قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين

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تاريخ التسجيل: 11-12-2003
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Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين (Re: passpar)

    الاساتذه الافاضل _ السلام وبعد التحيه .

    اري ان الحياد وطرح الحقائق في مثل هذه الموضوعات محمده علينا اتباعها _ وسوف تقود الي نتائج افضل وذلك بطرح كل المخالفين لحقوق الانسان في السودان دون تحيز. كنت اتوقع ان يتكرم الاستاذ هاشم بطرح مخالفات حكومه الخرطوم لحقوق الانسان طالما الحديث عن المخالفات ومقترفيها _اقترفت حكومه السودان مخالفات عده وليس فقط في جنوب السودان وحسب وانما في السودان عموما. معي التقرير المختص لمراجعه حقوق الانسان في السودان للعامان الماضيين . قبل نشر التقرير علي ان اشيد _ ب _د جون قرنق _ وذلك لتحمله مسؤليه الاعتراف ببعض الممارسات الغير انسانيه التي اقترفت من قبل جنوده _ في الناحيه الاخري علي ان اشجب _ حكومه الخرطوم التي تابي _ ان تعترف بحجم الممارسات الغير انسانيه في عموميه السودان وليس الجنوب فقط_ وفي اعتقادي هنا يمكن الاختلاف بين _ د جون قرنق وحكومه السودان _ الدكتور قرنق يتحمل المسؤليه _ ويسعي لتصحيح المسار _ اما الخرطوم تسعي لاخفاء الحقائق وتكذيبها ونفيها دون تحمل للمسؤليه _ ولزا اقول للاستاذ هاشم عليك بطرح الموضوع بصوره كامله _ وليس في ظني ان الدكتور جون مصاص دماء _ ونعم عن طريقه اهدرت دماء _ ولكن كانت هذه الدماء من اجل فرض واقع افضل ليس فقط لانسان الجنوب _ ولكن لكل السودان _ فعهدي بالرجل قومياهميما بالسودان واهله _ .
    فقط بالعوده للعامين الاخريين سوف نري الحقائق بمايختص بحقوق الانسان في السودان
    التقرير الاول _

    Covering events from January - December 2002

    هنا التقرير السنوي لحقوق الانسان في السودان _ التقرير منطقي ويغطي كل الاطراف بحياد .


    Covering events from January - December 2002

    Head of state and government: Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir
    Death penalty: retentionist
    International Criminal Court: signed

    War-related human rights abuses were committed on a large scale until a cease-fire signed in October. Government forces, the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and militias allied to both sides killed, abducted and raped civilians, destroyed houses, livestock and crops and restricted humanitarian aid. In Darfur, western Sudan, civilians were killed or injured throughout 2002 in attacks on villages by armed groups. Tens of thousands of Sudanese were displaced and faced hunger as relief supplies were frequently cut or disrupted. In government-controlled territories, the security forces detained and harassed human rights defenders and political opponents. Most of those detained were held in prolonged incommunicado detention without charge or trial and several were tortured. At least 40 people were reported to have been executed and more than 120 death sentences were imposed. Scores of Sudanese were sentenced to cruel, inhuman or degrading punishments involving flogging or amputation. Trials were frequently summary and grossly unfair. In the Darfur region, special courts continued to impose death sentences after summary trials.


    Further information

    Sudan: Human rights agenda for lasting peace
    (AI Index: AFR 54/018/2002)
    All AI documents on Sudan

    Moves towards peace continued. The Sudanese government and the SPLA agreed to four tests of their commitment to peace proposed by the US Special Envoy for Peace. As a result, an internationally monitored cease-fire in the Nuba Mountains was agreed in January and renewed in July. In March the government and the SPLA signed a commitment, to be verified by an international team, not to attack civilian targets. An international commission was set up to investigate slavery in Sudan and released a report in May. In addition, both sides agreed to allow humanitarian organizations to carry out medical programs in "zones of tranquillity". However, these agreements were not always respected. Attacks on civilians and breaches of international humanitarian law continued.

    Fighting continued in oil-rich areas between government forces and militias on one side, and on the other, the SPLA and the Sudan People's Democratic Front/Defence Force of Riek Machar, who allied with the SPLA in January.

