من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا)

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09-16-2004, 08:29 PM

Ahmed Elmardi
<aAhmed Elmardi
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-14-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1663

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) (Re: Ahmed Elmardi)

    معلومات جيدة توثق بدقة للحظات الاخيرة فى حياة جيفارا

    وفيها جزء من معلومات المخابرات الامريكية التى كانت سرية الى عهد قريب

    By morning, several companies of Bolivian Rangers are deployed through the area that Guevara’s Guerrillas are in. They take up positions in the same ravine as the guerrillas in Quebrada del Yuro. (Harris,126)

    About 12 p.m.: A unit from General Prados company, all recent graduates of the U.S. Army Special Forces training camp, confronts the guerrillas, killing two soldiers and wounding many others. (Harris, 127(

    1:30 p.m.: Che’s final battle commences in Quebrada del Yuro. Simon Cuba (Willy) Sarabia, a Bolivian miner, leads the rebel group. Che is behind him and is shot in the leg several times. Sarabia picks up Che and tries to carry him away from the line of fire. The firing starts again and Ches beret is knocked off. Sarabia sits Che on the ground so he can return the fire. Encircled at less than ten yards distance, the Rangers concentrate their fire on him, riddling him with bullets. Che attempts to keep firing, but cannot keep his gun up with only one arm. He is hit again on his right leg, his gun is knocked out of his hand and his right forearm is pierced. As soldiers approach Che he shouts, "Do not shoot! I am Che Guevara and worth more to you alive than dead." The battle ends at approximately 3:30 p.m. Che is taken prisoner. (Rojo, 219; James, 14)

    Other sources claim that Sarabia is captured alive and at about 4 p.m. he and Che are brought before Captain Prado. Captain Prado orders his radio operator to signal the divisional headquarters in Vallegrande informing them that Che is captured. The coded message sent is "Hello Saturno, we have Papa!" Saturno is the code for Colonel Joaquin Zenteno, commandant of the Eighth Bolivian Army Division, and Papa is code for Che. In disbelief, Colonel Zenteno asks Capt. Prado to confirm the message. With confirmation, "general euphoria" erupts among the divisional headquarters staff. Colonel Zenteno radios Capt. Prado and tells him to immediately transfer Che and any other prisoners to La Higuera. (Harris, 127)

    In Vallegrande, Flix Rodrfguez receives the message over the radio: "Papþ cansado," which means "Dad is tired." Papa is the code for foreigner, implying Che. Tired signifies captured or wounded. (Rodriguez:1, 185)

    Stretched out on a blanket, Che is carried by four soldiers to La Higuera, seven kilometers away. Sarabia is forced to walk behind with his hands tied against his back. Just after dark the group arrives in La Higuera and both Che and Sarabia are put into the schools one-room schoolhouse. Later that night, five more guerrillas are brought in. (Harris, 127(

    Official army dispatches falsely report that Che is killed in the clash in southeastern Bolivia, and other official reports confirm the killing of Che and state that the Bolivian army has his body. However, the army high command does not confirm this report. (NYT 10/10/67(

    OCTOBER 9, 1967:
    Walt Rostow sends a memorandum to the President with tentative information that the Bolivians have captured Che Guevara. The Bolivian unit engaged in the operation was the one that had been trained by the U.S. (Rostow 10/9/67)

    OCTOBER 9, 1967: 6:15 a.m.:
    FTlix Rodrfguez arrives by helicopter in La Higuera, along with Colonel Joaqufn Zenteno Anaya. Rodrfguez brings a powerful portable field radio and a camera with a special four-footed tripod used to photograph documents. He quietly observes the scene in the schoolhouse, and records what he sees, finding the situation "gruesome" with Che lying in dirt, his arms tied behind his back and his feet bound together, next to the bodies of his friends. He looks "like a piece of trash" with matted hair, torn clothes, and wearing only pieces of leather on his feet for shoes. In one interview, Rodrfguez states that, " I had mixed emotions when I first arrived there. Here was the man who had assassinated many of my countrymen. And nevertheless, when I saw him, the way he looked....I felt really sorry for him." (Rodrfguez:2)

