برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور

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11-15-2004, 08:25 AM

أحمد أمين
<aأحمد أمين
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3371

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور

11-15-2004, 08:28 AM

أحمد أمين
<aأحمد أمين
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3371

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

    ردود فعل البريطانيين بعد مشاهدة البرنامج

    These people will be punished for what they have made these poor people endure. I really hope that everyone who had the time to express their opinions on this programme also took the time to get out their credit cards and send some money to the Darfur crisis appeal. It's all well and good to express an opinion but tomorrow you will all go back to your lives and by Tuesday or Wednesday this week that harrowing scene of the ten month old baby clinging to her mother for comfort will be a distant memory. Every little helps. Do something that you can feel proud of.
    Michelle, Manchester , England

    Knowing that such atrocities exist in the world is one thing, but seeing the stark, visual evidence so bravely gathered and portrayed in this excellent piece of journalism is another. It saddens my heart to be reminded of mankind's capacity for evil and brutality, and his apparent apathy in the face of such. Seeing programmes like this always give me a sense of helplessness in a world ruled by monsters.
    Matt Gray, Bournemouth, UK

    Why is it that we are allowing this to take place? Action is again too slow within the International Community. Help is needed and it should not just fall to the aid agencies who do a fantastic job. Governments, through the UN, need to take decisive action and rapidly. It can only do that with a lot of back up from Europe, USA and other nations.
    Ian, Alicante, Spain

    My sincerest compliments to the Panorama team and especially to Hilary Anderson for her report. The situation in Sudan is truly horrific and I was absolutely disgusted by the UK's and the USA's answer to what is clearly a genocide. Shame on the Sudanese government, on the Janjaweed, on the US and the UK, shame on all of us who accept all of this to happen. Above all, shame on the human race, who is showing once again that it is the worst of all animals, capable of indescribable atrocities. I would like to add a few words to D Lewis's (from Bristol, UK) comment below. True, the BBC's pictures were sometimes hard to digest. But they were certainly not included just to raise the headlines, but to show us, the outside world, what is really going on in Sudan. If he does not want to continue watching Panorama because of this, then of course this is his choice. It obviously shows that some people prefer closing their eyes and hope that this might help them escape reality. What Panorama has shown are facts not fairytales, and we would be better off if we not only opened our eyes but actively started to do something to stop this massacre.
    Francesco, London, UK

    I watched your programme on the current situation in Sudan as I was unfamiliar with the background and hoped to gain some insight on the current state of affairs. One can't deny that the situation there is appalling and that crimes against humanity have been committed. However, to constitute genocide, a specific group has to be targeted. According to your report this group are black people targeted by Arabs intent on ethnic cleansing. Yet the vast majority of supposedly janjaweed militia that you showed were also black. How does your underlying line of argument of Arabs set on ethnically cleansing blacks reconcile with images of black janjaweed? Does this conflict even have anything to do with genocide, or is it a civil war between North and South Darfur? I'm afraid the only insight I gained was that an emotionally charged BBC reporter had morally sided with one side in what appears to be civil war. I find such biased reporting offensive at the best of times and did not expect it from the BBC and the Panorama programme in particular.
    Dr. Vassilis Kitidis, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

    At some point in the world, good loving people who have suffered horrendous atrocities, like in Sudan, will be liberated. I think evil in life comes in waves and things have to change and will change. Its high time good prevailed. The programme was very moving, another excellent programme by the BBC.
    Joe Chadwick, Chislehurst, England

    The horrors of Sudan are obvious. However, as someone who researched the Rwanda genocide, what brings tears to my eyes is the horrible sense of uselessness. We can protest and donate all we want but apathy inevitably overcomes our efforts. What to do?
    Carl Franks, Amersham, Buckinghamshire

    Having just viewed the Panorama programme, I again feel ashamed to be part of the human species. Genocide or not, even one child killed at point blank or one woman raped once, this is totally unacceptable. If the west fail to act on what seems a genocide atrocity in Sudan, then like the Holocaust and Rwanda, we will have to carry the shame and guilt of this human atrocity forever. I hope the U.N. will do the right thing.
    Anjana Clark, Leeds, England

    What can we say; what can we do? Hilary Anderson has bought us the story of genocide with great care and balance. How she can continue to record this horror and not go crazy I just don't know. Thank you Hilary. What can be done: the African force needs to be multiplied by ten, it must be authorised by UN and African leaders to act as a Peace force. US and UK and EC has to put resources behind the action. We are watching genocide again. Why is there no government minister on line to respond to this report? Why is Hilary Anderson left on her own to handle this issue? Shame on our government and shame on us all.
    Greg Williams, Nottingham

    Thank you for tonight's very informative report on the dreadful suffering of the people of western Darfur. It is obvious that the UN must urgently mandate an African Union peace keeping force who will protect the civilian population. To do otherwise will be to condone these crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Sudan Government and its thugs.
    T Welch, Buckinghamshire, UK

    The report tonight was harrowing, but in the best tradition of journalism. It was terrifying to see that the refugee camps have been effectively turned into Nazi-style ghettos, where the rule is arbitrary and life precarious. The report left me in no doubt that if peace keepers are not sent in soon the 10 year anniversary of the horrors in Rwanda will be 'commemorated' with another genocide.
    Sarah Ashwin, Richmond, UK

    I've seen the Panorama programme (New Killing Fields) and I think that the international community should act promptly and immediately in Darfur to stop the Genocide. Failure to do so, would certainly result in a disastrous situation as it happened before in Rwanda (1994) and Kurdistan/Northern Iraq (198. Dictatorships like Sudanese regime should be stopped and punished as they're the main supporters of Janjaweed murderers and rapists.
    Dr Shayda Khoshnaw, UK

    How can the Sudanese government deny having any involvement in the killings when the Janjaweed are given air support before they attack the villages? Who owns the aeroplanes? How can they say that this is tribal war? This is absolutely ludicrous. This situation is appalling and the West must do something immediately, have we no conscience?
    Dawn, Denbigh, North Wales

    How many people have to die before the Foreign Office agree there is genocide? -Who decides? Mr Blair, Mr Straw or Mr Mullin
    A M Garfield, Kingsbury, London

    I was sickened to watch this Panorama programme and have the greatest respect for the film crew who risked their own lives to bring to us the plight of so many innocent women and children who through no fault of their own find themselves in a most unbearable situation. I kept thinking what if that was me, what if that was my daughter. The response from the British minister was deplorable. I felt ashamed to be British and have him speak for me - because that is what ministers are supposed to do. Does he really believe anything he said. Can he even imagine the suffering of just one 13 year old girl who has lost most of her family and been gang raped. That is just one too many. Rwanda - Somalia - Sudan the list goes on. The longer we leave these situations and 'watch and wait' to see what happens the more they will happen and the more lives will be broken. I hope all those who watched this programme are prepared to speak out to demand that something must be done. Then I pray that those in power listen to those they are supposed to represent and listen to their own consciences both which must be saying the same thing.
    Jenni Elliott, Manchester, UK

    Jack Straw is a disgrace, sorry Sudan.
    James, Malpas, UK

    People really should grow up - and fast. Sudan is not our fight, not personally nor strategically. But if we did wish to intervene, the only meaningful option is to overthrow the Sudanese government, occupy the country, establish the rule of law and a stable infrastructure. This means sacrificing many of our soldiers' lives and sinking an 'incalculable' amount of cash into the country, which is only conceivably justified if we can get the money back. This we could do by establishing industries and other businesses there. But as the spirit of the times is against imperialism, we must alas stand by and do nothing, and let the civil war and genocide burn itself out.
    Thilo Rising, Bourne, UK

    As far as I know, Sudan does not manufacture modern armaments. Where do the arms used come from, and what resources are traded to get them?
    Michael Doyle, Pwllheli, Wales

    It is disgraceful to see genocide being perpetrated all over again. Bush says it's genocide, Blair says it's not. I wonder what they talk about when they meet. Our leaders seem to live in a cuckoo world. As for Kofi Annan, well the least he could do is to come out and admit what is happening or let someone else do the job. God help us all. Amen.
    Rainer Opoku, London, UK

    To me the real villains in this are the weapons suppliers, the Ethiopian government. The former USSR kept them afloat in the eighties with aid for political ideological reasons. Now that this is past why are they not being sanctioned by the United nations? Why not let a full strength African multi nation army go in without restrictions? Its time to get the politicians off their hands!
    Greg Dance, Stroud, UK

    I am deeply shocked by what I have seen this evening. To think that human beings can behave in this way in this day and age is frankly beyond words. The US defines it as genocide yet refuses to intervene. Britain awaits more bodies before it can define it as such and presumably watch from afar too! That is scant consolation for the women who are raped day after day for daring to feed themselves and their ever depleting families.

