السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟

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12-13-2004, 06:30 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ (Re: Napta king)

    Napta King

    Thank you for the words. As a Ja3aly I have mahasy blood from my mother side and I am proud of both my arabic and mahasy heritage. I think it is the mahas job to make sure the civilization is well presented, these days alot of black people including many african americans are claiming heritage to nubia which I personally find hard to swallow. I have a question are the dinka, or neur of sudan also ku####es or nubians

    About Timothy Kendall the man is really an expert on nubian affairs probably more than many mahas nowadays. I am collecting some informations about Nubia in general and will post them in this posting as I gather them here is the piece about Kendall's discovery you are referring to








    Archaeologist Timothy Kendall was leading an expedition in northern Sudan earlier this year when one of his diggers came across a slab of intricately carved stone hidden in rubble. Soon after, another slab turned up, and then another, until there were 25 in all, laid out in the sand like an archaeological jigsaw puzzle. Fitted together, the pieces formed a dazzling tableau: golden stars set against an azure sky, with crowned vultures flying off into the distance. Flying where, precisely? Kendall, an associate curator at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts, thinks he knows. And if his hunch is correct, he may be a few tons of rubble away from a major archaeological find
    Kendall's breakthrough, when and if it comes, should be one of many arising from that corner of Africa. Long considered an archaeological afterthought by scientists exploring the more famous temples and pyramids of Egypt, just to the north, Sudan is suddenly the hot place to be--and not just because of the equatorial temperatures that register as high as 100[degrees]F even during the prime winter digging season. At least 15 teams from the U.S., Europe and Sudan are sifting through the same sands for secrets of ancient Nubia, the world's first black civilization, which at its height stretched more than 1,000 miles along the Nile River, from what is today the central part of Sudan to the southern reaches of Egypt

    Everything uncovered thus far supports the conviction that has been building among scholars during the past 20 years that the Nubians were not just vassals and trading partners of the Egyptian Pharaohs but also the creators of an ancient and impressive civilization of their own, with a homegrown culture that may have been the most complex and cosmopolitan in all Africa

    That's why Kendall is particularly interested in the jigsaw tableau he has laid out on the sand. The newly discovered blocks, he believes, once made up the vaulted ceiling of a passageway that led to a temple dug into a 300-ft.-high hill known today as Jebel Barkal. It was there, Kendall thinks, that rulers in the ancient Nubian kingdom of Napata and Meroe, which dated from 900 B.C. to A.D. 350, practiced their coronation rites, climaxing in a crowning by the god Amun

    The passage Kendall discovered was, he believes, closed by an earthquake and rockslide sometime between A.D. 100 and A.D. 200. That's the bad news--and the good news, for the same wall of rubble that separates Kendall from his temple probably kept out treasure hunters as well. Once he manages to bore through a few huge boulders and track the flight of those majestic vultures, he hopes to find that the temple's interior, and whatever treasure it holds, has been preserved intact for 18 centuries

    Such findings, according to Dietrich Wildung, curator of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, represent "nothing less than the discovery of a new dimension of the ancient world." The sense of breaking new ground, and of taking archaeology in a new direction, has contributed to what Wildung calls "the pioneer spirit in Sudan"

    Archaeologists aren't the only ones who are rediscovering Sudan's ancient treasures. One of the greatest exhibitions of Nubian art ever assembled is currently touring France, Germany and the Netherlands. The show, which will continue into next year, features statues, pottery, jewelry and other artifacts that were recovered in excavations dating back to 1842, when Karl Lepsius, a Prussian archaeologist, first surveyed the region known in the Old Testament as Kush, in Greek literature as Aethiopia and by the Romans as Nubia (possibly a corruption of the Egyptian word for gold)

    Although the early surveyors reported that Sudan contained more pyramids than did Egypt, the country remained what Wildung calls an archaeological "no-man's-land" until quite recently. The first excavators from Europe found Egypt to be less backward, less remote and less prone to yellow fever, and thus far more pleasant and accessible. Egypt's sites also proved to be so rich that there was little reason to search farther up the Nile

    Another problem, scholars now firmly believe, was racial prejudice, which turned many in the field away from cultures emanating from deeper in Africa. Prominent Egyptologists --including the noted American George Reisner, who worked in Sudan--thought they were excavating the remains of an offshoot of Egyptian culture. "They didn't believe black Africa was capable of producing high civilization," says Kendall

