south, support expelled Hyksos and recolonize Kmt https://wp.me/p1OEJz-1Rmhttps://wp.me/p1OEJz-1Rm

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