    Lawrence Mwakisunga, Southampton, UK

    The difference in the attitude of the British Government over events in Sudan, compared with Yugoslavia, is striking. The British Government is completely racist. White Albanians matter, black Sudanese Africans don't. How many rapes and killings do there have to be before the British Government does something? How many people in refugee/prison camps? Sudan is a former British colony, Yugoslavia never was. The British are more responsible than anybody for this mess. Gordon and Kitchener are spinning in their graves. What hypocrites the British are.
    Phil, Milton Keynes

    Watching the programme tonight I was appalled and horrified that this is being allowed to go and no one doing anything about it. Genocide should never be allowed to take place anywhere in the world. What are Blair and Bush going to do about this? these people really need their help. What can we do? This can not be allowed to continue.
    S Jeffries, Northants

    Like many others I have watched the programme tonight about the atrocities in Darfur. I feel so angry and ashamed. How can the US and Britain, who felt it was a humanitarian gesture to invade Iraq, admit that genocide is happening and then not take any action whatsoever to help those poor women and children. I hope government ministers receive these views or we can contact them to make our feelings known.
    Sue, Warrington

    So why did the atrocious acts of genocide against the Palestinian people in 1948 and years to follow, in villages like Dir Yaseen and many others, committed by the armed Jewish gangs (who were imported by Britain from Eastern Europe) not receive this kind of attention or remorse in the hearts of the (oh, so humanitarian people of the Britain and their government)? Or is it the pick and mix policy in action again?! It's ok to kill some innocent civilians, but not ok to kill others?! This multi standard policy on human rights is disgusting and sickening. Just shut up, and try and fix your own governments before you fix others. You are not angels! I presume that you have probably set up an automatic filter to delete any comments that relate to Palestine and Iraq - therefore not have them published.
    Thomas Zakaria, UK

    A horrific situation - it may be difficult from a political stance to decide whether this is true genocide or not, but it is a massive humanitarian crisis in the least. I feel disappointed by Chris Mullin and the government's response. He said it was an international responsibility, and he is right - where are the United Nations and does that not include us? Surely more pressure could be put on the Sudan government?
    Fiona Provan, Aberdeen, Scotland

    Horrific, shocking but not unexpected. Nations can't or won't intervene and the UN already ineffective and irrelevant. There needs to be a new international force to bring about change, a peace-making force, all nations, all races, all faiths. How many hungry mouths could be fed just with the cost of one UN meeting? Political to-ing and fro-ing only buys time for more crimes against humanity, whilst at the points of need the blood of the innocents gushes.
    Robert Morley, Cambridge , England

    Why is the world allowing this to happen again. For the Sudanese ambassador who is busy trying to deny that the killings are taking place on radio five live tonight; why do they not visit some of the graves and bodies and raped women and ravaged school rooms and then swear that this is not happening. Why are these refugees being herded into "death camps" and why is the international community doing nothing?

    At the end of the programme tonight a British politician commented on the risk of a force going into Darfur to protect those in danger as being a risk of destabilising Sudan and encouraging Jihad. Why is the a risk worth taking in the quagmire of Iraq but not in an African country? Do these people have less value to the powers that be? How can this be happening again? I totally agree with the comment just read out on radio five live: the international response to this does indeed smack of racism.
    Teresa Brotherton, Fareham, Hampshire

    What is the point in having the 1948 Genocide Act if it is not to be used in such circumstances? I am angered by the hypocrisy of Britain and America. This situation is tragic, shocking, and surely unlawful. I cant believe the severity of suffering that the people of Sudan are being dealt.
    Lesley Sloan, Dumfries, Scotland

    Seems like pressure needs to be exerted not only on our MPs but also via the instruments of organisations such as Amnesty International. We need to force the moral agenda at local level to influence the broader sphere of influence in Darfur. We should be critical of the US, UK and international community in not creating an effective mandate to protect these people. However, not much can be affected at an higher level unless we as citizens are prepared to spend a few moments taking individual action in writing/emailing to MPs, Mr Mullin, UNHCR and the PM. Of course, Mr Blair's/Powell's other crusades are more important to them right now. Well done presenting such a programme to us. Ms Andersson and her team were both extremely courageous, strident yet humble. I hope that they feel some pride in carrying this message to us.
    Noel Q, London, UK

    A very moving programme. What can we do? Lobby Tony Blair, Chris Mullin Foreign Office Minister and our local MP.

    Donate to the Aid Agencies working in the region and pray.
    Joan Morris, Cranleigh, England

    I hope just as Band aid stirred the conscience of the world and mobilised the common man to offer his help, some 20 years ago, that this time round it will not get us to just hand over money, but will take the signatures of millions of people demanding their governments to send an international force to destroy the Sudanese government and its bulwarks. There is no place in the new world order for these barbarians. And if we don't act, what right do we have to pride ourselves for having removed Saddam Hussein.
    Ramin Homai, Amersfoort, Netherlands

    I have been left very, very upset, disturbed and angered by what I saw on Panorama, the images will stay with me a long, long time. However, I feel it was necessary for me to see it, to be aware of what is happening, no matter how shocking. At the very end of the programme I just wished I could magic Miriam and all the other women and children away from their nightmare and into my world. If we as mankind cannot stop this, then please God I pray you can.
    Hazel White, S####horpe, Great Britain

    Evil progresses when good men do nothing. My fear is that the man in the street feels powerless, or is made to feel powerless, to bring about change. And that is in this country. The tragedy is that honesty and integrity walk out the window. The programme was utterly shocking and something more has to be done. There is not enough political leaning of the right type on The Sudan.
    Bryan Pratt, Leamington Spa, UK

    A truly horrific situation, all I can do is cry. I feel totally ashamed of being here in the comfort of my home moaning about stupid things when thousands upon thousands of people fear for their lives and more. What can I do to help. We must do something. Why aren't Bush, Blair or anyone doing anything? Perhaps Panorama could've have made some sort of link between the Sudanese government and Bin Laden to spur the West into action. I feel so sad, please do not stop reporting on this horrific situation, perhaps if "we" don't let this go away they'll have to take action.
    Shada, Bristol

    I was in Darfur as an aid worker between July and September. I saw clear evidence of the type of atrocities shown in this programme. I also felt the deep sense of frustration that so little was being done to both prevent these actions and to bring the perpetrators to justice. There is no doubt in the minds of a single member of the international community working in Darfur, whether NGO staff, UN worker or AU soldier of the complicity of the Government in these atrocities. Yet the Government of Sudan still holds absolute control over the actions of the international community and as we have seen in the last two weeks continues to support the brutalities perpetrated against the people in the camps and those remaining outside the camps. We must not forget there is no religious dimension to this conflict. The people suffering at the hands of the armed militias are all devout Muslims dying at the hands of other Muslims. There are no grounds whatsoever for the so called international Jihadists to rally to the cause of the Sudan Government when instead they should rally to stop the destruction of oppressed rural African Muslim communities in Sudan. Oh, and there is oil in Sudan, roughly 300,000 barrels a day and rising being pumped out of the south. Could there be any connection here between this fact and the inaction of the world community?
    Vincent Gainey, Reading UK

