07-16-2016, 01:21 PM |
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198
Shame on You Rwandan President Paul Kagame for inviting the genocidal criminal Omer al-Bashir
02:21 PM July, 16 2016 Sudanese Online Mahmoud A. Suleiman- My Library Short URL
By Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Newspapers reported that the Rwandan President Paul Kagame extended an invitation to the head of the ruling regime of the NCP, Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir to attend the African Union meeting to be held in Kigali, capital of Rwanda next month. Moreover, Kagame gave assurance and a guarantee in writing to al-Bashir that he will not be subject to arrest for extradition to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the crimes he has committed in the Darfur region. Surprisingly, this invitation comes to the genocidal criminal Omar al-Bashir to attend the meeting in Rwanda, in which its own people suffered from the crime of genocide in 1994, ten years before the genocide in Darfur in 2004. Louise Mushikwabo, the Foreign Minister of Rwanda; has confirmed that the Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir will be attending the 27th African Union (AU) Summit currently underway in Kigali. Louise Mushikwabo is a Rwandan politician who has served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Rwanda since 2009. She also serves as Government Spokesperson. She was previously Minister of Information. Nevertheless, the position taken by the Head of State of Rwanda Paul Kagame should be condemned in the strongest terms as the crimes of genocide are not time-barred by longevity and will remain as such as they are and not subject to fall over time – under the statute of limitations. This is more so, given the atrocities of genocide suffered by the Tutsi people of Rwanda. The best examples is the Holocaust. The Holocaust also known as the Shoah was a genocide in which Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and its collaborators committed against people in the German-occupied territories during period1941–1945, and the main target was the European Jews. According to Minister Mushikwabo, Rwanda as a country was not against justice, adding that when justice is politicized, “we (Rwanda) have to think twice”, in apparent reference to the fact that al-Bashir was been sought more on political grounds. He continued saying that anybody invited by the AU will be welcomed and hosted. President Bashir is among African leaders, duly invited and we'll host him; Rwanda’s top diplomat said in a series of tweets. Rwanda is not a signatory to the International Criminal Court (ICC). In other words, Rwanda is Not States parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court ...Thus, Omer al-Bashir seems rest assured and guaranteed safe exit from Rwanda after the summit of African Heads of State closes in Kigali. The ICC has indicted Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir on charges of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide in Darfur. The ICC has thus sought his arrest whenever he is in the jurisdiction of any of their signatories. In spite of the fact that Rwanda is not among the States that signed the Rome Statute of the (ICC), but the tragedies and crimes against the people of Rwanda, Tutsi ethnicity should have made the President of Rwanda refusing the Genocidal criminal Omer al-Bashir attending the AU meeting in Kigali. Paradox This is the paradox of Rwanda; a country where its people suffered the crime of genocide invites a person indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for perpetuating crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide in another country, to attend a meeting of the African Union (AU) in its soil. Nevertheless, there is nothing impossible in today's world where all things have turned upside down. Every weird thing occurred without the feeling of embarrassment! Currently, get ready and steady to expect the unexpected! This is more so in relation to the spurious African politics at the African Union (AU), satirically referred to “the Dictators Club"! According to the eloquent orator Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba or PLO Lumumba for short said in an impassioned speech to the audience:' the people of Africa elect hyenas to look after the goats and when consumed, they ask: Why؟!
Omer Bashir as a source of Gulf Money Recent Newspaper reports indicated that the African Union (AU) has continued to suffer from a severe financial crisis since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, the late President of Libya, who supported the African Union (AU). Gaddafi had virtually created the (AU) at the demise of the former Organisation of the African Union (OAU) generously. The members of the African Union (AU) would like to get the necessary financial support by all means including exploiting the relationship of Omar al-Bashir with the Arab Gulf states and especially after Sudan's involvement in the Sunni-Shia Houthis Sectarian civil war in Yemen. Analysts indicate that al-Bashir in that respect remains an indispensable ally who would play a key role in attaining the much-needed financial rescue. Furthermore, rumours-have-been-afloat-all-the-time recently about Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail is likely the next chairperson of the African Union Commission in 2017. Sources close to Dr. Zuma Chairperson of the African Union Commission said, that she will propose to President al-Bashir, at a meeting in Kigali on Saturday, July 16, the nomination of Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail as her successors. Dr. Zuma considered several justifications for her proposal of Dr. Mustafa for the post. In that Dr. Mustafa enjoyed intimate relations with the kings and princes of the Gulf, especially after Operation Decisive Storm (ODS) in Yemen. Therefore, he will be in a better position than others, to bring financial support from the surplus Gulf coffers to the empty African Union (AU) pockets, and especially the Gulf States are the only ones that have the financial Surpluses ability. Dr. Zuma confirms that Dr. Mustafa has a cumulative experience of ability in several different areas, especially in bringing money to the Sudan, and Gulf investments when he was Minister for Investment. The aforementioned reasons, the African Union (AU) to ensure the presence of Omar al-Bashir to Rwanda meeting. Dr. Mustafa file contains several sensitive assignments where he succeeded. The disenfranchised people of Africa say no to sell the issue of the Rwandan people and the people of Darfur in order to fill the African Union chronic fiscal deficit by begging since the death of President Muammar Gaddafi of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. In the past few months, three African countries have failed to arrest the Sudanese leader. South Africa refused to ‘hold him,’ despite a pending court ruling as to whether or not Bashir is allowed to leave the country. Uganda and Djibouti, both of whom are signatories to the Rome Statute have also failed to arrest him on the request of the ICC. The international judicial body has recently reported the two countries to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for failure to go by the ICC’s arrest request. HENRY WARD BEECHER said in the Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit (Make men large and strong, and tyranny will bankrupt itself in making shackles for them). http://www.notable-quotes.com/t/tyrants_quotes.htmlhttp://www.notable-quotes.com/t/tyrants_quotes.html
Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/
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اخبار و بيانات
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اراء و مقالات
من وراء جمهورية اليسع عثمان ؟!(1) بقلم حيدر احمد خيراللهمراجعات أم مجادعات !! بقلم عثمان ميرغنيمن منا (في شنو)؟!! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضةد.معز .. ونهضة مستشفى النو بقلم الطيب مصطفىناس الصعيد ديل عبيد ساكت!!! بقلم فيصل الدابي/المحاميانتقام نظام الخرطوم من استقلال الجنوب بقلم امين زكريا -قوقادى الانقلاب التركى والدرس المستفاد بقلم سعيد عبدالله سعيد شاهينالمواطن سوداني فاكه منو والرئيس ضارب فيوز!! بقلم فيصل الدابي/المحاميالجنوب .. والسيناريو الخبيث بقلم د. كمال طيب الأسماء هل نزلت الحركات المُسلّحة السودانية بسقُوفِها إلى (الهُبوطِ النَاعِم)؟ بقلم عبد العزيز عثمان سامالحمد لله على الأمل في المستقبل بقلم نورالدين مدنيالترابي يعيد ملف قضية اغتيال حسني مبارك إلى سطح الأحداث بقلم نورالدين عثمانبعد اعتداء نيس الإرهابي فرنسا على سطح صفيح ساخن بقلم بدرالدين حسن عليالمتسللون الفلسطينيون إلى قطاع غزة بقلم د. مصطفى يوسف اللداويقراءة اوليه لاحداث تركيا بقلم سميح خلف
المنبر العام
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