06-05-2016, 09:26 PM |
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198
Paradox par excellence Hissène Habre to life imprisonment Omar Bashir enjoys impunity By Mahmoud
09:26 PM June, 05 2016 Sudanese Online Mahmoud A. Suleiman- My Library Short URL Irony of Coincidence The irony of coincidence represented in the trial of the former President of Chad Hissène Habré with the trial of former Argentine army Reynaldo Bignone both of whom have been sentenced to life imprisonment and 20 years respectively for the heinous crimes committed by each of them against the peoples of the two countries before some three decades ago. Moreover, none of them enabled himself to escape from international justice. Nevertheless, the International Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) branch National Congress Party (NCP) President Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, who ordered the extermination of three hundred thousand citizens in the region of Darfur and have been indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide since 2009 and is still at large and on the run as a fugitive from international justice, supported by some circles from the so-called international community and unfortunately supported by some permanent members of the UN security Council (UNSC) members of the United Nations based on intersecting interests. The African Union (AU) special court known as Hybrid Tribunal in the Senegalese capital Dakar has sentenced Hissène Habré on Monday, May 30, 2016 to life imprisonment for his involvement in war crimes against the people of Chad 30 years ago. Furthermore, Argentina’s last military dictator, 88-year-old former general Reynaldo Bignone, was sentenced on 27 May 2016 in Buenos Aires to 20 years in prison for his role in Operation Condor, under which an international death squad was set up by six South American military dictatorships during the 1970s and 80s. The plan allowed death squads from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay to cross into one another’s territory to kidnap torture and kill political opponents who had fled across the border. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/27/argentinas-last...-in-operation-condor
On the contrary and ironically, the Génocidaire Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir enjoys impunity and remains fugitive from international justice despite his heinous crimes against the Sudanese people in the Darfur region, a Paradox par excellence. Thus, the international community colluding with the most wanted criminal and gives him a warm embrace to the NCP genocidal regime president. However, some commentators thought that on the night of Friday, May 2016 27, following the foregoing verdicts against his two ilk, the (NCP) President Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir did not sleep due to his haunt by the unsettled spirits of this victims besides his fear of the fate that awaits him sooner or later. And Nights remain impregnated and would give birth to all the wondrous as the saying goes. On the night of Friday, May 2016 27, following his nights, President al-Bashir did not sleep. On that day sentenced in federal court in Argentina, was sentenced to life imprisonment on the former president of Argentina, General Reynaldo Baine, who ruled the country from 1982 to 1983, to prove his involvement in state terrorism by Argentine Janjaweed, who referred to him as (the Condor), against opponents, before more than 30 years! On Monday, May 30, 2016, a hybrid tribunal in Dakar sentenced the former Chadian Dictator Hissène Habré to life imprisonment for his involvement in war crimes against his own people 30 years ago. During his era of his reign, 40,000 Chadians have died while in the pending case of Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, more than 300,000 Darfuris have lost their lives but al-Bashir denies and as if he were at an auction buying/selling saying, they are only ten thousand! Legal illuminations say that Confession is the master of evidence before the court of law and justice. And other important paradox in this regard that the court which sentenced to life imprisonment on the former President of Chad, Hissene Habre has created African Union, which accused the International Criminal Court that it is targeting African rulers; Which is a defeated hollow argument and that has been refuted from the beginning and to the end! Omar al-Bashir’s enjoyment of impunity and escape from the international justice remains a strange paradox in this day and age. And finally the genocidal criminal the fugitive from the International Justice, the chairman of the National Congress Party (NCP), Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir and his entourage, after the trials of the Argentinian general in the Argentina Capital Buenos Aires and former Chad President Hissène Habré in the Senegalese Capital Dakar, he realized that he would not escape accountability and the inevitable punishment in this world before the Hereafter. Hence, he became horror-stricken and dismayed and overwhelmed by fear. Thus, he clenched firmly to power, so as not to be prosecuted, by an independent judiciary, under democratic rule, which would lead to a serious National dialogue that pays all the dues process requirements. The Sudanese people have been following the Trials of the presidents and ex-generals on trial in both Latin America and the continent of Africa. Moreover, they hope that the day will come when they see their country trying the (NCP) President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir and his entourage and his bad guys among his companions. They include Abdelrahim Muhammed Hussein and Mohmed Haroun who were involved in the killing of their people and torturing them and displace them, similar to what happened to the native indigenous population in the Province/Region of Darfur and in the “Two Areas” in the Nuba Mountains and Southern Blue Nile. Winning justice for these and for those who have lost kith and kin, under the authoritarian criminality remains an unfinished duty. Coincidental Comparisons Whereas the Génocidaire Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir used the infamous Janjaweed militia for the extermination of the citizens of Sudan in Darfur in retaliation for the defeats sustained by his army composed of what is known as the Popular Defense Forces (PDF) at the hands of the gallant Champions in the Darfurian movements of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) led respectively by Dr. Khalil Ibrahim and the two leaders Minni Arko Minnawi and Abdul Wahid Mohmed Ahmed al Nur, Hissène Habré used his dreaded political police force, the Documentation and Security Directorate (DDS), which committed according to the Commission of Inquiry formed in Chad after he was deposed in 1990 said that the government of Hissène Habré carried out some 40,000 politically motivated murders and 200,000 cases of torture in the eight years he was in power. The (DDS) committed the worst abuses to exterminate his Chadian political opponents, but the Argentinian General used his death squad “Operation Condor” to liquidate his political opponents during the 1970 sand the 1980s of the last century. And then President al-Bashir refused any change in the Roadmap which was signed by Thabo Mbeki and government delegation excluding the Sudanese opposition, both civil and armed on the March 21, 2016 in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. The defective Roadmap aimed to force the opposition to join the absurd dialogue at the Friendship Hall in Khartoum. Furthermore, Omar al-Bashir openly refused opening the defective Doha Document for Peace in Darfur ((DDPD)), which was issued in Qatar on July 2011 to let in the opposition components to negotiate. The ((DDPD)) so far did not bear any fruits over the past five years. Not only that but worse it led to more catastrophies such as stirring up intertribal warfare where tribal factions tried excluding some tribes from the rights of living as inhabitants in the respective newly formed so-called Eastern and Central Darfur States. Thus, ensuring the continuation of the ruling regime of the Global Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) the racist fascist the National Congress Party (NCP), that runs behind the mirage of belonging to the false genus Arab. The ICC will remain chasing Omar al-Bashir and his criminal entourage, and his inevitable fate will be arrest and fair trial similar to what happened to tyrants around the world. Nevertheless, as it is well known fact that the Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) members do not take lessons from what occurs around them of similar events to others of their ilk. People say that the Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) affiliates behave like the Royal family in France known as the Bourbon. The members of the Bourbon had the predilection and tendency of falling into the evil of their previous deeds repeatedly without regard to the consequences. The (MBM) entity members do not believe in the adage that says the good people Pay attention to the hardly learned experiences of others, and they refuse to do so the result of arrogance! So far, Omar al-Bashir enjoys impunity, immunity and the escape from the international justice as a Paradox par excellence and shame continues on the Conscience of the international powers.
Helen Dunmore the British poet, novelist and children's writer, has been quoted as saying :( (It is a violation, which has obsessed the tyrants of the twentieth century. They do not want simply to kill their opponents, but to liquidate them, to deny that they have ever existed)! http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/tyrants.htmlhttp://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/tyrants.html
Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/
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