    I was and still am very moved by the images from Sudan. I feel for all these women, young girls and children who have to suffer so needlessly in all this. How cruel can humans be? It is beyond me. I admire the courage of Hilary Anderson, to travel through such dangerous terrain and to make such an emotionally gripping eye-witness report. I wish I could be of any help, to comfort these poor women and children and give them any kind of support. For Gods sake there much be something we can do about this awful situation.
    Jacobine Scott, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Firstly I would like to commend Hilary and her team for their brave reporting. Secondly, I would like to see the UN become more responsible for making positive decisions about these situations. It is not reasonable to expect Tony Blair and George Bush to act when others are willing to stand by and watch them and their nations absorb the political fallout. Something should be done to stop the atrocities in Darfur immediately, so come on the UN, stop sitting on the fence and take some responsibility for a change.
    Richard Towers, Peterborough, England

    Reading the messages already posted, the aim of manipulating peoples opinion with a one sided broadcast has been a success. May I suggest that people should seek out a more rounded and more informed less skewed articles that provide the whole and not one viewpoint, that of the reporter and the BBC. This project of course will help to create the conditions for military intervention by Blair in the name of humanitarian aid but in truth for oil and the supporting of the southern Christian rebels. It is well known that the USA has been supplying and arming the southern rebels for the last 10 years and are eager to remove the Islamic anti-American government in Khartoum, they just need some excuse to create the idea of 'legitimacy'.
    Sally Jones, Glasgow

    After seeing the Panorama showing of the war in Sudan, it's shocking to think we can sit here and watch what goes on and not do anything about it. It's really kind of sick for us, cause we have one of the biggest army's in the world and we could help the situation and save some people, I mean it's not like we could save everyone because your always going to have one man who thinks he can rule the world. I am going to be joining the military here soon and i just wish they would do something.
    Christopher Connolly, London

    What a pack of utter lies from the Sudanese Government and the Janjaweed leaders in the panorama programme. Surely Tony Blair and Jack Straw have to follow Colin Powell and declare genocide in Sudan (according to the 1948 Geneva Convention). It is high time that the UN/AU/EU and USA sent a joint peacekeeping force to maintain human rights and prevent massacres. Kofi Annan should wake up before another Rwanda happens.

    Globally, the UN needs an agency (with teeth) to protect minorities persecuted by their own 'governments' (ie Tibet, Sri Lankan Tamils, Kashmiri Muslims, hill tribes in Laos and Vietnam, Karens in Burma, Kurds in Turkey/Syria, Chechens in Russia). The world acted too late in Rwanda - why is it allowing genocide to happen again ??
    Mark Ariyanayagam, Dundee, Scotland

    I was appalled, though not surprised, at the arrogance of Chris Mullin and his reluctance to use the term genocide in relation to the killings of Africans in Darfur because he said he did not want to "devalue" the term. It sounded as though the term holocaust and genocides only can be used when it is applies to non-African peoples of the world. I believe the "non-value" of an African life continues in this day and age, despite the strong words and inaction by those who hold the balance of power.

    Secondly, he said he did not want a "failed state as large as Western Europe". Is the continent of Africa a success? The is the greatest continent in the world, the mother of all civilizations. Mr Mullin and your learned friends need to put themselves in an African's shoes to know how it feels to be socially, economically, physically and culturally violated time and time again by Europeans. As for Mustafa Osman Ismail. I am speechless. My question is when will the Africans be able to return home to their villages without fear?
    Georgia Blackwood, Birmingham, UK

    There was a genocide committed in Rwanda 10 years ago. The international community - represented politically by the United Nations - was aware that a genocide was taking place but was unwilling to act. History should serve as a reminder of some of the terrible crimes that humans are capable of committing against one another.

    There is a crime - genocide as the US Secretary of State has put it - taking place in Sudan right now. Are we willing to learn from history? Or will we be hearing politicians in a few years time lamenting a terrible genocide in Sudan that could have been prevented?
    Rowan Savage, Letchworth, England

    When the evidence is so clear on the genocide of Darfur. The US government is the only government in the whole wide world in the 21st century to show such a grave concern and actually did something about it. What is the function of UN in this instance? UN was not there for the Korean war early enough, not for the Vietnam war, not for Kosovo, not for Iraqi war, and obviously they can not 'define' whether this is genocide either? The British Foreign Minister who was interviewed for this programme also showed a great indifference in this particular case. Where is the justice? Why this is still happening in the 21st century?
    Lily Chen, UK

    The inaction of the democratic world is very depressing with all the evidence available and it makes the celebration of Remembrance contradictory. It seems poor black Africans are expendable. Thank you Hilary anyway, at least their misery was recorded. What else can I say.
    Wainam Massai, London

    The programme on Darfur was in the best tradition of Panorama, asking difficult questions and making those in power feel uncomfortable. But why only ask what the British government can do? We are in the European Union and should be pressing for a European response to these events. We have a High Representative in Javier Solana and Hilary Anderson should ask him what 25 countries together could do to put pressure on the Sudanese authorities. Of course, it is not easy but let us use all the weapons we have got.
    Michael Shackleton, Brussels, Belgium

    I found the comments of our government minister smug and misconceived, does he really believe we have no more responsibility to the people of the Sudan other than to play politics and act late as usual. One would hope that as more reports emerge the pressure may be increased on these self serving suits to respond in a positive and worthwhile way. Keep it up Hilary, constant "front page news" may make the difference.
    Simon Abernethie, Cornwall, England

    Watching the programme reminded me when I was studying history of the Arab slave masters in east Africa. It is really upsetting to see what those Sudanese black Africans who think they are Arab are doing to innocent people of Sudan. Please, please, please Blair do something, don't wait for Bush. Those people need you now.
    Ahmed Farrah Awad, Coventry, UK

    The Foreign Office spokesman should be fired. Does it matter what size a country is if a case of genocide occurs? Sorry only little countries need apply for assistance. At the very least the camps should be internationally policed to provide safety. The apathy is disgusting and dehumanises all of us.
    Chris Parry, Udimore, UK

    Congratulations on an excellent programme. Very well put together with amazing access to all the key players and a very brave performance by the reporting crew. I would love to know what the government of the UK and US believe are their main constraints in stopping the genocide. Before we can accept that they are doing all they can, we should know what they think is preventing them from achieving more.
    E Asseily, London, UK

    It made me sad looking at tonight's Panorama about the situation the people of Darfur are facing. The programme has brought enough evidence for the world powers to intervene. As Bush has been preaching of his willingness to make the world a safer world why not start here? Or is Darfur not oil rich enough worth to send your troops? The Sudanese neighbouring country of Eritrea knows the real intention of the Sudanese government and has put it's armies on high alert due to the constant infiltrations of terrorists sponsored by the Sudanese government. It is about time for the world to come to aid to the Darfurians and the Junubi and get rid of the extremists that are ruling the country. Sudan needs a comprehensive solution not only for the Darfurians or the Junubis but for the whole nation.
    Yonas Beyene, London, United Kingdom

    An excellent and powerful expose of the genocide that has been going on for 18 months. She offers a clear route to understanding the complexities of the situation However, the focus on the USA and UK alone as actors in the international community is misplaced; the USA (and the UK) has one of the best positions and records of activism on this issue. Why no analysis of who armed/arms the Sudanese government? Who has the oil concessions? What are the positions of members of the Security Council, especially China and Russia? As with most of Africa's turmoil, European games and commercial interests are critical to understanding what is and isn't done. Europeans must start taking responsibility for their states' actual policies and practice. Anyone for a demonstration outside the Sudanese government or the governments of oil concession holders/armers?
    Sarah, London

    Not in my generation, have such atrocities been so well published, yet no real action been taken, this government has taken less than two years to go to war in two counties, one for no Legal reason. Why so reserved in this situation? Is it that there is no material. I do not know any one who would turn away from resolving this situation - this rather than Iraq, what should really matter is humanitarian situation above all else - has history taught us nothing?
    Donna Cullen, Manchester, England

