العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور
 Abuja NAS International, working with Save Darfur Coalition is organising a number of events to further the demonstration of a global commitment to protecting the people of Darfur. These events are geared towards garnering support for the protest against the continued opposition to UN deployment in Sudan. Join us as we proclaim "Darfur: A Genocide We Can Stop" Prayers for Darfur Details: Christian Church Service for Dafur Date: Sunday 17th September, 2006. 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Venue: National Ecumenical Center, Abuja, Nigeria. Contacts: Tola Obembe, +234 803 320 3725, Frank Okafor, +234 805 230 8815, and Assy David, +234 803 349 9583 Prayers for Darfur Details: Muslim Service for Dafur Date: Friday 15th September, 2006. 2:00 pm. Venue: National Mosque, Abuja, Nigeria. Contacts: Tola Obembe, +234 803 320 3725, Frank Okafor, +234 805 230 8815, and Assy David, +234 803 349 9583 Day for Darfur Abuja Rally Details: Demonstration outside the Sudanese Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria. Date: Sunday 17th September, 2006. 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Venue: Sudanese Embassy Plot 377 Mission Road Diplomatic Drive Central District Area Abuja, Nigeria. Contacts: Tola Obembe, +234 803 320 3725, Frank Okafor, +234 805 230 8815, and Assy David, +234 803 349 9583 Film Show Details: Public showing of "HOTEL RWANDA", a movie depicting genocidal acts. Date: Saturday 2nd September, 2006 to Friday 15th September, 2006 Venues: University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria Nassarawa State University Blakes Resort, Abuja, Nigeria. Unique Gardens, Abuja, Nigeria. Abuja Gardens, Abuja, Nigeria. Nigerian Law School, Bwari, FCT, Nigeria. NAS Anchor Point, Kubwa,NAS Anchor Point, Kubwa, FCT, Nigeria. Contacts: Tola Obembe, +234 803 320 3725, Frank Okafor, +234 805 230 8815, and Assy David, +234 803 349 9583 PREVIOUS EVENTS Darfur as Metaphor: Conscience, Accountability and Political (In)Stability Details: A lecture on Darfur at the 9th Annual Wole Soyinka Lectures Series delivered by Chidi Anselm Odinkalu. Date: Friday, 14th July, 2006 Venue: Channel View Hotel, Calabar, Nigeria Info: Click here to DOWNLOAD (PDF) full paper. Darfur: A Genocide We Can Stop Details: Being text of the welcome address delivered by Andrew Obinna Onyearu, Immediate Past NAS Capoon, National Association of Seadogs, at the 9th Annual Wole Soyinka Lectures Series. Date: Friday, 14th July, 2006 Venue: Channel View Hotel, Calabar, Nigeria Info: Click here for full paper See www.dayfordarfur.org for additional information including other planned worldwide events
Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

London, UK
(For coach and other travel details please follow this link) Sudanese Embassy Demonstration followed by March to Downing Street What: Demonstration outside the Sudanese Embassy in London When: Sunday 17th September, 11:00 am to 1:30 pm Where: 3 Cleveland Row, St. James’s, London, SW1A 1DD, UK Map: Follow this link Organiser: Hratche Koundarjian, Aegis Trust, +00 44 (0)1623 836 627, and Mr. Yahia Elabshir, Darfur Union, 07961608397 Supported by: Aegis Trust, Amnesty International UK, Darfur Union, Service for Peace Further information: www.aegistrust.org, www.amnesty.org.uk[/B,
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

New York City USA
What: SAVE DARFUR NOW: Voices to Stop Genocide When: September 17, 2006 (2:00 - 5:00 P.M.) Where: New York City (Central Park, East Meadow) Who: Click here for confirmed speakers and performers Sign Up: Please sign up for our "Voices to Stop Genocide" email list, so that we can update you with event announcements and other bulletins.