    In eastern Sudan, armed opposition to the government was led by the National Democratic Alliance, a force led by eight northern political parties in alliance with the SPLA. Eritrean armed forces were also reported to have clashed with Sudanese government forces.

    On 20 July, the government and the SPLA signed a peace protocol under the auspices of the Inter Governmental Authority on Development (a regional grouping under the African Union) and international mediators in Machakos, Kenya. The peace process halted when the SPLA captured Torit in Equatoria on 1 September, and the government banned relief flights to Equatoria. The peace process restarted after the government recaptured the town in October. On 17 October both parties signed a cease-fire and on 26 October both parties agreed to unimpeded access for international humanitarian aid. In November a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the government and the SPLA.

    Civil society organizations protested at being excluded from the peace talks. Despite mention of human rights in the Machakos protocol, both parties to the talks continued to abuse or restrict them. In December the government renewed the state of emergency.

    In April the UN Commission on Human Rights renewed the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Sudan, and in October the Special Rapporteur visited Sudan. In September the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child considered Sudan's second periodic report.

    Unlawful killings

    Both government forces and armed opposition groups indiscriminately and directly targeted civilians and reportedly carried out extrajudicial executions in the context of the civil war. At least 85 incidents of aerial bombing or shelling of civilian targets by government Antonov planes and helicopter gunships were reported. More than 470 civilians were reportedly killed in May by the Lord's Resistance Army (see Uganda entry).

    In December, the first investigation set up under the terms of the March agreement not to kill civilians concluded that the government had not deliberately targeted civilians in an attack in September in which 12 civilians died. The report also stated that the SPLA had deployed weapons near civilian areas.

    On 21 February, a government helicopter gunship killed 24 civilians in Bieh, injured many others and disrupted a World Food Programme (WFP) food distribution operation. The attack occurred despite the fact that the government had agreed to WFP operations in Bieh that day, under the framework of Operation Lifeline Sudan, the umbrella organization providing relief to civilians in southern Sudan. The government announced an investigation but no results were made public by the end of 2002.
    SPLA forces were reported to have summarily executed a number of captured government soldiers after taking control of Torit in early September.
    Armed men from nomadic groups attacked scores of villages in Darfur, killing and wounding scores of civilians, mainly from the Fur ethnic group, and destroying homes and livestock with virtual impunity. In April an armed group attacked Shoba village, killing 17 people. At least eight villagers, including some who protested to the authorities about the attack, were arrested. They were held for up to seven months in detention without charge before being released.
    Internal displacement

    Attacks on civilians and destruction of homes, herds and crops led to the flight and displacement of tens of thousands of people. Forcibly displaced people were destitute and relief agencies could not reach many of them because of insecurity or government restrictions on aid flights.
    In August, humanitarian agencies reported that an estimated 127,000 people displaced by fighting in western Upper Nile had fled to the districts of Gogrial and Twic in northern Bahr al-Ghazal state. Their arrival added further pressure on an already precarious food situation.

    Cases of torture by members of the security forces continued to be reported.
    Fourteen students from Bahr al-Ghazal University, Khartoum, who were arrested after violent demonstrations in October, were reportedly beaten with hoses and had their facial hair shaved while in custody. The arrests apparently followed an earlier violent clash between students and two security officers on the campus which was suppressed by police using tear gas and rubber bullets.
    Yaser Mohamed el-Hassan Osman, Assistant Registrar of the Khartoum University Medical School, was arrested on 26 October and held for two days. During his detention, members of the security forces reportedly stood upon his chest and bladder and beat him unconscious with an iron bar. He required intensive care at Khartoum Hospital following his release. He had been arrested with scores of students after violent clashes on 22 and 23 October between students from the University of Khartoum and riot police armed with sticks and rubber bullets.
    Death penalty