    Fantastic piece of journalism. I thought that getting the head of the suspected Janjaweed camp to admit that the militia were funded/supplied by the Sudanese government was especially cunning! It's a shame that none of the people that matter had the balls to appear on the program. (Mr's Straw and Blair for example). My last thought on this always seems to be the same after watching a hard hitting programme; and that is why not put on earlier? Instead of putting on some piece of bubble gum Drama at 9pm. Show this programme. Ok older kids and teenagers may see it, but they need to or else the world will always remain the same. We all sit here thinking, 'Oh well it's only brown people; they Don't Matter! ' As Matthew McConaughy said in 'A Time to Kill', "Now imagine she's white!!!"
    Cam Blackwood, United Kingdom

    I didn't realise that I was so out of touch with world affairs. I to my shame had never heard of Darfur until tonight's programme. I didn't know that such atrocities could be committed. Those poor people, how can the world sit and watch these women being repeatedly raped while their children are being murdered. It's time that George Bush and Tony Blair got out of Iraq and started protecting these poor-poor people. Nobody deserves this cruel fate. Get our armies over there and fight for something worthwhile.
    Jim Lenaghan, England

    This is a tragedy, and an appalling display of inaction by the international community. Even if Blair doesn't think it is genocide, he lied to murder thousands of Iraqis so he can certainly lie to save thousands of Africans. We must stop procrastinating before the situation gets even worse.
    Paul Beckitt, Warlingham, Surrey

    Excellent programme. It's up to everyone to let their voices be heard on this one to bring about change as a matter of urgency.
    Gordon MacLeod, Thurso, Scotland

    It's sad to come across once again Panorama providing the one sided propaganda that justifies the government's political-military ambition in Sudan and it's oil fields. Undoubtedly there has been a crisis but the truth of the conflict has been lost. Will Hilary be seeking a passage to Falluja to uncover the mass murder there, and the genocide within Iraq by our forces who have bombed the medical facilities, and denied humanitarian aid? I suspect not.
    Sally Jones, Glasgow

    We should be ashamed, but then I suppose this is only people and not oil that needs saving. I despair with the governments of this world, please open your eyes and see what you are allowing to happen.
    Veronica Sibley, Preston, UK

    I feel extremely angry after having watched the programme outlining the systematic brutalisation of women and the ineffectiveness of anyone to protect them. Once again we see the US and British governments accepting the rape and pillage but doing apparently little than talk. So much money spent on documenting the problem and nothing done to resolve it. The UN has shown itself time and again to be less than useless and a sheer waste of money. Time for a global police force with representatives from all nations that is resourced properly to act and protect basic human rights.
    Mrs C Booth, Chelmsford, England

    His history taught humanity nothing? How can we justify allowing potential genocide to occur in the world when the memories of past horrors are still alive in the collective memory of Europe? The programme disgusted me, and horrified me and I feel, as a western European and a moral human being, that the situation in Darfur cannot be allowed to continue. One wise person once said that "evil is allowed to exist because good people do nothing." If we are truly good people then I demand, as we all should, to do something to improve the quality of life for the people in Sudan
    Danny Hunt, Durham

    Once again Panorama presents a dramatic documentary that does not even explore the reasons behind these tragedies. Not once on this programme was it even mentioned the reason this was happening at all in this area, the discovery of oil and gas. The Sudanese government has become yet another despotic regime that the west deals with, and the complicity even permeates down to our supposed news programmes. Not once was the question put forward to any of the politicians from the West as to why we are spending money moving the whole populations into camps that are unsustainable, and yet we are allowing the oil companies in the West to carry on in a "business as usual" style within Sudan. This makes you as responsible as the government you are supposedly questioning. But I guess, as you also rely on the public purse to support your own existence, you must protect the governments financial interests as well. Shame on you.
    John, London

    I think it's astounding that the BBC highlighted the trouble in Darfur. What is not astounding is that our government is so ready to walk into Iraq but not too bothered about Sudan.
    Ann Jones, Abergavenny, UK

    I was really sad to see that this is still going on and yet again the world does not want to know. Something must be done to save innocent people. I hope some one does something soon and helps these people. We need to sit up and take note before it is too late.
    Julie Panther, St Helens, UK

    I was horrified by what I saw and by the apparent complacency of the UK and US. governments. Nobody can deny that what is happening Sudan is genocide but still the world sits idly by and watches,. Again!
    S Flynn, Dublin, Ireland

    What a brilliant report from a brave and committed reporter. Hilary Andersson has been reporting about the outrageous state of affairs in Sudan for months. When is the world going to listen? When will the UN act? How can Chris Mullins and the rest of the British government sit there and wash their collective hands like Pontius Pilate and refuse to become involved. God help Darfur - because nobody else will.
    Ruth Hannah, Nottingham, England

    Chris Mullins MP aloof response was totally unacceptable when the world watches Blair and Bush's involvement in Iraq. If you can intervene there you surely should intervene here. How many more women and children must be raped and tortured?
    Terrye Jones, Truro, UK

    Your report on Darfur sickened me to the very essence of my soul. I find it so hard to believe that in 2004 atrocities on such a massive scale still occur. I commend your reporter on forcing this issue into the light and I hope that public opinion will force the EU to take a stance and help the people of Darfur.
    Elaine Hollowed, Dublin, Ireland

    Incredibly powerful report. Bravo. I shall be writing to my MP this evening. The situation is not acceptable in any world in which I can live.
    James Lewis, London

    It can't be right that so many people are obsessed with the action in Iraq when inaction, in Darfur now, in the Balkans and in challenging Nazism in the past, is by far the greater evil? We must act over Darfur and it is a credit to the BBC that they have produced this indictment via Panorama of the evil regime in Sudan.
    Duncan Enright, Witney, Oxfordshire

    How many more have to die before the UN take action. Once again it is failing in its basic duty. What is the point in a United Nations that sit back and watch whilst millions die? After Rwanda and Kosovo, they should know better. Where is their moral integrity?
    Nikki, Glasgow, Scotland

    Chris Mullin's comments about the British Government not wanting to invade a country the size of France and Germany which will end up creating chaos and increasing the number of jihadists now perfectly explains the Blair Governments foreign policy objectives. We will invade countries with a flimsy weapons of mass destruction argument and completely threaten to destabilise the middle east but when it comes to genocide we will remind people about the dangers of invasion. Lets be frank - if the Darfurians were white this would have been taken care of like Kosovo. They are black and in Africa and like the Aids crisis, like Mugabe, Africans are expendable. We don't really need to do anything about this.
    Emmanuela, London, England

    I only saw the last 15 mins of Panorama but what I saw moved me, If this country had gold or oil the western world would stop this genocide right now. We all know they would, haven't we just done this in Iraq
    J Thorne, Penarth, Wales

    How we sit back and let this happen. As is so often the case the women and children are the ones who suffer most. I feel so angry.
    Vivian Cripwell, South Milford, England

    Having just watched the programme tonight, I am appalled by what is happening in Sudan. The British government should take a stronger stand and call it what it is and then take the necessary steps to get this under control. Why is it that it's OK to invade Iraq and get rid of Saddam because of the atrocities he was responsible for yet we stand by and let so many people die every day under another corrupt government?
    Sue, Bradford, UK

    My heart ached to see the genocide occurring in our world today. Whatever our Government is doing it is obviously not nearly enough. God help them all.
    Mrs N. Stewart, Inverness, Scotland

    I am sure I am not the only one saying this, but our world is sick. We can spend millions, maybe billions taking out Saddam in Iraq, and yet we can let genocide happen in Africa. What is wrong with the leaders of this world? Is greed colouring their judgements so much? It makes one ashamed of being a human being. Have we learned nothing from the past? And Politicians, please don't make excuses for your lack of action, it's insulting to ones intelligence.
    Peter, Chichester, West Sussex

    The programme horrified me of course but I couldn't help but thinking that Chris Mullin, once a lion-hearted defender of human rights (when in opposition) is now completely neutered by power, unable to express disgust at a crime against humanity. Shame on the Janjaweed and shame on the British government, Chris Mullin and all.
    Richard Miles, Ilminster, England

