11-02-2015, 02:43 PM |
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198
Darfur Administrative Referendum is nothing but a falsification of Will of the people
02:43 PM Nov, 02 2015 Sudanese Online Mahmoud A. Suleiman- My Library at SudaneseOnline
By Mahmoud A. Suleiman The Darfur administrative referendum announced by the genocidal criminal, Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir to be held in April 2016 is nothing but one of his tools for distracting the Sudanese people from the real issues of concern that preoccupying their conscious conscience. The upcoming Darfur Administrative Referendum is another distraction tool of the NCP regime similar to the infamous running saga of the Wathba monologue Dialogue and the perpetually rigged April elections. The alleged Darfur Administrative Referendum the genocidal criminal Omer al-Bashir has decided to hold, as usual, in his preferred month of April is considered one of the wonders of this era of decadence during which the NCP regime preyed on the people of Sudan in the Darfur Region. The Darfur region where the tyrant al-Bashir planned imposing the Admin Referendum the remaining citizens continue suffering from all forms of the scourge of civil wars waged using proxy militias, mercenaries and aerial bombardment of barrel bumps indiscriminately. Moreover, Omar al-Bashir knows for fact that he has wiped out the region of its original inhabitants through his systematic pick of killings and demolition and forced them to flee for their lives into displacement and refugee camps and the diaspora and migration. Third andirons were the continuing intertribal strife that fueled by the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) to sow sedition among the ethnicities in order to reach at the disintegration and tearing of the social fabric that is formed through the ages for the region's population to live in peace and security. To say the least, it does not make sense to hold a referendum in these circumstances. It is noteworthy to point out that the administrative referendum in question may no longer have legitimacy since the collapse and failure of the infamous Abuja Agreement. Not surprisingly, Omar al-Bashir as usual, whenever the ground around him narrowed in spite of its expanded vastness, he resorted to revenge from the people of Darfur and blaming them for the crimes that he committed against them and made him a fugitive from the International Criminal Court (ICC). Omer al-Bashir despite his seemingly joyous appearances and dances in his public gathering waving his stick, the misery caused by the prosecution of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to arrest him because of the crimes he perpetrated in Darfur inconspicuously seen on his callous face and his immodesty phrases and words directed at his victims and survivors of his crimes in Darfur. Instead of blaming himself, Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir resorts to the Psychological Defense Mechanism known as displacement and tries to direct his anger to the victims and survivors of his atrocious crimes in Darfur. The logical question goes as to whether it makes sense if not impossible to carry out a free, fair and transparent administrative referendum in Darfur under the leadership of Bashir the genocidal criminal in Darfur. No wonder that the regime that torments tortures and kills in cold blood his political opponents to go on committing further atrocious crimes while chanting ‘Good is Great’ but in disregard of righteousness and piety. The elements of the NCP ruling regime, which claims application of Islamic rule hypocritically in Khartoum, are nothing but a faction of Mafia imposed an authoritarian rule to enable them achieve empowerment to acquire financial wealth and power employing killing and shedding blood of innocent victims in Darfur and in other regions of Sudan. These thugs and organized criminals carry out their atrocious crimes driven by lust for hegemony on others and causing harm to alleged imaginary enemies and love of acquisition in complete disregard to the sanctity of human life called for its preservation by all the heavenly religions and humanitarian laws. Poll rigging will be at its climax and NCP corruption would become exposed in this Referendum allegedly announced by the genocidal criminal at the site where he committed the atrocities. The complicity of the notorious National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS), the spy tool of the (NCP) Islamism regime, in the plans and conspiracies in order to cause the greatest damage to destroy the Darfur region and citizens is the root cause of suffering and persistence of the crisis without end for more than a decade. Although it has yet to happen, the NCP regime's administrative referendum for Darfur is regarded as a done deal plan. Moreover, the results of the alleged vote are nothing but a foregone conclusion. The Plebiscite on the administrative status of the Darfur region scheduled for April 2016 by the NCP is a wasting of the public money, which is already scarce and stolen from the people who endure hunger, disease and hardship of living. The alleged Administrative Referendum the NCP regime insists carrying out in April 2016 in the Darfur region has lost legitimacy since the defunct Abuja Peace Agreement for