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

United States Events
Activists across the United States are planning events around the Global Day for Darfur. For more information about the events, please contact the event planners directly. If you have an event you would like to add to this list please contact [email protected]
Arizona California District of Columbia Florida Idaho Indiana Iowa Massachusetts Missouri Nevada New Jersey New Mexico North Carolina Oregon Tennessee Virginia Washington
Arizona Phoenix Darfur Rally Northwest corner of 32nd St. and Camelback September 17 4 p.m – 6 p.m. [email protected]
California Los Angeles
Benefit Concert: Rosario Dawson & Zync Music The Avalon 1735 N. Vine September 17th 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 midnight Tickets $40 & are tax deductible Performances by Bitter Sweet, Bushwalla and More Raffle & Giveaways Proceeds go to The International Rescue Committee
Caravan for Peace Bringing United Nations Member States Face-to-Face with Survivors of Past Genocides Friday, September 15 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Jewish World Watch Peter Marcus, [email protected]
Global Days for Darfur Marv Steinberg, (530) 229-3661
Thursday, September 14
Letter Writing Party 1855 Continental St., Redding 7:00 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 15
Interfaith Prayer Vigil Sundial Bridge (Meet at North End) 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 16 "Ghosts of Rwanda" Film Screening Simpson Univ., LaBaume-Rudat, Room 204 3:00 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 17
Informational Booth Simpson University, Cafeteria All day
Interfaith worship First United Methodist Church 2:00 p.m.
San Diego Rally & Concert for Darfur Courtyard of St Luke's Episcopal Church 3725 30th St Sunday, September 17th 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. www.stopgenocidesd.org
Voices of Women One of LOST BOYS of Sudan, a Sudanese community activist, and an IRC speaker and author Mission Valley Library 2123 Fenton Parkway, San Diego, CA 92108 Monday, September 18 5:30-7:30pm [email protected] voicesofwomen.org
San FranciscoVoices to Stop Genocide in Darfur Justin Herman Plaza One Market Street Sunday, September 17th 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. www.darfursf.org
District of Columbia Darfur Escalation Rally at the White House Lafayette Park, in front of the White House 16th & H Streets, NW Saturday, September 9 12:00 p.m. www.africaaction.org
Idaho •Boise
Candle Light Vigil Anne Frank memorial Sunday September 17 8:00 -9:00 p.m. [email protected]
Florida Boca Raton Interfaith Call to Action & Candlelight for Darfur St. David Armenian Orthodox Church 2300 Yamato Road Thursday, September 14 4:00 p.m . [email protected], 561-391-3148
•Fort Wayne
Global Day for Darfur Indiana Rally Allen County Courthouse (downtown) Sunday, September 17th 3:00-5:00 p.m. Suliman Giddo, [email protected] or Kari Deselm [email protected]
Prayer Vigil for Darfur North United Methodist Church 38th Street and Meridian Indianapolis September 17 7:00 p.m.
Iowa Des Moines Global Day for Darfur Iowa Rally State Capitol, West Mall Sunday, September 17th 4:00 p.m. Katy Flynn, [email protected]
Massachusetts Worcester Children In Darfur: An Exhibition of Crayon Drawings with Opening Night Speakers Worcester African Cultural Center 33 Canterbury Street 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. 508-757-7727 or [email protected]
Missouri St. Louis Darfur: A Lost Boy of Sudan Speaks Our Ethical Society of St. Louis Assembly Hall (9001 Clayton Road) September 14th 7:00 p.m. Judy Hoffman, [email protected]
Nevada Las Vegas An Evening for Darfur Saturday, September 16 5:00 p.m. Teala Baird, [email protected] A Day for Darfur September 30 MaryBeth Acac, [email protected]
New Jersey East Brunswick Shine a Light For Darfur...Voices Against Genocide Candlelight Vigil at Veteran’ Thursday, September 7, 8:00-8:30 p.m. Leslie Klein, [email protected]
New Mexico Sante Fe Rape: A Weapon of War Sexual Violence Raging in Darfur Sante Fe Rape Crisis & Trauma Treatment Center 6601 Valentine Way Tuesday. September 26 7:00-9:00 p.m. Jocelyn, 505-988-1951
North Carolina Raleigh Service of Prayer and a Call to Justice Fuquay-Varina United Methodist Church 100 S. Judd Parkway Debra Dean Murphy, 919-552-4331 September 17th 3:45 p.m.
Oregon Portland Portland Voices for Darfur Congregation Havurah Shalom (825 NW 18th) Sunday, September 10, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Mackenzie Miller, [email protected] www.pdxvoicesfordarfur.org
Tennessee Nashville Showing of the documentary Darfur Diaries The Belcourt Theatre 2102 Belcourt Ave. Sunday, September 17th 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Kitty Calhoon, [email protected] or call 615-297-6396
Virginia Arlington Yogathon for Darfur 9 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, September 30 Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington 4444 Arlington Blvd.
