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Articles and ViewsA U.N Team is coming to re-valuate UNAMID. Abdulaziz ali omer
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A U.N Team is coming to re-valuate UNAMID. Abdulaziz ali omer

08-13-2014, 04:50 PM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

A U.N Team is coming to re-valuate UNAMID. Abdulaziz ali omer

    UNAMID Joint Special Representative (JSR) Muhmad Ibn Chamabas denied the allegation that UNAMID staff are infected with Ebula Virus. He stressed that is amere rumour. All UNAMID Pesonell under go strict medical sceerning upn thier arrival in Sudan with U.N approved physcian to ensure thier well-being and safety all. The U.N official refuted the claim of UNMAID as incomptenet in peace qand dialogue. In the last U.N session held on 7th August , HE BRIEFED THE SECURITY Council memebers of the political and security developments in Darfur Region. He said that the fighting between the governmentr and armed movements reduced, never the less the intermittent iner-communal violence contiune to be achallange to United Nation Peacekeeping mission, the the security of humanitrain personnel and poses a threat even to regular government troops. The Chanian diplomat estimated that there are 385,000 people displaced by the conflict according to the Office of Coordination for Humanitarin Affairs(OCHA) . Thier plight is compounded by the reduced presence of humanitrain actors and humanitrain assistence on the ground. UNAMID Joint Special Representative (JSR) Muhmad Ibn Chamabas underlined that some progress has been made in the implementation of Doha Document for peace in Darfur . The state of Qatatr released million U.S dollars , out of its pledged 88 million U.S dollars towards finacing peace and the intergration of Justice and Equality Movement combatants.
    The joint mediator pointed out the members of security council expressed thier concern of the up-surge of fighting in Darfur and thier hope of the de-escaltion of conflict . It seems that the issue of peace and dialogue IN Sudan is one of the priorities of UANAMID. Ibn Chambas disclosed president Thabo mebeki will return to Sudan to pave the way foer the participation armed movements . On his part, he coordinated with The African –Union High-Level Implemenatation panel led by Thabo Mbeki , the envoy of U.N sectery Menkerious to organize a prepatory meeting that invloves the representaives of non-signatory armed movement and the gopvernment of Sudan to explore ways ofaddresing the security situation and to bridge the differeves towards a comprehensive settlement.
    The U.N official considred the dialogue as an opportunity to resolve the crisis of Darfur in line with a holistic approach to challanges of peace and democrasy in Sudan. He re-iterated his call upon the non-signatory armed movements to take advantage of the p[roposed national national dilaogue . He also urged the government to make security arragement to ensure tjhier participation.
    UNAMID Joint Special Representative (JSR) Muhmad Ibn Chamabas pointed that UAMID embarked on set of refroms as set out in resolution 1248:re-evaluation of the missison structure and re-focus on of the efforts around three strategic priorities namely the protection of civilians ,facilitation of humanitrain assistence and mediation between government and non-signatory armede movemements taking into account the democrtic transformation and mediation of communities in conflict.
    Concerning the accusations of false reports of UAMID ON situation in Darfur laid by Aicha Al-basri, the former spokesperson, he replied that the security council appointed a committte and charged with reviewing the matter and reporting back to the U.N secretery . Ibn Chambas concluded his confrence remark saying that Sudan needs a comprehensive political solution that leads to a genuine stability and resolves Darfur crisis. He confirmed that recently there has a limited disarmament in South Darfur where 11,000 weapons were collected . He described that as a step in the right direction .

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