حسب منظمةمسيحيه بريطانية قيادة الاحتلال بالعراق تهدر 20 مليارا عوائد نفط

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: حسب منظمةمسيحيه بريطانية قيادة الاحتلال بالعراق تهدر 20 مليارا عوائد نف (Re: مراويد)


    Indeed the islamic organizations you mentioned are hopless case and damaged beyond repair, hopefully the future might hold few to emerge as honest ones. May be wishful thinking but one never knows.

    Iraq is viewed by the ruling gang of the US as a great piece of cake, nothing more nothing less (this applies to the oil lobbiest etc etc) for ripping its resources, for providing cheap oil, and enriching the American oil companies. Oil revenues from Iraq are going to zoom up stocks and warlord companies badly needed (as you put it).

    The Christian fundamentalist , aka, Bush and the Zionist Christians has their own agenda of bringing old Babylon under their feet for the second coming of Christ that they enthusiastically wait for. A little more than a year ago I watched a TV program where Jerry Falwell indicated what's happening as a prophecy nicely unfolding. For the Jews/Israelis getting rid of a lousy Nubuchnezzar, aka, Saddam Hussien, was the greatest booty they ever had from a war after Jerusalem.

    True, all these combined made the war a game with sooo many hidden agendas. But interestingly, here in the board and also else where, the liberals and liberal wannabees, fail to see all these even some went far as hailing and thumbs up for the occupation under the pretext of establishing freedoms and liberties. The US does not give a damn if Iraqis live under tyranny or freedom, there agenda has always been and will always be money money and money. In Sudan in 1985 after the April intifada, the US withdraw its embassy staff, aid workers and relief efforts as a punishment for us getting rid of Numieri, at a time Sudan was barely recovering from a nasty famine and relief was badly needed. What a lovely way to help a young democracy just being born. When will people wake up and know that not much good will come from the US!

    Thank you

العنوان الكاتب Date
حسب منظمةمسيحيه بريطانية قيادة الاحتلال بالعراق تهدر 20 مليارا عوائد نفط مراويد06-28-04, 08:08 PM
  Re: حسب منظمةمسيحيه بريطانية قيادة الاحتلال بالعراق تهدر 20 مليارا عوائد نف zoul"ibn"zoul06-29-04, 01:56 AM
  Re: حسب منظمةمسيحيه بريطانية قيادة الاحتلال بالعراق تهدر 20 مليارا عوائد نف مراويد06-29-04, 08:29 AM
  Re: حسب منظمةمسيحيه بريطانية قيادة الاحتلال بالعراق تهدر 20 مليارا عوائد نف zoul"ibn"zoul06-30-04, 02:05 AM

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