Richmond River City Rocks - A Benefit for Darfur 10 bands, 10 comedians 12:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m. Brown’s Island To purchase tickets and for other inquiries, visit www.rivercityrocks.com Washington •Seattle Pray for Darfur: Take Action to Stop Genocide Madrona Presbyterian Church (832 32nd Avenue) Sunday, September 17 1:30-3:00 p.m. Diane Baer, [email protected]
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

Kigali, Rwanda Day for Darfur Rally What: Rally, march, candlelit vigil When: TBC Where: Intercontinental Hotel, Kigali City Map: Organiser and contact detais: Steve Robinson, Rwanda Development Officer Tel: +250 0889 6513 or +44 7933 667619 Freddy Mutanguha, Rwanda Co-ordinator Tel: +250 0830 7666 Supported by: Aegis Rwanda Further information: www.aegistrust.org About: There will be three events on the 17th September, all of which will be linked: - Rally - March to the Ecole Technique Officialle - Candlelight Vigil The start of these events will be held in Kigali, more specifically beginning with the Rally at the Intercontinental Hotel, in the centre of Kigali city. With at least 200 participants, we will travel by coach to within walking distance of the school, Ecole Technique Officialle. This school was the site where the United Nations Peacekeepers abandoned the
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Day for Darfur Addis Ababa What: Panel discussion, press conference, film screening When: TBC Where: Mesquel Square, centre of Addis Ababa Map: Contact: Debebe Hailegebriel, Executive Director Tel: 251 911 218446 (Mobile) Fax : +251 11 1243558 Freneh Tessema, Project Coordinator Tel: +251 11 1243555 Fax: +251 11 1243558 Supported by: Action Professionals Association for the People (APAP) Further information: www.apapeth.org About: Action Professionals’ Association for the People is planning to carry out a series of activities in coordination with the Global Day for Darfur, including: Panel discussion Press conference A film screening Brochures APAP will assemble a panel of experts (AU, Sudanese and African policy) in collaboration with the International Refugee Rights Initiative which will take place before a gathering of about 100 individuals working in different organizations, national and international, governmental and non-governmental organizations, students of higher education etc. This discussion may be followed by a film screening, depending on availability of appropriate materials.
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

Vancouver, Canada Vancouver Day for Darfur Rally When: Sunday 17th September, 2:00PM - 5:00PM Where: Vancouver Art Gallery, 750 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC. Contact: Clement Abas Apaak; or 778-895-924. Supported by: SFPiRG, Amnesty International Canada, Students for Darfur, Sudanese Canadian Society, Canadian Jewish Congress, CJSF 90.1FM, Africa Vibes FM, Coalition of African Communities. More Information: Please follow this link to download the Canadian Unit Statement on Darfur. About: The event will be a rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery and will feature speakers including human rights advocates, aid agencies, politicians, academics, Darfurians and Sudanese as well as Students. There will be musical performances and donations will be collected to support humanitarian agencies in Darfur. All money we collect will go only to help Darfur refugees. Bio of keynote speakers: Senator Mobina Jaffer was appointed to the Canadian Senate in 2001 as the first Muslim women, first African, she continues to bring issues of human rights and other important issues to her colleagues in the Parliament of Canada. Senator Jaffer is currently a member of the Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages, the Senate Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration, Special Committee on the Anti-Terrorism Act, Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs and the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs. In 2002 she was appointed as the Special Envoy to the Peace Process in Sudan, a position she held until early 2006. As the Special Envoy, Senator Jaffer worked along side her counter-parts world wide to aid the people of Sudan in the search for peace. She met with many Sudanese people within Sudan, and Canada and has represented the Canadian Government on several occasions in Washington. Her presence here today, speaks to her commitment to peace and her willingness to help the people of Sudan. Jaffer took on the role as the Chair of the Canadian Committee on Women Peace & Security Senator in 2002 wherein her belief that the key to peace is the inclusion of women in the peace process, as was outlined in the United Nations 1325 (2000) Resolution, was put into action. As Chair of the Canadian Committee of Women Peace & Security she held round tables on racial profiling, finding peaceful solutions to middle-east warring, and the plight of Afghani and Iraqi women. She held this position until late 2005.
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

Toronto, Canada
Day for Darfur Toronto Rally with Senator Romeo Dallaire
What: Rally in downtown Toronto
When: Sunday 17th September, 1400hrs to 1530hrs
Where: Ramsden Park (On Yonge St. across the road from Rosedale Subway Station, six blocks north of Bloor St.)