    At least 40 people were reported to have been executed and more than 120 were sentenced to death. More than 90 death sentences were passed after unfair trials by Special Courts in the Darfur region. These courts, created in 2001 by presidential decree to try offences related to "armed banditry", imposed death sentences and other cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments after summary trials under military judges where the accused were frequently denied lawyers.
    On 17 July, 88 people were sentenced to death on charges including murder, armed robbery and public disturbance by a Special Court in Nyala, southern Darfur. According to reports, they included two children, Gadim Hamdoum Hamid and Kabashi Alayan, both 14 years old. Thirty-six of some 130 defendants, mostly from the Rizeigat ethnic group, alleged that in June they were beaten with gun-butts and hoses in pre-trial detention. Their lawyers withdrew when the court refused to allow a medical examination. An appeal was pending.
    In November the final appeal of Mohamed Ibrahim, Sadul Adam Abdelrahman, Abdullah Rabhi, Mohamed Hamid Ahmed and Mohamed Issa Tiue, sentenced to cross-amputation followed by hanging, was rejected. They had been convicted of armed robbery in 1999 after an unfair trial in Nyala, Darfur, where they were reportedly denied legal representation.
    The death sentence by stoning imposed by a criminal court in Nyala on Abok Alfa Akok, a non-Muslim from the Dinka ethnic group, was reduced on appeal in February to a sentence of 75 lashes. The punishment was carried out immediately.
    Women's rights

    Women continued to be raped and abducted in the context of the civil war. Suspected perpetrators of sexual violence were not brought to justice. In government areas women were also singled out for cruel, inhuman or degrading punishments for adultery, in circumstances where men involved normally remained unpunished. Women in the north continued to be harassed and ill-treated by police enforcing the Public Order Law which restricts women's freedom of movement, behaviour and dress.
    In November, at least 14 women from the village of Munwashi, near Nyala in Darfur, were convicted of adultery and sentenced to 100 lashes of the whip each. Three other women from the same area were also detained for adultery but were not reported to have been brought to court by the end of 2002.
    Incommunicado detention without charge

    Dozens of suspected political opponents of the government were arrested by the security forces. Many were held in prolonged incommunicado detention without charge or trial.
    In October, nine Dinka civil servants, including Garang Wek Atheny and Gabriel Akol Akol Kuc, and Ahmad Labuo, a merchant, were arrested by military intelligence officers in Aweil, the capital of Bahr al-Ghazal state. They were released on 12 December after 53 days' incommunicado detention.
    Hassan al-Turabi, former Speaker and leader of the Popular National Congress (PNC), remained in detention throughout 2002. In August the Constitutional Court ruled that his continued detention was unconstitutional, but a Presidential Emergency Decree immediately extended his detention for another year. More than 30 other members of the PNC, arrested between May and September, remained in prison without charge or trial at the end of 2002.
    Abductions and slavery

    A US-led international commission of eminent persons, set up in December 2001 to investigate slavery, abduction and forced servitude, issued a report in May. The international commission found that some exploitative relationships met the definition of slavery in international conventions and made a number of recommendations to end the practice. The government continued to deny the existence of slavery.

    The Committee for the Eradication of Abductions of Women and Children (CEAWC), set up by the government in 1999, was placed directly under the President. CEAWC stated that it had succeeded in freeing 150 abducted persons. However, no suspected perpetrator of abductions was known to have been brought to justice.

    Restrictions on freedom of expression and association

    Despite some relaxation of restrictions on political activities and a government announcement in December 2001 that censorship on the media was lifted, the government and the security forces continued to limit freedom of expression and association. The authorities used restrictive or vague articles in the Penal Code and the 1999 Press Act to arrest journalists and editors and to confiscate, fine or suspend newspapers. Sanctions were imposed for writing or publishing articles critical of the government or for commenting on a wide range of areas including AIDS and female circumcision.
    In February, the Republican Brothers, recently registered under the government's Political Associations Act, were refused permission by the security services to hold a meeting in Khartoum. They had planned to mark the anniversary of the execution of their spiritual leader, Mahmoud Mohamed Taha, in 1985.
    In September, Osman Mirghani, a columnist for the Khartoum-based daily Al-Ra'y al-'Am, was detained by the security forces following an interview on the Qatar-based al-Jazeera television station in which he had criticized the Sudanese government for walking out of the peace negotiations. He was detained for questioning for two days then released without charge.

    التقرير الثان_ تقرير اخر منطقي حقيقي _ وهنا تتم تغطيه احداث دارفور واختراقات حقوق الانسان هناك .

