30/ابريل و (صرخه من اجل دارفور)...تورنتو + واشنطون + سان فرانسيسكو.
طلاب ثانويات تورنتو وناشطين كنديين وسودانيين يدعونكم للمشاركه في التظاهرات
التي ستنتظم في هذه المدن الثلاث من اجل دار فور.
وهذه الطالبه الكنديه ( Assaf Weisz )تدعو السودانين باونتاريو للمشاركه
في هذه التظاهره في يوم 30/ابريل الساعه 1 ظهرا امام مبنى برلمان اونتاريو.
Quote: سودانيزاونلاين.كوم sudaneseonline.com 4/12/2006 5:29pm Hey,
My name is Assaf Weisz and I am a member of ProjectEquity.org, a youth based organization whose purpose is to raise awareness about pressing issues such as Darfur. That is why on April 30th, 1pm, Queen's Park, Toronto we are organizing a large Rally called Scream for Darfur.
As you know on this same date and time, huge rallies will be held in Washington D.C., and San Francisco, and we want to put Toronto onto that list. We are gathering high profile speakers and politicians, and musical acts together at the moment.
We would love to spread the word through Toronto's Sudanese communities and we are hoping that you could help!
Please respond as the date is quickly approaching,
Thanks for your time, Assaf Weisz http://www.projectequity.org/ (More information is available on our website, just click on our name above.)
Re: 30/ابريل و (صرخه من اجل دارفور)...تورنتو + واشنطون + سان فرانسيسكو. (Re: Tragie Mustafa)
الأخت الحبيبة : تراجى مصطفى. لك التحية والتوقير.
لا نملك إلا ان نقول بارك الله فيك وقواك على المثابرة والسعى الدؤب من أجل كل أهلك فى السودان ونشاطك البارز من أجل دارفور وطرح قضاياه العاجلة فى كل المنابر .
وثق نحن من خلفك داعون لك بالتوفيق والنجاح , وكل يعمل من مقامه وما يليه من إلتزامات فى الشأن العام .
وسوف نكون على أستعداد دائم لرفع البوست , وأمديننا بالجديد عندك . دوما مع التحايا العطرة.
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Re: 30/ابريل و (صرخه من اجل دارفور)...تورنتو + واشنطون + سان فرانسيسكو. (Re: ابوالقاسم ابراهيم الحاج)
Quote: توضيح من اللجنة التنفيذية لرابطة دارفور- كندا حول إنتحال أسمها سودانيزاونلاين.كوم sudaneseonline.com 21/4/2006 1:31 ص
حول إنتحال أسمها
• تود اللجنة التنفيذية لرابطة دارفور- بكندا أن توضح ملابسات مشاركة تراجى بإسمها فى أنشطة تتعلق بدارفور بمدينة نيويورك كما ورد فى الاعلان أدناه: Tragi Mustafa - Darfuri refugee living in Ontario and the Executive Director of the Darfur Association of Canada and the founder of Save Women-Sudan. (
أولاً نوضح أن تراجى مصطفى ليست عضوة فى رابطة دارفور بكندا، و ليست لها أى علاقة باللجنة التنقيذية للرابطة أو عضويتها، كما أن الرابطة لم ترسل أى شخص ليمثلها فى تلك الانشطة. عليه، نؤكد لكل من طالع هذا الخبر أن رابطة دارفور بكندا ليست لها أى علاقة بمشاركة تراجى بتلك الأنشطة ، وقد شرعت الرابطة فى الإتصال بالجهات المنظمة لتوضيح ملابسات إنتحال إسمها، وللرابطة الحق فى إتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية الكفيلة بمعاقبة كل من يقوم بإستخدام إسمها لتحقيق مآرب خاصة. وهذا ما لزم توضيحه.
اللجنة التنفيذية لرابطة دارفور-كندا ع/ محمد حسن هارون رئيس الرابطة |
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Re: 30/ابريل و (صرخه من اجل دارفور)...تورنتو + واشنطون + سان فرانسيسكو. (Re: Imad Khalifa)
Huge Student Initiative Among Ontario Youth In the past four months students from different schools, different cities and different backgrounds have come together to take a stand for the people of Darfur My name is David Berkal and I am a grade 12 student, president of my school’s student council, and one of the leaders of a grassroots student organization called Project Equity. About five months ago I got together with two other high school students and one university student and we decided to do something about the crisis in Darfur. While things were slow to start they have really snowballed. What started as three kids meeting up at Starbucks once a week has turned into a huge event supported by Oxfam International, CASTS (Canadians Against Slavery and Torture in Sudan), STAND (Students Taking Action Now: Darfur), War Child, UJA, Canadian Jewish Congress, The Sudanese Human Rights Coalition, The Darfur Association of Canada, and many other youth and faith based groups. Speaking at the rally are the Honourable David Kilgour, a former Secretary of State and Liberal MP who crossed the floor to become an independent partly due to Canada’s inaction in Darfur, Dr. Norman Epstein and Dr. Acol Dror, the co founders of CASTS and huge Darfur activists, and the Honourable Olivia Chow. Special guests include the Honourable Jack Layton and the presidents of The Sudanese Human Rights Coalition and The Darfur Association of Canada. We are also waiting for confirmation from other prominent politicians who have expressed interest in attending and speaking. Something magical has happened. Four students with no past experience in politics or event planning, have managed to mobilize an entire generation. We have created an assembly about Darfur that is traveling around to 6 different schools, both public and private, in the next two weeks. We have had nothing but enthusiasm from youth to whom we speak. This generation is coming together. We are uniting over an issue that transcends religious, cultural, and political differences. We have been called apathetic, and we are breaking that stereotype. Please help us spread the word about this event, where people of all ages are welcome. When it comes to Darfur the world has been quick to talk but slow to act, and thus the role of leaders has been left to us. We are showing the world that Canada’s youth are a force to be reckoned with. We are showing the world that we will not stand idly by as this crisis continues. On April 30th we will stand in solidarity with thousands of like minded people rallying in both Washington D.C and San Francisco. Here in Toronto, at 2:00, in place of a moment of silence we will hold a 10 second “Scream for Darfur” because more silence is useless when the world has already been silent for so long. Please join us, and please help us get the word out about this important event. The children of Ontario, and the people of Darfur need your help, will you provide? The rally takes place on April 30th at 1pm at Queen’s Park in Toronto. For more information check out www.projectequity.org or contact us at (416)837-3114.
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