Contact: Ben Fine
More Info: Please follow this link to download a pdf informaiton sheet about this event. Also please follow this link for the Canadian Unity Statement on Darfur. Please follow this link for the Unity Statement Signatories.
Supported by: Senator Dallaire’s office in collaboration with a number of Canadian NGOs working on Darfur - including STAND Canada, Canadian Students for Darfur, Project Ploughshares, KAIROS, CASTS, War Child Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress
General Dallaire will be the keynote Ms. Tragi Mustafa, a refugee from Darfur, leading activist and founder of Save Women – Sudan Justin Trudeau, son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, chair of Katimavik, our national youth service program and a passionate supporter of youth education and empowerment ,will MC Entertainment:
Bedouin Soundclash - www.bedouinsoundclash.com - described by New Music Canada as having "emerged in the past two years as a young group refusing to be classified, while blurring the lines of reggae and rock…blazing their own path in the musical landscape." Muhtadi - www.muhtadidrumfest.com - founder and artistic director of Muhtadi International Drumming Festival, one of Canada's premier percussionists. He plays djembe, bongos, congas, timbales, steel pan, and a wide assortment of other percussion instruments. About: Lieutenant-General Dallaire (ret’d) was awarded the Meritorious Service Cross for his exceptional leadership and ability as Commander of UN forces in Rwanda during the 1994 Tutsi-genocide. His published account of his experience, entitled Shake Hands with the Devil – the Failure of Humanity in Rwanda, has earned international recognition as well as several prestigious literary prizes.
General Dallaire has been passionately engaged in raising awareness about the ongoing crisis in Darfur, and pressuring the Canadian Government, and governments around the world, to fulfill their Responsibility to Protect. He was appointed to the Senate of Canada in March 2005, and was immediately invited to be part of the Prime Minister’s special advisory team on Sudan. He was recently appointed by Kofi Annan to the United Nations Genocide Prevention Advisory Committee with the likes of Gareth Evans and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. He continues to devote himself to the global fight against human rights abuses, genocide, ethnic cleansing and the plight of war affected children.
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Montreal Rally for Darfur
What: Rally with music and programme of speakers
When: 2.45pm – 4.30pm
Where: Outdoor lot, Concordia University
Organiser and contact details:
Tara Tavender, MIGS Intern & ‘Montreal Rally for Darfur’ Coordinator Tel: (514) 923-8368 (cell phone), (514) 848-8705 (office) Fax: c/o Dr. Frank Chalk, (514) 848-4538 or (514) 848-4539
Dr. Frank Chalk, Founding Co-Director, MIGS Tel: (514) 848-2424, ext. 2404 Fax: (514) 848-4538 or (514) 848-4539
Supported by: The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS)
Further information: www.migs.concordia.ca
About: Montreal’s September 17th ‘Rally for Darfur’ will be an outdoor gathering with 135 minute program featuring music, visual displays, and speakers from an array of backgrounds. Because many Montrealers are not current on the situation in Darfur, there will be general information presentations as well as policy statements made by speakers. We are expecting more than 1000 attendees.
Darfuris and survivors of the Rwandan genocide, Multi-faith community leaders, NGO workers from the field, Montreal academics, politicians from the three levels of government (federal, provincial and municipal), and student activists will speak for 3 -7 minutes each. It will be a bilingual forum, bringing the city’s Francophones and Anglophones together with regards to Darfur for the first time. The event will be held in the heart of downtown, close to public transportation access. It will be peaceful in nature and open to all members of the public.
The proposed schedule is as follows:
2:15 – 2:45pm: Pre-rally music to be played while crowd arrives and settles. Several Afrobeat style musicians have been invited to perform, as well as some local Quebecois acts with human rights oriented lyrics.
2:45 – 2:55pm: Welcome to event by Coordinator Tara Tavender and introduction of key partners and sponsors of the rally. Tara will: provide a short explanation of why assembling for Darfur is important, give a brief outline of the rally’s objectives, discuss the larger ‘Global Day for Darfur’ objectives and sister events, and encourage attendees to participate and organize future activities with regards to Darfur.
2:55 – 3:10: Montreal academics – three local academics will: introduce the conflict, discuss what has been done to end the crisis at the international level, and explain why a UN force is urgently needed in Darfur.