    Rodrfguez sets up his radio and transmits a coded message to the CIA station in either Peru or Brazil to be retransmitted to Langley headquarters. Rodrfguez also starts to photograph Ches diary and other captured documents. Later, Rodrfguez spends time talking with Che and takes a picture with him. The photos that Rodrfguez takes are preserved by the CIA. (Anderson, 793; Rodrfguez:1, 193)

    10 am:
    The Bolivian officers are faced with the question of what to do with Che. The possibility of prosecuting him is ruled out because a trial would focus world attention on him and could generate sympathetic propaganda for Che and for Cuba. It is concluded that Che must be executed immediately, but it is agreed upon that the official story will be that he died from wounds received in battle. FTlix Rodrfguez receives a call from Vallegrande and is ordered by the Superior Command to conduct Operation Five Hundred and Six Hundred. Five hundred is the Bolivian code for Che and six hundred is the order to kill him. Rodrfguez informs Colonel Zenteno of the order, but also tells him that the U.S. government has instructed him to keep Che alive at all costs. The CIA and the U.S. government have arranged helicopters and airplanes to take Che to Panama for interrogation. However, Colonel Zenteno says he must obey his own orders and Rodrfguez decides, "to let history take its course," and to leave the matter in the hands of the Bolivians. (Anderson, 795; Harris 128, 129; Rodrfguez:1, 193; Rodrfguez:2)

    Rodrfguez realizes that he cannot stall any longer when a school teacher informs him that she has heard a news report on Ches death on her radio. Rodrfguez enters the schoolhouse to tell Che of the orders from the Bolivian high command. Che understands and says, "It is better like this ... I never should have been captured alive." Che gives Rodrfguez a message for his wife and for Fidel, they embrace and Rodrfguez leaves the room. (Rodrfguez:2; Anderson, 796)

    According to one source, the top ranking officers in La Higuera instruct the noncommissioned officers to carry out the order and straws are drawn to determine who will execute Che. Just before noon, having drawn the shortest straw, Sergeant Jaime Terþn goes to the schoolhouse to execute Che. Terþn finds Che propped up against the wall and Che asks him to wait a moment until he stands up. Terþn is frightened, runs away and is ordered back by Colonel Selich and Colonel Zenteno. "Still trembling" he returns to the schoolhouse and without looking at Ches face he fires into his chest and side. Several soldiers, also wanting to shoot Che, enter the room and shoot him. (Harris, 129)

    FTlix Rodrfguez has stated that, "I told the Sargento to shoot....and I understand that he borrowed an M-2 carbine from a Lt. PTrez who was in the area." Rodrfguez places the time of the shooting at 1:10 p.m. Bolivian time. (Rodrfguez:2)

    In Jon Lee Andersons account, Sergeant Terþn volunteers to shoot Che. Che's last words, which are addressed to Terþn, are "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, you are only going to kill a man." Terþn shoots Che in the arms and legs and then in Che's thorax, filling his lungs with blood. (Anderson, 796)

    OCTOBER 9, 1967:
    Early in the morning, the unit receives the order to execute Guevara and the other prisoners. Lt. PTrez asks Guevara if he wishes anything before his execution. Guevara replies that he only wishes to "die with a full stomach." PTrez asks him if he is a "materialist" and Guevara answers only "perhaps." When Sgt. Terran (the executioner) enters the room, Guevara stands up with his hands tied and states, "I know what you have come for I am ready." Terran tells him to be seated and leaves the room for a few moments. While Terran was outside, Sgt. Huacka enters another small house, where "Willy" was being held, and shoots him. When Terran comes back, Guevara stands up and refuses to be seated saying: "I will remain standing for this." Terran gets angry and tells Guevara to be seated again. Finally, Guevara tells him: "Know this now, you are killing a man." Terran fires his M2 Carbine and kills him. (Dept. of Defense Intelligence Information Report - 11/28/67).