    Covering events from January - December 2003

    A cease-fire was in force between the government and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) throughout the year. However, in January and February government-sponsored militias attacked and burned villages and killed scores of civilians in oil-rich areas. In Darfur, western Sudan, militias allied to the government killed hundreds of civilians and government aircraft bombed villages. Up to 600,000 people in Darfur were displaced within the region, and tens of thousands fled to Chad. Hundreds of thousands of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) from the south and other areas affected by the fighting remained in camps around the borders with Sudan and in the north. In Darfur the security forces detained hundreds of people incommunicado without charge. Torture was widespread, particularly in Darfur. At least 10 people were reported to have been executed and more than 100 death sentences were imposed. Floggings were imposed for numerous offences, including public order offences, and were usually carried out immediately. Amputations, including cross-amputations, were also imposed but none was known to have been carried out. Trials of ordinary criminal offenders were frequently unfair and summary. In the states of North, South and West Darfur, special courts continued to hold summary and unfair trials. Freedom of expression continued to be restricted in the areas controlled by the government and by the SPLA.


    The peace process between the government and SPLA continued with an agreement on security arrangements signed in September. According to this accord government forces would withdraw from the south and SPLA forces from the north; joint forces would be set up in Khartoum and the border areas of the Nuba Mountains and Abyei. The US-led Civilian Protection Monitoring Team (CPMT) and the Verification and Monitoring Team (VMT) helped to monitor the cease-fire.

    Militia based on southern ethnic groups opposed to the SPLA attacked villages and killed civilians in the oil provinces of Western Upper Nile (Unity State) in January and February. These attacks were accompanied by forced recruitment of children and others into militia in Khartoum and in the conflict areas, and by the abduction of women. The government reportedly supported these militia with logistical help. In Darfur the conflict deepened.

    In April the UN Commission on Human Rights failed to renew the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Sudan. Between July and October all but two of the political detainees held in the political wing of Kober Prison in Khartoum North were released. Hassan al- Turabi, leader of the Popular Congress, an Islamist opposition to the ruling National Congress Party, was released in October after two years' detention without trial, most of it spent under house arrest.

    Crisis in Darfur

    In Darfur the conflict intensified after February as the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) attacked government forces and militia. In response, government-supported and reportedly funded militia (known as the Janjawid) based on nomadic Arab groups attacked the sedentary population, killing civilians, destroying hundreds of villages and making hundreds of thousands of people homeless.

    The conflict continued despite a cease-fire agreement signed in Abéché, Chad, between the Sudanese government and the SLA in September and an extension of the cease-fire in October. Government aircraft bombed homes in Darfur, killing scores of civilians, while Janjawid militia attacked villages, deliberately killing civilians, burning homes and #####ng cattle and other possessions. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people took refuge in towns in the area or across the border in Chad.

    Government authorities committed numerous human rights violations in response to the conflict. Scores of people were arrested and held in prolonged incommunicado detention by the national security, military security (istikhbarat) and police. Systematic torture, including the use of beatings and electric shocks, was recorded in centres of the military security in Darfur. Detainees held for offences such as theft, killing or banditry faced summary and unfair trials. Hundreds of prisoners were released by government authorities and the SLA after the September cease-fire, but arrests and detentions of those suspected of links with armed opposition groups continued. The Janjawid also abducted some villagers, including women and children, during raids. Some escaped often after alleged torture. Others remained unaccounted for.

    The towns of al-Tina, Kornoy and Kutum in North Darfur and nearby villages were repeatedly bombed by government aircraft between June and September. In the early August bombing of Kutum, three days after the withdrawal of the armed opposition, the hospital and prison were destroyed and 42 people reportedly killed, including patients, prison guards and prisoners. Instances of indiscriminate bombings were also reported during the cease-fire period. Dozens of civilians were killed as a result, including Abdallah Issa Barday, on his way back from al-Tina to Basaw, his village. Homes and public facilities were destroyed.

    The SLA and JEM endangered civilians by stationing their forces in civilian areas. There were also reports of #####ng and torture by the JEM.

