U.N.: Search Crews Find Body at Crash Site

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07-31-2005, 10:48 PM

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
U.N.: Search Crews Find Body at Crash Site

    U.N.: Search Crews Find Body at Crash Site

    By MOHAMED OSMAN and TANALEE SMITH Associated Press Writers
    July 31, 2005
    The Associated Press

    KHARTOUM, Sudan A U.N. official said search crews on Monday found the site of
    a helicopter crash and a body they believe is that of Sudan's vice president,
    a former rebel leader who is a key figure in a fledgling peace deal between
    the predominantly Arab Muslim government and the Christian south.

    Ugandan and Sudanese forces had been searching for John Garang's helicopter
    since Sunday and Uganda's president said it had crashed in bad weather in the
    border region between the two countries.

    Search crews had reached the crash site Monday and found a body they believed
    was that of Garang, a U.N. official in Khartoum said, speaking on condition
    of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information. He said
    a U.N. helicopter had arrived in the area to help with the search, but did not
    provide more details

    (عدل بواسطة Abureesh on 07-31-2005, 10:50 PM)


العنوان الكاتب Date
U.N.: Search Crews Find Body at Crash Site Abureesh07-31-05, 10:48 PM
  Re: U.N.: Search Crews Find Body at Crash Site Kostawi07-31-05, 10:55 PM

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