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Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro, former governor detained without charge
02-11-2016, 04:59 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
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Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro, former governor detained without charge
04:59 PM Feb, 11 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL UA: 30/16 Index: AFR 65/3371/2016 South Sudan Date: 10 February 2016 URGENT ACTION
Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro, former governor of Western Equatoria state in South Sudan, was detained by the National Security Service (NSS) on 22 December 2015. Family members have been denied access to him on multiple occasions and he is at risk of torture or other ill-treatment. Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro, former governor of Western Equatoria state, was detained at around 3pm on 22 December 2015 by the National Security Service (NSS). He had gone to the NSS headquarters in the Jebel neighborhood of Juba after being summoned by authorities. NSS officials have restricted his access to family members. His family was allowed to see him on 2 February for the first time in three weeks. They were only allowed to speak with him for 15 minutes. His family reported that he looked physically weak and complained about exposure to mosquitos. Authorities refused his family access to him on 6 February. He has not been charged with any offence or presented in court. Please write immediately in English, Arabic or your own language: Urging the South Sudanese authorities, to immediately release Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro unless promptly charged with a recognizable offence; Urging them to ensure that he is not subjected to torture and other ill-treatment while in detention; Urging them to grant him access to lawyers of his own choosing, and allow him regular visits from his family. PLEASE SEND APPEALS BEFORE 23 MARCH 2016 TO: Legal Advisor to the President Lawrence Korbandy Office of the President Juba South Sudan Email: [email protected] Salutation: Mr. Minister of National Security Hon. Obutu Mamur Mete Office of the President Juba South Sudan Salutation: Your Excellency And copies to: Minister of Justice Hon. Paulino Wanawilla Unango Airport Road, Opposite Juba Hotel and Next to Ministry of Education, Munduria Round About, Central Equatoria Juba South Sudan Email: [email protected] Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please insert local diplomatic addresses below: Name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Fax Fax number Email Email address Salutation Salutation Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date. URGENT ACTION FORMER GOVERNOR DETAINED WITHOUT CHARGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Joseph Bakosoro was removed as governor of Western Equatoria state in August 2015 by President Salva Kiir, together with the governors of Central Equatoria (Clement Wani), Warrap (Nyadeng Malek) and Upper Nile (Simon Kun Poch) states. Joseph Bakosoro was detained for five days immediately after being removed from office. According to family members, he was detained in the Giyada military barracks in Juba, where he was beaten and his arms and legs tied. The reason for his arrest remains unclear. Even though Joseph Bakasoro has not been charged, family members believe he has been detained due to his suspected links with the Arrow Boys, an armed local defence force originally formed to protect local communities from attacks by the Lord’s Resistance Army. In the second half of 2015, these community defence forces increasingly came into confrontations with Dinka cattle herders and government soldiers. The Transitional Constitution of South Sudan (TCSS) of 2011 mandates the NSS to ‘focus on information gathering, analysis and advice to the relevant authorities’ and established the civilian police service as the only law enforcement authority in South Sudan. Despite this provision, the NSS have for a long time gone outside their mandate and performed policing functions. In October 2014, a National Security Service bill passed by the South Sudan National Legislative Assembly sought to give the NSS extensive and broad powers of arrest, detention and seizure without adequate safeguards against abuse. The bill does not specify permissible detention sites or guarantee basic due process rights, such as the right to counsel or to be tried within a reasonable period of time as guaranteed by the TCSS. In March 2015, the Justice Minister announced that the Bill, passed by the Legislative Assembly on October 8 2014, had become law. This is despite domestic and international opposition to its passage, the absence of the President’s signature, its unconstitutionality and other views rejecting this position. Name: Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro Gender m/f: m UA: 30/16 Index: AFR 65/3371/2016 Issue Date: 10 February 2016 أحدث المقالات
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الخارجية السودانية تستدعي القائم بالأعمال الأمريكي بالخرطوم، جيري بشأن مشروع أمريكي لحظر تصدير الذهبوزير الارشاد والاوقاف يؤكد سعيه لحل المشاكل والمعوقات التي تعترض الاوقاف داخل وخارج السودانبيان هام من الحزب الوحدوي الديمقراطي الناصريد. تهاني عبد الله تدشن برتوكول الإصدار السادس للإنترنت والخدمات الحديثة بجامعة الخرطومغرب دارفور: مقتل طالب نتيجة الضرب المبرح، ومخاوف إزاء سلامة طالب آخر في الحبس الانفرادي بجهاز الأمنالبعثة القطرية لأهرامات السودان تعيد فتح مقبرة أحد أقدم الأهرامات الملكية بمرويكاركاتير اليوم الموافق 11 فبرائر 2016 للفنان عمر دفع الله عن الحوار السودانى الذى انتج فارااعتقال ناشط يناضل من أجل الإفراج عن أخيهمقررات اجتماع الجبهة الشعبية المتحدة ١٠ فبراير ٢٠١٦اعلان عن حفل الرابطة النوبية بالمملكة المتحدةإتحاد أبناء دارفور بالمملكة المتحدة وإيرلندا - نشرة شهرية لإنتهاكات نظام البشير - فبراير ٢٠١٦
المؤتمر الوطني و شمَّاعة الحصار بقلم بابكر فيصل بابكرإستفتاء دارفور : قبل فوات الأوان ! بقلم فيصل الباقرما نتفه التوم النتيفة بقلم الفاضل عباس محمد علي لمحة عن بند وقف اضفاء الحماية على اللاجىء (Cessation Clause) بقلم د.طارق مصباح يوسف نوبة عباس الطرابيلي بقلم د. أحمد الخميسي. كاتب مصريقرار رقابي ..!! بقلم الطاهر ساتيلا يفهمون !! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضة لأننا/ والحمد لله/ نعلم بقلم أسحاق احمد فضل اللهبين جامعة الخرطوم والتعليم العالي بقلم الطيب مصطفىبادرة إجلال لأستاذة الأجيال الدكتورة عائشة السعيد وفاءًا لأخى بروفيسور محمد عبدالحىعندما يحكمنا البلهاء والجبناء منا بقلم شوقي بدرى ناموس الكون بقلم عميد معاش طبيب .سيد عبد القادر قنات
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