رحبوا معي بالصديق متوكل مصطفى الحسين
انضم الى كوكبة كتاب البورد الأخ الصديق متوكل مصطفى الحسين وهو لمن لا يعرفونه من المهمومين بقضايا الفكر والثقافة منذ أن كان طالبا ساهم في قيادة . حملات التنوير ولم يزل مرحبا به اضافة ثرة لهذا المنتدى
Re: رحبوا معي بالصديق متوكل مصطفى الحسين (Re: Abomihyar)
Salaam to all members and guests of "Sudaneseonline.Discussion Board"
Thank you Ustadh Osama Abdeljaleel for your kind introduction and my appreciation and thanks to Ustadh Bakri Abubakr who accepted me to his board. Also I have to thank him a lot for the real effort he put It is definantly a hard task to inniate, select , set the policy and, supervise such work .Indeed all these need a man with wit and profound courage.
Also , I would like to thank a lot { Alastdha Wa Alastadhat Kamal Abbas,Omer Howari Elmousli ,Maged,Byan,Moniem 2002,Elsharief,Shiry,Rawia, Ismail Warag,Elgendelia, Hayder Badawi and Elnour Hamad) who jumped to welcome me with open hearts and beautiful words.
We all need to be in a continious dialogue with our inner selves and with the others. So as to have the luxury of debating with universe. We need a serious dialogue to help us maintain sanity in this insane world .We must look to all these unanswered questions of life ,and try to solve them and if not tolerate the procedure. I know that is not an easy task and there will be pain and sorrow but also there are those fine , moments when we enjoy the world as it is not what it has to be. I think when we stop using pretext stop carrying all those misals we can enjoy and see the beauty of others.
Before I leave I want to dedicate this poem to the spirit of Ustadh Ali Elmek and the distinctive Republican sister Khalda Zahran Who left us last night.and to all of you. It is from Farid Ud-DinAtar beautiful songs:
A novice in whose heart the faith shone bright Met with his teacher in a dream one night And said: “I tremble in bewilder fear; How is it ,master, that I see you here? My heart became a candle when you went, A flame that flickers with astonishment; I seek Truth’s secrets like a searching slave Explain to me your state beyond the grave” His teacher Said: “I cannot understand - Amazed, I gnaw the knuckles of my hand. You say that you’re bewildered-in this pit Bewilderment seems endless, infinite! A hundred mountains would be less to me Than one brief speck of such uncertainty!”
Salaam Mutwakil Mustafa Elhussain
(عدل بواسطة Mutwakil Mustafa on 10-11-2003, 09:18 AM)
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Re: رحبوا معي بالصديق متوكل مصطفى الحسين (Re: nada ali)
فعلا صار البورد وطنا في زمن اللاوطن يا بكري ، الف مرحب بمتوكل هذا الكائن الاستثنائ المتفرد ، ذو التوق المستديم الى المعرفة وقلق الاسثلة ، منذان كان صبيا يعصب راسه كابي دجانه كان ه يخشى فورة راسه مما يحمل ، فعلا اضافة حقيقية هذا المتوكل ، فالف مرحب بريحة الاهل وعبق البلد
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