    Instead of using the money raised from this new Band Aid recording for charity, it could be put to much better use hiring a group of Mercenaries to sort this problem out.
    John, Luton, UK

    I wonder where the UN is and why they are not there, is Kofi Annan too busy whining about Iraq to save the lives of some truly innocent people, he only has to go on television and say something should be done and all the other countries would fall into line for fear of being branded. It's easy just send out lads with the blue hats.
    Jeff Cavanagh, Deeside, UK

    Shame on us all.
    Aydin Kurt-Elli, Edinburgh, Scotland

    As an ex British soldier, I'd like to know, if there was oil in the Sudan, would the US and Britain be there in force, or would they just sit back as they are now doing?
    Martin, London, England

    Very good programme ,please keep the pressure up on governments' to do something positive.
    Tim Warren, London

    The documentary showed us an appalling situation. However, it was gratuitous in its filming of dead bodies etc. The final straw came when you filmed a live chicken being ripped apart by soldiers. I turned over to another channel. This was disgusting and totally unnecessary to the documentary. I will never watch Panorama again as I am so disgusted. It seems that the BBC is concentrating on horror rather than sensible reporting. This does not mean that the situation is not horrific, it is, but there is a point beyond which you should not go. Judging by your filming, you would actually film a person being murdered or a woman being raped if you were actually present at the time because it would grab the headlines and make your show more horrific. Shame on you. It devalues the message which you are trying to get across.
    D Lewis, Bristol, UK

    Thank you Hilary, for giving us your report - the situation is as bad as I thought and worse than it should ever be. Excellent reporting under the most difficult situations, you are a true professional. Please inform Hilary that her report was much appreciated and heard. My question is - Hilary has reported, but what can we do?
    Alexa Orr, Holland

    I am deeply saddened by the atrocities taking place in my homeland. I can not fathom how the brutalities against my people can still be going on while the rest of the world boldly ignores it. It is a fact that powerful countries reacted hastily to conflicts in countries like Russia, Bosnia, and Iraq, while in Sudan more people have died and are still dying than in the three countries combined. What makes us Sudanese different from the western world, because as far as l am concerned we sleep, eat, drink, and even bleed the same way. The civil war in Sudan has been going on for too long, as young Sudanese men and women it is up to us to see that those who killed our fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters are brought to justice. There is only one powerful tool that can assist us in stopping the war and that is education. Let us not forget our people or be content with the situation in Sudan, because it could easily have been us being raped, enslaved, or killed.
    Achol Malath, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

    Where are Tony Blair and Bush's gallant efforts to save the really oppressed people of the world? Their inaction over Darfur is because this part of the world has nothing economic to 'offer' the West? When it's all over the cost of the war in Iraq will mount to billions of dollars? And what will it have achieved? Iraqi oil 'safeguarded' in friendly hands? It's obvious that neither Tony Blair nor George Bush have any real interest in saving the poor in Africa. And that's just plain hypocrisy.
    Ram, Usk, South Wales

    It is sad to see the US and European government, take a standoff posture to this genocide in Sudan fostered by it's government in plane daylight, daring the world to react. Imagine if this was a European country, this was committed against, by other Europeans...it would of never reached this sad stage.
    Lloyd Roberts, Virginia, USA

11-23-2004, 11:40 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 01-29-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 251

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

    Quote: ÑÏæÏ ÝÚá ÇáÈÑíØÇäííä ÈÚÏ ãÔÇåÏÉ ÇáÈÑäÇãÌ

    These people will be punished for what they have made these poor people endure. I really hope that everyone who had the time to express their opinions on this programme also took the time to get out their credit cards and send some money to the Darfur crisis appeal. It's all well and good to express an opinion but tomorrow you will all go back to your lives and by Tuesday or Wednesday this week that harrowing scene of the ten month old baby clinging to her mother for comfort will be a distant memory. Every little helps. Do something that you can feel proud of.
    Michelle, Manchester , England

    Knowing that such atrocities exist in the world is one thing, but seeing the

11-15-2004, 08:30 AM

Ahmed Elmardi
<aAhmed Elmardi
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-14-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1663

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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

    الفلم أخطر وثيقة تصور ما يحدث
    شئ مؤسف للغاية

    (عدل بواسطة Ahmed Elmardi on 11-15-2004, 08:34 AM)
    (عدل بواسطة Ahmed Elmardi on 11-15-2004, 09:37 AM)


11-15-2004, 09:08 AM

Adil Osman
<aAdil Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 10208

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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

11-15-2004, 10:54 AM

محمد الامين احمد
<aمحمد الامين احمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-28-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 5124

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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

11-16-2004, 03:05 AM

أحمد أمين
<aأحمد أمين
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3371

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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: محمد الامين احمد)

    وكشف برنامج بانوراما التلفزيوني الذي تعرضه بي بي سي النقاب عن أدلة جديدة على تعرض دارفور لعمليات قتل واغتصاب عرقية جماعية؛ مما زاد من المخاوف بشأن تعرض الإقليم لإبادة الجماعية.

    ففي واحدة من المدن التي زارها فريق البي بي سي، لقي ما لا يقل عن ثمانين طفلاً حتفهم، فضلاً عمّن قُتل في البلدة من البالغين.

    وقد ظلت مليشيات الجنجويد وقوات الحكومة السودانية تشن هجمات على كدينيير طيلة العام الماضي مما أسفر عن مقتل أعداد كبيرة من السكان.

    ويُقدّر عدد الذين لقوا حتفهم في دارفور بأكثر من سبعين ألف شخص، ولا تزال المذابح مستمرة بالإقليم.

    مقابر جماعية
    وقد لحق دمار كامل ببلدة كيدينيير التي تقع في أطراف إقليم دارفور.

    وأخبر الناجون واحداً واحداً بي بي سي عن أفراد أسرهم الذين فقدوهم؛ من بين هؤلاء لقي ثمانون طفلاً مصرعهم.

    وتوجد أربعة مقابر جماعية في أطراف البلدة.

    وتقوم طائرات الحكومة بقصف البلدة في الوقت الذي تشن فيه مليشيات الجنجويد الهجوم البرّي.

    وقد تعرضت نحو أربعمائة قرية غير عربية بدارفور للحرق أو الهجوم، في إشارة لمحاولة منظمة لقتل من لا ينتمون لقبائل عربية.

    وحكى الناجون من تلك الحوادث بكيدينيير لبي بي سي قصصاً عن أعمال العنف التي يمارسها الجنجويد.

    اتهامات بحرق قرى ارتكبتها الجانجاويد
    فقد قالت سيدة تدعى حواء:"أحاطني خمسة منهم. لم أكن أستطيع الحراك؛ أصبت بالشلل. قاموا باغتصابي الواحد تلو الآخر".

    وتحدثت امرأة أخرى تدعى كليمة عن الوحشية التي تُشَن بها تلك الهجمات.

    قالت كليمة:" كان صغيري يُمسك بتلابيب ثوبي. أوقف رجل عربي الملامح يرتدي زياً عسكرياً سيارته بالقرب مني. نزع ابني مني وقذف به داخل نار متّقدة".

    وتزعم قروية أخرى تدعى حكيمة بأن الجنجويد يطلقون سباباً عنصرياً وهم يشنون هجماتهم.

    وتذكر بأنهم كانوا يقولون:" الزنوج عبيد. الزنوج أغبياء. القوا القبض عليهم أحياء، وخذوهم معكم واربطوهم".

    الحكومة متهمة
    ومن ناحيتها تُصر الحكومة السودانية على أن حوادث القتل مبعثها نزاعات قبلية بالإقليم. غير أن مراقبي الاتحاد الإفريقي بدارفور يقولون بأن الحكومة ظلت تسلّح مليشيات الجنجويد وتديرها.