    Later that afternoon: Senior army officers and CIA Agent, FTlix Rodrfguez, leave La Higuera by helicopter for army headquarters in Vallegrande. Upon landing, Rodrfguez quickly leaves the helicopter knowing that Castros people will be there looking for CIA agents. Pulling a Bolivian army cap over his face, he is not noticed by anyone. (Rodrfguez:1, 12; Harris, 130)

    Ches body is flown to Vallegrande by helicopter and later fingerprinted and embalmed. (NYT 10/11/67)

    General Ovando, Chief of Bolivian Armed Forces, states that just before he died, Che said, "I am Che Guevara and I have failed." (James,

    OCTOBER 10, 1967: W.G. Bowdler sends a note to Walt Rostow saying that they do not know if Che Guevara was "among the casualties of the October 8 engagement." They think that there are no guerrilla survivors. By October 9, they thought two guerrilla were wounded and possibly one of them is Che. (Bowdler, The White House 10/10/67)

    OCTOBER 10, 1967:
    Two doctors,. Moises Abraham Baptista and JosT Martfnez Cazo, at the Hospital Knights of Malta, Vallegrande, Bolivia, sign a death certificate for Che Guevara. The document states that "on October 9 at 5:30 p.m., there arrived...Ernesto Guevara Lynch, approximately 40 years of age, the cause of death being multiple bullet wounds in the thorax and extremities. Preservative was applied to the body." On the same day, and autopsy report records the multiple bullets wounds found in Guevaras body. "The cause of death," states the autopsy report, "was the thorax wounds and consequent hemorrhaging." (U.S. Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia, Airgram, 10/18/67)

    OCTOBER 10, 1967:
    General Ovando announces that Che died the day before at 1:30 p.m. This means that Che lived for twenty-two hours after the battle in Quebrada del Yuro, which contradicts Colonel Zentenos story. Colonel Zenteno changes his story to support General Ovandos. (James, 15)

    The New York Times reports that the Bolivian Army High Command dispatches officially confirm that Che was killed in the battle on Sunday October 8th. General Ovando states that Che admitted his identity and the failure of his guerrilla campaign before dying of his wounds. (NYT 10/10/67)

    Ernesto Guevara, the father of Che, denies the death of his son, stating that there is no evidence to prove the killing. (NYT 10/11/67(

    OCTOBER 11, 1967: General Ovando claims that on this day Ches body is buried in the Vallegrande area. (James, 19)

    OCTOBER 11, 1967:
    President Lyndon Johnson receives a memorandum from Walt W. Rostow: "This morning we are about 99% sure that "Che" Guevara is dead." The memo informs the President that according to the CIA, Che was taken alive and after a short interrogation General Ovando ordered his execution. (Rostow, "Death of Che Guevara," 10/11/67)

    OCTOBER 11, 1967:
    Walt Rostow sends a memorandum to the President stating that they "are 99% sure that ÊChe Guevara is dead." He explains that Guevaras death carries significant implications: "It marks the passing of another of the aggressive, romantic revolutionaries...In the Latin American context, it will have a strong impact in discouraging would -be guerrillas. It shows the soundness of our Êpreventive medicine assistance to countries facing incipient insurgency--it was the Bolivian 2nd Ranger Battalion, trained by our Green Berets from June-September of this year, that cornered him and got him." (Rostow 10/11/67)

    OCTOBER 12, 1967:
    Che’s brother, Roberto, arrives in Bolivia to take the body back to Argentina. However, General Ovando tells him that the body has been cremated. (Anderson, 799)

    OCTOBER 13, 1967:
    Walt Rostow sends a note to the President with intelligence information that "removes any doubt that ÊChe" Guevara is dead." (Rostow 10/13/67)