    On 16 August, the Janjawid attacked Garaday, a village of about 400 inhabitants near Silaya town, and reportedly killed about 200 civilians, some of them in their homes, and beat or arrested others. All the survivors fled.

    On 20 August, the village of Murli near al-Geneina was raided by government-backed militia and 82 people were killed, either shot or burned alive in their homes. Murli was attacked again by Janjawid militia in September, on market day, and 72 people were killed.

    Raids by the Janjawid against villages included acts of violence against women, including sexual violence. In Murli, three girls, aged 10, 15 and 17, were reportedly raped by members of the Janjawid while they were fleeing the attack. Two women, aged 20 and 25, were reportedly raped by Janjawid members while they were collecting wood around the village.

    In September, six people were arrested by the JEM as spies and were beaten with gun butts. JEM members then put a mixture of acid, chilli and petrol in the mouth, nose and ears of two of them. They were released in December; the four others arrested with them had escaped in October.

    Refugees and the internally displaced

    Between April and December some 600,000 people fleeing attacks by armed groups took refuge in towns in Darfur or crossed over the border to Chad. The government often barred access to Darfur to representatives of humanitarian organizations, the UN and diplomats.

    The population of Mukjar expanded from 8,000 to 40,000. Aid workers said that refugees were living in appalling conditions and disease was rife. Many refugees on the border with Chad lacked security.

    Despite positive declarations of intent on the future resettlement of IDPs and refugees in the context of the peace process between the government and the SPLA, millions of displaced people and refugees remained in precarious humanitarian conditions in camps in Sudan and bordering countries.

    Excessive use of force

    On at least three occasions in March police appeared to use excessive force against student demonstrations in Bakht Er-Ruda near Dueim and in Khartoum. Police reportedly used tear gas and beat students violently with truncheons; they then used live ammunition. Three students died. No independent investigation was held into their deaths.

    Sharif Hassibullah, a student of El-Nilein University in Khartoum, was shot in the head and killed in March when police fired live ammunition against stonethrowing students.


    Torture appeared to be systematically practised by military and national security forces in Darfur and to be frequently used elsewhere.

    Five members of the Nuba ethnic group living in Dongola were arrested by national security in May after meeting to discuss repatriation after the peace process. National security forces reportedly beat them severely and poured battery acid over them. One of them, Awad Ibrahim, died in custody. Two others were taken in June to Khartoum Hospital. They were released without charge in July. No independent investigation was carried out into the torture and death of Awad Ibrahim.

    Forty-four people mostly from the Ma'aliya ethnic group were tortured in Aduma in South Darfur after their arrest by police and army in July, apparently to get information or to force them to confess to being involved in the killing of a member of the Rizayqat ethnic group. They were reportedly beaten severely with sticks, plastic hoses and gun butts. Some were allegedly tortured with electric shocks and two of them had metal truncheons inserted into the anus. A doctor confirmed that their injuries were consistent with their allegations. After their torture received wide publicity, their "confessions" were rejected by a Specialized Criminal Court in Nyala in November and 43 of them were acquitted. One of the group, Abdallah Agai Akot, a Dinka,was sentenced to death for murder.

    Southern Sudan
    There were reports of torture, including rape, and other ill-treatment in prisons under the control of the SPLA in southern Sudan.

    Incommunicado detention without trial

    National and military security forces continued to hold detainees in prolonged incommunicado detention without access to lawyers or any judicial review, using Article 31 of the National Security Forces Act of 1999 which allows incommunicado detention without charge or trial for a maximum of nine months.

    Ahmad Mukwai, a 16-year-old Dinka boy arrested in Babanusa in August 2002 and held in the political section of Kober Prison, apparently as a hostage, was reportedly released in July after 11 months' detention without charge or trial.

    Special Courts

    Special Courts in North and West Darfur and Specialized Criminal Courts in South Darfur continued to hand down heavy sentences after unfair trials. Lawyers were often not allowed to plead except as "friends", and "confessions" extracted under duress were frequently accepted as evidence.