Darfur abjectly failed and ended without regrets or anyone shedding tears! Regarding the talk about linking the Referendum with the infamous Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) is nothing but sterile type of sophistry. The Doha Convention signatories have split after a bitter fight that was broadcast on the (NCP) television and they dispersed like the hands of Sheba, as the saying goes. Furthermore and in fact, the DDPD is not a peace agreement in the factual Sense but a Document that went unheeded. Accordingly, the alleged referendum lost legitimacy since 2010 and it is a travesty of justice linking to any one of the expired defective agreements. The Darfur Regional Authority (DRA), the outcome of the (DDPD) chaired by Dr. Tigani Sissy is an ink on paper. Similarly, the Darfur region that lacks existence on the real sense also remains an ink on paper, so to speak! In Darfur, there is no real authority under the administration of the marginalized President. The real authority for the Darfur region is under the Five Governors (Wallis) of the Five States (Wilayaat) who have the authority in their possession of the Chairperson where it has no authority to the governors of the three Darfur region because that does not exist in reality. Among the most important needs of the Sudanese people in Darfur is to sustainable peace, security and stability. Moreover, ensuring of public freedoms and lifting the laws crippling liberties continue as important right. There should be no room for impunity for the perpetrators of the heinous crimes. Unhindered arrival of aid and humanitarian relief to the war affected areas is essential for Darfur. The return of the internally displaced people (IDPs) and the refugees to their original homes and removal of foreigners who were brought by the (NCP) regime to change the demography of the population in Darfur and occupied Hawker of the indigenous population is urgently needed. Lifting the State of emergency imposed on Darfur since the outbreak of the revolution of the marginalized is urgently needed. Furthermore, the return of Darfur to its geographical borders as it were on the Day of the Independence of Sudan on Jan. 1, 1956 remains a condition for peace. Thus, the people of Darfur are not in need of any further disintegration under the 'divide and rule’ plot of the alleged administrative referendum. UNAMID The continued presence of the joint mission of the United Nations and African Union (UNAMID) until sustainable peace prevails in the region is a key demand. The UNAMID despite the serious setbacks for the peace process it helped protecting what is left of the population of Darfur against the atrocious crimes systematically perpetrated by the Official regular forces of the Government of Omer al-Bashir. UNAMID has helped in ameliorating the attacks of the militias and mercenaries belonging to the regime of the National Congress Party (NCP). The presence of the UNAMID remains a top of the priorities for the people of Sudan in the Darfur Region. The NCP regime has been using the most evil means for causing greatest harm to the people of Darfur during the twenty-six lean years of the authoritarian rule. State of equal citizenship The people of Sudan in Darfur call for the demise of the NCP state of repression, terrorism, genocide, corruption, racism and replaced by a state where citizens enjoy democracy, rule of law, good governance, equal citizenship, decent living and well-being. The embattled people of stricken region of Darfur consider the administrative referendum planned by the regime of the NCP in the Darfur region will declare it invalid, lacking any legal or binding force. It will remain subject to being rescinded revoked or to be made void. The 5-way split of Darfur Administrative Referendum for the Region is part of NCP regime's vindictive strategy for the policy of further 'fragment, Divide and rule and distracting the citizens from the real issues concerning them into hostility against each other and everyone trying to adhere to territory/state imposed on him forcibly to belong to. The people of the Darfur Region, are not part of the Conspiracy weaved by the regime of the National Congress Party under the rubric term ‘Administrative Referendum on Darfur’ and they do not recognize its outputs which are known in advance. The Sudanese people in Darfur heard the statements made by the President of the National Congress Party (NCP) regime on Monday, 19 October 2015, which selected the month of April 2016 as the date for the administrative referendum. Furthermore, the regime has previously issued a presidential decree number (4) of 2011 with the same respect for a Darfur referendum. The moto of the people of Darfur today says No to administrative referendum yes to the survival of Darfur a unified Province as on the Day of Sudan's Independence! People quoted George Papandreou, Former Prime Minister of Greece as saying: If we had a consensus, we would not have to go to a referendum. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/referendum.htmlhttp://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/referendum.html
Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an Author, Columnist and a Blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/
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