3:10 – 3:25: NGO workers from the field – two or three NGO workers with experience in the Darfur or Chad camps will discuss: camp conditions, challenges in providing humanitarian aid, and security concerns for refugees, IDPs and relief workers.
3:25 – 3:40: Multi-faith coalition – three to four representatives from differing Canadian religious communities who participated in a country-wide interfaith initiative to lobby the Canadian government on the issue of Darfur will discuss: their activities and how they were received. They will also encourage their respective religious communities to get involved in activism and lobbying for Darfur.
3:40 – 3:55: Darfuris and survivors of the 1994 Rwandan genocide – Darfuris will present on the human realities of the conflict; a local Rwandan genocide survivor will discuss what he/she lived through in 1994, and will draw parallels between Rwandan experiences and those of Darfuris in the current conflict.
3:55 – 4:10: Politicians from federal, provincial & municipal levels of government – several high profile politicians with a history of Darfur-related advocacy will present on what Canada, Canadians and Quebecois can be doing to pressure action in Darfur at the international level.
4:10 – 4:20: Student activists – members of STAND Concordia, STAND McGill, and a francophone student organization will discuss past and present activities with regards to Darfur, and will encourage students in attendance to get involved.
4:20 – 4:30: Closing comments by Tara Tavender and announcement of formation of new ‘Montreal Coalition for Darfur’. Audience will be thanked for attending, and encouraged to get involved in Darfur activism.
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

Melbourne, Australia
Global Day for Darfur Demonstation
What: Demonstration
When: Sunday 17th September, 12:00pm to 1:00pm.
Where: Intersectionof Swanston and Burke Street, Melbourne, Australia.
Organiser: Sarah Hellings
Supported by: Darfur Australian Network (DAN) and Darfur Human Rights and Development Organisation of Australia.
Further info: www.darfuraustralia.org www.dhrdoa.org
As an awareness raising activity, DAN plans to hold a symbolic demonstration. With police support, the intersection of Swanston and Burke Street will be blocked between 12 and 1pm.
A group of drummers, representing the people of Darfur, will be encircled by a number of people dressed in United Nations blue berets. This is symbolic of what the international community need to do - Protect the Darfur community from preventable violence and destruction.
Television and press media have been invited to the event to attract as much coverage as possible.
Seminar on Darfur
What: Seminar
When: Sunday 17th September, 3:30pm.
Where: Australian Catholic University, on Victoria Pde, Melbourne, Australia.
Organiser: Sarah Hellings
Supported by: Darfur Australian Network and Darfur Human Rights and Development Organisation of Australia.
Further info: www.darfuraustralia.org www.dhrdoa.org
Later that afternoon, we are holding a seminar with the Darfur Human Rights and Development Organization of Australia. This will be held at the Australian Catholic University, on Victoria Pde.
Speakers will include Abdulhadi Matar from the Darfur community, members of the South Sudanese Association of Australia and a representative from Amnesty International. We would like to thank Australian Catholic University for their assistance and support with this event.
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

Niarobi, Kenya
Five Days for Darfur
What: Meetings, media briefing breakfast, prayer weekend, petitions, film screening, solidarity walk.
When: 5 day period planned around 17 th September
Where: Various locations around Nairobi
Organiser and contact details:
Korrir Singoeie, Executive director
Tel: +254 722 776 994
Email: Korrir Singoeie
Fax: +254 20 601338
Adam Hussein Adam, Senior Programme Officer (Diversity)
Tel: +254 20 722 649 024
Email: Adam Hussein Adam
Fax: +254 20 601338
Supported by: The Centre for Minority Rights Development (Cemiride)
Further Information: www.cemiride.info
About: Our approach to the global day for Darfur is to expose the various dimension of the Darfurian disaster by way of events spread through a 5 days period each event building on the other, hence raising both awareness and seeking solidarity.
Coalition building: 3 meetings will be held as part of the preparatory & mobilization process. This coalition will be thus responsible for taking forward the pre and post campaign processes.
Media briefing: A media briefing breakfast will be organized in the run up to the 17th of September followed by a multi stakeholder press conference.
Prayer weekend: Inter religious groups in Kenya will be engaged to set aside some time for reflection and prayer in support of Darfur on the weekend of 16th/17th September.
Petitions to embassies: The international petition will be contextualized and circulated to at least 10 embassies. They will be presented by senior clerics and political leaders, some of whom have already been engaged.
