أبيي ،، وطنييي

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي (Re: أبو ساندرا)

    Annex 10:
    November 16, 1988


    Inspired by the deep understanding of the suffering of the Sudanese masses who are yearning for genuine peace and stability;
    Committed to the unity of the people and territorial integrity of our country;

    Rejecting the old policies that aim at escalating the war, destruction and deprivation in all forms, such policies that will ultimately lead to disunity;

    Resolute in the necessity of persistent efforts to consolidate and enrich the democratic practice within the beloved Sudan;

    Convinced that genuine peace in Sudan cannot be attained in the context of the so-called "Southern Problem" but on the appreciation that the problem is national in nature and hence, its resolution is only possible through a serious sincere and continuous dialogue among the Sudanese political forces on an equal basis in the proposed National Constitutional Conference;

    Now therefore, the Sudan Peoples` Liberation Movement and the Sudan Peoples` Liberation Army SPLM/SPLA and the Democratic Unionist Party DUP, after frank and sincere discussions and exchange of views at this critical juncture in our country`s history, hereby agree to conclude this agreement.

    A. Cognizant of the fact that the convening of the National Constitutional Conference is an urgent national necessity that demands of all the Sudanese political forces sincere and persistent efforts to bring about a conducive atmosphere for the convening of the conference, the two parties are totally convinced that the basic and necessary pre-requisites to create this conducive atmosphere are:
    Although the firm stand of the SPLM/SPLA remains the repeal of the September 1983 Laws and to be replaced by the 1974 Laws, it nevertheless, and because of its keenness on the convening of the National Constitutional Conference had at this stage agreed with the DUP that in the period preceding the convening of the National Constitutional Conference all the provisions involving the "Hodoud" and related articles that are contained in the September 1983 Laws be frozen and that there shall be no legislation on any laws that contain such articles until National Constitutional Conference is held and final agreement is reached on the alternative laws.

    The abrogation of the military pacts concluded between Sudan and other countries and which impinge on Sudan`s national sovereignty.

    The lifting of the state of emergency.

    Cease fire.
    B. A national preparatory committee shall be convened to agree on the draft agenda, place and procedures of holding the National Constitutional Conference. The first meeting of this committee shall take place soon after its formation.

    C. The two parties have agreed that the venue of the National Constitutional Conference shall be at a place agreed upon by the national preparatory committee where security is guaranteed to the satisfaction of all the parties concerned.

    D. The two parties have agreed on the necessity of holding the National Constitutional Conference by 31st December 1988 provided that the prerequisites mentioned in this agreement would have been implemented to the satisfaction of the parties concerned.

    E. The two parties call upon all the Sudanese political forces to immediately join this sincere national effort so as to bring about peace and stability in our country.

    Signed this day the 16th of November 1988 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    John G. de Mobior Mohamed Osman El Mirghani



العنوان الكاتب Date
أبيي ،، وطنييي أبو ساندرا03-23-04, 11:55 AM
  Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي ودقاسم03-23-04, 12:40 PM
  Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي أبو ساندرا03-24-04, 10:28 AM
  Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي صديق الموج03-24-04, 12:12 PM
  Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي JAD03-24-04, 01:18 PM
  Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي أبو ساندرا03-25-04, 10:37 AM
    Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي شمهروش03-25-04, 01:35 PM
  Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي فيصل عباس03-25-04, 04:34 PM
    Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي شمهروش03-25-04, 05:15 PM
      Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي فيصل عباس03-27-04, 01:43 PM
  Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي Deng03-26-04, 02:46 AM
  Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي أبو ساندرا03-29-04, 09:36 AM
    Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي عبدالله03-29-04, 10:36 AM
      Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي عبدالله03-29-04, 11:08 AM
  Re: أبيي ،، وطنييي أبو ساندرا03-30-04, 11:23 AM

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