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05-31-2005, 01:16 PM

hala alahmadi

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-23-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1398

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برونك يعلق على اعتقال مدير منظمة اطباء بلا حدود ويفتح نيرانه (Re: hala alahmadi)

    Quote: What we see here the Regime is making preceding step, before to be (a hunt) you must be a good hunter, I think this incident assured the allegations of double justice standards , at this case either are deeply bad or they are doing something they are not aware of its harm consequences, to detain a humitarian official and interrogate him to release the confidential records of his patients this a new (felony), it is more digesting than the crime of rape itself!!
    Because they want him to break the code of ethics, Mr. Pronk should say no thing now because he gave this gang members legitimacy when they had smashed away Suba refugee camp, he said the government has the right to plan the area and the use of police is justified, But now he should withdraw his statements because the detention of this official prove that the regime has no hesitate to go over the regulation and laws. This message is so clear (if you want trial us we can trail you either). The conclusion we can reap it from this incident the regime is working hard to evacuate the area from the humitarian organizations. This will open the door for more killing and atrocities. If we reject the Sudanese laws because it provides impunity to government officials and let them fled from justice why this rejected laws implemented on MSF organization officials

    agreed; I hope the message gets across; it is an issue of creditability

    and some people might learn the hard way

    thanks Sara

    (عدل بواسطة hala alahmadi on 05-31-2005, 01:28 PM)


العنوان الكاتب Date
برونك يعلق على اعتقال مدير منظمة اطباء بلا حدود ويفتح نيرانه بلدى يا حبوب05-31-05, 10:00 AM
  Re: برونك يعلق على اعتقال مدير منظمة اطباء بلا حدود ويفتح نيرانه سعدية عبد الرحيم الخليفة05-31-05, 10:32 AM
  Re: برونك يعلق على اعتقال مدير منظمة اطباء بلا حدود ويفتح نيرانه hala alahmadi05-31-05, 10:35 AM
    Re: برونك يعلق على اعتقال مدير منظمة اطباء بلا حدود ويفتح نيرانه hala alahmadi05-31-05, 10:43 AM
      Re: برونك يعلق على اعتقال مدير منظمة اطباء بلا حدود ويفتح نيرانه SARA ISSA05-31-05, 01:10 PM
  Re: برونك يعلق على اعتقال مدير منظمة اطباء بلا حدود ويفتح نيرانه بلدى يا حبوب05-31-05, 11:34 AM
    Re: برونك يعلق على اعتقال مدير منظمة اطباء بلا حدود ويفتح نيرانه hala alahmadi05-31-05, 12:32 PM
      Re: برونك يعلق على اعتقال مدير منظمة اطباء بلا حدود ويفتح نيرانه hala alahmadi05-31-05, 01:16 PM
  Re: برونك يعلق على اعتقال مدير منظمة اطباء بلا حدود ويفتح نيرانه بلدى يا حبوب06-01-05, 08:53 AM

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