    The latest crop of discoveries is helping put such ideas to rest. French archaeologists, for example, have found exquisite ceramic figurines, bowls and funerary objects at sites that date from at least 8000 b.c. They are as old as any Neolithic sites in Africa and predate prehistoric finds in Egypt by a staggering 3,000 years. This strongly suggests to Hassan Hussein Idris, director of Sudan's National Board for Antiquities and Museums, that ancient Nubia might have been an important source of Egypt's civilization, as well as the other way around

    Not all archaeologists are prepared to go that far. But there is now enough evidence for a scientific consensus that ancient Nubia, beginning in the Stone Age, developed its own distinct civilization--or rather, a series of overlapping civilizations--influenced by Africa, Arabia and the Sahara as well as by Egypt. Moreover, many scholars believe these Nubian kingdoms hold even more clues to the origins of African culture than does Egypt, which, because of its unique position abutting Asia and the Mediterranean, is regarded by many archaeologists as having developed independently from the rest of the continent

    The new perspective owes much to the work of Swiss archaeologist Charles Bonnet, who has spent the past 24 years excavating Kerma, the seat of Africa's greatest empire (outside Egypt) between 2500 B.C. and 1500 B.C. Bonnet acknowledges that he went to Sudan initially to find Egyptian civilization. "But step by step," he confesses, "I came to understand that the Nubian civilizations are really extraordinary. There might be Egyptian influences, but there is a Nubian originality and a Nubian identity."

    Two years ago, Bonnet excavated a funerary temple in Kerma that powerfully illustrates Nubia's synthesis of frontier influences. On one interior wall he found Egyptian motifs, including Nile fishing boats, bullfights and an enormous crocodile. Another wall was covered with rows of giraffes and hippopotamuses--African wildlife rarely seen in ancient Egypt

    At Jebel Barkal, Kendall hopes to shed new light on the symbiotic relationship of Nubian and Egyptian civilizations. The first temples there were constructed between 1460 B.C. and 1200 B.C., during the relatively brief period when Egypt ruled Nubia. Kendall believes the Egyptians chose this particular craggy hill for a royal sanctuary because, when seen from a distance, Jebel Barkal's silhouette resembles, even today, a crown adorned with a cobra, which is a symbol of royal power. The Egyptians believed Jebel Barkal to be a prime residence of the god Amun, the bestower of royal authority--a notion that was later taken up by the Nubians. About 730 B.C., when the Nubians rose up and conquered Egypt, establishing what became known as Egypt's 25th dynasty, they drew on the authority granted by Amun at Jebel Barkal to justify their rule over both lands

    Kendall doesn't know what secrets the temple will yield when he finally breaks through the pile of rubble separating him from the interior. Will he find cult goddesses? Jeweled crowns? Kingly scepters? Or perhaps the remains of a priest or two, trapped for 18 centuries by that earthquake? Alas, there will be no answers until the next digging season begins in January. It's still summer in Sudan, and much too hot for archaeology

    (عدل بواسطة zoul"ibn"zoul on 12-13-2004, 06:35 PM)


العنوان الكاتب Date
السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ Napta king12-12-04, 08:23 AM
  Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ lana mahdi12-12-04, 09:01 AM
    Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ Napta king12-12-04, 10:42 AM
  Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ Napta king12-12-04, 09:11 AM
    Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ Napta king12-12-04, 11:01 AM
  Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ zoul"ibn"zoul12-12-04, 05:22 PM
    Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ Napta king12-13-04, 08:52 AM
  Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ حمزاوي12-12-04, 09:43 PM
  Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ zoul"ibn"zoul12-13-04, 06:30 PM
    Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ Napta king12-14-04, 08:34 AM
      Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ Napta king12-14-04, 09:47 AM
  Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ zoul"ibn"zoul12-14-04, 06:09 PM
    Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ Napta king12-18-04, 05:14 AM
      Re: بعانخي الملك الجبار Napta king12-18-04, 11:47 PM
        Re: بعانخي الملك الجبار أيمن جبارة الله الخضر12-18-04, 11:59 PM
          Re: بعانخي الملك الجبار Napta king12-20-04, 00:57 AM
  Re: السودانيون هل سبقوا المصريين في الحضارة؟؟؟ zoul"ibn"zoul12-19-04, 07:50 AM

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