    وقد زار فريق بي بي سي قاعدة أساسية للجنجويد واكتشفت بأن المقاتلين يحملون هويات عسكرية حكومية.

    وقد اعتبرت الولايات المتحدة ما يحدث بدارفور إبادة جماعية نسبة للطبيعة العرقية لحوادث القتل.

    وما تزال بريطانيا وحكومات أخرى في انتظار النتائج التي سيخرج بها تحقيق مفصل تجريه الأمم المتحدة حول القضية.


11-16-2004, 03:09 AM

Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-09-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 50634

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

    شكرا يا أحمد أمين..

    لقد بدأت بالمشاهدة، وسأعود للتعليق..


11-16-2004, 03:42 AM

nada ali
<anada ali
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-01-2003
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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

    كل هذا القبح!

    شكرا احمد امين

11-16-2004, 04:04 AM

nada ali
<anada ali
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-01-2003
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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

11-16-2004, 04:25 AM

esam gabralla

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-03-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 6116

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

    Salam Ahmed and the others
    It did not work with me, can you do some thing about it

    can any one put the file here


11-16-2004, 09:47 AM

Adil Osman
<aAdil Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 10208

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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: esam gabralla)

11-16-2004, 10:26 AM

Esameldin Abdelrahman

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-17-2004
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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: Adil Osman)

    ومازالوا يتحدثون عن الدين والاخلاق والفضيلة

11-16-2004, 12:39 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 01-29-2004
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

    أني أدعو الجميع لمشاهدة التسجيل مرة بعد أخري
    مؤلم جدا و من الصعب لاي ضمير
    ان يتجاهل ما يحدث

11-16-2004, 01:17 PM

Mohamed Adam
<aMohamed Adam
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-21-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 5527

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

    الإخ أحمد أمين
    شكرا علي إنزال هذة الوصلة والتي تأكد تورط حكومة الإنقاذ في عمليات الإباده الجماعيه للعزل بدارفور. ولقد فتحت بوستا بعنوان:-
    لاتصدق إبادة الإنقاذ لمواطني دارفور!. إذن أدخل هذا البوست
    ولكن قبل أن أعرف بأنك قد فتحت هذا البوست. فلك أجزل الشكر وألف سلام.

11-17-2004, 06:58 AM

fasil dousa

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 245

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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: Mohamed Adam)

    جزئية مقتطعة من مقال سيف الدين برشم موسى كودي/أنجمينا
    [email protected]

    بعض الحقائق والجرائم عن المأساة :

    حوادث مكجر : عند التحقيق وجد رجل كبير في السن وقال أنه من مكجر وعندما بدأ الحديث بكى بكاءا حارا وقال أن الذي تم في هذه المنطقة لا ينسى حيث أخذ 117 رجل من المعسكر ومعهم اثنين من أبنائه بعلم الجيش والمليشيات وذهبوا بهم خلف الجبل الصغير في هذه المنطقة حيث قاموا بلي رقاب هؤلاء الرجال كلهم وقتلهم وفي نفس هذه المنطقة التي تعرف بمنطقة اغتصاب النساء .

    حوادث دليج : في هذه المنطقة تم ذبح 256 شخص وأعمارهم تتراوح بين 16 – 37 عام وقد تم ذلك بواسطة المليشيات .

    حوادث صبرنا : هذه المنطقة مكونة من 16 قرية وكلها يطلق عليها صبرنا حيث قبض على 11 رجل وأدخلوهم داخل المسجد بعد أن خلعوا ملابسهم كلها وطرحوا أرضاً وقاموا بضربهم بالسلاح على رؤوسهم ، والدفعة الثانية مكونة من 37 رجل حيث مارسوا معهم نفس الخطوة الأولى بعد الانتهاء تم حرق هذه القرى كلها في يوم واحد .

    حوادث كرنوي : في هذه المنطقة مورس أبشع أنواع الاغتصاب والانتهاك لمبادئ الإنسانية حيث تم اغتصاب حوالي 82 إمراة وهذا العدد تم جمعه من خلال جمع الملابس الداخلية للنساء وتم أجراء تحقيق مع بعضهم الذين ما زالوا في حالة فقدان لطبيعتهم الإنسانية لأن من بينهم بنات قصر ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍!!! .

    حوادث دار مساليت : منطقة قنياني وقبي بها 19 قرية وأحرقت هذه القرى في يوم واحد بعد أن قاموا بتعذيب الأهالي وقتلهم حيث يربط الرجل بحبل بين جملين ويضع على لهيب النار في منزله المحروق وهو يصرخ من اللهيب وهؤلاء المجرمين يضحكوا ويصرخوا ويطلقوا العبارات (سوف نبيدكم من هذه الأرض) وعندما يسكت من الصراخ يعرفوا بأنه قد مات وبعدها يتركوه يسقط في داخل النار . أما النساء إذا صرخت إحداهن فسوف تؤخذ وترمى في النار والأطفال فحدث ولا حرج والذين نجوا منهم قد شوهت أطرافهم لأنهم أنقذوا من قبل ذويهم في اللحظات الأخيرة .

    توجد مجموعة من القرى وعددها 20 قرية تقع في المسافة بين أرارا وبيضة حيث تم حرق هذه القرى بواسطة طائرات الأنتنوف بعد نهبها وقتل من فيها من رجال .

    أطفال المليشيات الذين نتجوا من عمليات الاغتصاب في المعسكرات (قوز أمير بلوك N05 يوجد بها 41 إمراة اغتصبت وأعمارهم أكثر من 10 – 45 عام ) . وفي هذا المعسكر صرح المسؤولين في المستشفى التابع للمعسكر بأن لديهم 200 طفل ناتج من جرائم الاغتصاب . وبعض الرجال الشيوخ ربطوا على الشجر بالإضافة لرجال خصي من قبل المليشيات .

    معسكر جبل : يوجد في هذا المعسكر بعض النساء الذين اغتصبوا وتوجد إمراة رفضت إرضاع طفلها الذي نتج من عملية اغتصاب حتى مات وأخرى قتلت الطفل .

    معسكر ميلي : رفض اللاجئين أي منظمة عربية أو إسلامية في المعسكر وتعليلهم على ذلك بأنهم لا يريدون العرب معهم في المعسكر بالإضافة لذلك بأنهم مكثوا في هذا المعسكر قرابة العام ولم تأتي هذه المنظمات إلا المنظمات الغربية التي ساعدتهم ووقفت معهم .

    معسكر كولنكو : يوجد أطفال اغتصاب ولم تعرف أمهاتهم .

    المعسكرات التي يكون فيها شرطة للحماية تهاجمهم المليشيات ويتم قتل أفراد الشرطة أولاً وبعدها يقوموا بسرقة المعسكر والقبض على الرجال وقتلهم .

    هذا بقايا من مداد الفواجع والمأسي والجرائم التي أتى بها من ادعوا حمل الإسلام ونشره في السودان واستوطنوا مع أهله . وهنالك أسئلة مطروحة تحتاج لإجابة :

    هل نظام الخرطوم قادر على حفظ الأمن في دار فور ؟


11-18-2004, 05:00 AM

bakri abdalla
<abakri abdalla
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-09-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 1978

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: fasil dousa)


11-19-2004, 08:33 AM

bakri abdalla
<abakri abdalla
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-09-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 1978

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: bakri abdalla)


11-19-2004, 07:49 PM

Ahmed Elmardi
<aAhmed Elmardi
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-14-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1663

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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: bakri abdalla)


11-20-2004, 07:06 PM

Mohamed Adam
<aMohamed Adam
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-21-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 5527

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: Ahmed Elmardi)


11-22-2004, 04:38 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 01-29-2004
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: Mohamed Adam)

    سالته عن رايه في برنامج بانورما
    قال :
    إحساس عميق بالخجل و العجز

11-22-2004, 07:06 AM

fasil dousa

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 245

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: al-Hameem)

    فيلم البي بي سي ....... اٍجابات و أسئلة!!