Film on Darfur: documentaries from various organizations working in Darfur will be shown in one of the major theatres in Nairobi on a select day before the 17th of September. A dialogue forum in response to the documentaries will then follow. A senior political leader who is associated with pan Africanism has already agreed to give a key note address. The UN resident representative will also be targeted to give another key speech during this occasion
Solidarity walk/meeting: a solidarity walk will be mounted to the Sudanese embassy in Nairobi where a Petition will be presented.
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

Manama, Bahrain
Press Conference
What: Press Conference
When: Sunday 17th Sept. at 8:30 pm
Where: Bahrain Bar Society - Manama - Bahrain
Organizer: The Bahraini Coalition for International Criminal Court
Contact Person: Nasser H. Burdestani
Email: [email protected]
Phone No.: + 973 39 423 421
Supported by: Bahrain Bar Society - Amnesty International (Bahrain)
More: a petition will also be signed by the public addressed to the Sudanese embassy in Bahrain.
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

Madrid, Spain
What: In Madrid we are targeting the Sudanese embassy. We will stage a performance in the street in front of the embassy and offer media interviews. We are also doing some media work with national and local media. In other towns, we are organizing street campaigns in A Coruña, Albacete, Alt Empordá, Avilés, Barcelona, Burgos, Casteldefels, Gavá, Lugo, Llobregat Sud, Madrid, Maresme, Oviedo, Palencia, Salamanca, Sant Boi, Sevilla, Valencia, Viladecans y Vitoria. In these towns, we will gather signatures from passers-by, distribute flyers and offer information on the crisis.
(عدل بواسطة Salwa Seyam on 09-15-2006, 10:23 PM)
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)

Lusaka, Zambia
Press Conference
On Monday 18 September 2006, a press conference will be held about the Global Day for Darfur and the present state of the crisis.
Throughout the week begining 18 September 2006 there will be distribution of materials on Darfur.
Location: Lusaka (TBC).
When: Monday the 18th of September, 10:00am.
Contact: Charles Mulenga, Amnesty International.
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)
Jerusalem, Israel
What: A Rally and prayer for Darfur
When: Sunday 17th September, 7:15pm
Where: Next to the Mashbir at the top of Rechov Ben yehudah (not the kikar tzion end)
Organizer: Talmidim Against Genocide (TAG)
Further information: [email protected]
About: There will be a rally trying to inform and generate support for an end to Genocide in Darfur followed by Ma'ariv for those intreseted.
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)
Dublin, Ireland
Week of Solidarity
What: week of solidarity for Darfur. 15th of September solitary event in Dublin at 1pm. Members around the country will also be holding solidarity events.
When: from September 13th - September 20th
Contact: Amnesty International Irish Section, (01) 6776361, [email protected]
Further info: www.amnesty.ie
About: On Friday 15th September Amnesty members around the world and other coalitions of organisations will participipate in a day of action. At 1pm, the Lord Mayor of Dublin Cllr Vincent Jackson will light a candle on the steps of the Mansion House, to express the solidarity of the people of Dublin with the people of Darfur. The group will then proceed to St. Anne's Church on Dawson Street to conduct an event which will include testimonies attesting to the suffering of the people of Darfur, as well as music and song.
Please contact the office for more details on 01 6776361
Since 2003, Darfur in Western Sudan has been embroiled in a deadly conflict. Since 2003, 85,000 civilians have been killed and more than 200,000 have died from war related causes. More than 2 million people have been displaced and live in displaced-persons camps in Sudan or in refugee camps in Chad; more than 3.5 million people are reliant on international aid for survival.
António Guterres, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has described the situation in Sudan and Chad as “the largest and most complex humanitarian problem on the globe.”
Governments have been quick to call for an end to the violence, but slow to act. UN resolutions have not been implemented and six rounds of peace talks over almost two years have failed to resolve the crisis. A new approach is needed by the international community to prevent further violence and suffering.
Amnesty International is calling for the immediate deployment of a strong UN peacekeeping force to protect civilians in Darfur. Strong public action is now essential to put pressure on the UN Security Council member states into taking action, and calling for the immediate deployment of a UN Peacekeeping force in Darfur.
Join us - On Friday 15th September Amnesty members around the world and other coalitions of organisations will participipate in a day of action. At 1pm, the Lord Mayor of Dublin Cllr Vincent Jackson will light a candle on the steps of the Mansion House, to express the solidarity of the people of Dublin with the people of Darfur. The group will then proceed to St. Anne's Church on Dawson Street to conduct an event which will include testimonies attesting to the suffering of the people of Darfur, as well as music and song.