    OCTOBER 14, 1967:
    Annex No.3 - three officials of the Argentine Federal police, at the request of the Bolivian Government, visited Bolivian military headquarters in La Paz to help identify the handwriting and fingerprints of Che Guevara. "They were shown a metal container in which were two amputated hands in a liquid solution, apparently formaldehyde." The experts compared the fingerprints with the ones in Guevaras Argentine identity record, No. 3.524.272, and they were the same. (U.S. Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia, Airgram, 10/18/67)

    OCTOBER 14, 1967:
    Students at Central University of Venezuela protest the U.S. involvement in Ches death. Demonstrations are organized against a U.S. business, the home of a U.S. citizen, the U.S. Embassy and other similar targets.

    OCTOBER 15, 1967:
    Bolivian President Barrientos claims that Ches ashes are buried in a hidden place somewhere in the Vallegrande region. (Harris, 130)

    OCTOBER 16, 1967:
    . The Bolivian Armed Forces released a communiquT together with three annexes on the death of Che Guevara. The communiquT is "based on documents released by the Military High Command on October 9...concerning the combat that took place at La Higuera between units of the Armed Forces and the red group commanded by Ernesto ÊChe Guevara, as a result of which he, among others, lost his life..." The report states that Guevara died "more or less at 8 p.m. on Sunday, October 8...as a result of his wounds." Also, in order to identify his body it requested the cooperation of Argentine technical organizations to identify the remains to certify that the handwriting of the campaign diary coincides with Guevaras. Henderson, the U.S. Embassy agent in La Paz, comments that "it will be widely noted that neither the death certificate nor the autopsy report state a time of death." This "would appear to be an attempt to bridge the difference between a series of earlier divergent statements from Armed Forces sources, ranging from assertions that he died during or shortly after battle to those suggesting he survived at least twenty-four hours." He also notes that some early reports indicate that Guevara was captured with minor injuries, while later statements , including the autopsy report, affirm that he suffered multiple wounds. He agrees with a comment by PresTncia, that these statements are "going to be the new focus of polemics in the coming days." (U.S. Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia, Airgram, 10/18/67(

    OCTOBER 18, 1967:
    The U.S. Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia sends an airgram to the Department of State with the Official Confirmation of Death of Che Guevara. (U.S. Embassy, La Paz, Bolivia, 10/18/97)

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من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) محمد الامين احمد09-14-04, 09:03 AM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Raja09-14-04, 09:55 AM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) محمد الامين احمد09-14-04, 10:33 AM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Adil Osman09-14-04, 10:59 AM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) محمد الامين احمد09-14-04, 11:12 AM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Ahmed Khalil09-14-04, 11:20 AM
    Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Zaki09-14-04, 12:23 PM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) محمد الامين احمد09-14-04, 11:59 AM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Adil Osman09-14-04, 01:02 PM
    Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Tumadir09-14-04, 01:09 PM
    Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Saifeldin Gibreel09-14-04, 01:11 PM
      Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) sultan09-14-04, 10:21 PM
        Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Saifeldin Gibreel09-14-04, 10:45 PM
          Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Raja09-15-04, 03:55 AM
            Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Adrob wad Elkhatib09-15-04, 04:22 AM
              Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Adrob wad Elkhatib09-15-04, 04:23 AM
                Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Adrob wad Elkhatib09-15-04, 04:30 AM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Raja09-15-04, 04:53 AM
    Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) طلال عفيفي09-16-04, 03:09 AM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) محمد الامين احمد09-16-04, 04:00 AM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Amjed09-16-04, 10:07 AM
    Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Ahmed Elmardi09-16-04, 01:48 PM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Adil Osman09-16-04, 02:11 PM
    Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Ahmed Elmardi09-16-04, 02:45 PM
      Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Ahmed Elmardi09-16-04, 08:29 PM
  Re: من يعرف هذا الرجل ؟ (تشي جيفارا) Adil Osman09-17-04, 08:45 AM

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