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Accusation in Person as Nuer Traitor like Nyabuay-Buay Maleek Chuol is not fair in Logic

08-13-2014, 08:20 PM
BuomKuoth Met Kier
<aBuomKuoth Met Kier
Registered: 08-13-2014
Total Posts: 1

Accusation in Person as Nuer Traitor like Nyabuay-Buay Maleek Chuol is not fair in Logic

    BuomKuoth Met Kier
    Since the war was erupted on December 15, 2013, then on next day on December 16 I was disagreeing with Gordon Buay because Salva Kiir had murdered the innocent people. I was stop talking with Gordon Buay last year even now.

    Nyabuay Maleek Chuol turns down whole community in order to sell them out to get cheap money from Salva Kiir Mayardit. It is shame to NyaGordon Nyabuay-Buay to run out in community without reason. He is good politician before to defend whole community but now he became Prostitute Politician because he was supporting Head Chief of Awan (Kiir) to killed innocent Nuer.

    Question: Why he run to propose accusation in the entire community, and get money from murder to kill innocent Nuer? He had been defaming CCTV, and said, Nuer planned coup against Head Chief Village of Awan. Now, this allegation it becomes baseless without finding anywhere.

    Buom David; you have to Call Nuer entire Community in general to invite NyaGordon Nyabuay-Buay Maleek Chuol in order to convince him, and why he has been choosing to run out in community to be worse enemy to everyone?
    Nyabuay- Buay Maleek Chuol has been engaging himself to be good traitor in life to get cash in advance to finance his own personal –interest to fulfill his need. In fact, politic is about interest group, but Nyabuay has been using politic in wrong way. Now, he became Prostitute -Politician lover money to kill his own society to get especial materials that he needs. Nyabuay has been organizing group who love money like him called Nyabuaygroup – Nuertraitors. They are become materialism and lover money to sell out innocent Nuer to get cheap money now.
    Question: Why Gordon Buay renames him to Nyabuay-Buay?
    Answer: Because Presidential Guards abuse him on July 4, 2014 like what happen to Nuer men on December 16 during massacre last year. Gordon Buay after he had been abused and beaten him and torturing by Militia men from Salva Kiir, then they propose name called Nyabuay.

    Buom David; you have to know person through his writing on media. I have a lot of fans who knows my favorite faction which I support, but only you never heard where I stand.

    Throwing ward simply like that on social work face book is not easy. It may play a lot of role to give you bad sign to everyone.

    I found message from Mou Akon from one among militia who were killed the innocent Nuer. Mou by himself was killed four people during massacre. Mou, he is one of my friend in IOWA State University. He is in Juba now still continued to kill some Nuer.

    In fact, On July 4, 2014 Gordon Buay was arrested by Presidential Guards or WatKhan by Dinka Language. Presidential Guards security printed all the previous articles when he was against President. They took his passport and they beat him. Most of people are aware about that situation last month but only you never heard about it.

    Now Dinka Youth are claiming consent because they don’t like Gordon Buay. They are saying why Bandit gives his trust or power to Nyagaat. Militia men from Dinka still continue abuse and kill Nuer people right now.

    Calling me traitor on social net work on media, is bad sign to accuse my legacy in future. You had better to know person before you jump and insult person. I am glad because you responded my article nicely through peace.

    I went to Addis Ababa last month to spend 6 days and to met Dr. Machar and other Generals from opposition groups. They were glad to me and they were giving me hard campaign to write more articles to support opposition faction. They were blaming me why Gordon Buay defeats you on media. They gave me position to represent Youth as President to mobilize and give them morale. This is my position indeed through my activities, OK!

    Last year Gathoth Gatkuoth and Peter Gatdet Yaka made me to be spokesperson in Greater Upper Nile, and then I deserved that position. I am now working with White army for mobilization and morale. I use to call every day and tell them the tactic that they might take action for attack.

    Gordon Buay is my big enemy. Last week during protest at Washington DC, Gordon Buay set me up and told Mangok Mayen and Nancy find Dina Maruach and invites him to be performing in front of audience, but I decline on that day because I don’t want to put my entire community in pocket to get cash advance like Gordon Buay.

    Gordon Buay, he is now looking for me because he said, I took all secret by the time we work together as close friends. Please just know me in person, but I am not Gordon Buay. I am one among galeek families Nuer earth master, the heroes who occupy LatJhor State. My blood is Nuer indeed I can’t be like Nuer Traitors.
    Ruach Wal Yat
    Head Chief vs. Young General
    Spokesperson in Greater Upper Nile
    Galeek families of Earth Nuer Master, the Heroes

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