Hotel Rwanda Screening
What: Screening of the film, Hotel Rwanda and talk on Darfur. When: Sunday 17th September at 7.30pm. Where: The Sugar Club, Leeson Street, Dublin. Map: Organiser: James Cleary, Silent Masses, +353 8725 03904. Supported by: Silent Masses Further information: www.silentmasses.com[/B]
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)
اها يا تراجى شفتى السرعة دى كيف ..
Cairo, Egypt STAR – Student Action for Refugees
STAR will host a few events in collaboration with the Global Day for Darfur campaign.
1. In coordination with OSD “Student activities recruitment week” being held on the AUC campus from Sept. 10th-14th ( 8am-4pm) STAR has reserved an information booth so that we may spread the word about STAR’s activities and there will be a specific focus on raising awareness about the genocide in Darfur and STAR’s future events in relation to this issue.
2. Film Festival and Discussion will be held at Howard Theater – Sept.16th from 12-3pm on the main campus of AUC. The selection of films shown will be in relation to the past and current genocide in Darfur. This event will be geared towards AUC students and faculty only due to space constraints.
3. Music and Dance Concert with Traditional Songs from Darfur. In addition there will be local Sudanese refugee artists selling and displaying their arts and crafts work. The evening will end with a candlelight vigil. The event on Sept. 16th will run from 5:00pm - 10:00pm on the main campus in the science garden.
4. Information and Awareness raising booth will be held all day on Sept. 17th on AUC’s Greek campus. There will be information pamphlets distributed and a petition that students/faculty can sign during the day. Blue hats, T-shirts and wristbands will also be distributed at this time.
Contac Details: Ms. Jennifer Renquist, STAR President Ms. Shannon McDonald, Head Media Contact and Coordinator. Tel: (012)-530-1702
Supported by: Student Action for Refugees (STAR), Department of Forced Migration Refugee Studies, The American University in Cairo, Office of Student Development.
Further information: www.aucegypt.edu/academic/fmrs/students.html#star[/B]
اها كله فى الجامعة الأمريكية لكن فى حاجات فاتتم لأنو الاحتفال ده بادى من يوم عشرة.. كنتو وين انتو يا ناس القاهرة ؟
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)
Dakar, Senegal
Day for Darfur Concert
What: Musical concert, press conference and video screening
When: Concert in evening
Where: Concert - place de l’indépendance (place de l’obélisque), Dakar. Press conference - Large hotel, tbc.
Organiser and contact details: Alioune Tine, Secrétaire Général (Secretary General) Tel : l221-644 33 96 Fax: 221-824 60 52
Sadikh Niass, Secrétaire chargé de programmes (Programme co-ordinator) Tel : 221-633 87 13 Fax: 221-824 60 52
Supported by: Rencontre Africaine pour la Défence des Droits de l’Homme (The African Collective for the Defence of Human Rights)
Further information: www.raddho.africa-web.org[/B]
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)
Calgary, Canada
Calgary Global Day for Darfur Rally
What: Rally
When: 1:00pm
Where: Harry Hays Federal Building, downtown Calgary (220 4th Ave SE)
Map: Please follow this link
Organiser and contact details: Mike Fotheringham, (403)216-5445 with Dr. David Swann, MLA Calgary Mountain View
Further information: www.davidswann.ca
About: A rally held outside the Harry Hays Federal Building in downtown Calgary with dancing, speeches and letters to sign. Potentially a vigil to follow in the evening, depending on support.
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Re: العواصم والمدن المشاركة فى اليوم العالمى لدارفور (Re: Salwa Seyam)
Copenhagen, Denmark
When: 16 September
Where: Surrounding the UN Security Council/African Union embassies.
Contact: Erik Sorensen, +45 33 45 65 65, Amnesty International in Denmark
About: On, 100 activists will gather for a seminar which we will also use for a photo opportunity. Signs and posters will be mounted in areas surrounding the UN Security Council/African Union embassies displaying the slogan. There will also be 2 postcard actions: to the Sudanese embassy in Oslo (in collaboration with AI Norway) and to UNSC/AU embassies. We are also working on a photo exhibition, including projecting images on large buildings (photos, names of victims, numbers etc). Starting on 17 September, there will be teams wearing blue helmets in the streets every day until 30 September collecting signatures and distributing postcards in Copenhagen and all large cities.
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