EVENT: Ustadh Mahmoud Mohammad Taha
22nd Commemoration Day[
La Mesa Community Center(Ballroom)
1200 Spruance Rd
Monterey, CA 93940
Saturday, January 20, 2007 from 9:00 AM to 10:00PM
Ustadh Mahmoud Mohammad Taha is the founder and leader of a profound intellectual movement in Sudan named the Republican Brotherhood (see
www.alfikra.org. He is widely recognized in the Arab world as well as in international circles as a Sudanese Islamic thinker and reformist. He advocates peace, freedom, equality and justice for all. He has published over 30 books on religion, education, society, politics, and various aspects of life. Together with his followers, they have produced over 200 books and pamphlets, spreading the ideas throughout Sudan and abroad.
On a sad Friday; the 18th of January 1985, Ustadh Mahmoud was executed publicly after a farce trial, convicting him with a crime of apostasy. On that day Uustadh Mahmoud offered his life in the cause of his free pacifist thinking. He met his fate without a hint of fear. His famous smile with which he faced the execution was taken as an eloquent proof of the extraordinary stature of this respected pacifism.
As a recognition by the Arab Attorneys’ Association, the day he was executed was decided to be the “Arab Human Rights’ Day”. The event is celebrated annually in different parts in Sudan and elsewhere abroad. This year because of its growing Arab community, Monterey California was chosen to be a center for celebration.
Followers of Ustadh Mahmoud and friends are hereby inviting you to attend the 22nd commemoration, which will include a display of Ustadh Mahmoud Taha’s publications and a show of basic ideas as well as some highlights on the history of the Movement. There will be lectures, seminars, debates, in addition to religious chanting and music.
Please try to attend this wonderful and informative event.
Thank You.