    Thirty-eight people were tried before the Nyala Specialized Criminal Court and 26, including a child, were sentenced to death in April, convicted of killing 35 people and wounding a further 28 in a raid on the village of Singita in Darfur. The accused were all represented by three lawyers who were not allowed access to them or the case files until five days before the trial opened in March. The three judges, of whom one came from the police, one from the army, and one, the presiding judge, was a civilian, only permitted defence lawyers to ask each defendant and each witness four questions. The prosecution was allowed to ask an unlimited number of questions. The death sentence on the child was commuted to 25 lashes on appeal in May. The sentence was carried out immediately.

    Death penalty

    At least 10 executions were carried out. Trials in criminal cases were frequently unfair and detainees were often not represented by lawyers until the case came to appeal.

    Adam Musa Beraima and Adam Al-Zain Ismail were executed in Kober Prison in September. They had been sentenced to death in March 2002 for armed robbery (haraba) after a trial in Nyala before a Special Court where they were not represented by lawyers.

    Restrictions on freedom of expression

    Despite promises in August that censorship would be lifted, freedom of expression continued to be restricted.

    The Khartoum Monitor, an English language daily, suffered numerous penalties: it was suspended, had all its copies confiscated and faced fines on several occasions. A journalist for the newspaper spent 18 days in detention in March and the managing editor was detained for a night and badly treated in May.

    Human rights defenders

    Human rights defenders continued to be harassed and sometimes arrested.

    Ghazi Suleiman, Chair of the Sudanese Human Rights Group (SHRG), was arrested in July and held incommunicado for two weeks in Kober Prison as the SHRG was about to organize a launch ceremony for the Khartoum Declaration which called for an end to Islamic law and one-party rule in Sudan.

    Violence against women

    Women continued to suffer abduction and rape by members of government-supported militia as well as displacement in the context of the conflict in the oil regions and Darfur. Women were singled out for flogging as a punishment for unlawful sexual intercourse in circumstances where men normally escaped unpunished. They also continued to be harassed and sometimes punished under the Public Order Act which restricts their freedom of movement.

    In May a 14-year-old unmarried girl who was nine months pregnant was sentenced by the Criminal Court in Nyala to 100 lashes. She appealed against the sentence on the grounds of pregnancy, her age and the fact that no lawyer represented her at the earlier trial. The Darfur appeal court and the Supreme Court in El Obeid upheld the sentence, which had not been carried out by the end of the year.

    AI country visits

    In January AI delegates conducted research in Khartoum and Darfur, and met government officials. In November AI delegates conducted research among Sudanese refugees in Chad.

    وفي الختام _السلام الي الجميع ونحو غد مشرق مصانه فيه حقوقنا كسودانيين دون تميز .
    محب .

العنوان الكاتب Date
قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين هاشم نوريت06-18-04, 02:20 AM
  Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين degna06-18-04, 10:57 AM
  Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين ahmed haneen06-18-04, 11:02 AM
    Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين هاشم نوريت06-18-04, 01:59 PM
      Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين degna06-18-04, 02:20 PM
        Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين هاشم نوريت06-18-04, 02:33 PM
  Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين Deng06-18-04, 04:20 PM
    Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين هاشم نوريت06-19-04, 00:00 AM
  Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين د. بشار صقر06-18-04, 04:27 PM
    Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين هاشم نوريت06-19-04, 00:04 AM
  Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين Bashasha06-18-04, 05:32 PM
    Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين matthew FARIS06-18-04, 09:41 PM
    Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين PLAYER06-18-04, 09:42 PM
    Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين هاشم نوريت06-19-04, 00:10 AM
  Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين passpar06-18-04, 11:34 PM
    Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين هاشم نوريت06-19-04, 00:12 AM
      Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين هاشم نوريت06-19-04, 00:24 AM
        Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين degna06-19-04, 01:05 AM
          Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين هاشم نوريت06-19-04, 01:15 AM
            Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين kamalabas06-19-04, 01:25 AM
    Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين Muhib06-19-04, 00:53 AM
  Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين kamalabas06-19-04, 01:09 AM
    Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين هاشم نوريت06-19-04, 01:34 AM
    Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين degna06-19-04, 01:36 AM
      Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين degna06-19-04, 01:48 PM
        Re: قرنق مصاص دماء الانسان الجنوبى المسكين هاشم نوريت06-19-04, 03:48 PM

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