    عدنان زاهر
    [email protected]

    شاهدت باهتمام ودهشة ومشاعر حزن عميق الفيلم الوثائقي والمتميز والجرئ الذي قام بتصويره فريق البي بي سي عن أحداث دارفور في مواقع الأحداث، وتم نقله في المنبر الحر بسودانيز أونلاين بواسطة أحمد أمين. الفيلم الوثيقة بذل فيه كثير من الجهد المهني وهو اٍضافة الى قيمته الاٍعلامية والوثائقية يكشف ويعري زيف وكذب حكومة الاٍنقاذ وتعتيمها للحقائق عما يحدث في دارفور وتفسيرها الملتوي للوقائع. اٍضافة على انه يمثل أساسا قويا لقاعدة دليلية للاٍجابة على التساؤل الذي ظل معلقا في أفواهنا لفترة طويلة من الوقت وثار حوله كثيرا من الجدل. السؤال هو هل ما يحدث في دارفور هو اٍبادة عرقية (جونسايد) وفقا لمفاهيم القانون الدولي أم شئ آخر؟

    الفيلم يوضح أن ما يحدث في دارفور الآن هو مآساة اٍنسانية فوق التصور وأن التعبير السياسي الدولي لوصف ما يحدث هناك (أسوأ كارثة في العصر الحالي) رغم صدقه لا يجسد كل الحقيقة بل بعض منها. حكومة الاٍنقاذ في الخرطوم دأبت ومنذ بداية الأحداث وتفاقمها بانكار وجود حرب شاملة في تلك البقعة من الوطن ناهيك عن حرب عرقية تدور رحاها ، كما ظلت تكرر أن لا علاقة لها بماليشيات الجنجويد العربية التي تقوم باٍبادة القبائل الأفريقية وتردد بلا حياء وبلا كلل أن ما بحدث هنالك تقوم به عصابات غرضها السلب والنهب!!

    هيلري أندرسون قائد فريق البي بي سي من خلال حضورها القوي وحواراتها الواضحة مع الضحايا كشفت الاٍنتهاكات والفظائع التي تقوم بها ميليشيات الجنجويد والسلطة تجاه المواطنين الأفارقة وتهجيرهم بالقوة من أراضيهم للسيطرة عليها مستخدمين في ذلك كافة الوسائل لتحقيق تلك الأهداف بدءا من القتل ، اغتصاب النساء وانتهاءا بقتل الأطفال.

    جاء على لسان "حواء" أحد ضحايا تلك الحرب البشعة بهيئتها (المهجومة) من هول الصدمة وهي تعبر عن مأسآتها بحزن وأسى ( التف حولي خمسة منهم ، تجمدت من الخوف ، قاموا باغتصابي الواحد تلو الآخر ، لم أكن أستطع شيئا)

    صورة تثير الفزع والحزن وتثير التساؤل الحائر كيف يمكن أن يحدث ذلك في دولة تدعي أنها اسلامية وبواسطة مليشياتها المسلمين تجاه مسلمين آخرين في نفس الوطن؟! وهل يمكن أن يحدث ذلك في السودان الذي نعرفه؟!

    أما حكمة الأستاذة في مدرسة للأطفال والتي كانت تحضر لبدأ حصتها عندما هاجم الجنجويد قريتها فتحكي عن تجربتها غير مصدقة ( سمعنا صوت طلقات رصاص. هرب الأطفال. مات اٍثنان منهم وهما يحاولان الحرب . أتوا اٍلى المدرسة وهم يطلقون الرصاص على الأطفال الهاربين ، قاموا باغتصابي والآخرين يوجهون سلاحهم نحوي. )

    خاطرة و مريم ( اٍمرأة و طفلة ) لم يشفع لهما وجودهما في معسكر النزوح عند خروجهما لجلب الحطب للوقود بالقرب من المعسكر اعتدى عليهما ماليشيات الجنجويد و قاموا باغتصابهما. مريم تبلغ الثالثة عشرة من العمر.

    في جزء آخر من الفيلم تدلي كليمة بشاهدتها عندما قامت الماليشيات العربية بمهاجمة قريتها ( قتلوا زوجي . ثم أخذوا طفلي الضغير وألقوا بها في النار) طفلها وفق اٍفادتها يبلغ من العمر ثلاثة أعوام.

    آدم و حكيمة يحكون عن اللغة التي تستخدمها الماليشيات العربية ( الجنجويد) والنظرة الدونية تجاههم . آدم ذكر أنهم أنهم يقولون ( أمسكوهم كلهم ، أقتلوا العبيد ) أما مريم فتذكر في نفس الاٍتجاه السابق عما كان يردده الجنجويد وهم يهاجمون قريتها (الزنوج عبيد ، الزنوج أغبياء ، ألقوا القبض عليهم وخذوهم معكم ).

    اٍن الاٍبادة العرقية وفقا لاٍتفاقية منع جريمة اٍبادة الجنس البشري والعقاب عليها هي ( أفعال القتل الجماعي والحاق الضرر الجسدي أو العقلي الجسيم لأفراد الجماعة أو اٍخضاع الجماعة عمدا لأحوال معينة يقصد بها اٍهلاكها الفعلي كليا أو جزئيا أو فرط تدابير تستهدف منع الاٍنجاب داخل الجماعة أو نقل أطفال الجماعة عنوة اٍلى جماعة أخرى ، متى أرتكبت بقصد اٍهلاك جماعة قومية أو اثنية أو عرقية أو دينية بصفتها اٍهلاكا كليا أو جزئيا.

    تجارب التاريخ تقول أن المعتدين يستخدمون كافة الأشكال والأساليب للحط من آدمية السكان ويتبع عادة ارتكاب جرائم الاٍغتصاب الفردي والجماعي بغرض بث الفزع ومحاولة تغيير سلالة المغتصبين . حكومة الاٍنقاذ وعلى لسان وزير خارجيتها في مقابلة تمت معه في ذلك الفيلم ظل ينفي في انفعال وهيستيريا و لهجة حادة وباٍسلوب يفتقر الى الدبلوماسية الفظائع التي تقع هناك رغم الأدلة الدامغة التي أوردتها سائلته !!

    زعيم الجنجويد موسى هلال وفي مقابلة معه نفى كل الاٍنتهاكات التي تحدث هناك وذلك لم يكن مستغربا منه رغم الاضطراب والتوتر الذي شاب حديثه.

    كل الشهود على التاريخ في ذلك الفيلم يتفقون على رواية واحدة وهم يصفون الأحداث الجارية هنالك والأسلوب المتبع في تلك الحرب . ( تحيط مليشيات الجنجويد بالقرية المقصودة ، تقوم طائرات الحكومة بقصف هذه القرية بالقنابل وعندما يحاول السكان الهروب من القرية لاٍنقاذ حياتهم ، يقوم الجنجويد بقتل الرجال والأطفال و اغتصاب النساء ).

    مئات القرى تم تدميرها وحرقها وقتل ساكينيها. في قرية واحدق قتل ثمانين شخصا . عشرات المقابر الجماعية على امتداد دارفور. فى اٍحدى اللقاءات التي تمت في المنطقة التي تقطنها قبيلة زعيم الجنجويد موسى هلال وجدت المراسلة أن كثيرا من المواطنين يرتدون الزي الذي ترتديه القوات المسلحة السودانية ويحملون بطاقات عسكرية صادرة من القوات المسلحة قاموا بعرضها على المراسلة التي أجرت المقابلة!!

    اٍن الذي يجري في دارفور هو مأساة اٍنسانية حقيقية ووصمة في تاريخ التطور السياسي السوداني. في تقديري أن تعامل القوى السياسية السودانية مع مأسآة دارفور لم يكن في مستوى الأحداث ولم يكن في مستوى الضرر الاٍنساني والخسائر التي لحقت بالقبائل الأفريقية من أهل تلك المنطقة.

    أن ما يحدث في دارفور سوف يؤثر بشكل مباشر على النسيج الاٍجتماعي الدارفوري وسوف تطال آثاره السالبة أرجاء كثيرة من الوطن . السودان بلد متعدد الأعرق والثقافات وكما تسكنه قبائل من أصل عربي تجد به قبائل أفريقية، وهي تتابع وتراقب ما يحدث في دارفور وردود الفعل في المجتمع تجاه ما يحدث هنالك. ما يحدث في دارفور هو صورة مكررة لما حدث في فترات سابقة في مواقع مختلفة من الوطن وذلك منذ فترة حكومة عبود العسكرية مرورا بحكومة نميري وانتهاءا بحكومة عمر البشير. صور الفظائع التي تمت في الجنوب وجبال النوبة والأنقسنا لا زالت عالقة بذاكرة الجموع وهي للأسف الشديد أحداث تمت في مواجهة قبائل أفريقية لا زالت مرارة وقائعها عالقة في الأفواه . اٍن الأحداث الحالية تبرز الى السطح تساؤلات منطقية لا بد أن تسأل بشجاعة هل فعلا انتهت الممارسات العرقية في السودان أم اٍنها كامنة وموجودة وتعبر عن نفسها بأشكال متعددة في مراحل مختلفة؟ و هل انكارها وتغطيتها بكافة المبررات والأسباب يساعد على محاولة معالجتها؟ وهل التعامل مع تلك الظواهر باستخفاف وعدم اهتمام سوف يساعد مستقبلا على وحدة الوطن ؟ و هل يمكن أن يقبل مواطنين أن يعيشوا في وطنهم باعتبارهم مواطنون من الدرجة الثانية؟ وأخيرا هل سيكون خيار الوحدة جاذبا لقوميات كثيرة؟

    عدنان زاهر

11-22-2004, 08:06 AM

أحمد أمين
<aأحمد أمين
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3371

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: fasil dousa)

    والتحية لتيم بانوراما الشجاع الذى قام بهذا البرنامج
    المصور: فريد سكوت،المنتج:دارون كيمب، والمحرر مايك روبنسون
    والتحية للكثيرون من الجنود المجهولون الذين جعلوا من هذا العمل أمر ممكنا.

11-23-2004, 03:21 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 01-29-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 251

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

    استمرار للحمله لمقاومة ما يحدث في دارفور من قتل و اغتصاب وعنصريه اعد ثلاثه نواب بريطانين حمله لجمع توقيعات علي رسالة موجه الي رئيس الوزراء توني بلير
    وقد نشرت الرساله بصحفيه الاندبنيت الصادرة في 23/10/2004
    و النواب هم

    1. Michael Ancram MP, (Conservative foreign affairs spokesman),
    2. Sir Menzies Campbell MP the LibDem’s foreign affairs spokesman
    3. Glenys Kinnock, Labour Euro MP

    للاطلاع علي محتوي الرساله اضغط علي :


11-29-2004, 04:16 PM


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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

11-29-2004, 04:59 PM


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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: Roada)

12-06-2004, 08:29 AM

nada ali
<anada ali
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-01-2003
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)


    Sudan Organisation Against Torture

    Human Rights Alert: 6 December 2004

    Rape and torture of IDP Women and girls from Deraij Camp

    On 2 December 2004, Janjaweed (militias) attacked 8 women and girls from Deraij Internally Displaced (IDPs) camp, 4 km east of Nyala, southern Darfur state. The women and girls were fetching fire wood outside the camp in Torkong, north of Deraij IDP camp. All the IDPs were severely beaten and 3 were raped by the militias.

    The 8 women and girls received medical treatment at SOAT partner organisation in Nyala, the Amel Medical Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims in Nyala. Amel Medical Centre’s lawyers, at the request of the IDP's, reported the incident to the police authorities in Nyala Central (Wasat) police station. However, the police refused to file the case. The women and girls were then transferred to Nyala hospital for examination and treatment. The women and girls were refused medical treatment because they did not have Police Form Number 8 (Police form for treatment for injuries caused by a criminal act) a requirement in Sudanese Law,

    The three IDPs who were raped were aged between 18 and 25, two from the Massalit tribe and one from the Fur tribe. The IDPs that were beaten are as follows:

    Jawahir Abdella, 10 yrs
    Safa Adam Ali, 11 yrs
    Mastoura Ibrahim Ahmed, 25 yrs
    Hawa Ahmed Ali, 30 yrs
    Husnea Ibrahim Ahmed, 25 yrs


    The Darfur region continues to be deeply troubled. The targeting and widespread violence against women and girls has become a major component of the conflict. On 30 November, 7 IDPs, one of which was pregnant, from Deraij camp were beaten and raped by an armed militia group allegedly in military uniform. The women and girls were fetching fire wood outside the camp in a place called Momo, north of Deraij IDP camp. All of the 7 women and girls were seriously injured; initially all 7 received medical treatment at SOAT’s Amel Medical Centre in Nyala. The pregnant IDP was transferred to Nyala hospital due to the seriousness of her injury where she miscarried. The incident has been reported to the police forces in Nyala.

    Female targeted violence in Darfur by all sides to the conflict has become a vital component of the war in line with the deteriorating insecurity in the Darfur region. Whilst some areas in the Darfur region has seen a slow down in violence, the targeting of female IDPs have increased dramatically highlighting these group vulnerability to violence. Women and girls are being systematically targeted by militias with impunity for beatings, torture and rape whilst fetching water and wood fire outside IDP camps. SOAT urges the government of Sudan to prosecute those accused of violence against females and to hold them accountable for their actions.

    Violence against women and girls are violations of the most fundamental human rights. Article 4c of the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women requires states to “exercise due diligence to prevent, investigate and, in accordance with national legislation, punish acts of violence against women, whether those acts are perpetrated by the State or by private persons.” Furthermore under article 4, states are required to provide “women who are subjected to violence with access to the mechanisms of justice and, as provided for by national legislation, to just and effective remedies for the harm that they have suffered”. SOAT strongly condemns the use of sexual violence against women and girls under any conditions and is calling on all parties to the conflict to cease perpetrating violence against girls and women and the continued violations of the ceasefire agreement and all subsequent agreements.

    SOAT urges the government of Sudan to:

    Immediately cease attacks on civilians and adhere to it commitments under the ceasefire agreement

    Investigate the kidnapping of the 8 women and girls and bring the perpetrators to justice

    Disarm armed militias immediately and any outlaws operating in the western Darfur region.

    End impunity for crimes committed by the Janjaweed militias in order to bring them to trial and apply the penal and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law.

    Guarantee respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.

    SOAT also urges the United Nations, African Union and the international community to:

    To have expand the mandate of the African Union peace keeping forces to include the protection of civilians

    To investigate allegations of continued attacks on civilians. Including, allegations of rape or any other form of sexual violence

    To continue to exert pressure on all parties in the conflict to come to a peaceful settlement

    Guarantee respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.

12-06-2004, 09:31 AM

Mohamed Suleiman
<aMohamed Suleiman
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 20453

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: nada ali)

    What is more painfull is that when the Sudanese Foreign Minister was confronted with facts and evidence of the atrocities, he hysterically started to attack the evidence " Your evidence IS WRONG" . T
    That is Undiplomatic to say the least
    Well he is used to lie blatantly and distortion of facts shamelessly is his profession

12-07-2004, 05:16 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-22-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 7

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)

    الاخ احمد أمين
    عذرا لم اتكن من الوصول لوصلة البرنامج
    ارجوا المساعدة في تصحيح اللينك فقد تم اجراء تحديث للصفحة


12-07-2004, 06:17 AM

Adil Osman
<aAdil Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 10208

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Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: zola123)

    تحية طيبة
    ما زال البرنامج موجود فى الوصلة التى جلبتها من دهاليز الانترينت
    لمن يود مشاهدة البرنامج الخاص عن دارفور، الرجاء الضغط هنا، انتظر حوالى 4 دقائق بعد الاخبار

12-07-2004, 10:13 PM

fasil dousa

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 245

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برنامج بانوراما يكشف عن قبح ماساة دارفور (Re: Adil Osman)


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